Jewish Scene
Alan Dershowitz: World obsessed with Israel
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 05.01.07, 19:06
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1. This is the most offensive pile of crap...
George W ,   Chicago IL   (01.05.07)
Two things. First, does anyone seriously think that genocides are ignored because the world is focused on Israel? And if this focus lifted, genocides everywhere could be stopped? For the chronologically challenged, Rwanda and Bosnia happened right after the Oslo accords, when everyone was handing out Nobel prizes to Israel; thre certainly wasn't any "obsessive focus" on Israel's faults then. Cambodia happened at the end of a long, brutal civil war when America and everyone else was too exhausted with guerilla warfare in Indochina to do anything about Pol Pot. There were also limits to what anyone could do because of Cold War ramifications. Meanwhile, no one even knew at the time that Palestinians existed. To even dream that an obsession with Israel is what prevented intervention in Cambodia is so bizarre as to require anti-hallucenogenic drugs. Darfur and Rwanda also have been allowed to happen because powerful nations aren't going to sacrifice soldiers to save Africans. That's just a brutal fact, and reflects very poorly on us, but again it has less than nothing to do with Israel. There are a few other genocides that Dershowitz forgets to mention; for example Guatemala in the late '70s and early '80s, or the Iraqi Kurds in the 1980s--oops, we in the US sponsored those. Those had everything to do with cold war paranoia and short-sighted realpolitik, but again Israel wasn't the reason those genocides weren't stopped. Not one of the examples Dershowitz uses, nor any other example of genocide, has the slightest thing to do with Israel. If some paranoid freak was blaming genocide throughout history on the world's obsession with Nepal, he would be laughed out of the building. But if it's Dershowitz talking about Israel, it's front page news. It's hard to believe that this guy is a Harvard professor; he must be really, really good at criminal law because everything else he says is crazy. Second, I'm always hearing (coming from Dershowitz as well as others) how hard core peaceniks shouldn't make those constant comparisons between Hitler and the Israeli target du jour, or compare what the Palestinians have suffered to the Holocaust, because those comparisons are unfair and also cheapen the memory of the Holocaust. This is true. So why is it that pro-Israeli propagandists can't let a day go by without comparing some anti-Israel thing to the Holocaust? Just out of curiosity, where does Dershowitz get the figure of 6 million? Did he do some sort of (top secret) study that arrived at that figure, or is it just something he pulled out of his ass because he can use it to smear anyone who accuses Israel of anything with the crime of perpetrating a second Holocaust? Mr. Dershowitz, you can go to hell. Anyone who takes human rights the least bit seriously has to be deeply, deeply offended by Dershowitz's nonsense.
CANADA LIVE ,   Montreal Quebec   (01.05.07)
The Israeli governments are killing their own people, nobody else is doing more killing than the Israeli Ministry of defense and to it's own people nobody else. The proof is in the news reda ynet every day and see for yourself.
3. This is so stupid.
David ,   USA   (01.05.07)
I don't know about you guys, but seriously, there really isn't that much anti-semitism out there. Anti-semitism is David Irving and people like him, this doesn't exist in America. There is much more anti-black and anti-muslim and anti-gay going around here than antisemitism. Get a life!
4. Sick
C'est Moi ,   Canada   (01.05.07)
This is extremely disgusting. Dershowitz is sickening in speaking about genocide in a perversion of the truth. Its as perverted as the word anti-semitism now...thanks to zionism and to israel. Judaism isnt like this people.
5. Poor george in his little windy island
Arie ,   Afula   (01.05.07)
It is not so much that the wrld is focused on Israel per se. It is that Israel, as Jews have throughout Christian and Muslim history, are the convenient scapegoats for ills and mass murder and genocide. While the muslims massacre hundreds of thousands of Blacks, the muslim-based UN establishes a group called the "Human Rights Commission (sic)" to review attrocties thrughout the world. Surprisingly, it is headed by the very same state that is committing the Darfur genocide; Hundreds of thousands of Kurds are massacred by the iraqis and iranians and they manage to divert attention to Israel; iran butchers thosands of BAHAIs, yet the iranians lead their masses and the terrorists they finance to attack Israel to sway attention;rwandans are massacred by the hundreds of thousands with french complicity, andd the french IMMEDIATELY attack israel's plan to build a border fence to protect against terrorism. Anyone who takes human rights seriously see your post for what it is - just one more ploy to hide attrocities and genocide in the form of attacks on Israel and the Jews.
6. Life as a Jew is no different RIGHT ???
M. Segal ,   Mpls America   (01.05.07)
I realize Jews even Israelis mature more slowly we need be 62 before we have the maturity of a Caucasian at 22 this gives them a advantage you need to be useful to developing real space travel or Israel will may be nuked by nuclear terrorists do not miss the chance RIGHT ??? THANK YOU... M. Segal
7. Arie, your timeline's a little mixed up
George W ,   Chicago IL   (01.05.07)
Wow, my post is "just one more ploy to hide attrocities and genocide in the form of attacks on Israel and the Jews." That's a hell of a statement. Let's look at the examples you provide of hidden genocides. The Kurds? Well whoever was trying to hide that one didn't do a very good job, seeing as how it has been infamous ever since Halabja and George Bush has repeatedly used it as a justification for the Iraq war. The Bahai? Not super famous, but Iran doesn't have a big reputation for religious tolerance. Darfur? We're not doing much about it, but everyone knows about it. And you can't seriously think America or NATO would invade except for the all-powerful UN Human Rights Commission-- oh no, some tin pot dictators in Khartoum, through the Human Rights Commission, have a stranglehold on the Darfur debate! If Darfur was white Christians instead of Black Muslims, we would have invaded three years ago. Nothing whatsoever to do with Israel. My favorite example of yours is this: "rwandans are massacred by the hundreds of thousands with french complicity, andd the french IMMEDIATELY attack israel's plan to build a border fence to protect against terrorism. " Let's just make sure I understand your argument. You are saying that France was complicit in the Rwandan genocide, which happened in 1994, and in order to distract world attention from this France IMMEDIATELY attacked Israel's separation wall-- which began construction in 2002/2003. That's your argument, right? Let's just make sure that I'm hearing you correctly. Because if a nine year delay passes for an immediate response in your book, you might want to have a doctor check your reflexes. They might not be as strong as they used to. One more thing, if you would be so kind; can you please go through my original post and tell me where, exactly, is this attack on Israel and the Jews you're accusing me of?
8. There's no antisemitism?
Micha   (01.05.07)
Are you completely blind you idiot. Look around you. How many in Europe praise the killing of Jews and want there to be no Jewish state in the middle or in the world for that matter. More anti-black and anti-moslem? Hmmmm, I think not. But really no point in arguing. You obviously have already made up your mind. May you educate yourself one day. Jews have always been the scapegoat. Just look at the way the talkbacks are written, "Its as perverted as the word anti-semitism now...thanks to zionism and to israel." You're an idiot.
9. here ya go, for idiots who don't like to learn
Micha   (01.05.07)
The PBS documentary, "Anti-Semitism in the 21st Century: The Resurgence," will discomfit viewers of all stripes. Airing Jan. 8 at 10 p.m. on KCET, the film will annoy those who believe that rising anti-Semitism is a myth fueled by Jewish paranoia and self-serving Jewish defense agencies. Equally upset will be those who argue that anti-Semitism, particularly in the Islamic world, is just using the same old stick to beat up on a blameless Israel. In addition, fervent believers in a global Jewish conspiracy, if any tune in, will be enraged at seeing their worldview demolished and ridiculed. Within one hour, the documentary, narrated by veteran broadcast journalist Judy Woodruff, covers a lot of territory in a graphic and efficient manner. We are given a capsule history of Jew hatred both in the Christian West and Muslim East, accompanied throughout by horrifying cartoons across the centuries depicting the Jew as "Christ killer," blood sucker, ravisher of virgins and plotter of world domination.
10. #1,2,3...guess who is coming to dinner?
Ivri   (01.05.07)
3 antisemites.all three talking out of their back end. smooth with his words,telling us the world is so perfect,(And there is ALWAYS some liberal excuse for the genocide de jour),denying the 6 millions.( it took some further reading into your talk back to smell the stench) # 2.....Consuming a little too much recycled propaganda arent we? Why dont you provide links to the articles you claim are out there.(might be a good idea to take your head out of the ice hole and see the real world. # 3...i am still laughing at your talk back! where do you live?...on some desolated bayou or in a national park in Alaska?...look around you,google antisemitism USA and see what may come up. Alan dershowitz says something publicly...and three little ugly antisemite heads pop out on que to rebuke him by stereotyping all jews,or better yet,by spewing their distorted version of reality. Nice going guys,but unfortunately...the smell is there.
11. George is right
David ,   San Francisco   (01.05.07)
We may not agree on many things concerning Israel, but he's right about this. Dershowitz's comments are ridiculous. And you're probably right about his six million number, too. I'm not sure his comments are offensive, though. At least he's blaming the world's indifference on an obsession with Israel, rather than the truth which is that the world doesn't give a damn.
12. No 2 Who is doing the most killing of palis?
Y ,   N   (01.05.07)
Yesterday the palis killed 7 of their own while the idf took out 4 palis. Do your math who is killing the most. And by the way do you know how many palis have been killed bye the governments of the arab countries?They number in their thousands my friend. So who aredoing the most killing in the middle east?
13. Ivri, watch where you're pointing that thing
George W ,   Chicago IL   (01.05.07)
Whoa, hold on a second Ivri. You call me an antisemite and accuse me of "denying the 6 millions." OK, just for clarification, and I'm not sure how you missed this when everyone else seems to have got it, but I am not denying that 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis in the Holocaust; they were. Here's the 6 million I am denying: "Six million additional people have died since the end of the Second World War because of this obsessive focus on Israel," Dershowitz was quoted as saying, citing global inaction over the genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, the former Yugoslavia, and the slaughter currently taking place in Darfur." THAT'S the 6 million I am denying, because I think Dershowitz is full of it. 6 million people may very well have died in those genocides, but it wasn't because of any "obsessive focus on Israel." That's silly. So put that Holocaust-denier accusation away, please. Something else I've observed just in these talkbacks, but else where besides; I've always hated it when people make glib comparisons to the Holocaust. It drives me nuts when some idiot compares George Bush, Ariel Sharon, or fill-in-the-blank-here with Hitler. People who compare Israelis to Hitler are silly and ignorant, because the comparison is unfair and also cheapens the Holocaust. So why is it that some pro-Israeli people do this all the time? (Not all, but Arie and Ivri are guilty here.) My first post didn't have one word accusing Israel of anything, didn't mention one single Israeli government policy, didn't call for Israel's destruction or call Israel illegitimate, didn't say the Jews are controlling the media or deflecting attention from Israel, didn't do ANY of that. All I did was attack Dershowitz, and not because he's a Jew but because he's an ass. Yet so far Ivri has accused me of being an anti-Semite and Holocaust denier, while Arie has accused me of attacking Israel (apparently using invisible ink) in order to cover up other genocides as well. So based on nothing, I'm an anti-Semetic, Holocaust denying, genocide-enabling monster. Are you sure I'm not Hitler himself, or maybe Satan? I mean, come on.
14. Disgusting Durshowitz
Khalil   (01.05.07)
Does Dershowiz say how many of the six millions were killed by Israel (Palestine, Lebanon) or Israel aided in their killing (South Africa, Latin America). I can’t believe this fraud called Dershowitz still has the guts to talk or write after his book (The case for Israel) was exposed as a hoax and fraud. Does not he have any dignity or self respect to talk about genocides when he attacks Human Rights organizations like BTselem because he does like their exposures of Israel’s record? His name was actually named as one the plagiarizers by Harvard’s paper but for some reason he is still there. Shame on you Harvard Khalil
15. to #1
Mike ,   Atlanta, USA   (01.05.07)
Check your premises, George. You challenge supposed world obsession with "Israel's faults" when Dershowitz's statement did not say "faults." That undermines your first point. Your second point isn't a point at all. I think you feel enraged at your own impotence in stopping genocide and other int'l problems. Frankly, I don't think you take human rights the least bit seriously. I do think you get indignant very easily however.
16. to David #11
Mike ,   Atlanta, USA   (01.05.07)
The world doesn't give a damn? Then why hasn't Israel ethnically cleansed the land of Arabs? Are they incompetent Nazis? Maybe they seek peace and the Arabs really are just warlike after all? Re-read what you wrote and give it some more thought.
17. to David #3
Mike ,   Atlanta, USA   (01.05.07)
Evidently you don't watch Borat. I pity your sense of humor.
18. George- Look at the UN lately?
Nadav ,   Tel Aviv   (01.05.07)
George, I think that dershowitz 's comments are aimed at the international community's inaction at the UN in particular, which has and does focus way too much on Israel's "atrocities," when far worse- and real, genocides have been and are committed. The article was simpley poorly written and did not explain the context with which Dershowitz made those comments. If you analyse and look at the facts- of UN resolutions at the General Assembly, the amount of "emergency" GA sessions called by Arab/islamic regimes, and the absurd actions and pre-occupations of the so called UN "Human Rights Commission," you'd see that he is 100% right. In fact, many human rights activists from Africa and Asia have complained that the Arab and Islamic countries have used the UN as a tool against Israel at all levels and organs of the UN, and have thus both intentionally and unintentionally (depending on where the human rights abuses took place) overshadowed what goes on in places like Rwanda, Indochina and other areas. The number six million was obviously symbolic, to show that genocides and holocausts are happening with the implicit, or in the case of Darfur, explicit Arab-Islamic anti-Israel activities at the UN.
19. Nadav 18 and Mike 15
George W ,   Chicago IL   (01.06.07)
Nadav; You're definitely right about Arab nations using the UN as an Israel-bashing forum whenver they can; it's gotten pretty silly, even if some of the criticism is legit, simply because they never talk about anything else. I mean, what's happening to the Palestinians isn't very nice and I think deserves some criticism, but would it kill them to squeeze in a little something condemning any of the various massacres around the globe that make Beit Hanoun look like a walk in the park? But the US isn't waiting for the approval of the UN Human Rights Commission to invade and liberate Darfur. Ask yourself, if the Commission condemned Darfur, would it lead to any action? Do the actions of this committee one way or the other cost one life, let alone 6 million? Probably not. The constant sniping at Israel is silly and embarassing, but pointing that out is a little different from saying that it has led to the death of 6 million people. And if Dershowitz is just being symbolic when he says this, then why stop at 6 million? Why not say that the obsession with Israel has killed a billion people? When Dershowitz is throwing bogus numbers of dead people around, symbolic or not, it's offensive as hell. Mike... what? Dershowitz says the world is so obsessed with Israel that it ignores genocide. If we're not (supposedly) obsessed with Israel's faults, what exactly are we obsessed with? Its cuisine? Dershowitz is clearly talking about Israel's faults. I'm not sure how else you could read his statement. My second point is this; even when I am critical of Israel I refrain, out of decency, from comparing the IDF to the SS or some prison to Auschwitz or Sharon/Olmert/whoever to Hitler. However, some criticism is warranted, and I would appreciate it if Dershowitz (and others; looking in your direction, Arie and Ivri) didn't try to hang 6 million bodies around my neck whenever that criticism comes. If he wants to have a respectful argument with pro-Palestinian people or whatever, that's one thing. But he is completely out of line with this garbage.
20. & dont forget Philipines cristinans, genocide
Dubi ,   Caracas   (01.06.07)
With absolute silence from UN & the Vatican. Human Rigths organizatios are often being paid by biased countries to close an eye and popint in other direction, an Israel and Jews arfe surely (toguether with anti american imperialism) very good distracting masses
21. Authorities are scared of Islamics
marilyn   (01.06.07)
They are so scared that when people who have had enough resort to violence, are told that they are racist and zenophobics, but then when the other take vengeance and bash and destroy others properties, the tone lowers. They are scared these big brave men.
22. Simple Proof
Real George ,   Atlanta, GA   (01.06.07)
by means of simple math. Just look at % of media stories related to conflicts involving Israel and compare it with % of casualties of these conflicts with that of all conflicts world-wide. It can't possibly be more skewed than this. And, hence Dershowitz has absolutely nailed it.
23. Just some thoughts.....
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (01.06.07)
I don't care who's citing what figures to substantiate which claim, but it does seem that Israel gets the short end of the stick more often than not, that alone raising eyebrows. Most of the condemnations of UN resolutions are directed against Israel, while the regional asshats are "urged" to do or not do one thing or the other. Everybody screamed for Israel to comply with UN # 1701, while hardly anyone mentioned and/or mentions now the other side's not paying the least bit of attention to any of it. Hezbollah not only didn't disarm, they're merrily re-arming and making no bones about it. Should there be a day on which one might, actually, not think of Israel, there is always an asshat of one flavor or the other who brings it up with an assortment of threats. Israel being the only democracy in that part of the world, maybe there is a feeling that as Israel goes, so goes the Middle East, and that this does deserve a little more than the usual attention. I'm sure that Israel is not lily-white in all its dealings, but when you're besieged from all sides, survival becomes more important than diplomatic BS and political correctness. At the same time, I do wonder how often there is the secret supposition, misguided and temporary, though, it may be, that all would be peaches and cream in that part of the world, if Israel didn't sit in the middle of all of this misguided, Islamic fervor, but simply went away and that being exactly what generates anti-semitism. There's no doubt in my mind that Israel is only a temporary excuse for a much wider problem and that it would be in our, the West's, best interest to keep a sharp eye on it, Mr. Dershowitz and his contentions notwithstanding.
ROBERT ,   FARMINGTON   (01.06.07)
25. to the 3 first ones
trumpeldor ,   eurabian dhmmitude   (01.06.07)
26. I think that you guys, or some power behind you is helping
Simon Mohammed ,   Falls Church, VA   (01.06.07)
this anti feeling against you. Saying that, you should complain, talk about it, and defend your self. BUT, If you look neutraly to some historicaly fact, and realistic analysis, you will find out that with no positive action from your side, from within you, the anti feeliing against you will increase, and you will keep in helping it grown up. in other words, just after the WW, the targeted masacre your people was subject too happened in Europe. at that time or before there wasn't that target action in the arab / muslim word with the same scale. YES the Arab refuse the UN resolution for two state ( the reason are variables) and from that time to now the feeling get increased. a lot of ressources from all sides has been placed to protect or fight, but with no solution , it is getting no better. About the other genocide arround the wrold, they had little attention then the case in the ME. I personelly think with positive action from your side. and i hope there will be a resolution soon for the problem in that area, you might have all the antifeeling gainst you transformed to feeling for you. you will just helped in moderating the feeling of million of people arround you. the consequence would be: this big number of arab/muslim will concentrate " and you can help there also" building their nation, expressing their positive side, and be a part productive and positive in the world rather then negative. Also the focus will go toward other area were genocide happenng in this 21st centery. I hope that my opinion is positive and neutral, and i also hope if it published could be understood as a genral view not get what you like and go after you might no like. at the end no thing is depending on me or you but other power on the top. with regard
27. Check YOUR timeline George
Arie ,   Afula   (01.06.07)
The french complicity in the rwandan massacres began gaining their notoriety and being proven in the late 1990s. The first part of the barrier was actually started in 1994 between Israel and trrhe Gaza Strip, that area notorious for terrorsim anarchy and random acts of hatred. (check your facts) that was the same year of the massacre, and when the INITIAL rumours of french complicity were circulated. As for the Darfur debate, yes, the tin pan dictators obviously DO have control of the situation since they have been so adept at keeping theworld out. But then, the eurabians, and sadly the Americans as well, have no interest in millions of dusty Blacks who srve no economic purpose other than sex and cannon fodder for the arabids. Sounds like 1938 all over again - with the world willingly sacrificing millions to appease terrorists, namely the arabs! Everythig to do with Israel as well, since every time the topic is turned to the Blacks and their mass deaths at the hands of arabs, the arabid UN quickl manages to shift the conversation to a universal condemnation of Israel. Your arguments are the usual cover-up to protectthe arabs from the truth:they are a people of hatred and genocide
28. # 1 & San Fran Dave.. Yes it is offensive crap...
malcolm   (01.06.07)
The fact is the world obsesses over the “plight” of the Palestinian people despite the fact that they have a pipeline to hundreds of millions of terror dollars and engage in some of the most savage behavior on the planet. At the same time the world ignores the literal slaughter of hundreds of thousands in Darfur and looked the other way during the millions of murders in Cambodia & Rwanda while still focusing on Palestinians, the most subsidized people on earth. So yes, you should be offended as a human being at your own crap in front of you.The crap that a true genocide is taking place in Darfur while the world wails over collateral damage to 1 family in Qana. The attention is so disproportionate it is beyond comprehension. But that crap doesn’t offend you at all. What offends you is the presence of Jews in the equation. Dershowitz is 100% right. No Jews no interest. If he were wrong than why are you on this site writing a 300-word thesis? Why aren't you on a site for Darfur? Why aren't you taking on AIDS in Africa. Instead you focus on Palestinians and & Israel. Again… Dershowitz is 100% right. No Jews no interest.
29. obsession
v. n.y. ,   usa   (01.06.07)
i don't think mr. dershowitz's comments are inflated or disgusting. what i think is...that he is telling the absolute truth.. and for some people it is hard to swollow! or turn away from the comments' reality. this rfeality unfortunatelly is based on facts and the history of the jews in the diaspora and in general through the ages. what many do not want to face is that the jewish people in general do not suffer from victimhood like the palestinians do. jews by nature are very pro active when it comes to their own future and fate. jews marched out of concentration caps empowere to never let this happen to them again. i feel that this strength, coupled by our tenacity and sucess despite it all has created the hate and antisemitism towards jews in the world. it's not comfortable for those who wish us harm and those who dislike us for whatever reason to have our success, survival, progress and the nice life we have created for ourselves everywhere staring them in the face. antisemitism is not a jewish problem. it is the antisemite's problem. it's consuming him and arresting him in more ways than he can imagine. this is why the international obsession with israel. the jews and israelis. in plain english it's called jealousy! and has nothing to do with politics or the dislike for the jews, for israel or for israelis. let's call a spade a spade now.
30. #1
jason ,   usa   (01.06.07)
1. Learn 2 do paragraphs 2. UN had 8 resolutions 7 for Israel and 1 for darfur.. wierd huh? 3. read 'smoke and ashes'
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