Carter explains 'apartheid' reference
Associated Press
Published: 16.12.06, 09:40
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31. Here is the situation.
Harold ,   USA   (12.16.06)
I hate you. You hate them. They hate us and no book that Jimmy Carter can write will change that. If you came into my country and kicked me out of my home, took my land and forced me to live in a "State" of misery for over fifty years with your boot on my throat I would become a backward, last century, fool, riding around on a camel and waveing a dull sword that belonged to my great grandfather yelling death to whomever it is that is responsible for the way my life has turned out. Or, on the other hand if my family had suffered the fate of the jews (in the past) who knows who I would hate or blame for all my pain. When will all the people meet at the border extending the hand of human kindness and bury the past in the history books.
32. carter
sas ,   israel   (12.16.06)
your past is known. keep quiet, retire and let other, more intelligent less discriminate people voice their opinion. everyone knows what you believe, whom you represent. you are passee.
33. carter
sas ,   israel   (12.16.06)
your past is known. keep quiet, retire and let other, more intelligent less discriminate people voice their opinion. everyone knows what you believe, whom you represent. you are passee.
34. Exactly Harold #31
John ,   USA   (12.16.06)
That's exactly the point. There is only one solution, and it will take courage beyond anything that has to do with rhetoric or bullets. Otherwise we all lose together.
p HENRY ,   longmont U.S.A.   (12.16.06)
36. Has the USA ever had a dumber Pres?
Mike ,   Canada   (12.16.06)
37. Check history and get your facts straight
Brenda ,   Indiana, USA   (12.16.06)
Many of you here should check history and get your facts straight. People in the Western world started advocating a return of the Jews to the Holy Land in the 1920's. At that time this land was desolate and nothing grew. The Enfendi's who owned the land charged the Arabs terribly high prices to farm this land and the interest on seed was 200 to 300 %. Eventually the Arabs took of with the Bedoins and left the land. This was the Land the Israeli's got (land they owned many century's ago at the time of King David and Solomon) and they went in and reclaimed the land. Malaria was common and many of these Israeli's died but they preserved and the land florished under the Jews. Amazing isn't it? Many Arabs went in and worked with the Jews for the jobs they offered and when the British got involved the Israelis thought things would be better but the British doubled-crossed the Israelis and allowed Arabs to immigrate to the land that previously they didn't want. These Arabs said that this land had been in their family's for generations clearly a lie. The British allowed Arab immigration and put banes on Israeli immigration. (Read the Hope-Simpson Report of 1930 and the Passfield-White Paper of that same year, Another interesting report is the Royal Commission Report of 1937) Anti-Semeism was alive and doing well in the British Empire at that time. If the British had allowed this immigration of Israelis at that time many of them wouldn't have met their deaths in the gas chambers of Germany. So who owns the land? The Israelis do with God's blessings. This land wasn't wanted until the Israelis make it florish and prosper. Even when the Arabs get some of the land back what do they do with it? The tear down buildings and uproot the existing crops because they were planted by Israelis. After that nothing grows and the land is desolate again.People can argue about who owns the land but the land belongs to God and he gave it to the Jews and this will stand forever. Ezekiel 36: 22,24---Therefore, say to the house of Israel, "Thus says the Lord God, 'It is not for your sake, O house of Israel, that I am about to act, but for My holy name, which you have profaned among the nations where you went.....For I will take you from the nations, gather you from all the lands, and bring you into your own land.' " Also read Ezekiel 36: 1-8 Carter is clearly not a friend of the Israelis. He has shown this over and over again. He believes in replacemant theory which is a dangerous belief to have where the Jews are concerned and he should know this. He brings a curse down on his own head if he continues.
38. The Once And Future Vitriolic Anti-Semite
David ,   Marietta USA   (12.16.06)
America's first Ambassador to North Korea really does need to be ignored. We know who he is. We know what he says. We know what he means. We know what he will say and do in the future. May they wine him and dine him in the streets of Ramallah, or better yet, Gaza City, just keep that Jew hater away from civilized folks. Where is that UFO he said he saw when the planet really could use its services? This man is trash, and should be accorded the respect one gives to trash.
39. Carter - Moron - Just drop dead and shut up
Arthur ,   S Francisco   (12.16.06)
TrueAmericanObserver ,   USA   (12.16.06)
Carter accuses "the Jews" repeatedly of suppresing his right to expouse his vile ideas but then he refuses to debate Dershowitz by saying he knows nothing. Carter has a warped view of the world. He does not want to inject his ideas into the free flowing commerce of ideas and let them be held up to the light of day for scrutiny. Since his ideas are untruths and fabrications he needs them to stand on their own unchallenged - and Carter says the Jews are the ones stopping conversation and dialogue. What a miserable man. Now he is a failed ex-president as well as a failed president.
41. Right on Harold!!! #31
truthstudent ,   Louisiana   (12.16.06)
Only when people of the world finally realize that there is only ONE of us will the bloodshed and lies and torture and greed finally stop. If you doubt the ONENESS of all things then you NEED to REALLY READ the teachings of every great Spiritual teacher that ever lived. "Hear O Israel the Lord thy God is ONE!" (KJV) Israel means "seeker of TRUTH". If God is the Alpha and the Omega [beginning and end, and by pure logic, everything else in between] then of necessity he must be the only thing that exists in the universe. To fulfill the attributes of the ABSOLUTES: OMNI-present, OMNI-scient, OMNI-potent,[EVERYWHERE present, ALL knowing, ALL powerful, HE therefore, must be, by pure logic, the only thing that exists period. It cannot be otherwise.] Ergo my "neighbor is MYSELF" and my neighbor is ME and we are both an integral part of GOD! There is nothing that is separate from GOD no matter what religion you are or what color you are or whether you believe it or not. And the real teachings and scriptures of EVERY MAJOR religion reflect that unequivocally!. There is only the perception/illusion of separation, which is promoted and re-inforced by those who desire control and power over others and who profit from war and the subjugation and miseries of others. And as long as I choose to participate in the illusion and believe in the separation of myself and my neighbor and my enironment and my planet, then I must deal with the consequences of my belief system. "Repent and be saved." comes to mind here. To repent simply means "to change your thinking." Remember that "labels" have one purpose and one purpose only and that is to separate/divide/appear different. If, in the beginning, God was the only thing that existed, then what could he possibly have created everything out of??????? Duh????? HIMSELF!!!! since HE was the only thing there was!!! When you read the teachings of Rumi, Patanjali,Jesus,Buddha,White Buffalo Calf Woman, Mohammed and EVERY other Master that ever walked the Earth,in the light of the ONENESS of ALL THINGS, They all make a lot more sense. "Better to give than receive." Why? Because I am giving to MYSELF! Why "turn the other cheek"? Because the only person I can retaliate against is MYSELF. Why "Do unto others"? Because there are no "others". The "others" ARE ME. If the violence and hate is ever going to end, with whom will it end if not me? And WHEN will it end if not NOW? Who are you going to condemn? MYSELF. Who are you going to hate? MYSELF. Who are you going to steal from? MYSELF. Who are you going to make war on? MYSELF. OK so you find all that a bit hard to swallow???? Then pray tell me.....CAN YOU THINK OF A BETTER WAY TO LIVE AND ACT AND BELIEVE?????If you can, then I really want to hear how "LOVING MY NEIGHBOR AS MYSELF[takes on a whole new meaning now doesn't it?] can be improved upon!!!! I MYSELF must "BE" THAT WHICH I WISH TO SEE AND EXPERIENCE!!!!!. Truthstudent
42. Apartheid
Jack ,   Richmond   (12.16.06)
I am not sure what term should be used but clearly the Palestinians are being corraled into smaller and smaller enclaves. They are not, however, being permitted to earn a living which is not like South Africa where the Blacks were permitted to work en masse. The treatment of Palestinians in the territories is horrific. Only a blind fool, or someone who has never been in the territories, would consider the situation anything less than Apartheid; it is so much more. Perhaps the fairest comparison would be the reservation system in the US where the Indians were removed from every bit of decent land on to barren land, and were summarily shot without rights should they leave that land... What is the word: manifest destiny.
43. Carter Failure
mordechai ,   jerusalem, israel   (12.16.06)
I remember Jimmy Carter stating when he first ran fo President 30 yeares ago, that he had a special place in his jheart for the jewish people. I said then that anyone who was going to say that while running for president meant that the special place in his heart was not a good place. He now wants to teach us the tenets of juaism. I would respectfully sggest that the man who single handedly destroyed the American economy, searved as the delivery doctor of militant islam to the mid-east and is considered by most Americans as the worst president of the 20th century to stop spreading hate in the wotrld and to go back to growing peanuts in Plains, Georgia.
44. #31 Harold - BRUTAL OCCUPIER of Indian Land
Imam Oron ,   Londonistan   (12.16.06)
Harold, you and Jimmy accuse Israel of what YOU are guilty of. YOU massacred the Native Americans. YOU pushed them off their land. YOU forced Native Americans to RESERVATIONS. Why doesn' t HAROLD and the Carter Family end their OCCUPATION of Native American land and return to their ancestral European homeland. Why doesn't the UK retreat from Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands and the Carribean and so on? Jimmy I am ashames that I voted for you. Consideraing your embrace of Castro, Chavez, Arafat, you are undoubtably the WORST US PRESIDENT IN HISTORY.
YOUR book is great. And you are such a noble man. Americans are seeing through the jew/zionists manipulation,(like that racist deshoshitz) and its FANTASTIC/.. ABSOLUTELY FANASTIC. USA will finally help the poor PAlestinians.
46. Cartes book Palestine:peace or Apartheid
Ibrahim El-Awal ,   Dearborn, USA   (12.16.06)
Carter's book is full with historical errors, misconceptions, overt lies and support of terror and is not intended to promote peace, rather it is inciting war: 1. Carter used the word Apartheid to describe land "grab" not to racism by Israel. US Representative John Conyers and others correctly protested the abuse of the word, but Carter used the word to portray Israel as such. West Bank is a partially occupied under military rule not dissimilar to Kosovo. 2. Geneva rules of engagement were drafted by Europeans in 1950 before the menace of terrorism was on the horizon. No wars between armies, but between multiple terrorist groups which abide by no laws. Who should Israel deal an organization that does not recognize Israel? Why should Israel abide by Geneva Convention laws at the time that Palestinians do not? The pious European attitude of denial appeals to Carter who quotes that 80% of them believe that Israel is the main threat to world peace. The bombers in Madrid and London did not quote Palestine as their motive, rather they quoted the Koran and the demand for world domination. 3. Carter clearly lies when describing the war in Lebanon. Eight not three Israeli soldiers were killed initially. Concomitantly 160 Katyusha Hizbullah salvos landed on Israel cities and villages. Carter suggests that Israel bombed 7000 targets all over Lebanon before Hizbullah fired a shot. There are many such blatant lies that should alert the public that Carter is not honest. Simple exchange of prisoners, terrorists who have blood on their hands, for the Israeli soldiers reminds Sirhan Sirhan the Palestinian who killed Senator Robert F. Kennedy was not parolled. Why should Israel do what USA does not? 4. True Apartheid, not "Apartheid" of land, happens in Palestine, Arab countries where religious, ethnic and discrimination against women and Jews and Christians is common. Why are Jews not allowed to live in Gaza? Why does Ahmadinejad want to wipe Israel off the map? Why can Jews not live in the Holy Land? Is it not ethnic cleansing? The truth is that the Christian community in the West Bank and Lebanon has dramatically dwindled. No Christians were in Hamas government? Churches set on fire in West Bank, Gaza due tofree speech of the Pope. 5. Why does this Israeli Palestinian conflict deserve so much attention by holy Carter? What about Darfur, Somalia, Uganda why do they not deserve the attention that he gives to Israel? After all the 1200 Lebanese, 600 of them Hizbullah soldiers, plus the 400 Israeli casualties do not mount to the killed daily in Darfur. There is no mention in Carter's book about the 700 Somalis who joined Hizballah and the Iranian and Syrian soldiers fighting against Israel. 6. Carter ignores the G8 summit which preceded Hizballah attack. Clearly Hizbullah, part of Iranian national guard, was ordered to attack Israel to divert attention from Iran.The Lebanon war had nothing to do with the situation in Gaza. Carter's approach directly parrots the standard media myth that there exists a "cycle of violence," that both parties, de facto, are equally responsible for the bloodshed. But the latest Gaza conflict was the result of indiscriminate firing of Qassam missiles on Israeli civilian and the unproviked attack on a possition in Israel killing two soldiers and capturing one. It is Carter's intellectual laziness and moral weakness that in fact perpetuates the conflict, because it does not hold radical Islam, Iranian fascism and Palestinian terrorism accountable . Why did Carter find it necessary to publish this book? Is it to promote peace? How can it be that the partner for peace will be called by the "honest broker" "Apartheid" state? Was this book ordered by Palestinian propaganda that invited and financed many of Carter's trips to the West Bank? Proliferation of nuclear weapons is our major problem.
47. #44 Imam Oron
Harold ,   Dallas   (12.16.06)
You are right!!!, and we are shamed by this and the fact that we (white europeans) enslaved a whole people. All this is in the history books for you to read. We, The People, have behaved badly but we have also ask for forgiveness in the hopes that we can move forward as a Nation that believes all men are created equal extending our hands in fellowship to those less blessed with natural resources regardless their political views.
Sheikh yer Bu'Tay ,   you know   (12.16.06)
During the Carter Administration: Prime interest rate topped 23%! Gold reached an all time high! An outright act of war was committed on USA soverign soil. The US embassey in Iran was over run and US citizens were held hostage. Carter did nothing! Carter made a deal with Russia. Russia was to buy all the grain US farms would raise and sell. Carter got pissed off at the reds and cancelled the deal after all the crops were planted. HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF FARMS GO BANKRUPT! In response to the Arab oil embargo of the '70s. US oil firms are encouraged to invest in domestic production. Then, Carter passes the "windfall profits" tax. The US "oil boom" gets taxed into the "oil bust"! THOUSANDS OF US COMPANIES GO BELLY-UP. MILLIONS OF US FAMILIES FILE BANKRUPCY!!! Why does anyone listen to this idiot?! JIMMY CARTER IS THE WORST PRESIDENT IN US HISTORY!!!
49. #46 Ibrahim El-Awal AHKBAR!!!
Imam Oron ,   Londonistan   (12.16.06)
Ibrahim El-Awal AKHBAR!!! Let me add to Ibrahims list the bombing of PanAm 103, by Lybian agents, which crashed onto Lockerbie Scotland, the 1988 WMD, poison gas murder of 5,000 Kurds of Halabja Iraq, the failed grenade attack on US Shopping Malls, the failed inflight airline sneaker bomber Richard Reid, Every honest person, which naturally excludes One Term President Jimmy Carter, knows where the racist, fundamentalist, mysoginistic, genocidal parties are, south of Israel and east of Israel.
50. By the way, Harold, pay attention to Ibrahim. You may learn
SAM ,   USA   (12.16.06)
51. Harold, you are sad and pathetic
SAM ,   USA   (12.16.06)
Harold, you are a pathetic excuse for a human being. Your initial comments suggest you are totally devoid of and realistic knowlege of the middle east. Arabs have been persecuting many non-islamic peoples for centuries and that includes Jews. IF you would have bothered to research British and/or Turkish historical roots of this region, you would havew been aware of things like Jerusalem's population was mostly Jewish for at least the past 3 centuries. You would have also observed there was as much or more Arab immigration to Palistine as there was Jewish immigration. Maybe, if your IQ actually was above 25, you would have noticed that both the Turks AND the British tried to curb Jewsh immigration whiole allowing Arabs to come Carte Blance. Why would Arabs want to come to that place? JEWISH INVESTMENTS AND MONEY!!!!!! AND , if you would have bothered to actually read a book, 76% of Palistine was given away to exiled Saudi, pro-British allies, namely that guy named Abdullah I. Read a book, Harold. The area was being diveded up by the Brits after WW1 with the promise of a Jewish homeland or commonwealth. Arab racist politics in the form of nationaism forced the Brits to appease the Arabs and the racist desires of the Arab leadership still rule. Moderate Arabs, all these years have been silenced. READ A BOOK!!! there are tons of Jewish refugees from Arab countries in Israel. READ A BOOK!!! and by the way, you could be paying more attention to the plight of the American Indian. Does the American Indian need to turn to terrorism to get people like you to pay attention to them?
52. to #20 it looks like you are also
Roni   (12.17.06)
infected by the so called "muslim propaganda disease", what a shame........
53. Jack, from Richmond
SAM ,   USA   (12.17.06)
What world do you live in? I'm curious. Arabs in Israel do not live under aparthied conditions. Carter even admitted it. Read the article. Carter has been back tracking and is scared to really debate his ideas. That is because he knows he is biased. Arabs in the territorries used to be able to cross the boarder either into Israel to work or into Jordan. Palistinians used to sell a lot of produce in Jordan (Eastern Palistine). TERRORISM caused the checkpoints. Maybe you think Jewish blood is cheap, but Israelis think otherwise. Maybe you think Jews shouldnt be allowed to live and shouldnt be allowed to protect themselves (Brits didnt prior to 1948) but the actions in the "territories" caused all the precautions you are trying to bullshit us with as racist. It is you who needs to take a reality check. Seems like the Arabs didnt have a problem with Jordanian and Egyptian occupation. But neither country wanted these territories back after signing peace treaties. And how can you still scream occupation after Israel UNCONDITIONALLY withdrew from Gaza ending "occupation" there? What world do you live in? and YOU HAVE NOT ADDRESSED HOW THE pALISTINIAN mUSLIM DESCRIMINATES AGAINST CHRISTIANS.
54. to all of you who need more
Niki   (12.17.06)
understanding of the Arab Israeli conflict, i recommend reading this eye opening book called:" From Time Immemorial" , written by: Joan Peter.
55. to #46 Ibrahim, well done!
Dave ,   n.y.c.   (12.17.06)
Al Jazeera in English,, can use more balanced , none bias and propaganda free points of view. it would be nice and refreshing to see your postings there every now and than.
56. Ibrahim - i enjoyed reading your
Ben ,   usa   (12.17.06)
talkback. your style of writting ,reminded me of Ibrahim Yosseff's style of the new york sun.........are you the same guy? 's
57. Native American to Harold in Dallas!
Richard ,   Open Range, USA   (12.17.06)
Harold, I am an Native American Indian!! On behalf of about 98% of ALL NATIVE AMERICANS I would like to thank you white guys for coming over here! Living in a teepee, or a wikiup, or some other native "lodge" in winter sounds real romantic for the first couple of days. After that, it really sucks! Living off the land sounds really romantic, too. Until you try it and realize how hard the land resists being lived off of!! Try it during a drought! That sucks, too! So let's hear it for indoor plumbing! Modern houses with central heat and air! Polio shots and modern medicene! Automobiles! Hell, we even have the horse to thank you guys for!!! Harold, as one of the "enslaved" Native American people I want to tell you something: WE FORGIVE YOU, ALREADY! SO STOP RUNNING AROUND ACTING LIKE FOOLS! So, now you can get over the "white guilt trip", okay? Get on with being a patriotic American, love your country and be productive! Waa Kaaw, White Man! (that means: Good Grief!!)
58. Worst President of the 20th century is trying his damndest>>
RationalThought ,   US   (12.17.06)
to be the worst ex-President in American history. Jimmy Carter was and remains a wimp. It was during his reign that the Iranians invaded and took hostages in the American embassy. That was actually an act of war committed on the US. His Iran blunder is much worse than his pro-Arab position in the Arab-Israeli case. Most middle east problems stem from his Iran blunder. Even Iraq is a consequence of that. If the Shah's dynasty continued the US would never arm Iraq, so there would not have been the Saddam monster, etc. He should stick to building houses for the poor and quit trying to save the world. Jimmy Carter proves that you really can rise in Government in direct proportion to your incompetence.
59. Carter HYPOCRITE IGNORES Muslim Countries DENY Human RIGHTS
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (12.17.06)
to non-Muslims. Muslim Countries should GIVE NON-MUSLIMS rights that we and Israel give to Muslims in our countries ! Freedom of speech. Freedom of religion. Freedom from fear. Equality in a court of law. Freedom from being persecuted because of our religion. Freedom from Muslims desecrating and destroying our Bibles and holy places... etc. etc. etc. FREEDOM and HUMAN RIGHTS for Non-Muslims now!
60. bumbling chicken heart
alan ,   kodiak alaska   (12.17.06)
Jimmy Carter could not get out hostages out of Iran because he was a chicken heart and now... now he has the audacity to compare Israel to South Africa during Aparteid? Carter brought us 18% inflation and the start of the war of terror. His solutions are as pathetic, his analysis as lame, as his presidency was a failure. Jimmy stop the genocide in Darfur if you want to do some good. O we forgot. You never stand up to extremism in the Islamic world. and the pathetic chicken hearted rabbis who would not call for a boycott of this book of half truths, what of them?
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