Jewish Scene
Prominent rabbi: Abortionists murderers
Neta Sela
Published: 14.01.07, 08:59
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53 Talkbacks for this article
31. Debra; Women without a conscious don't feel badaboutabortion
Daisy ,   USA   (01.15.07)
Every friend or relative of mine that has had an abortion has felt great emotionally pain. It's normal because abortion is terminating a human life. I'm pro-choice but have seen the pain abortion causes. Even women who don't regret their decision feel pain because of what might have been. Women who don't feel any emotions about their abortions are cold-hearted or just plain evil. I truly believe they are in the minority.
32. vered # 28 not bad !!
charles ,   petach tikva   (01.15.07)
What i wanted to say by "bad" behaviour is rape , incest , and so on . Sex for the sake of sex by consenting adults is certainly not a bad behaviour , contrary . There are certainly still girls not familiar with anticonceptiva , who can not have them , who have parents not allowing them .
33. Greg, I am a Woman and I am Pro-Choice.
Esther ,   Ofarim, Israel   (01.15.07)
Yes, every Abortion is a tragedy. Unwanted, neglected, abused children are also a tragedy. Babies dumped, killed because their mothers are unable to face up to their responsibilities are a tragedy. Honor killings of young women that find themselves pregnant because of a stupid mistake are a tragedy. Children born of rape and incest are a tragedy. Children condemned to a life of suffering and an early death because of a genetic condition are a tragedy. Women being "butchered" by some back-street abortionist because they can't take care of another child, or killing/maiming themselves by trying to induce a miscarriage on their own are a tragedy. A mother that dies because of complications in pregnancy. A tragedy. All these things are heart-breaking. A woman should have the choice of whether she will be forced to carry a child or not. I stand behind my opinion and someone like you can't change it. Imagine a 12-13 year old girl that had been raped, or maybe even just made a dumb mistake. Imagine that this poor kid is yours. Would you be so cruel to force her to bear this child? When her body isn't mature enough yet? You better get down on your knees and pray that none of your loved ones find themselves in the unfortunate situation of needing an abortion. And not being able to have one. Anti-abortion? Don't have one.
34. These opinions are very revealing.
Maria T   (01.15.07)
Rabbi Eliyahu is right. Abortion is a crime. Some people may feel justified to murder their babies, but it's still murder. Unborn babies feel pain. I would advise people to learn all the details of how this procedure is done. It's worse than barbaric. It should be criminal. But it's tolerated by all "civilized" societies. The words rape and incest are regularly mentioned. The fact is most abortions are done because the baby has come at an inconvenient time for the mother. Furthermore, why kill a baby just because she was conceived under unfortunate circumstances. Punish the rapist, not the child. The only valid reason for abortion should be if the health of the mother is at stake. The time to choose whether to have a baby or not is before conception. After that, it can be given a chance through adoption. The life of a baby does not belong to her mother, it belongs to G-d.
35. So, Maria, then DON'T have an Abortion.
Esther ,   Ofarim, Israel   (01.15.07)
I never had one either, nor have I ever found myself in the situation that I did need one. Women and girls need to be educated when it comes to birth-control and alternatives to abortion. That in itself would go a long way in preventing unwanted pregnancies. It's so good to be self-righteous and judgemental when you aren't in a situation where you have to make that kind of decision, isn't it?
36. #35 Esther
Maria T ,   BC Canada   (01.15.07)
The argument that it should be a woman's choice does not hold. Then every act would be OK as long as you and I don't engage in it. As a human being I cannot look the other way when I know how many thousands of babies are being aborted all over the world, considering that there is the alternative of adoption. There are so many couples who are in desperate need to adopt a baby. In Israel, as well as in Canada, the state pays for abortions. Wouldn't it make sense to have the state and private donors fund more organizations like Israel's Efrat so that those babies can have a chance to live? I agree that there should be more education in matters of birth control. I also think that there should be more education on the technicalities of the abortion process itself so people would know that it's neither easy nor painless for the baby. Many supporters of abortion would also be surprised to find out that it's being done even in the late stages of pregnancy, when the baby is fully formed. Some are born alive and left to die. So, I'm not being self-righteous, Esther, I'm just against an act of violence and the taking of an inocent baby's life. That's all.
37. To Maria T
charles ,   petach tikva   (01.15.07)
I fully agree with Esther . You know my position regarding this . Read my other tb's
38. A "sign" ???
Avi   (01.15.07)
Isaiah 7: 14 Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign: behold, the young woman shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. How can a young woman giving birth be a sign??? especially since young women are murdering their unborn babies? Maybe the miracle is the one that is allowed to live??? Almah means virgin and this article PROVES that a young woman giving birth is no sign. Israel needs to turn back to THEIR [Jewish] Messiah from the pagans that have paganized Him.
39. abortion = baby sacrifice / murder
Avi   (01.15.07)
Please cite your sources. ALL of the medical sources I have read state that abortion causes PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) as well as health problems in the women that murder their babie (have their babies murdered). Apparently you are making up stories to justify murdering unborn babies since the facts state opposite.
40. There's another angle to this
Tracy W   (01.16.07)
Even the pro-abortion crowd must admit that this policy is causing the demise of the Western non-Islamic population. Fewer and fewer babies are being born to non-Islamic parents while Muslims are very busy reproducing. I don't have the figures with me right now but all you have to do is look around. Europeans have maybe one child per couple, while their Muslim neighbors are having 10 or more. Eurabia will have a majority Muslim population within a few decades. This prospect is very alarming for Western culture. So while feminists are busy advocating "choice", they are slowly becoming a minority. One day, when Sharia is imposed in their countries, feminists won't have even the most basic rights. Think about it.
41. To Esther
Greg ,   Dallas, USA   (01.16.07)
I’m not sure what you mean by your reference to “someone like you.” You have just a few sentences by which to judge me. Is that enough? Here’s what I think of you. By the paragraphs above I can only glean that you have a great heart for women in difficult circumstances. Your compassion for them is commendable and I admire you for it. I have that same compassion. That is why I am pro-life. Abortion, while seeming to offer a quick solution to a wrenching problem, in the end, hurts women. Despite Debra’s (#21) reference to an unnamed “study,” the truth is that many women are beginning to come forward and say they regret their abortions. They are telling us that the procedure they thought would solve their problem actually deepened it. Their names and testimonies can be found here: You will even see some names you recognize there. One of them, in reference to her own abortion, said this: “I howled my way through it, and it was horrible. I would never recommend it to anyone because it comes back to haunt you.” Many of these women will stand before the United States Supreme Court this coming Monday (January 22) and publicly state their regrets. You eloquently state that abortion, as well as the circumstances surrounding it, are tragic. Should you then compound a tragedy with another even worse tragedy? The taking of an innocent life? That is one of the main regrets of those I reference above. The grief and guilt has driven some to drugs, others into depression and still others to tortured despair. Only G-d's mercy and forgiveness has rescued them from that Hell. I agree a woman should have the choice of whether to bear a child or not. The pro-life movement has never suggested that women should be required to have children. However, it is a biological fact that when a woman is pregnant she already has a child--a living human person—inside her. The point is that this child should not be butchered in the womb. The argument is not whether she should carry the child, it is whether or not she should allow an abortionist to kill that child. I take exception to your definition of cruelty. It is not cruel to allow someone to do something that you know will inflict pain upon the overwhelming pain they are already experiencing? I have a daughter (20 years old) and I assure you that I do hit my knees and pray G-d will spare her from an unspeakable evil such as rape. But I would not condone the glittering but deceptive evil of abortion to solve the evil visited upon her body already. She makes her own decisions now and I am confident she feels and would act the same way. Somewhat because of the values her mother and I have taught her but primarily because she is adopted, herself a survivor of an abortion friendly culture. More in next post.
42. To Esther Part 2
Greg ,   Dallas, USA   (01.16.07)
Continued from preceding post... You reference "choice" in your arguments, when in reality what drives many women to abortion is that they feel they have no other choice. They are often goaded to the abortion by the man who helped cause the problem in the first place. That isn’t choice by any definition. While I agree that sometimes a pregnancy must be ended to save the life of the mother I don’t agree that the child must be killed in the womb to accomplish that. Why not treat them both? Deliver the child prematurely and, given the amazing medical technology available today, she (the child) may be able to survive. Now, I’m not a doctor but I have talked to some who practice this. One of them, a specialist in maternal-Fetal Medicine, can be found here: Esther, I would love to cause you to think deeply about the view you hold. I would love to hear that you have decided to save innocent lives, like the one who’s noble name you bear did. But I am not so prideful to think I have the power over you to “make” you do that. It is your decision and your responsibility before G-d. May you examine all the facts, along with the rhetoric and choose well. Blessings from a pro-life friend.
43. Greg, Maria you views are yours.
Esther ,   Ofarim, Israel   (01.16.07)
In life, not everything is black and white, there are many shades in between. I would like to see better sex education, better access to birth control. I would like to see every baby born healthy, to a healthy mother, into the arms of a loving family. In the case of a baby that's not wanted, I would like to see it adopted by parents who long for a child. However, a woman must have the right of making her own decision. I will not condemn/judge any woman who chooses to terminate her pregnancy. I have worked at a pregnancy crisis center. I have seen what happens to some unwanted pregnancies. The 11 year old that didn't get any pre-natal care because she didn't know what to do. She died in delivery. The 13 year old herpes infected girl that gave birth to twins. They were infected at birth and died. The expectant mothers that used drugs/alcohol during their pregnancies. I won't even go into the horror stories I've seen there. The five middle-school girls that were pregnant by the same boy. None of them were ready to be a mother. None of them had the faintest idea of what it meant to be a mother. They were educated about ALL the options available to them, including the possible harm/consequences an abortion can have on their bodies. Two of them gave their babies for adoption. One chose to parent, with the help of her parents. One miscarried naturally. One had an abortion under the care of a qualified doctor in sanitary, clean conditions. So, all you people who are against abortion, please feel free to carry all your pregnancies to term. But don't be so quick to judge others. I am and will remain pro-choice.
44. #29 - The importance of context
Josh ,   NJ, USA   (01.17.07)
The case referred to in the Torah is not one of deliberate murder: the fetus is not the intended target of the altercation. The Torah makes a heavy distinction between murder and unintentional manslaughter, the latter of which sanctions no punishment. Since the case to which you refer is unintentional, the compensatory punishment prescribed evidences the Torah's regard for fetal life.
45. Esther and Correction
Greg ,   Dallas, USA   (01.17.07)
First a correction to a paragraph from my last post: I take exception to your definition of cruelty. IS IT not cruel to allow someone to do something that you know will inflict pain upon the overwhelming pain they are already experiencing? I have a daughter (20 years old) and I assure you that I do hit my knees and pray G-d will spare her from an unspeakable evil such as rape. But I would not condone the glittering but deceptive evil of abortion to solve the evil visited upon her body already. The transposition of "is" and "it" make all the difference for that point. Esther, both Maria and I have offered counterpoints to your arguments and you have not responded to any of them. Instead we get the same tired and discredited phrase "If you're against abortion, don't have one." It may be your opinion but it does not stand up to reason. In fact, the constant repitition of that platitude suggests you have no reason--just ideology. Do you really care for women as I believed from your previous posts or is that care truly spent on your ideology? It seems that truly caring for a woman would compel one to seek a solution that does not call for the killing of her child. One that recognizes, as you have admitted, that abortion is a tragedy and tries to find an alternative to stop it. Or is it just that the ideology allows you to hide from the tragedies you so eloquently described? After all, there's no need to see an unwanted child, and help find a way to ease her pain, if she's been killed in the womb and discarded in the abortion clinic trash. Please convince me that my earlier assesment of you is the true, Esther.
46. Greg, my opinion is mine,
Esther ,   Ofarim, Israel   (01.17.07)
I have never advocated indiscriminate abortion. *Sufficent sex education *Access to birth control *Assistance and counselling to women who choose to parent *Adoption for those who can't/choose not to parent But women must have the choice. Someone who would deny a rape victim the choice of having an abortion, THAT'S inhumane and cruel in my book. What you think of me, frankly, doesn't interest me. Go preach to someone else.
47. Abortion is not good for the health
Richard ,   New York, USA   (01.17.07)
It will increase the chances of a woman have breast cancer in her lifetime. This is how G-d punishes the woman who would let human life be ripped from her womb.
48. #45 Greg, I fully agree with you.
Maria T ,   BC Canada   (01.17.07)
49. Final Post
Greg ,   Dallas, USA   (01.17.07)
Esther, There's a difference between preaching and debating. In this instance you are the preacher, not me. And what I'm refering to in these posts is not what I think about you as much as what I think about your views. Yes, those are difficult to separate sometimes, but in this case the weight is on your beliefs. However, I believe you do care what I and Maria and others who have argued for life in these posts think. Otherwise you wouldn't be answering everyone. Your inability to articulate an answer to our points however, displays the bankruptcy of the culture-of-death positions you so firmly hold. A lie such as abortion cannot long stand the light of truth. Cling to it if you will, but you will eventually find yourself going down with the ship. Still, despite our vigorous disagreement I do wish you well, Esther. Shalom.
50. To Gregg And Maria
charles ,   petach tikva   (01.17.07)
You talk always about murdering a baby . A phoetus is not a baby . So abortion is not murder it's only abortion . I repeat it no women has abortion for pleasure . It's always caused by big problems , psychological and physical How can a unwanted baby , when born it's a baby , be loved . How can a mother look at a baby who was a result of a rape ? You say both , there is a possibility for adoption , and then ? why has this raped girl to suffer nine months with this bad memory in her ? Not enough she was raped , but nine more months to remind her of this . You look only at the "baby" , the mother is more important . And regarding the problem so , is the only human way . Regarding only the "baby"s side has not much to do with humanity. I'm not talking here of abortion's in a late state of pregnancy , for a minor "fault" on the baby , those cases are not so common .
51. Thanks Charles!
Esther ,   Ofarim, Israel   (01.18.07)
These pro-lifers are too much for me. An unfinished embryo is valued over the life of a woman/mother. There is no mercy or consideration for the victims of the crime of rape, of incest, there is no mercy for a woman's health - nothing. No one is advocating indiscriminately terminating a pregnancy on a whim. I will always support a woman's right to choose what's best for her.
52. To Esther
charles ,   Petach tikva   (01.18.07)
You have not to thank me , i did not want to leave you alone in this discussion , and regarding abortion we share the same humanistic values .
53. Charles-baby or fetus?
Greg ,   Dallas, USA   (01.26.07)
Charles, are you going to play word games with human life in the balance? Fetus is a term describing the developmental stage of a human person in the same sense as the terms infant and toddler and preteen and young adult. Even the leaders of the American abortion industry admit that the fetus is a human child. And in view of television presentations like the National Geographic Channel’s “In The Womb: Multiples” the personhood of the unborn is without question. Here’s what they found: “Using revolutionary 4D scans, we witness unique footage of multiple fetuses interacting with each other before birth: reaching, touching, fighting and even engaging in game-playing that can continue after they are born.” Playing games with each other? They are not a “blobs of tissue” they are “babies” in the womb. Check out the special’s web site here: Let me suggest you employ a more honest argument. “The fetus is a human child but she’s not a person until I say so…and until then I can kill her for convenience sake. She is not, as the American Declaration of Independence says, endowed by her Creator with the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” She cannot claim as King David did: “you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Of course, when you take that path you end up with other societies that have dared to usurp the exclusive right of G-d to declare personhood. You end up with the slaveholders of the American South and with the Nazi’s of Germany. I have just returned from the 2007 March for Life in Washington, D.C. I was witness to the many women who stood before the US Supreme Court and publicly read their emotional stories of regret for allowing an abortionist to kill their child. Their stories demonstrated the fact that abortion hurts women. You cannot kill a mother’s child and leave the mother emotionally unscathed. One of those speaking, an African-American woman, said: “Every aborted baby is like a slave in the womb, in that the mother decides the little one's fate.” She also said the Pro-life movement is the Civil Rights Movement of today. And she should know. Her Father and Uncle were slain for their leadership in the American Civil Rights movement of the ‘60’s. She went to jail for her participation in that cause. Her name is Dr. Alveda King. She is the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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