Jewish Scene  Rabbi Levi Brackman
Incredible contribution to Seattle menorah fiasco
Rabbi Levi Brackman
Published: 15.12.06, 10:33
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61 Talkbacks for this article
31. Debra # 28
charles ,   petach tikva   (12.16.06)
Do you really believe this ? In the 21th century ? how is it possible ? it remember me a story that happened to me in 1956 . A non Jew said to me : Charles , i was told you are Jewish . I am was my response . Impossible ! I : you know that Jews are circumcised , i am . Not possible . If i tell you i am , it's so , why is it impossible ? Because Jews have horns . He was also so attarded as you are .
32. all the happy h's and celebrate's
i   (12.16.06)
the unique and meaningfull message of Hanuka has been hijacked and distorted many times over the year, first by American commercialism, then by Jewish secularism, than by Israeli militarism, them by Lubavitch exhibitonism. The story of Hanukah is the story of a very bloody civil war in which the secularists of that time were swept out of power and stamped out by the followers of Torah, The lighting of the lights (not in the public green) and the Hallel and inclusions in the prayrers were meant to quell misgivings and discomfort and to ingrain the message that the struggle was worthwhile bloodshed notwithstanding. Happy and meaningful Hanuka to all.
33. Christmas in Seattle
Sam Weinstein ,   USA   (12.16.06)
First of all the Menorah has become as secular as the Christmas Tree. If one take a look at the airport website you will see that with Christmas Carolers performaning indeed religon is being inferred. So why not a menorah and also a Kwanzza symbol. The Menorah gives us some inclusion and some pride. I support the Menorah there. As far as Dr Laura Schlessinge must I remind her I am not orthodox, and as many talkback people who know me I am certainly not a left winger. But I feel that the Menorah is a good thing especially with all the Anti Semitism that occurred in the Seattle Area. The Rabbi is right in his article. More Jewish symbols are needed to stem the tide of asimulation.
34. Jewish Family Therapist?
Greg Smith ,   San Francisco USA   (12.16.06)
Dear Rabbi: I do believe that it is incorrect to refer to Laura Schlessinger as a "Family Therapist." She has neither a license nor a degree in the field. Her Ph.D. is in an academic subject.
35. As a kid growing up in French Montreal it never was an
Al ,   Canada   (12.17.06)
issue. You see, we Jews understood that it was them or us. WE were survivors kids so we had our heads screwed on right. My dad lived thru Auschwitz, we understood the difference. They were christians, we were Jews. To tell the truth I always liked the xmas lights they always helped brighten up Montreals gloomy early cold nights of Nov Dec. Once Lubavitch got onto the Menorah thing after 67, we all took notice. Yeah its cool to see the menorahs but please remember one thing. We live amongst the goyim and trust me I have been working with them forever. It dosnt matter if they are making money with you, you are still looked upon as a Damn Jew as they say here in Quebec. We Jews have all the money and we control the world I hear this shit everyday. Funny Sony Corp hasnt been sending my Directors Pay lately. In other words we are at their mercy. Should they decide to do us in we are cooked. It dosnt even matter should we have our own country as can be clearly seen today. Damn all this BS, got to light the candles. Happy Chanuka Kidos
36. Xmas is for Christians, what's the big deal?
Flavio ,   Sao Paulo, Brazil   (12.17.06)
Being a Brazilian Jew, Ive never had any doubts aboiut celebrating Hanukkah and leaving Xmas and all related stuff to Christians. I don' t understand all the fuss, this obsession some Jews have about whether or not to celebrate what can only be called a pagan holiday, from a non-Christian point of view - not to mention the so called 'Chrismukka' and other similar abominations. Let Christian celebrate their holiday while we celebrate ours!
37. It's Not That Confusing
I am an alien and a little confused about the whole Jewish/Christian offset. When I read the first five books of the Bible it is the same books of the Torah, Yet what appears in Isaac doesn't seem to be taken as seriously in the Torah as in the Bible. It makes me wonder why the separation? All Christians are Jewish in faith. You could not be a Christian without the Jewish prophecy, or prophecies. Why does the Christian understanding overly excite those of the primary Jewish faith? Why are the Jews so disliked and the Christians liked? It has to be more than the Messiah concept(which by all accounts is a realistic oberservation) that is causing such an unnecessary riff. I, as a Jewish Christian( I like Rabbi Ecstein) have no problem with my faiths from Abraham. We are the same seed. I just pray one day all of my Jewish brothers will open their eyes to the truth...Christianity is a Jewish faith, not a duality of faith. One faith. One God! God bless us all during these particularly trying times. Let us all not take tradition into the relms of superstition. It is OK to be ourselves. We are all one. We need to light that candle together. Rabbi, please don't be intimidated by the Doctor. She has obviously studied both sides of the coin and is accepting to the value of the one, great Immaculate Concept...that God is the TRUTH. Love your children and tell them the TRUTH. Peace/Shalom The Alien who understands. Its much greater than a Christmas Tree and a Minora. All you need is Love........
38. Seattle Airport
Gene ,   Golden, CO USA   (12.17.06)
I grew up Jewish in a Christian suburb of Denver. I never had an idenity crisis. It merely enabled me to appreciate other religions, too. If fact it stimulated me to seek "truth" which is beyond any single religion. In my youth, we called a Christmas Tree a "Chanukah bush" and I was not brought up in a polarizing environment with separatist point of view-- a view which, in my opinion, is unhealthy and destructive.
39. To 34 Greg
Charles B. Hall ,   Bronx   (12.17.06)
Dr. Laura's PhD is in physiology, she completed the necessary course requirements and obtained licensure as a marriage, family, and child counselor: So her earned doctorate does entitle her to be called "Dr." and her license entitles her to be called a therapist or counselor. However, for a Jew to have an object of non-Jewish religious worship in her home is a terrible sin. And to brag about it publically is even worse. In doing this she has gone far beyond someone who drives on Shabat or eats pork. It is a very sad way to turn her back on her fellow Jews. Dr. Laura, if you are really reading this, please reconsider!
40. Better to have ONLY Christmas Trees
Dave ,   Teaneck, US   (12.17.06)
If there were only Christmas trees in public places, and not Menorahs, then our kids would know the truth. This is NOT our country, we don't belong here, we are a despised minority and we should be in Israel where this is not an issue. If we feel the need to live in America, we SHOULD have to live as strangers in a strange land. This is not where we belong.
41. dr laura is a fake
hanina   (12.17.06)
she was converted by non kosher means, has since renounced her jewish faith and pretends to be jewish to get those radio jobs to pay the bills.
42. Can I make a request?
Christian   (12.17.06)
If you must put menorahs all over town, could you please come up with designs that are not so ugly and cheap looking? All the ones I have seen around town (NYC) make a mexican taco stand look attractive. I don't mean to be offensive, but there must surely be a way of making them more pleasant to the eye.
43. Looking too deep
Talula ,   Israel   (12.17.06)
Nothing wrong with having a Christmas tree in a Jewish home. Why are people so narrow minded. They are pretty and fun to decorate. It doesn't mean I'm not a Jew, I just love Christmas trees, and Europe at Christmas time is a great place to be. And, let's not forget: Roses are reddish Violets are blueish If it wasn't for Jesus We'd all be Jewish
44. To Dave
Alex ,   Toronto, Canada   (12.17.06)
Starngers in the country and despised minoroties? So what happened to the freedom of religion?There may be more christians in America then others, but that doesn't mean everyone else has to either convert or leave, I think if you have this view, then you are the one who has to leave.
45. It is CHRISTmas
Steven ,   Memphis, tn   (12.17.06)
Remember that Christmas is meant to celebrate the birth of Jesus (the one and only true Messiah). This country was founded By Christians and the majority believe in Jesus as the Messiah. He is coming back and then ALL will bow before Him. The pilgrams from the Mayflower used the wood from the ship to build an altar and pray to our Christ when they reached this land. If you don't like it then , yes you should leave this country. But if you stay then don't try and convert us. We provide help to all nations and get nothing in return. We don't go to India or elsewhere demanding a Christmas tree be put on the downtown square. I love you all and Merry CHRISTmas !!!
46. reflect
moshe ,   boston   (12.17.06)
Dear Rabbi, While what chabad does Chanukah is extremely important insofar as it spreads the message of the holiday and it's spirit to all Jews and non Jews, the message of the belief in the G-d of ISrael and all the universe and that makes miracles and wonders to us, It nevertheless hughly detrmiental when it get's in this fighting mode to use belligerent tools to have it their way to have in places where they are all you can in non belligerent ways (that USED TO BE YOUR TRADEMARK) but leave all the unveilled threats to others... Number two: while it is important to impart our message to all; it nevertheless behooves you to give themessage in a way that does not depart from it's original essential meaning: the undiluted jewish message of one G-d, not the wishy washy "cultural" symbol. IN addition the placement of the Chanukah Menorah next to X trees is ofensive to many JEws AND Judaism. It is important to listen to Jews who feel offended by the placement of this religious symbols next to symbols that are inimical to the Jewish religion. Do not dilute judaism.
47. Dangerous for Jews - Israelis in particular
Sharon   (12.17.06)
The orthodox rabbi did not only demand that a channuka be put up but also threatened to sue the airport. This type of negative behaviour is not helpful at such a precarious time. It just spreads more hate. Its similar to all the Muslem demands in Britain that is really making people sick. With Iran racing towards nuclear capability and the fear of an unfair peace-treaty being stuck down our throats, we in Israel need all the support we can get at this time. After the recent war with Hizbollah, anti-semitism is alarmingly high and there is no need to make matters worse by hitting at Christmas trees which everyone enjoys and is a big no-no. Just let people celebrate Christmas as usual!!!!!!!!!!!
48. 42 --lololol
'baubles' and trinkets. Jews are very famous for that!! ANd Dr. Larua is not 'real' jew, she is only half jew by the male- so she is a phony- and so self righteous and nasty and mean- thinking she is so right- telling 18 yr olds that got pregnant they have to get 'married ' now- thats easy for her to say- considering shes DIVORCED- shes a hypocrit.
49. To Dave # It sure is MY country!!!
Jewish and AMERICAN ,   NY   (12.18.06)
I pity your type. Freedom and diversity are beyond your comprehension, You feel threatened outside of your self imposed ghetto and self imposed segregation.Cant handle living among those you so arrogantly and with bigotry despise? By ALL means pack up move to an "ehnically pure" land controlled by bigoted medieval rabbis and ENJOY!
50. Law and intimidation
Steve ,   USA   (12.19.06)
B"H It is absolutely outrageous that the press intimidates a Rabbi's lawyer to obstruct his legal claims. Especailly being that Judiasm is a minority religion, "protection" means actually supporting the process of filing such claims, and not instead dragging the claimants to the mud in the press in order to prevent the claimants from obtaining their due freedoms. I think the Seattle airport clearly lost in this struggle. Its actions show it to be completely guilty as charged of bigotry and violation of freedom of reliigion. Plus the press releases were not noble. This concept of grinch has its home at the airport, and those in know understand it is not the Rabbi who is the grinch. And the price: the Christians are now faced with idol worship instead of the other aspects of their religion as was pointed out in the #4 response. The lack of response from the Christian community to such injustice is leading to the subsurviance of that religion to the state and idolotry. I think Judiasm got the better end of the deal. At least Jews understand that free religious practice is not fully supported by the state-owned airport. But the Christians are for the most part under the impression that the state is somehow supporting their religion instead of just guiding them with symbols down the lanes. If these are the press releases forced in Seattle, it makes you wonder what press releases are forced on the major Israeli newspapers. At least YNET has talkback.
51. Re #30: Please post full text
Steve ,   USA   (12.19.06)
B"H Dr. Laura, I would appreciate a transcript of your remarks posted. That would make discussion on your remarks more precise on this forum. As an American, I respect your decision in your home. But generally, I think it is not good advice for Jews to have a tree in the home because it is a religious symbol for a different religion. Similarly, a Federal government that prides itself on protecting freedom of religion should not only promote one religion in a public place where people of multiple faiths congregate as it sends the message that people of various faiths are not welcome in the public building, but only those people who feel comfortable quite literally only "observing" the tree celebration without other citizen's faiths being represented.
52. Christmas Trees and Santa Claus are not religious symbols.
Dorothy ,   USA   (12.19.06)
Rabbi Levi Brackman, are you aware that Christmas trees and Santa Claus are NOT Christian religious symbols? They are Secular symbols. They have nothing to do with the Birth of Jesus which is the true meaning of Christmas for all Christians. The fact that you are ignorant of this fact disappoints me greatly. As a religious scholar you above all should be able to help others to make the distinction. Frankly, I am offended that these symbols have been elevated to the level of sacraments because of ignorance. We all need to learn more about each others faiths and have mutual respect.
53. tree is/isn't a religous symbol
Dvora ,   Melbourne Australia   (12.23.06)
To Dorothy no.,52. Please advise me, if as you assert that christmas trees are not religous symbols, then why are they called christmas trees? and why are they put up only during christmas and not at another time of the year? Furthermore, it doesn't really matter what the trees are from a hisorical perspective, if most people consider it a religous symbol, then it becomes a sign and a connection to a religion. According to your supposition there would be nothing wrong with putting up a christmas tree in the synagogue. Would you approve of that?
54. Re: Dvora #53
Dorothy ,   USA   (12.24.06)
You wrote: “Furthermore, it doesn't really matter what the trees are from a hisorical perspective, if most people consider it a religous symbol, then it becomes a sign and a connection to a religion.”(sic) Therein lays the problem…..just because people believe that it is a religious symbol does not make it true. Christians do not worship trees. The trees and the lights come from the Winter Solstice Pagan festival of the rebirth of the Sun. Christmas trees represent a secular, commercialized holiday that has nothing to do with the true meaning of Christmas. I could understand the Rabbi’s problem if he was protesting a display of the Crèche and Nativity Figures and wanted a Menorah displayed also. I am a Christian and I have no problem with all faiths being represented in a religious environment. But lets be serious, a Menorah next to a Christmas tree in an airport is just plain dumb. It’s laughable. A rabbi is a religious scholar who should know better. The man was being petty and mean spirited. To answer your question, putting a Christmas tree in a Synagogue would be akin to putting a statue of Santa Claus on the Altar of Saint Peter’s Cathedral in Rome. Capesce?
55. Dis-Assimilation
Margaret ,   Surrey, BC Canada   (12.27.06)
My husband and I are Christians, AND we are Messianic Believers, coming to the knowledge of our Hebraic Roots ... we ahve learned that Christmas is a pagaen holiday ... so is Easter ... the Feasts we are attempting to celebrate are the Feasts of the Lord. They are wonderful, fully satisfying. The SHABBAT has taken on a weekly JOY for us. We have visited Israel (7) times between the two of us and are continuing to learn what the Bible has to say about the Feasts, the People of God, the Jews and the grafted in ones ... that includes us! The Lamb of God, Yeshua King of the jews is the reason for our Faith ... in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!
56. religious symbols
pianoman ,   Columbus Ohio USA   (12.28.06)
To a Jew (this one anyway), everything about Christmas is a religious symbol. That is, a Christian symbol, which means it is not for us.
57. Mike, Israel ( formerly USA)
Just Jewish ,   Sydney Australia   (12.29.06)
Mike, it's perfectly ok to celebrate Jewish festivals as a Christian. You claim your faith from an observant Jew and you are descended from that tradition. But Xmas is a new & strange custom that is simply not Jewish & in fact if anything celebrates the 'nakba' visited on Jews for the past 2000 years. I have nothing against Christians, I was one myself, but now as an orthodox Jew I know that celebrating Xmas in any way shape or form is just Not Jewish.Any more than celebrating Eid would be. Enjoy Hanukah Mike, enjoy Pesach, but don't bring Xmas into a Jewish home. And if you feel so strongly, maybe you should go home.
58. The Rabbi and The Christmas Tree
The Useful Idiot ,   London, UK   (12.30.06)
May I suggest that in your article about The rabbi and The Christmas Tree you may have missed a point. The Rabbi never forced Seattle Airport to do anything. He merely asked if they might consider a Menorah (just like you have in many public places in the UK). The airport decided on no Chrismas Trees and the Rabbi was annoyed because that was not his intention. This story was picked-up by MPAC UK and turned into an Antisemitic forum item where the Rabbi was accused of getting the trees removed in a very direct Antisemitic way. It was discussed here
59. To # 52
Yohanon ,   USA/Israel   (01.15.07)
The tree, yule log, et al ARE religious symbols - pagan religious symbols adopted by Paulists as they absorbed the other pagans into their belief. "Santa Claus" is supposedly based on a Catholic bishop who gave out gifts on Jesus' re-dated birth day. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck . . .
60. To: #59
Dorothy ,   USA   (01.26.07)
The Middle East is imploding and this dumb discussion continues? Let's all try to understand each other, respect each others beliefs and find peace. No matter how you celebrate, there is only ONE GOD. What's all the fighting about? May God's blessings be with us all.
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