Gaza clashes: Hamas destroys Fatah security headquarters
Ali Waked
Published: 03.02.07, 14:51
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49 Talkbacks for this article
31. historical analogies: French revolution
alan ,   frisco   (02.03.07)
the Reign of Terror in France 1790s followed the overthrow of the ancient regime. Today in both bagdad and gaza city a similar dynamic has taken hold and will not end until a Napolean consolidates power and then marches on Mecca.
32. DAN NO. 29
j.s. ,   uk   (02.03.07)
You probably said it mockingly but rest assured it will come to that and not only pres. Abbass but the Jordanian and Saudis too will need Israel's help sooner than later.
33. Some Gazans are asking for refuge in Israel!
Chaya ,   Bat Yam, Israel   (02.03.07)
34. Why is it OK
Tracy W   (02.03.07)
for everyone to pressure Israel to make concessions, give up land, put up with daily aggression without retaliation, open up roadblocks, while nobody asks ANYTHING at all from the countries that lost the war, such as Jordan and Egypt? Why are they treated with such consideration? Why are they allowed to close their borders to Palestinian immigrants? Why does the West accepts Arab immigrants and students knowing that their countries of origins refuse to take in the Palestinians? I know it would not be an ideal situation for Jordan or Egypt to take in the Palestinians, but why not demand that they do their part in helping them at a time like this? For the West to insist on setting them up with a country of their own right now is totally irresponsible.
35. Wanna Make Some Big Gelt?
Jewish Jake ,   Lake Monroe   (02.03.07)
Open a funeral parlor in Gaza.
36. responds to #28
jc ,   usa   (02.03.07)
Look, nothing could be further from the truth. Unfortunately my govenment has had for about the last 25 years thought that a 2 state solution is the right solution. I happen to totally disagree with that. That said, the palestinians are a product of thier own making. There are lot's of other place in the middle east they could live. However, they have chosen to stay in a land which is not theirs, and they believe that Jerusalem is their capital. And they are wrong on both counts. Instead of choosing to make something of their lives, they have chosen to becomes victims by joining up with terrorist leaders who have millions upon millions of dollars that they absolutely refuse to give to their followers. It's the blind leading the blind and they both fall in the ditch together. They will never become a 2 state. Why? It's not their land and it's time someone kicked them out. In the mean time i they choose to kill each other, than so be it and as they say "Let allah be praised".
37. to Kurt #26
Joe ,   usa   (02.03.07)
Huh? WHo is "bed"?
38. to #35
Mike ,   Atlanta, USA   (02.03.07)
Right on. And take out a fire insurance policy too. Jewish lightning will strike soon after, but we can blame Hamas!
39. #36 - JC - US intentions
Tess H   (02.03.07)
Maybe in the past the US believed that the two-state solution was feasible. (Just like they believed the Iraqis would embrace democracy.) But the fact is that the Palestinians have never shown readiness to rule themselves. Now what makes everyone shake their heads is to watch the Quartet continue with this fantasy of the Roadmap in the face of the carnage that goes on in Gaza. To insist in it looks like madness. But the Quarted is not mad. Condi and Bush have had past financial links with the Arabs and Europe is part Arab now. So one has to wonder what's behind their plan. One more thing: Other Arab countries do not allow Palestinians to settle there. Many were expelled from Jordan once before. Recently Iraq chased out a large number of them too. I'm sure Palestinians would much rather live elsewhere, but they are not allowed. The Arabs have trapped them there to use them for the specific purpose of destroying Israel. That's all. In spite of their words, they don't like Palestinians any more than anyone else. If only other Arab countries were to take them in ... But that's not what's on Condi's mind, unfortunately.
40. #3-spare us, Kurt
Cameron   (02.03.07)
You sound like the epitome of the weak, whining Progressives that are burying Europe alive under decadence and decay.
41. Responds to # 39
JC ,   usa   (02.03.07)
To say that the 2 state solution is Bush's and Condi's doing is totally inacurate. Clinton and Ehud Barak came darn close in handing GREAT portions of the land to that terrorist arafat I'm talking the whole West Bank. Yitzak Rabin lost his life for ALMOST signing up with the palestinians. George H Bush and the anti-semite James Baker were trying to put great hardship on Israel when they were going to give them money when the Russian Jews came home. Ariel Sharon now lies in a coma whilet throwing Jews out of the land and letting palestinians in, who are now on a continuous basis lobbing kassams into Israel. Even Al-Jimmil Carter brokered a deal between Begin and Saddat. However, that deal was not for the right for Israel to exist, that was for the right for Egypt to exist. None of these peace deals and accords have ever come to fruition and they never will. Why? The book of Isaiah tells us why. The problem today is that folks are getting tired of the same worn out tactis that just aren't working. The Arab world must shoulder much of the blame as well for they are hypocrites in telling the world that a muslim will come to the aid of his brother. NOTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
42. #26 "bed"="Beet" oder "bose?"
USA   (02.03.07)
I don't understand what "bed" means. (Ich verstehe das nicht.)
43. Bad = not good
Kurt ,   Germany   (02.03.07)
44. #41 - JC - The Quartet's real intentions
Tess H   (02.03.07)
JC, that's what I said: that in the PAST the US believed in the two-state solution. But today? I don't think so. So why are they and the Quartet pushing for it so relentlessly? What are the Real intentions behind pushing for a two-state solution NOW, when it's evident that those people can't have a single day of peace amongst themselves. WHY are they doing it? Who is to benefit from it? Not Israel. Not the Palestinians themselves. How about those that hate the idea that Jews managed to get their own country? Palestine is the perfect solution to get rid of Israel. They have already taken so much land, that was historically Jewish, away from Israel. Now they want the rest of it to be taken away too. I agree with you, the Palestinians have never really wanted a country side by side with Israel. They want all of Israel. And I agree that the rest of the Arab world must shoulder the blame. They should now stop talking and start acting and helping their brothers. Jordan and Egypt need to take care of the Palestinians. Why doesn't the US put pressure on them to do so? It never has any problem pushing Israel around. So JC, we agree on almost everything, except that you don't think that there is an insidious secret plan in the minds of those State Department folks and their friends. I do. Nothing else would explain why an intelligent woman such as Condi continues to speak in favor of the Roadmap while Gaza burns.
45. Response to Kurt: Who exactly is "bad?"
USA   (02.03.07)
If Hamas and Fatah kidnap and assassinate each other, how does that make them good? Do you mean it is Israel that is bad? Israel did not make these Arabs kill each other and innocent palestinian civilians. This is a power struggle between the Arabs, who cannot agree on who should have the power in their government. The EU does not support terrorists like Hamas. Terrorists like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al-Aqsa Brigades are the ones who are BAD.
46. Maybe another ceasefire will help? ...No? Well worth a try
RA   (02.04.07)
47. #33 - Chaya, can you elaborate?
Terry H ,   USA   (02.04.07)
48. Simple, logical solution
Roscio ,   Rome, Italy   (02.04.07)
Admit that the so-called Road Map and the 2-State Solutions are both based on an illusion, that the "Palestinians" actually wanted a civilized country to live in peace next to the Jewish State. Instead of any more wasted time, energy and lives, let the UN, EU, etc. bring pressure to bear on Egypt and Jordan to bring their disarmed Moslem brethren into their borders and resettle them there. The Christian Arabs will be quite happy to co-exist with Israel, they would be doing it for the last 40 years if the Moslems had only let them.
49. Looking to hire: Sadam Hussein
Jonathan ,   NY, USA   (02.04.07)
If we find someone with the qualities of Sadam Husein, all the PALs would unit around him for fear that he would wipe out an entire village, family, friends and neighbors. He would then have the power to conduct peace talks with Israel. My opinion, forget about democracy. Democracy works with only civilized people!!
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