Israel faces nuclear Holocaust warns Gingrich
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 23.01.07, 19:51
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61. Gingrich & Romney
Charles Stone ,   Signal Mountain, TN   (01.24.07)
At least we have two politicians in this country who are beginning to get it right about the threat we face. The jjhadists don't understand anything but force and will continue to drive forward until we stop them with force. If you doubt this please do yourself the favor of reading an unbiased book or two on the origins and objectives of the religeous beliefs of the jihadists. If, afterwards, you can be dovish on the subject then by all means tell us why Gingrich and Romney are wrong.
62. iran
a different tim ,   louisiana, usa   (01.24.07)
dear #55, it will only take one nuke attack to on the usa to make you fools change your minds
63. What! Propoganda you say?
Matt   (01.24.07)
How can you not listen to this? We were hit once. Propoganda? We have already been hit!!!! I dare anyone to explicitely refute anything in this article. BE SPECIFIC. GIVE ME A LINE THAT IS PROPOGANDA.
64. What?
Steve ,   USA   (01.24.07)
For all of you who think Newt is spreading propaganda, or that is exxagerating this threat...How do you explain the comments of the LEADER of Iran? People come on. I know you are all very comfortable and don't want to have to deal with any of this but you will eventually, sooner or later.
65. Gingrich&Romney
bob ,   willimantic USA   (01.24.07)
These guys are just doomfreaks trying to earn points (and $$) with potential Jewish donors in the US for their presidential runs in '08. Cassandras both. Nobody takes them seriously here.
Jerry Kaye ,   New Jersey JEW   (01.24.07)
"More scare tactics by the Christian Right. These people make me sick. " Wasnt 9/11 a scare tactic you moronic left winger
67. Israel faces nuclear Holocaust warns Gingrich
aneup ,   Atlanta,GA   (01.24.07)
Wake up America! Newt for prez-2008
68. Ridiculous
Michael Stein ,   Orlando,FL   (01.24.07)
If San Francisco was destroyed it might ease all our problems, domestically and internationally.
69. i expect to hear one day israel is gone-
debra ,   usa   (01.24.07)
that it has been bombed by the iranian hitler and his nukes. i wake up everyday and pray that israel is still here. but i know one day if israel or the usa do not NOW BOMB the iranian nuke facilities, israel will be gone.
Chris ,   USA   (01.24.07)
The lack of concern over the threat Islam poses and the misinformation in the media about Islam is the virtual equivalent of the "Big Lie" rearing it's head. Islam has a manifest destiny that resorts to violence rather than friendly persuasion. No doubt there are peaceful Muslims who do not condone violence. They are "cafeteria" Muslims so to speak. However, orthodox Islam encourages martyrdom and condones deceiving the infidel. How else does one explain offering your child up to strap on explosives? There is a race within Islam to detonate a nuclear weapon within the USA. We either act soon or it's only a matter of time. I wonder if Russia or China has a covert hand in aiding Islamists as a way of hurting us as it is hard to strike back if you don't have a known target. It's amazing how the history of the world revolves around the little nation of Israel. Proof in and of itself that God is at work. Nothing short of Jesus returning will restore peace. Anyone can distort or twist religion for evil. Some facts remains remarkably constant however- Jesus, a Jew, lived, healed the sick, said to love our enemies, fed the poor, and died a brutal death for our sins, was witnessed to be alive after His burial and said He would come again. He never killed anyone or enouraged jihad. He claimed to be One with the Father and knew we could never be good enough to merit heaven or evil enough to be beyond forgiveness. Recognizing this, He paid the price and all He asks is that we trust Him. Time is running out.
71. Hey Bob...
Steve ,   USA   (01.24.07)
You don't actually believe what you say, do you? When the leader of Iran tells you that he wants to wipe Israel off the map, and the it and the USA will be destroyed, and has stated that his country will pursue nuclear technology, and is funding insurgents in Iraq, and and and...what do you think?
72. Methuen, #38
Ranger ,   Dallas   (01.24.07)
Gee Methuen, where do you live? Wanna give out your address? Maybe then the terrorists would have a straight shot at your house. You see, they don't care if you side with them, the important thing here is that you are AMERICAN and they want to kill you, no matter how kissass you are. Better get a clue. One more thing, just like every man and his dog now can get a nuclear bomb, every country and its internet has an idiot--that would be you, Methuen.
73. Re: Slow Learners
John ,   Chicago   (01.24.07)
Nope. They won't wake up even after that. They'll just blame Bush or the next (Republican) president. Liberalism is a disease of the mind. But it can be cured. I'm living proof.
74. sad state of affairs
Jason ,   Forest Hill, MD   (01.24.07)
Ingrid, do yourself and all of humanity a favor, and read "dark continent" by mark mazower. It will layout the history behind what is going on right now. World Wars have started on the same premise, and with less drastic actions. The idea of a nuclear nation (2-5 years) with a radical and racially biased leader, is something we cannot bear to imagine or let happen. I do not advocate full force assault, but something HAS to be done about this and the proliferation of nuclear materials after the fall of the USSR.
75. Wake up America! Newt for prez-2008
aneup ,   Atlanta US   (01.24.07)
76. NEWT for President 2008!!!!!!!!!!!
Jackie Barnes ,   warner robins USA   (01.24.07)
PLEASE run for President!!! You are the only one who tells it like it is
77. Be Prepared
Brad ,   Macon, GA - USA   (01.24.07)
First, I believe Newt will run for President and make this his #1 issue. Expect Katie Couric and all the rest to bash him with "paranoia" type of insults. It is up to us to refute what the main stream media says about Newt at that time. Convince your friends that allow themselves to be swayed by the "main stream media" that they are being mis-led. We need a grassroots network to offset the hold the left has on the major networks. Thank God for talk radio and Cable TV (i.e. Fox News). I would also encourage everyone to go out and buy a gun. If the crap does hit the fan, the good people of this country will need to be able to defend themselves and their family.
78. Ref: To all Geopolitical Simpletons
Hughie ,   Phoenix, Arizona, US   (01.24.07)
Vit, at the expense of sounding like a simpleton, I must disagree with one of your points. In point 6 you wrote: "There will be no ground invasion. There will not be a need for a ground invasion." You are wrong, as many others who put forth the same arm chairing strategy. You are addressing a military plan, the 'Tom Clancy' side of the debate. Don't lose sight of America's humanitarian goal for the region. Whenever our representatives in government speak of the evil governments within the Middle East they always add the requisite disclaimer that it is NOT the citizens but the despotic leaders that must be dealt with, along with their nuclear programs. Having stated this, the United States would NEVER do a search and destroy attack on nuclear storage or weapons sites without going into the country to verify, clean up and contain the nuclear waste. True, we don't care about the leadership or their military but we gain nothing if after the attacks pictures of radiated and dying children are pictured on the front page of the New York Times. "Horrifying !" some would say, "The great US of A bombed Iran's nuclear facilities and look what we have! What did they think would happen to these innocent people when they decided to blow up nuclear."facilities ? " So, the United States will have to invest, without ANY contributions from any other country, billions of dollars for who knows how long to collect, contain, fund civilian health care, rebuild civilian areas ( for who knows where these sites are scattered ? ) and, the biggest expenditure of all: Building a new and improved Iran. A new democratized Iran for the people to live in freedom and to choose their own blah blah blah... Sorry, Vit, you need to pencil this one out to include what will be done in the post attack and destruction phase. You know, like the way our government here in America did NOT do in Iraq.
79. Right Wing Propoganda?
RDW ,   Atlanta USA   (01.24.07)
Are you not hearing what is being said? Go to:,7340,L-3356154,00.html
80. Right wing
John Doe ,   milwalke WI   (01.24.07)
THese are not scare tactics. Please read what the president of Iran writes and says in public. Please explain how he is lying or speaking in hyperbole.
81. Hello #17
dotmil ,   RichmondVA   (01.24.07)
Somebody's done their homework.
82. The mideast situation
Robert Moore ,   Canton, NC, USA   (01.24.07)
Why would anyone suppose that the United States will take action before it is too late? We are a society of takers, bent only on receiving ever increasing government largess, and ruled by a class of self serving political hacks who are only too willing to squander our future for the sake of keeping themselves in office. We are under attack on two fronts. The first is from Islam, and never mind the "religion of peace" hogwash. The plain statements of Islamic leaders include direct promisses of the destruction of both the U.S. and Israel. And what do we do? Why, talk tall of course with no intention of actually taking on the problem head on. We will have peace when our enemies are defeated. Completely and utterly defeated. And that means to the last man if necessary. The second threat is the plain clothes invasion across our Southern border. There is plenty of lip service paid to that problem, but the President and the Congress have no interest in actually fixing the problem. The Right is in bed with big business that wants cheap labor, and the Left (along with the Right) is willing to sacrifice America for votes. It is enough to gag a maggot.
83. Left Wing idiot #2
JB ,   Huntsville, AL   (01.24.07)
Ok, we all know the Persian people are not all a threat. Most of them like the USA and don't want Israel wiped off the map, but anyone who reads the news, even the blatantly liberal news, will see the government of Iran repeatedly stating that the US and Israel should be wiped off the map. You don't like the right wing, ok. Don't listen to them. Just don't ignore the contant threats coming from the mouths of the leaders of Iran. Don't let your disgust of America delude your mind.
84. propaganda
David Coffin ,   ecans,USA   (01.24.07)
Iran is 8-10 years from a simple fission atomic weapon of low yield. Big deal. One COUNTY in the US state of georgia has over 1400 Hydrogen Bombs (explosive yield much more powerful than a fisson weapon) with the ability to deliver some of them worldwide within a few feet of the target. The disparity in Power between the US and Israel and Iran is ridiculous. The Israelis are so up in arms over Iran getting a bomb because Israel would not have the only monoply over nuclear power in the Middle East. Any Iranian atomic bomb would only limit Israel's Freedom of action to be a mideast bully. The Iranian President will not be around in 8 years anyhow and has no power over the Revoulationary Guards who would control any Iranian Bombs. This is all silly propaganda that will, if it leads to a attack on Iran, cripple the US economy and kill tens of thousands of US citizens in Iraq. Any US citizen who would goad israel into attacking Iran when the ramifications to the US would be so severe is a disgrace.
Anon ,   US   (01.24.07)
This is not new. Read the Bible. My thought sare that Islam will try to force sharia laws and "force" people to convert. Just wait, they are already forcing it to happen in their own countries and have vocally said they plan on doing it abroad. It IS their intentions. Christianity is a choice. Either way, when 3/4 of the Bible if not more which was prophecy already happened, wouldn't it be interesting to know what is to come? FYI This situation(S) has nothing to do about Right Wing Christians. It has to do with religion and End Times prophecyI don't see people like Ingrid lining up to defend her beliefs or others for that matter. Talk about NARROW-MINDED liberals! Let's put some reality check into perspective!~ This started WAY LONG ago.........
86. Ref: To all Geopolitical Simpletons
Hughie ,   Phoenix, Arizona, US   (01.24.07)
Vit, at the expense of sounding like a simpleton, I must disagree with one of your points. In point 6 you wrote: "There will be no ground invasion. There will not be a need for a ground invasion." You are wrong, as many others who put forth the same arm chairing strategy. You are addressing a military plan, the 'Tom Clancy' side of the debate. Don't lose sight of America's humanitarian goal for the region. Whenever our representatives in government speak of the evil governments within the Middle East they always add the requisite disclaimer that it is NOT the citizens but the despotic leaders that must be dealt with, along with their nuclear programs. Having stated this, the United States would NEVER do a search and destroy attack on nuclear storage or weapons sites without going into the country to verify, clean up and contain the nuclear waste. True, we don't care about the leadership or their military but we gain nothing if after the attacks pictures of radiated and dying children are pictured on the front page of the New York Times. "Horrifying !" some would say, "The great US of A bombed Iran's nuclear facilities and look what we have! What did they think would happen to these innocent people when they decided to blow up nuclear."facilities ? " So, the United States will have to invest, without ANY contributions from any other country, billions of dollars for who knows how long to collect, contain, fund civilian health care, rebuild civilian areas ( for who knows where these sites are scattered ? ) and, the biggest expenditure of all: Building a new and improved Iran. A new democratized Iran for the people to live in freedom and to choose their own blah blah blah... Sorry, Vit, you need to pencil this one out to include what will be done in the post attack and destruction phase. You know, like the way our government here in America did NOT do in Iraq.
87. Diplomacy
Peter ,   Oneida, NY, USA   (01.24.07)
Diplomacy is wonderful when there are at least two parties who want to talk and find a common ground. Diplomacy does not work when at least one party has no interest in finding a middle ground, compromising or the survival of the other parties. Diplomacy and war are intertwined. On occasion diplomacy is engaged in because the cost of war is too high, but it still requires two or more parties who are willing to negotiate to a middle ground. The current national leadership in Iran is talking about the destruction of Israel and the United States, which I do not think anyone thinks is an acceptable middle ground other than the Islamic fundamendalists who want the whole world to live under Sharia.
88. Right wing propoganda?
Blue ,   Tucson, Az, USA   (01.24.07)
Of course it's not the Persians who are the threat. It's their government, which they could use help in overthrowing.
89. "right wing propaganda" ???
pm   (01.24.07)
We kanow that Sadam has stored secret supplies of WMDs thru out his country." Al Gore Sept 02 "Iraq is a long way from here,but what happens there matters a great deal. The risk that the leaders of a rouge state will use WMDs against us or our allies is the greatest security threat we face today." Madeline Albright Feb 98
90. #31
John ,   Kirkland USA   (01.24.07)
Have YOU ever picked up a KORAN??? You should. It teaches the destruction and enslavement of ALL infedels. But dont take my word for it pick it up yourself. But something tells me you insist on being ignorant.
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