Irving denies gas chambers existed at Auschwitz
Associated Press
Published: 25.01.07, 01:07
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61. RE: Intolerance Laws
Mike ,   La Verne   (01.26.07)
Yes, the laws says that if you deny the Holocaust then you are guilty. If you have facts that go against the Law, your facts are not facts. Any evidence you have is false evidence. If you say, "But I am telling the truth and surely the Law does not require one to denounce what one believes backed by evidence." Your evidence is not real, it is a figment of your imagination. You cannot bring any of your evidence to defend yourself. No matter what you believe and no matter what your evidence, the Law says you are violating the only evidence there is; the Law. The evidence and the Law are the same. If you separate the Law from the evidence then you have committed a crime. If you commit the crime then you go to jail. And you will stay there until you realize that the Law and the evidence are the same. The only evidence is did you violate the Law? I asked you how many fingers do I have showing? Whatever the LAw says.
62. 1984
Mike ,   La Verne, USA   (01.26.07)
How many finger do I have showing? The LAW says that I have 4 fingers showing. But I only see 3. You have violated the LAW and must go to jail until you see 4 as the LAW says. I see only 3: The Holocaust did not happen the way history has recorded it. When you are cured of your delusions then you will see 4: The Holocaust happened exactly as the LAW says it happened. How many fingers do I have showing?
63. Anti-semitic
Mike ,   La Verne, USA   (01.26.07)
How many fingers do I have showing? The Jews were victims of the Holacaust. Israel is full of Jews. Speaking badly about Jews means you are an anti-semite. If you deny the Holocaust you are anti-semitic. If you are intolerant of Isreal's views and actions then you are a holocaust denier. Whatever Jews are ok becasue they are the victims of the Holocaust. If you say the Isrealis are conducting a Holocaust of their own on the Palestinians then you are denying the Holocaust. Jews cannot conduct a Holocaust becasue they are the victims of a Holocaust. Israel and Jews are one and the same. How many fingers am I showing?
64.  RE: No gas chambers...
Mike ,   La Verne, USA   (01.26.07)
Irving should be entoumbed right along with the persons that said the following things that went against the LAW: The earth is not the center of the universe. Germs cause illness. How many fingers do I have showing? Whatever the LAW says are showing.
65. to 52
I thought you will not waste your time again with me ... but you see you couldn't because i touch you always in your weake points and i will be always behind such issue ... i want to inform you too that in all the arab countries which it seams you have no idea about them they have laws too for those who violating by words or drwaing any relegion or anyholly persons not only in Islam but in Christianity and Judism too because such actoins hurts the feelings of huge amount of people , the history can be faked and can be repared with time and new facts can be always found but you put your Holocaust over all of this whenever it is part of the history which could be right or could be changed and history should be always open for dicussion even relegions could be discussed but we don't send someone to jail because he say his opinion in an issue in the history ... and still my opinion is all issues should open for dicussion politely and with fully respect without violence without prisons like this the whole world could get near to eachother .... but hear again i mean all issues .... what you don't understand that i am against any violence as a reaction of speaking ... what you would say if the two journalists who published the Jokes about Prophet Mohamed have been send to jail in one of the arab countries under the violation of relegion or holly people and it will be legal because they have a law for this ... would you defend puting them in prison or you would accuse the Arabs with dictatorism and they are uncevilised people ? not all laws are serving the democracy .
66. To ALL wanting to give him a platform for "debate"
Jack Klaber ,   R. Hasharon, Israel   (01.26.07)
I don't think we should play his hand and of those cohorts by providing them a platform from which they can shout those things. That is exactly how it works. Repeat, repeat and if you manage to reach enough ears, you will succeed in planting the seed of your plans. In this case, denial of the Holocaust. After that you can "happily" continue with Jew bashing, pogroms and anti antisemitism in general, followed by other antisocial and fascistic behavior to prepare for the 4th Reich and another 1000 years......
67. Comment to #7
christopher campbell ,   Tennessee, USA   (01.26.07)
Sadly, you are correct in your overall assessment. I believe that support is waning for Israel in the US. But rest assured, that trend does not reflect the attitude of everyone here. The left has frim control over most media outlets and most americans follow the ridiculous suppostions of the media without question. Those of us with independent thought believe in Israel's sovreignity. God help all of us as the liberal left in america deludes the people. That alone will surely lead to destruction of Democracy for freedom loving people both in America and Israel.
68. USA is Eurorope of the 30's
Larry A. Williams ,   Cedar Rapids, IA USA   (01.27.07)
Sadly, America is displaying many of the same symptoms of the rot that infected Europe in the 1930's: the denial of the monster in our midst (Ahmadinejad as opposed to Hitler, ) the necessity for total commitment to this war (terror this time, ) and most tragically, a growing anti-semitism. I never thought I'd live to see the day this would happen, I never wanted to live so long; but as the Scriptures foreworn us, this will be the state of the entire world as we approach closer to Messianic times. Many do not believe this. That's OK, your loss, I wish it weren't so, but if you are going to ignore the facts and the Word, no one will force you. The reason the USA will eventually turn its back on Israel is because the USA has lost its greatness. The reason it has lost its greatness is because it has lost its faith in the One true God (I am NOT speaking of allah), and his Son Jesus Christ. I don't believe in what I'm talking about, I KNOW what I'm talking about. I love Israel, and will someday be forced to side with her people over my own. Sad, but true. Yes I'm a gentile nevertheless, next year in Jerusalem...........
69. Auschwitz
Heather ,   Arkansas   (01.29.07)
Ahmadinejad aliasa ah, mad I nejah, really could use a guy like Irving! But is there really a guy named oovering?
70. To #65 keep trying and maybe you'll get it someday
Hi #65 thanks ,   for trying again   (02.02.07)
Cartoonists cannot be jailed for expressing their right to free speech because their drawings are just an OPINION. Writing a "history" book denying the Holocaust to press a political agenda is NOT an example of protected free speech because it attempts to change FACTS. OPINIONS are one thing, and FACTS quite another. Anyone is allowed to express his opinion, but any "historian" (like Irving) who misrepresents FACTS in order to put forth an OPINION is just a plain old liar and needs to be publicly discredited. I am sure many nations in Europe have laws against Holocaust denial in order to discourage others from misrepresting facts with opinions in case God forbid another Holocaust should be perpetrated. If you lived in a democracy and not a theocracy you would understand about freedom of speech. I hope someday you will learn about the true meaning of freedom of speech. The truth may set you free.
71. Shame we cant raise the dead to tesify!
Nora ,   Israel   (02.15.07)
72. Just one thing....
I'm no expert, but one thing bothers me: If it's true, then why is it not okay to discuss it? Why is it illegal? We can discuss the Holodmor (Ukrainian genocide), question the veracity of some claims, revise death estimates. The same with the Armenian genocide, Rwandan genocide, everything is open for discussion except the Holocaust. Why? If we're so certain that it's true, why are we afraid of a honest academic discussion? Are we afraid that talking about it openly will cause it to happen again? Isn't SUPPRESSING free speech and treating dissent like heresy more likely to cause backlash than the odd misguided historian? Jews have been on the receiving end of a lot of anger and I don't think we've ever honestly asked why. This might be one of those moments where we should take pause.
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