Iran to rule: Was there a Holocaust?
Dudi Cohen
Published: 06.12.06, 00:56
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107 Talkbacks for this article
91. Response to Hani's objectivity
Anna ,   Canada   (12.06.06)
First-Lieberman: a very charismatic growing to be even stronger leader with more experience, who gives his view as a solution for the “cul-de sac” situation. Like it or not, Israel is a democracy, and it gives to say to every one. As I mentioned before, Arab Mks, the traitors, are also have their opinion to express. Arab countries discriminated and sent Jews to run from their birth lands after the creation of Israel (on the land of the ancient kingdom of Israel that became Palestine but not a country). Jews and Arabs, Druses, Bedouins, Armenians, etc… leave on this land in deferent quantities, in the different cities. The fact that there are many Arabs, Druses, and other non Jews who like Israel the way it is give to Lieberman right to say what he says about Arabs who call themselves “Palestinians”. Even Yassir Arafat wasn’t Palestinian, but was born in Egypt. Come on, give Jews a credit- they are Very patient. Hamas is a band of criminals who keep civilians in fear and terror. Even the Arab countries don’t except Hamas. In all your statements and conclusions Israel doesn’t have rights to exist. Oslo was a big mistake in the minds of many Israelis and Jews around the world. And the reason for Oslo was to find a leader for the Arabs for the creation of Palestine. The leader was another criminal who stilled millions of dollars from the poor in order to ignite even higher the flames of hatred and fanaticism.
92. Hani, do the Arabs recognize the Armenian Holocaust?
Jake   (12.06.06)
With the exception of Lebanon, with its Christian heritage, the answer is No. Let's not forget that much of the killing of Armenians took place in Syria, and that Syria has never recognized the Armenian genocide, despite its shaky history with Turkey. what does that tell you?
93. #23 Literacy lessons for idiots on-line
Kate ,   Jerusalem   (12.06.06)
A few simple rules: 1. If you don't know the meaning of a word - get a dictionary. It's always a good start. 2. If you want to delve deeper into the words origin, try an online search. 3. If you want to continue sounding like a completely incompetant idiot (exceeded only by the current Iranian President) - do none of the above.
94. tea man is only 17
Tam   (12.06.06)
and 1/2. Which means you are not a man but mearly a child with many years of growing up and maturing ahead of you. In other words, you don't know what you're talking about tea boy.
95. to KITTY KITTY kate practice what you
tea man ,   marjayoun leb   (12.06.06)
preach if the online service is not working for you why adivse it .it seems you still taking a prerequiste of that course i will talk to you after i am done with the movie
96. Thank god for people like Hani and Tea man
DR ,   Florida, USA   (12.06.06)
these people are proving our point every time they post something. The point being, that you cannot talk to, reason with or negotiate with people that are this brainwshed and stupid. Their constant denail of history and the lies they tell their children only make it harder for the rest of the world to break through and reach this culture. How can we stopo a culture of hate and lies??? This is what Israel endures all the time, but only recently has the US, Europe and the rest of the world figured out how much of a pain in the ass Muslims really are. Riots, secterian violence, suicide bombs, honor killings, kidnappings etc etc etc.... Awsome contribution to the world guys...really thanks!!!
97. #93
Wesley ,   Tehran,Iran   (12.06.06)
Perfect answer #93,i also think that ahmadenijad should be put in jail and fed pig head each meal,as a matter of fact he is a PIG.
98. tam tam thank uyou mam but
tea man ,   marjayoun leb   (12.06.06)
i was artifically matured when i was ony 13 years and 4 month old if that what you mean let me finish the movie first iam being distracted
99. tea man is christian and never debate religion
tea man ,   marjayoun leb   (12.06.06)
or idealogy but matters of life and anthroplogy but you learners are filled with hate and wrong terminlogy
100. #82
sorry, tea man. i shouldn't have reacted in such a manner. if you really want to learn about the holocaust, go and surf the net and find out for yourself what your elders and teachers NEVER TOLD YOU. you will be shocked to learn how much you do not know of the world around you....not because you are stupid... no, that is not the case. it is because your teachers and elders have never taught you or exposed you to anything other than islam and the many lies they concocted to brainwash your entire generation with hate and religion rather than peace and knowledge. i feel so very badly for you because i am sure that had you been given the chance or the knowledge, you'd have been quite different.
101. RE:This is SO God Damn Infuriating
Gurmit Singh ,   India   (12.06.06)
Who the hell are they to decide whether holocaust happened or not? The same way Who the hell are USA/UK/Isreal to decide whther Iran can develop nuclear cycle for enrgy or not. Happy now? Second question is: If it happened then why are you afraid of the findings? Seems fishy to me too.
102. you are right #100 apparently you have not
tea man ,   marjayoun leb   (12.06.06)
read my prior post to learn that i am christian I donot understand what have i said that tick you suddenly your facless nameless wisless ony known by your number you know what iam going out to puke again
103.  i wrote prior post about the movie
tea man ,   marjayoun leb   (12.06.06)
the holocaust and was never published iwas realy sickend about what ihave seen and i went out side and puked over my dad Mercedes Benz ho could the german do such thing
104. #79
Babbou N ,   Pakiestan   (12.07.06)
Atilla you are exactly right,this albeert guy only wants to fight,i hope he will leave you alone as you are only expressing yourself the way you know how to,and it makes alot of sense,i like to wrestle with the girls to but i don`t anyone named alber is a girl so i will not wrestle.
105. To Gurmit Singh - is there really a Punjab?
JPS ,   Efrat   (12.09.06)
It's not that anybody is afraid of the findings, it's the fact that a government wants to not just deny history, but finish it. Remember that Iran wants Israel "wiped off the map". How would the Sikhs feel if the government of Pakistan came out and said "well, there really is no place call Punjab in India, and the Indian Sikhs have usurped Indian territory and that belongs in Pakistan and the Indian Sikhs can go live in Mubay"? State sponsored racism is always a problem. I don't think India wants to see a nation that supports suicide as part of its religion get access to nuclear weapons. You have enough problems already with one bi-nuclear border.
106. TEA MAN
steve ,   london, england   (12.10.06)
Do not worry that some of the talkbacks on this website have insulted you. As you get older and wiser you will learn that too many human beings speak before they think. You are already wise to ask the simple question you asked. You deserve respect for this. Those who insulted you lack your youthful innocence and have become bitter and gnarled in their charactyer by the iniquity of this wicked world. We, the people and nations of the world, shall find a common understanding of the Holocaust and we will need more time to be able to come to terms with its implications for the world. What happened in Palestine after the 1939-1945 European civil war is a terrible tragedy of the human spirit. Too many human beings today want to use Palestinians as an excuse for war. Why? Because people are afraid of life and cannot face up to the simple fact that GOD is ONE and Sovereign over all human beings. Whatever we each believe we are.. Jew, Christian, Muslim, Arab, Hebrew, Lebanese, Palestinian, Israeli .. whatever labels we attach to our conscious or our conscience the inevitable truth is that GOD knows who and what we are inside. I hope you find the answers to al your questions in life and live to see the world understand that the Holocaust was allowed to happen because people had no comprehension of or respect for human rights. This is the meaning of the word Zionism. It is 'a return to righteousness'. GOD has created the Earth. Human Beings have to create the world .... but governed in the context of universal human rights. Study the definition of human rights on the United Nations website ( and you shall see the future in the blink of an eye. GOOD LUCK TEA MAN
107. Give Iran a taste of their own medicine
lemar ,   uk   (01.28.07)
Did Ayatollah Koumani exist or was he an imposter in disguise, I heard the real Koumani had been murdered in France many years before his release. Also did Mohamed exist or was this also a figment of the imagination thought up by someone as an excuse to use violence to conquer other countries!! Now there’s food for thought.
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