Iran: Zionist PM admits to nuclear weapons
Dudi Cohen
Published: 13.12.06, 13:55
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62 Talkbacks for this article
31. Wake Up!!
Billy ,   Burlington, Canada   (12.13.06)
It's well known for decades that Israel has nukes. Yet no threat ever was created despite all the aggressive behavior of the neighboring countries, even during the most difficult time of Yum Kippur War or the 1st Gulf War when Iraq fired missiles towards the Jewish state! Israel has its own high ethical standards that respects human rights much better than most of the countries in the region including Turkey, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria & all other “gang” members! It’s part of Judaism to respect human rights. While death sentence is applicable in many U.S. states, it’s not in Israel! Even towards those terrorists who kill in cold blood innocent children, Arabs or Jews! On the other hand, possessing nukes might be the only guarantee for the tiny democratic Israel to keep wolves away! Olmert’s statement was absolutely logic & well known. What's new about it? It's common sense folks!
32. Don't Waste Effort On Israel-Bashers
Terry ,   Eilat, Israel   (12.13.06)
People who hate us, hate us. No rational argument, no facts, nothing will change their minds. It's a waste of effort. In the final analysis, either we act to defeat our enemies or we sit & wait until they eventually destroy us. Simple choice. The reason we built this country was to be able to defend ourselves, to have a Jewish army. That's the answer to anti-Semites.
33. #32. Go Terry go!!!
Ram ,   London   (12.13.06)
34. 32 terry -You are100% correct
Alan ,   SA   (12.13.06)
35. Thank you Rustum #12..
Lynne   (12.13.06)
well said.. God bless you..
36. # 27
Lina ,   NJ, USA   (12.13.06)
I agree, Iran is forever. The amazing Persian land had known its ups and downs and is still standing. This is an undisputed truth. But if Iran is so important to you, why do you live in London?
37. #17 DR..
Lynne   (12.13.06)
may I ask you what do Israelis teach their kids??? during the Israeli war on Lebanon what were kids in Israel doing??? they were given the DEMOCRATIC chance to sign their agreements on the rockets that would kill fellow Lebanese children!!! this is something we had the chance to see.. I wonder how much more there is that we never heard of.. Islam is a threat?? why?? did Muslims decide to establish a state amidst Europe or America?? who is responsible for over 4million refugees around the world?? is it Islam??? you criticise Rustum for giving a one-sided argument while you give not only a one-sided argument but a false one too.. I agree with you on one thing though.. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!! how many Israelis have blown up a cafe in Beirut?? you should ask how many cafes were blown up (or raided to be more precise) by Israelis in Beirut?? over 1000 civilians killed in Israel's last war on Lebanon.. you brought up Gaza.. can I ask you how many homes Israel had bulldozed in Gaza??? go look for the answers DR.. who knows you might end up getting some education... we are not perfect.. none of us claims to be perfect.. but niether are you.. only God is perfect.. ONLY God..
38. To Lynne #35
Billy ,   Burlington, Canada   (12.13.06)
1st of all, I refer you to talkback #32 of Terry & mine #31! 2nd, if you think G-d would bless hatred & sick twisted minded people then G-d bless both you & that weirdo called Rustom!
39. To Rustum, again
DD ,   il   (12.13.06)
more blah blah blah....LOL. To answer your question, I am a 33 year married father of two living 15 km,s from the Leb border, before , during and after the Leb war. Where are you???!!!
40. Talula - shame on you
Isragirl ,   Qiryat Yam   (12.13.06)
You give people like Rustum a reason to believe they are right in everything they say. Although you claim to be from Israel, your ranting makes me sick. Israel is in an unfortunate position where we're at a constant war in a region that never really knew true peace. This is the opposite of what European and Arab Jews wanted when they flocked to this country, fleeing centuries of persecution in their countries of origin. To them, as it does to me, the word Zion symbolized being free, and equal, and giving wonderful safe lives to their children. They never imagined the horrors that are happening right now. We have an immense military machine as a result of a very gruesome, painful situation that nobody wanted in the first place. Taking pride in all the death and destruction it has caused makes you no different from the dancing Hizbollah supporters. You do a disservice to the Israeli people by trying to represent us here or anywhere else. Rustum is right, your last post shows that you can't be older than 13 y.o., at this level of discussion. Thank you Rustum, for bringing this up. I happen to think that you only see one side of the never ending Mid-East story,but at least you make an intelligent adversary who is interesting to talk to. I want to remind everybody that the beauty of an open blog-sphere was in creating an opportunity for an open and interesting discussion for people who wouldn't have met otherwise, and wouldn't be exposed to different opinions. As usual, humans find a way to misuse and abuse this wonderful tool. Peace to all...
41. Isragirl #40..
Lynne   (12.14.06)
I can see that you represent a true Jewish person and not the nuts one meets in here (no offense to anyone).. I truely hope that you and not others in here represent the majority of Israelis.. I would like to ask you this .. as an Israeli, how could we achieve peace from your perspective?? Thank you..
42. Billy #38..
Lynne   (12.14.06)
no Billy, God does not bless hatered.. but you could not call any comment that doesn't suit your beliefs as one revealing hatered.. anti-semitism.. anti-Judaism..terrorism.. etc.. while you praise what your country does.. Israel hadn't used its nukes not out of valuing human life as you happen to believe.. but because Israel's use of nuclear weapons will not only destruct it's enemies.. it will destruct itself along with its enemies..because it is right amidst its enemies... if Israel did value human life it wouldn't have carried out the numerous massaccres against the Palestinian and Lebanese people.. from Sabra and Shatilla .. Qana 1.. Qana 2. Jenin.. and the list goes on.. in Lebanon innocent civilians are until this minute dying from the explosions of the thousands of cluster bombs that Israel had left them as a farewell gift!!
43. Billy #38..
Lynne   (12.14.06)
no Billy, God does not bless hatered.. but you could not call any comment that doesn't suit your beliefs as one revealing hatered.. anti-semitism.. anti-Judaism..terrorism.. etc.. while you praise what your country does.. Israel hadn't used its nukes not out of valuing human life as you happen to believe.. but because Israel's use of nuclear weapons will not only destruct it's enemies.. it will destruct itself along with its enemies..because it is right amidst its enemies... if Israel did value human life it wouldn't have carried out the numerous massaccres against the Palestinian and Lebanese people.. from Sabra and Shatilla .. Qana 1.. Qana 2. Jenin.. and the list goes on.. in Lebanon innocent civilians are until this minute dying from the explosions of the thousands of cluster bombs that Israel had left them as a farewell gift!!
44. conveinient lynne
ttoni ,   sabme   (12.14.06)
only in a democratic forum can things change. however in islamic countries there is no such thing . so for things to change ,islam has to look within and denounceing jihad is a really good start and dont give the line of internal struggle because alot of the followers of islam think differently. and the the line about any radical interpretation of religion is dangerous thats crap . islamic radicals believe what they believe . and there jihad is against all who dont believe as they do in allah.whether jews christians or muslims. that is aproblem islam has to fix noone else can do it. israels have to fix there own shortcommings. feedback is required.
45. To Lynne from Isragirl
Isragirl ,   Qiryat Yam   (12.14.06)
I do represent most Israelis. Read post #44 - it tells you exactly what is one of the obstacles to a true peace in this region. While it's always convenient to blame and massacre Jews (that's how Prophet Muhammad started, if you know history of Islam), it seems that peace in Arab countries can exist under 2 conditions - relative prosperity and extremely rigid non-religious government control (take Saudi Arabia, Emirates as an example, maybe Jordan and pre-war Iraq). Instead we deal with an extremely impoverished population governed by religious fanatics whose ULTIMATE GOAL is not the prosperity of their own people, but rather ANNIHILATION OF ANOTHER NATION ( mil's of people of a different religion but basically same ethnicity apparently don't count as much, look at Iraq or other places). Hamas and Iran's goal is murdering a population of a whole country, no matter what it takes, no matter what the cost is to their own people. Why is that okay and totally understandable to so many peace loving people who care about Palestinians and their pain? Is our pain irrelevant? Their propaganda works toward dehumanizing Israelis and all other infidels and desensitizing Arabs and Muslims to murder. What does that do to the souls of Arab people? How crippled emotionally the kids can grow - on both sides of the conflict? Does Hamas care about that? and these are the people that we're trying to make peace with. It's very easy to sympathize with the plight of the Palestinian people, I know I do. And our very flawed governments showed time and time again - we want to live in peace with you. But you have to stop killing us on our streets, because if you do, you'll suffer with us. It's as simple as that. I don't know how much knowledge you have about this place before 1948, but Arabs first sold these lands away as useless, and afterwards they started stubbing us in our sleep, in our newly built houses. These things didn't start yesterday, you know...
46. Rustum your the perfect example
Mike ,   Canada   (12.14.06)
Thank you once again for showing what people like you do on earth, waist waist of air and space. Thats all you are and will ever be, you seem to think that by using big words that you look up you are impresing anyone. NOT your only waiting space here and on earth. Oh i'm 48 just incase you care. Cheers mate.
47. Here is your answer lynne
Mike ,   Israel   (12.14.06)
Israeli kids where hiding in bomb shelters for a month, and the ones in the south and center of the country where sending food and other things to the kids that could not leave the bomb shelfter. As for the kids that put there names on the shells. you are talking about 7 girls and boys that there pictures where taken, given the chance i think any human being would do the same no matter where they are from, unless off course there are from Iran, Syria, etc then they would simply be forced to be sheild. i think i prefer my kids in bomb shelters rather than being used as shields. Can you say the same about your kids?
48. #40 thanks
Rustum ,   London, UK   (12.14.06)
The true spirit of debate. Bless you too!
49. #30 phew
Rustum ,   London, UK   (12.14.06)
And as you called the "naqba" a myth, I wonder if you were personally invited to the ridiculous conference in Iran to discuss other so-called "myths". The depths of inanity on this website are sometimes infathomable.
50. Isragirl & Toni
Lynne   (12.14.06)
I will answer you together because I think you have brought up similar points.. I grant you this one Toni.. no, there are no democratic forums in Arab/Muslim countries.. as sad as this is.. I admit it.. we have our problems and BIG problems too.. I do believe that we need to have a social, economic and political reformation.. but again this reformation should be taken slowly and carefully.. and it should come from the INSIDE.. it could not be forced on us by any other country.. I think what happened in Iraq proves this.. the Arab/Muslim world consists of numerous minorities who are suffering from dictator regimes and who are mostly below the line of poverty.. I always stress on those points because those are the reasons behind radicalism.. and not the Islam or any verses in the Qur'an .. what should happen is not denouncing Jihad but explaining it in it's real form.. as the Qur'an and our Prophet(PBUH) put it.. we cannot stop this wave of mad jihad by changing the Qur'an and bringing in a new version (the Furqan) into our schools !! we cannot stop this wave by waging wars on Muslims and Arab countries .. (semantic and military wars) under the slogan that we are fighting terrorism or terrorist groups.. this policy is only leading to further destruction .. it makes us go in circles.. because fighting violence with violence only leads to more violence!! Prophet Mohammad(PBUH) never taught us to kill Jews or Christians.. this is another part of the problem.. what Prophet Mohammad(PBUH) fought were defensive wars.. because during that period the world was in the first place in a state of constant feuds.. unfortunately one of our problems is that you were given a mutated version of the history of Islam.. this is why you have so much fear and hatred towards Muslims..
51. Isragirl Part II ...
Lynne   (12.14.06)
regarding Hamas and Iran.. I do not support suicide attacks.. suicide is the biggest sin in Islam..but I could not feel right asking Palestinians not to fight when they are attacked vigorously from Israel.. you will tell me that Israel is defending itself and I'll tell you that Palestinians are defending themselves.. but both sides are attacking one another by defending themselves.. this way of defense must have proved to be wrong and causes more destruction and hatred from both sides.. when Israel gives Palestinians their rights and reaches a deal with them it will not need to defend itself by attacking the Gaza power plant or by supplying them with contaminated water.. or bulldozing their homes and olive groves.. when Israel gives them the chance to live they will not be willing to kill themselves on its streets.. I throw the burden on Israel for many reasons.. 1- it is the stronger one.. 2- since Israelis have decided that they need to establish a Jewish state in the Holy Land then it's up to them to take the responsibilities due to their acts.. 3- Palestine is no more considered an independant state when it is under Israeli blockade I am against Hamas in its refusal to recognise Israel.. I think that whatever our position is from the legitimacy of Israel it exists now. and it's unrealistic to ignore this existence or fight it with the aim of getting rid of it.. I am aware that Arabs for decades haven't given much attention to creating a Palestinian state as much as they cared about finishing off Israel in the hope that when there is no more Israel there will automatically be a Palestinian state.. this was a mistake.. right now I will not dwell into the historic issues since I have noticed from many converstaions I've had with Israelis in here that we have different historic beliefs .. I couldn't say that I'm right and you're wrong or that you're right and I'm wrong since it's past I'd rather leave it in the past.. what I'm concerned about at this moment is the situation of Palestine in 2006.. once the issue of Palestine is resolved everything else in the ME will go back to place whether in Iran, Syria or Lebanon..
52. Mike..
Lynne   (12.14.06)
I don't really get your point.. ofcourse anyone would prefer his/her kids to be in shelters safe and sound that to stare right in the face of a coming rocket.. you want your children to be safe while you justify that fact that your children would sign their names on rockets that will kill fellow Lebanese Children!! Lebanese children in Beirut were also sending aid to children in South of Lebanon.. but what does children in Israel aiding children in Northern Israel?? the point is that what we saw in those pictures is a little example of what Israeli children are taught.. this is the problem with your democracy.. everything is legitimate if it's under the slogan of democracy!! even killing!!
53. 52 - disingenuous picture
NL ,   Israel   (12.14.06)
Firstly, the picture that you refer to was concocted by journalists who ASKED THE CHILDREN to write a message TO NASRALLAH on the bombs. Your claim that the bombs were dedicated to Lebanese children If one reads the actual writing on the bombs, one sees that the Hebrew messages say: to NASRALLAH with love. Yes, perhaps this was a bad idea, because children aren't as discerning as adults and it may mislead them into thinking violence is ok. HOWEVER, this isolated Israeli incident is certainly nowhere near the over-generalized hatred towards Israel and even Jews in general taught in Palestinian educational institutions. Many PA-subsidized elementary school textbooks glorify shahids and encourage shahidism. The Al Khalil Al Rahman KINDERGARTEN FOR GIRLS in Bethlehem has video of its pupils singing: “Give me the Kalashnikov if you are thinking of giving up the fight. For the sake of glory to religion we give our blood. Fasten your bomb belt oh would-be martyr and fill the square with blood so that we get back our homeland. We will sacrifice ourselves for our country. We answer your call and make of our skulls a ladder to your glory.. a ladder.. Rise with us to liberate Palestine through the path of the Islamic dawah. Whoever abandons the path of Muslims will live under humiliation and slavery.” An incident of 3 Israeli kids dedicating a bomb to NASRALLAH ONLY is TOTALLY DIFFERNT.
54. NL
Lynne   (12.16.06)
the question is not in what it says on the rockets... or how many kids were pictured.. the question is in the fact that what are those children told that makes them happily sign those rockets??? did anyone tell them who recieved those rockets?? I doubt it.. this tiny example represents a mentality.. they are told that they had done som great achievement by signing rockets!! they have halped in defending Israel!! under this mentality they will again grow up believing that the only way to deal with any threat is by using war and military force!! it is totally different because they are Israelis!! if those pictures were for Arab kids you wouldn't have skipped a chance to wave them in our faces as a proof to terrorism!! here is a small something on Israeli textbooks.. regarding what Palestinian kis are taught I have heard a couple of times about this.. I am against involving kids in our evil.. whatever their nationality.. but I think Palestinians teach their kids to hate Israelis from the perspective that Israelis are the occupiers etc.. and anyway I don't think Palestinian kids need to learn from textbooks and schools how to hate Israelis.. a kid who wakes up on the sounds of bombs and shelling.. or who wakes up on the sound of loudspeakers that his Israeli neighbours are outside his home ready to bulldoze it will hate Israelis even if he was told that they're angels!! you need to teach your kids to love one another.. your kids are the ones who should stop you from killing one another!! when a Palestinian speaks of killing an Israeli his children should stand up against him!! and vice versa!! do not let another generation grow up with hatred!!
55. 54 - Keeping kids away from violence
NL ,   Israel   (12.16.06)
Hi Lynne, I found your response interesting and, as stated in my last talkback, agree that it was irresponsible to involve kids in such an incident bc kids are not discerning enough to understand the complexities of the situation, such as possible civilian casualties as you said. However, it's untrue to say that if the situation were reversed and there were Arabs kids writing against an Israeli leader, that I would wave it about as proof of terrorism. What I have a problem with is the over-generalized, 'hate all Israelis' approach to an educational or cultural system. My problem with the Palestinian textbooks is that they promote shahidism (implied: including suicide bombings and the like): In other words, it doesn't focus on anger against the occupation as you seem to think, but rather against Israel and Israelis at large. This is because promoting violent civilian-oriented attacks in sovereign Israel territories (like suicide attacks, rockets) specifically removes a distinction between opposition to military presence within the territories and opposition to Israelis as a whole, including those present outside of the territories. I happen to think that it is legitimate to connote an attack on a soldier in Jenin as armed resistance (because it's fighter-vs-fighter within a warzone) whereas believe lobbing rockets or blowing oneself up in a mall CANNOT in any way be connoted as anything but terrorism. Unfortunately the pro-shahid presentation in the textbooks teaches children that the two are interchangeable. I'm sure, given your strong stance for protecting civilians, that you would agree with me that equating terror and armed combat in this way is wrong.
56. 54 - 1 more thing, issues with your linked article
NL ,   Israel   (12.16.06)
I had a few problems with the article you attached: 1. No citations. Although Professor Tal claims that all of these words are used, most are quotes of what the Israeli text 'implies'. The words quoted are inflammatory when not given in context of a sentence to let the reader draw his own conclusions about the implications: For example, I think it would be legitimate, when descibing an Arab massacre of a Jewish center in 1947, in which the building was set on fire and those escaping the fire shot to death, to describe the massacre as bloodthirsty. Because I used the words bloodthirsty and Arabs in the same few sentences, it would be easy for someone to claim that I'm implying a connection between the two due to the proximity, when this is not the case. 2. The article is confused, because it keeps talking about Palestinians and using that phrase interchangeably with Arabs. Palestinian territories are not annexed into Israel, meaning, Palestinians are responsible for their own infrastructure (that's why they get to have a separate leadership). In this context, the correct phrase to use when describing Arab-Israelis is Arabs/Arab-Israelis, NOT Palestinians. As such, there is no onus to have Palestinian representation in an Israeli ministry because they are subordinate to an entirely different entity in terms of civil jurisdiction and infrastructure 3. The Arabs in Israel may not be largely represented in the education ministry, but do have their own school system and own books, run by the regional councils, to promote their own religious and cultural values (which still receive funding from the state). This system is so independent that it was reported that some schools, in Israel, funded by Israel, may adopt PA (anti-Israeli) textbooks. I think that's HUGELY pluralistic within a state school system, contrary to the statements of the article. 4. Additionally, the article is from 1999, which leads me to believe there a) either there have been major changes in the past decade or b) the article is simply wrong regarding Arab funding, since the quote about a lack of Arab scholarships is simply false. Arab students receive a great deal of scholarship money: more so (both relatively and emperically) than Jewish students. There are special state-subsidized scholarship programs for Arab minorities only. This money is allocated and protected. 5. MOST IMPORTANT: The article is from 1999, and has several people talking about their experiences more than a decade earlier. Even opponents of Israel concede that the 90s was a decade of largely positive social change regarding Israel's Arab minorities and promotion of dialogue and attempted understanding of Arabs in general. THAT HAVING BEEN SAID, I TOTALLY AGREE with your comment about promoting peace through supporting negotiation and understanding. Using the younger generation to foster dialogue is the ONLY WAY TO PEACE. TEACH KIDS PEACE!!!!!!!!
57. Hello NL!!
Lynne   (12.16.06)
I'm glad to be having this conversation with an Israeli and as I can see we actually DO agree on many things!! I couldn't agree more with what you said in #55!! I think your argument is just .. thank you.. I also believe strongly that attacks on soldiers are legitimate.. but attacks on civilians are not.. whoever carried them out and for whatever reasons!! I insist again that suicide in Islam is the biggest sin one could commit.. and that killing innocent civilians is also another sin.. what could one say of combining both?!! Jihad is for self-defense only.. it should take place inside the battlefield and NOT on the streets and buses!! but if you happen to believe that it is legitimate to attack a soldier.. what do you think of Israel's attack on Lebanon and killing over 1400 CIVILIANS mostly women and children because (according to Israel) Hezbollah attacked Israeli soldiers?.. I couldn't tell you that I'm familiar with what is taught in Palestinian and Israeli textbooks.. I only happen to read from here and there... so I couldn't but accept what you say regarding this.. until I have an evidence to prove otherwise.. for Palestinians Israel and everything that has to do with it is occupation.. even suicide attacks are made legal under the explanation that Israelis who are now in Israel are not civilians.. they are settlers part of the occupation .. they are here to support this occupation.. as for the link I provided .. thanks for taking the time to read through it and analyse it.. the points you raised in your analysis are very sensible.. I accept them.. but however.. I still insist that if Israeli children are not taught to hate Arabs just as Arab children are taught to hate Israelis one could have found a door to peace after more than half a century of a blooddrowned conflict!!
58. Hey Lynne! Part 1 - A sort of answer
NL ,   Israel   (12.16.06)
1. Regarding the question about the bombings in Lebanon: Civilian deaths are sad. Unequivocally. And I think the campaign of bombing was misguided - some of the bombings indeed could have been avoided. However, I think that some of the bombings were unavoidable - some of the bombings did eliminate large weapons caches, etc. The difference in my approach as opposed to shahidism, is twofold: Firstly, collateral damage is an occasional consequence of bombing and although that consequence is awful, it is not the goal. Shahidism targets civilians and I think that distinction of intent is really important. Yes, fliers were not wholly effective in Lebanon, but they did give many people a chance to escape - a chance that is not given by shahids. 2) When civilian casualties happens (as was evidenced by the response of many in Israel), I and people like me are sad. We do not celebrate it. We didn't present those situations as something to emulate. On the contrary: We try to find alternatives to it so that it can be avoided. Regarding the war specifically, I also think that, had Israel not had an infrastructure against rockets, we would have had a MUCH higher casualty rate. My point is, it was the job of the Lebanese gov't to do more to help protect the citizens and that the number of civilian casualties was greatly increased by their complete inefficacy and complete lack of sovereignty in southern Lebanon. And, btw, the numbers I saw were much, much lower than 1400 - 1400 as far as I know, is a high estimate of deaths - not only rounded up, but also counting all the Hizbullah militants (whom, in my opinion, don't deserve to count towards that number). Regardless of exact number, I conced it's in the hundreds and that civilian death is futile and sad. We should minimize it as much as possible. Thus, bombing should be avoided whenever necessary bc its a risk, but sometimes it cannot be avoided. I don't think that anyone could morally argue that suicide bombing is an unavoidable option. Hang around for part II...
59. Hey Lynne! Part 2 - a question/request for clarification
NL ,   Israel   (12.16.06)
Just wanted to ask for clarification regarding your second point because it seems like a tacit encouragement of suicide bombing and I really don’t think that’s what you mean: You say that Palestinians commit terror attacks within Israel proper because they feel that it’s linked to the occupation: that all Israelis are non-civilians, because they are all settlers. Two problems with this: 1. It means that they justify targeting everyone, including children, because they are settlers. It means that babies who can’t reason cognitively, let alone vote to change the gov’t policy of their nation, can be classified as settlers and attacked. Based on your previous posts, it seems that you don’t justify targeting children ever, regardless of where they’re located, so I just wanted to point out where that philosophy leads regarding children. 2. Additionally, it means that even Jews in Tel Aviv are considered settlers – aka Palestinians don’t believe that Israelis deserve to have their own state, but rather that everything from the Jordan to the sea should revert to their control. I really hope you don’t believe that, Lynne. But just in case you do, here’s a salient question: Do you think it's right for people request for self-determination not to allow the self-determination of others? I think that’s downright wrong. I think that Israelis wanting their own state (aka pretty much all of us) need to grant the Palestinians a state of their own. Palestinians are not ethnically different than other Arabs in the region. Nonetheless, I believe they deserve their own state now, regardless of how similar the Palestinians were to other Arabs in 1948 and regardless of whether or not they wanted their own country then, because they are a distinct group in the present, with a different collective history, who now want their own country. However, this works both ways: whether the Israeli have an ancient claim to lands in the region (which I personally think they do) is irrelevant, since from a geopolitical perspective, they have created a cohesive and distinct national identity for the past several decades. I realize that some Israelis disagree with me about a Pal state, but strongly believe that they are in the minority. (I'll point out, for example, that I'm considered right-wing by many of my friends). The thing that most Israelis disagree on is whether to give that land now or whether to demand trust building steps first (Hamas recognizing Israel would be a good first step, say). Pragmatically, I prefer the latter. Wow. Sorry my responses turned into a novella. Have a nice day!
60.  NL..answer to second part first!!
Lynne   (12.16.06)
AHA!! I'm sorry.. after I posted my response I reread it and thought that I must have squeezed in a note somewhere that the point I presented about Israeli civilians being a fair target since they're settlers does not represent my opinion but it is an excuse I have heard before and wished to know your opinion about.. because when I thought of this.. it started to make more sense to me as to why Palestinians justify targetting Israeli civilians.. it is because they don't see you as civilians in the first place.. so I think that this is an interesting point.. how could we convince Palestinians that Israel 2006 is no more a couple of settlements it had become a state.. so naturally those residing in Israel are no more only settlers.. they are civilians!! so don't worry NL.. I still insist on my point that targetting civilians is wrong.. wrong .. wrong.. nothing justifies terrorising people who are only trying to live their normal lives.. I think what makes this conflict more complex is the fact that it has a religious dimension to it.. I have said this many times before on this forum that going back in time to try to figure out whether Israelis have a right on this land or not is USELESS.. I have explained this in #51.. can you please read it? we have different historic beliefs.. different religious beliefs.. different everything!! so it is only natural that we never agree on this point!! I would endlessly argue with you on the fact that Israelis have no right to the land.. and you would argue forever that they do.. and believe me we will never agree.. I would think that you are brainwashed and you'd think that I'm brainwashed!! we would only end up hurting one another.... it's plain and simple.. a fruitless, tiresom argument which I have learnt to skip!! so now.. Israel exists.. regardless of what anyone believes.. it is recognised by the world as an independent state.. even though the fighting continues.. Israel provokes.. Palestinians respond.. and vice versa.. both sides scream into one another "you started"!! those of us outside this conflict get into raging debates trying to decide who started.. right now what should happen is both sides voting for new governemts since Palestinians are now having an internal conflict between FATAH and HAMAS.. this should be resolved and quickly.. Israelis are also unhappy with their current government (at least most of them aren't).. next.. the new governemnts should have SERIOUS talks with NO pre-conditions... I support a two-state solution.. in my view it would be more realistic and acceptable to both sides.. but the Palestinian state should be an independent state.. away from ANY Israeli interference.. plus the fact that Israelis and Palestinians should learn to live next to one another peacefully.. .
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