Risk of collapse at Western Wall
Chaim Levinson
Published: 02.01.07, 22:02
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15 Talkbacks for this article
1. Good
Avraham ,   NYC   (01.03.07)
We are not allowed to enter the Temple Mount nowadays - not until the rebuilding of the coming of Moshiach and rebuilding of the Holy Temple. It's better that there should be no entry to the Temple Mount from the Jewish Quarter at all while we're waiting for that to happen. Expand the Western Wall Plaza and make room for more worshippers - the place gets rather packed during holidays and prayer rallies.
2. re: Avraham
Ari   (01.03.07)
What utter nonesense...
3. Har ha-Bayit, Hold-over of Roman Banishment
Paqid 16 Netzarim ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (01.03.07)
I fully understand the mitzwah that Jews not desecrate that which is holy. But ha-Sheim removed His holiness from Har-ha-Bayit before the goyim began their two millennia of desecration. In fact, for those who check their facts in the Bible, ha-Sheim removed His holiness before the goyim desecrated the first Beit ha-Miqdash and there is no Biblical record that He saw fit to restore His holiness thereafter. Preferring that goyim desecrate Har ha-Bayit alone rather than encouraging Jews to pray on Har ha-Bayit, thereby returning His Presence there, contravenes Torah. Promulgating the prohibition of Jews on Har ha-Bayit is a continuation of the Roman banishment, in 135 CE, of Jews from Har ha-Bayit, "Aelia" and "Palestine." Resistance to returning to Israel, Yerushalayim and, finally, to Har ha-Bayit is the wrong "tradition" and contrary to Torah. Don't think that the perverted excuse that "Moshiah hasn't come" is dispensation for you to transgress Torah. Ha-Sheim works through Benei-Yisraeil -- which is precisely what the Mashiakh would tell you. Start thinking beyond the physical. Restore your petil tekhelet (at and stand up and act like Benei Yisraeil. Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
4. Thank you, why would someone like to go somewhere dangerous?
Gidon ,   california   (01.03.07)
5. How easy it is to leave our Holies Place to others..
Ana ,   new york, US   (01.03.07)
And you think that our Creator does not know we are a bunch of wimps?
6. wall worship = paganism
Avi   (01.03.07)
Worship of any man made object is an ABOMINATION to HaShem. The wall has become an object of worship in which Torah condemns as paganism.
7. Re #6. Not wall getting worshipped
Steve ,   USA   (01.04.07)
B"H It is not the wall itself that is worshipped, but rather the wall establishes a boundary for worship. There is a huge difference. Walk into a synnagogue sometime and wonder what it would be to worship there without walls. That is the beginning of the difference. I do not think your characterization of the wall as an idol is accurate, therefore.
8. Agree with Number 2 - it is just a wall
RyanH ,   Ashdod Israel   (01.04.07)
My 6 year old said it best when he first saw the wall -" I have seen bigger walls than that !" The obsession of the Golden Calf of our age the Western Wall has gone to far. To stop the idol worship perhaps it should be demolished - this would be a pity to lose such a historical treasure but needed to stop this practice. I am starting to sound like the Taliban
9. RE #7 Not Wall getting worshipped
Charles Allen ,   Charlotte, NC USA   (01.04.07)
If I were to enter a house of worship, and pay attention to it more than to MY Creator. Then that would be IDOL worship. REBUILD the Temple! Build it and HE will come!
10. I agree
James ,   Toledo, OH   (01.04.07)
"He" has already came. "He" is Yeshua HaManache. Please, brother Jews, I implore you. Yeshua has been prophesied in the Torah and revealed in the New Testament Scriptures. Please brother Jews, come to the light which is Yeshua.
11. I agree
Kim ,   USA   (01.04.07)
I agree with this, Jesus fulfilled every prophecy. I don't understand this division between Christians and Jews. I do understand the importance of the Temple Mount, it is a very holy place, it is important to the Jews and I can fully understand the frustration on their part. I don't believe for a second that they are actually worshipping the wall itself. Peace to everyone!
12. re#7 wall not getting worshipped
Shawn ,   San Diego, USA   (01.05.07)
Isn't it? Isn't this the wall where I see the people lined up on the outside of the wall, facing the wall, while reading the bible and bobbing their heads back and forth and chanting? It sure looks like wall worship. if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, then it's probably a duck. It looks kind of bizarre for people to show that much attention to an inanimate object. if you really wanted to worship or serve God, why not just do a good deed for your neighbor or volunteer at a homeless shelter or say a prayer in your living room? Why is it necessary to go through a perilous journey just to chant next to a stone wall? If God is everywhere (and he is) then why would that ever be necessary?
13. the wall and Christians
rob ,   canada   (01.05.07)
Jews do not pray to the wall but pray to G-d at the wall. As for Jesus, if he came back to earth he would surely go to a synagogue and prey. He would definitely be disgusted by the idea of going into a church. He fulfilled every prophecy in the Christian testament that was written many years after his death and the story is different in many Christian bibles which I definetly do not believe by a long shot. When the Messiah does come, not Jesus, all non-Jews will become Noahides and Christianity will surely disappear.
14. Idolatry and Rabbi Yoel Bin Nun and Goren
Karen Stone ,   Los Angeles, CA   (08.14.09)
I have Israeli TV and on Tisha Bav heard Rabbis saying we made huge offense to God by allowing Temple Mount to stay with Islam in 1967. They said that at the very least we should have allowed no one to worship (no religions) and this way not embarass our God and people. We make a mockery of ourselves that we pray to an ancient wall when another faith is in our holiest site. Theirs is Mecca. What a dumb nation we are. Also there are idols brought by tourists in tomb of Elijah. Do you think he will visit us if we can't remove idols from his own cave?
15. Additional comment-my talk with pastor relating to graven
karen stone ,   Los Angeles, CA   (08.14.09)
I called different pastors in America to ask them why it is necessary for them to have graven images all over churches in Israel and Elijah cave. He said that Christians should not be blamed but Israeli Govt. He said Israeli govt wants to make tourist dollars and that to please them they don't place any signs/rules relating to idols. He said Israeli govt is too blame and that he agrees with me that all these idols are wrong and are graven images. I have so much shame for Israel. The gay parade in Tel Aviv is pathetic. Are there no men in Israel who will debate the govt on all these idols? It is first commandment! If we can't get the basics right then why should anyone respect us? I think of Judah the Maccabee and all his zealotry against idols but it came with a price. It was a time of terrible hardhip for people and war. We have ourselves to blame and our dumb leaders.
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