Palestinian children encouraged to go to jail
Ali Waked
Published: 26.01.07, 16:49
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34 Talkbacks for this article
31. SEPARATION NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name ,   Israel   (01.27.07)
32. Gilad Shalit is kept God knows where, who knows whether aliv
shameful society ,   obsessed with pride   (01.27.07)
Gilad Shalit is kept God knows where, no guarantee for any human form of his imprisonment, just like those two other boys in Lebanon (or Syria), God knows whether dead or alive. And Palestinian prisoners and not just Palestinian kids who wanted to be imprisoned knowing the conditions of the Israeli prison, but also those who attempted to kill us, and those who have killed us. Those who have destroyed entire families, sometimes by taking their parents or loved ones, and sometimes by literally wiping the whole family off of the face of the earth, are completing their education and taking their Bagrut exams at the expense of our tax money, the same people they aimed to kill. They have televisions in their rooms, they have visitations, they can cook for themselves in their own kitchens and the prison supplies them with groceries of their request. The Israeli society is more trusted by the Palestinian parents to show their children some chance to be children and to learn and grow up even at its prisons, than they do the Palestinian society who betrays them over and over again with every speech by Haneya telling them they should be willing to live on olives and bread until they wipe Israel out. With every speech Arafat had made clarifying there won't be any "fruits of peace" they'd heard about in White House speeches until Israel is destroyed. With every tutorial book and school lesson and TV show making it clear they shouldn't hope to be engineers, or agricultural engineers or Doctors or Professors, or business men, all building their own state, all flourishing along with their reborn society. NO. That's not the job the Palestinian authority has for them. They have a different job. They serve their society much better having their picture taken in global news getting hurt by Israeli soldiers (if confronting them and throwing blocks on their heads doesn't do it they should fake it). They serve their society much better getting in to their death counts of the Aggressive Zionist Regime. They serve the promoting of their revival if they please Allah by committing suicide. And anyway, even if they don't want to their leaders will make sure they have nothing to look forward to here on earth any way. Just like Arafat had so skillful kept Billions of dollars from ever reaching their class rooms or replacing even one refugee camp with built houses. And they talk about pride. People who have no shame, and think speak about defending their pride. Such a bed joke.
33. 'palestinians' asking for asylum
Chaya ,   Bat Yam, Israel   (01.27.07)
My husband heard on tv tonight that 'palestinians' are asking for asylum - in Israel!!
gabriela ben ari ,   jerusalem   (01.28.07)
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