Opinion  Soapbox
Anti-Semitism and unholy alliance
Charles Asher Small
Published: 21.01.07, 11:19
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31. John 14: end terrorism, reinstate murder of Jews as sin
Aaron   (01.22.07)
Your 99% number sounds like it is well researched and solid. Your view of Judea and Samaria as the "ancestral" home of arabs is also curious... certainly there were plenty of Arabs living there when their armies tried the genocide thing for the second time... At that point the IDF, legitimately for defensive purposes, chose to reclaim the ancestral land of Jews, to provide a buffer against the next genocidal attack. Now "the occupation" provides a convenient excuse for anti-semites, but it is not the cause of anti-semitism. Israel offered 98% to the PA, but they rejected it for another round of glorious killing and dying in the name of Allah. Now they will get less. Certainly "the occupation" appears brutal as it is sold by the media, however Israel has the right to defend itself against terrorist aggression. Got any constructive suggestions besides giving concessions to Islamic terror?
32. To # 30
Sourdough Starter   (01.22.07)
Your yeast is worthless and your bread won't rise.
33. charles, you're still living in a fool's paradise
AK   (01.22.07)
During the 1950's Communist countries chose sides in Arab-Israeli conflict, and their choice was not with the 'leftist' kibbutzim- building Israel; they chose Arabs. After the 60s, the international left (and that includes leftist Jews, even in Israel) followed the communist countries’ lead choosing sides, and ever since they have supported Arabs, demonized Israel and that's a fact. A few Jewish and Israeli leftist are starting now to see the red warning signs, but the damaged has been done -- new generations of young people were indoctrinated, duped and inducted into anti-Israel brigades sporting ‘peace scarves’-- the keffiyas. That's what the left has wrought. Now, is there a time to undo it?
34. Kate, you need to look in the mirror
AK   (01.22.07)
You're being dishonest, even if you're lying mostly to yourself. As to ex President Carter, he ought to know what he is talking about, after all he was the US President who negotiated peace treaties between various Arabs and Israel. Besides, aren’t you bothered when US leftists march around with placards ‘Palestine from the river to the sea”? How about when the European leftists march against Israel next to people with placards “Death to the Jews"?
35. AK #34
Kate ,   Jerusalem   (01.22.07)
If you were to be honest, you would attach Anti-semetism and other forms of racism to the right. The "right" gave to America the Klu Klux Klan, to Europe, Nazi Facism and to Israel a homegrown hatred of all Arabs (regardless of nationality or stand on Israel). In terms of racism, the right has struck out more often than any other political philosophy. Yes, there are crack-pots on the left. There are extremists and fools. As for modern European Anti-semetism - it cross all boundaries - left, right, and center.
36. #28 Caroline
RJ ,   Canada   (01.22.07)
Please don't repeat Canadian colonial history. Learn from us. It takes centuries to TRY to undo the negative effects of colonization and let me add, apartheid. Yes, South Africa came to Canada to learn about our Indian reservations before they established their version of apartheid. So, learn from our mistakes.
37. anti sematisms-gentiles are jealous of jews.
avraham ,   jerusalem   (01.22.07)
they wont admit it. but its true.
38. Re: 37. Anti-Sematism's Gentiles
Rue-Mur ,   USA   (01.22.07)
No, don't imagine they would. But what on Earth can explain the Anti-Semitism Of "jews" toward "Jews"? I guess these are only 'jewish' by blood and not also --if ever they were-- Jewish by faith. But there sure does seem to be more of them than the 'faithful'. Seems it won't be too much longer --regardless of what ever the Arabs and Iranians do-- before there just aren't any Jewish jews on the planet. Seems like a terrible case of mass suicide.
39. Dr.King, ISRAEL/The Left Today
JSS ,   California: USA   (01.22.07)
In 1967 MLK said "If you are anti-ISRAEL, you are an anti-Semite." Leftists in the US are more akin to Muslims then their own antecedents They subscribe to the ABI theory: Anybody But Israel. Our enemies within fuel terror, and will kill us!
40. Anonymous AK
charles ,   petach tikva   (01.22.07)
There are many Europeans who criticise Israel's politics , that's their right , but are not at all antisemites . French President Jacques Chirac , is critical of Israel's politics , but if you heard his speech past week during the commemoration of the French Righteous Among the Nations , you can only say that he is very , very far from being antisemite . If the communists states supported the Arabs against Israel , it had all to do with the cold war . USA supports Israel ? , we'll support the Arabs . And they did not like them at all . But it was "big politics" If the USA is supporting Israel today , it's not that they like us so much . It's their interest too . People give nothing for nothing . Here in Israel , many from the left to the right , from seculars to orthodox , are critical of Israel's politics . In all fields . Are they anti Jews ? are they "self hating Jews" , Antisemites ? of course not . There is a difference between criticising Israel's politics , and denying Israel's right to exist . Those are antisemites , and you will find them anywhere in the political spectrum . Left , centrum , and of course right . Many of them did'nt sometimes even never have met a Jew . They don't like Jews , why ? They don't need a reason , and if they need they will find many [ wrong of course ] I'm not living in a fool's paradise , if you call Israel so . It's not a paradise , and i was asked if i was a fool for making Alyah . So you are maybe half right . PS : for me AK alone , is the same as anonymous , i do not like this .
41. To # 24 RJ of Canada
charles ,   petach tikva   (01.22.07)
Before writing , learn your history . Mossadegh was NOT president of Iran . Iran was ruled by the Shah , was not a republic . And don't you use fuel for your car ? and for the many other things you use every day ? Don't be so unsmart , to stay polite
42. To #4
Walldizo ,   Damas   (01.23.07)
Thats why he was killed.Don't you understand that Israel is becoming the most racist stae ever existed on earth?????
43. Anti-Semitism?????Where.
Walldizo ,   Damas   (01.23.07)
Its shame to publish such a low level article mockring our intelligence.Who would agree to this argument that the "Wall" was only erected to prevent suicide attacks on so called "innocent civilians "when everybody konws that the real purpose was to steal more lands from the Palestinians. This fact was confirmed by the UN Court of Justice,but as usual ,Israel would have nothing to do with such rulings.So pravo mighty Israel, keep lying until you believe yourself.
44. What Anti-Semitic?????
Walldizo ,   Damas   (01.23.07)
If Yale wishes to preserve its name in the academia, it should sack this guy out of its campus.
45. #41 - oops details!
RJ ,   Canada   (01.23.07)
Okay, I'm red-faced. I should be more careful with details. So the CIA (with British help..) engineered the overthrow of PREMIER Mossadeq and a democratically elected government. The coup empowered the Shah and a dictatorship in Iran. Yes, Britain and the USA managed to install a puppet ruler who would NOT nationalize Iranian oil so that the people of Iran might actually benefit from their country's natural resources. Britain manipulated the situation so that the USA saw RED and took action because they feared the spread of communism ( the nationalization of oil by Premier Mossadez was of course the action of a communist), This CIA coup was a success and led to more and more US interference in the governments of other countries, including Canada. I still wonder how different the Middle East would be if the Brits, the French, the Yanks .... the Israelis... .stopped trying to manipulate and control the Middle East -- and all for oil?
46. to RJ
charles ,   petach tikva   (01.23.07)
You wrote ....different the ME ..... the Israelis ....manipulate and control the ME --and that all for oil . Great news you gave : Israel manipulates and control the ME ? Fantastic , but sadly not true . And the French , since end of WWII , do not play an important role here anymore . Regarding USA and Britain in the ME , you are right , regarding oil . But their actions were , in a great part , directed against the Soviet southwards expansion . Remember , cold war !
47. walldizoo of damas
charles ,   petach tikva   (01.23.07)
Are you so brainwashed ? there were no suicide bombers coming anymore from Judea Samaria since the erection of this protection fence . If the "palestinians" want this fence to be demolished , they only have to act against those murderers . Regarding the UN comdemnation , they didnot take in account the protective role of this fence . Do you think we have not better things to do with the very big money this protection fence has costed us ? Israel racist ? Everyone is free as long as you live , or come , here peacefully . Look , if you want , what happens in Yemen . Look what happened in all the arab countries when they expelled their Jewish population . Look how the Israeli Arabs are living here . Look how many Arabs were assassinated by their brothers , even in your so called not racist country .
48. #35 Kate, you are fighting the last war
AK   (01.23.07)
The Right and Left are not espousing now the same positions they did in the past, except for the extremist movements. Yes, the neo-Nazis are anti-Semitic, but don’t you find it ironic that lately they approvingly cite 'progressive' leftists in their materials. David Duke and Chomsky and Carter are on the same page where Jews/Israel are concerned, happily joining PLO, Hamas and Hezbollah and Ahmadinejad. And while KKK is considered, and rightly so, beyond the pale, anti-Semitic, bigoted Leftists are being feted as ‘liberals.’ Please, don't compare Israeli right to KKK or Nazis, since the latter should rightly be compared to PLO, Hamas Hezbollah. Hell, or with official policies in every Muslim country around the world when you speak of racism. Anti-Semitic policies and propaganda in the Arab world and genocidal statements of ‘Palestinians’ don’t raise an eyebrow of the vaulted international Left, which is reflected in the news reports. On the other hand, Israeli Right is being chastised for their mistrust of an Arab fifth column in their midst that openly sides with the enemy. Note that during the last year's war, Arab victims of Hezbollah bombing blamed Israel not Hezbollah for their loses and Arab Knesset members openly espouse sedition and embrace the leaders of the countries Israel is at war with. Yes, the trendy, ‘enlightened’ American youth, the one that would die sooner than be called racists, now believe, like their European counterparts, that the very existence of Israel is racist, and that the poor 'Palestinians' who lynch every Jew they can lay their hands on are just paragons of revolutionary virtue. Accordingly, they are perfectly willing to shout down in a spirit of ‘tolerance and diversity’ eanybody with differing views than their own on about every collage campus. And in their zeal for tolerance and universal brotherhood are increasingly willing to use violence. Violence, intolerance, anti-Semitism, utopian idiocy, those are the credos of today’s Left. Been there, done that, so I know.
49. Anonymous AK
charles ,   petach tikva   (01.23.07)
You were there , so you know . Well let me tell you that your knowledge =zero . If you were there you could hear what they tell . The left is more anti American , anti globalisation , anti colonialism , anti Irak war . Israel , for them is associated with the USA , and therefore also hated . You may discuss Israeli politics , it is done very much here too . And that is not antisemitism . Antisemitism is when you deny Israel's right to exist . And world 's left , generally , don't do this . And anonymous , you are right not to give your name nor your city , when writing such stupidity you can be ashamed .
50. # 46 Charles
RJ ,   Canada   (01.24.07)
War needs a lot of oil -- all those tanks and planes and ships use a LOT of oil! So if the USA and Israel concocted the need to attack Iraq to protect Israel from existing or soon to exist Iraqi WMD and ALSO to get at a good source of oil, then, yes, Israel has joined the Yanks (and Brits) in TRYING to control the ME. And NOW rumour has it that there are Israeli-US plans to attack Iran. A nuclear holocaust in the making?
51. #49 AK is no more anonymous than charles is
AK   (01.24.07)
And yes, curently the Left is denying Israel's right to exist. You must have failed to listen to the speaches and read the articles: "the creation of Israel was a historical mistake" has been often stated by Tony Judt (a Jew), Hitchens (half Jew who is willing to fight for the right of Kurds to a country, but never the Jews), Red Ken Livingstone of Britain, Chomsky, Stanley Cohen, ... the list is far too long. Just look at the photos from the leftist anti-war demonstrations and read the messages: Palestine from the River to the Sea' If that is not a denial Israel's right to exist, don't know what is. You see charles, you have no facts at your disposal so you think that insulting me will score you points. It won't.
52. AK , the anonymous
charles ,   petach tikva   (01.24.07)
You are invited to visit me in my town , so you can see by yourself . That the left is against Israel politics , do not say they are antisemites . Some are of course . As i wrote it already , here in Israel there are also many who oppose Israeli politics . And from all sides . Sometimes the right , the left , seculars or religious , and they are not antisemite neither . I know , i have not to read there books , that some want a "palestinian" state from the Jordan to the sea . I would like to have a State for the Jews , also beginning at the sea and going to the Jordan river . This do not makes an Arab hater from me .
53. #24 Random
Mark ,   Ny, Ny   (01.24.07)
I agree wit U RJ. But this is reality (LIFE) where the strong over powers the weak. Its a never ending cycle... The article is CRAZY... So Rightist U really think have ur best interest at heart.... MONEY THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL.... And r u kidding me, using Kings name next to the state of israel is CRAZY.... NONVIOLENCE. Nothing non voilent about israels approach to outcries from its fellow neighbor....
54. #24
T.A. ,   Berlin   (01.25.07)
When RJ refers to "the apartheid conditions in Palestine," does he/she mean mistreatment of non-Muslims in Gaza and the West Bank? Surely, the State of Israel has problems, and must radically improve its relations with Palestinians and Palestine. But in Israel, opponents sit in the parliament together, and the state is home to Jews, Muslims and Christians. Such is not the case in too many places in the Middle East.
55. #54
RJ ,   Canada   (01.25.07)
Jewish only roads and the "apartheid wall" create barriers which separate Palestinians from their families, friends, work, property, schools, medical treatment, in effect, strangling them in their daily lives. Then there are the checkpoints and ID cards and permits. There are many descriptions of the apartheid conditions in the treatment of the Palestinians in the Palestinian Territories on the internet.
56. The 'Left' and anti-semitism
Liam Hogan ,   London U.K.   (01.25.07)
Windbag George Galloway won his seat in Parliament with less than 1% of the vote. His largely white working-class and moslem/Bangladeshi constituents had previously given their votes to a mixed-race, Jewish supporter of the Irag war. She was one of Britain's finest, true 'leftwing' representatives in Parliament. The other British 'Left', SWP/Respect, Communists, SNP et al, like most political animals, twists and turns itself inside out according to whatever is in fashion at the time. It supported (mostly) the indescriminate bombing of Serbia by the USA and later Nato in 1999. It riles against Israel over what it sees as the occupation of 'Palestinian' land in Eastern Israel. It doesn't concern itself with Islamic genocide in Sudan, Indonesia, Kashmir, The Philippines, Thailand, Nigeria etc., neither with starvation of children and nuclear proliferation in North Korea and Iran. However, Israeli actions to defend itself from Hezbollah and Hamas terrorism and, a supposed, Israeli nuclear arsenal of 700 warheads (!) cause s uproar and bile. Arab fratricide in Iraq, Gaza and Lebanon raises a sympathetic eyebrow but is, of course, blamed on 'George Bush. Russia's economic resurgence and War in Chechnia against Islamic 'nationalism' is the result of 'free marketism and capitalism gone mad'. And China's human rights and environmental abuses seem to go unnoticed, at least as far as demonstrations are concerned. The poor American Embassy is awash with one 'left-wing' group after another venting it's spleen towards America while Islamofascism, Hugochavezism and assorted Leftwing-military-Arab/nationalist-anti-colonialistic abuse of all colours escapes even a whimper of protest. Any wonder the West is waking up, albeit slowly, to the comradeship of Leftist /Muslim hypocrisy. Gladly some of us, even in Britain, are able to see through the media's distorted bias and bamboozling. It's just a matter of time before we all wake up properly and stop the rot. Shalom Israel.
57. #24
T. Axelrod ,   Berlin   (01.27.07)
You are absolutely right, the treatment of people at borders and the separation of loved ones is a tremendous injustice and must be fought. BUT apartheid was the separation of black Africans within South Africa. It is a different phenomenon from checkpoints between two countries. Mixing up the two only dilutes the impact of your statement, because Arabs DO have the right to vote, to sit in the Knesset, etc, in Israel. Jews do not, however, in Palestine, as far as I know. Why not look at all the problems, on both sides?
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