Baby seriously injured in circumcision
Meital Yasur-Beit Or
Published: 04.02.07, 23:54
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105 Talkbacks for this article
61. #29.
M ,   USA   (02.05.07)
you said: "Lastly, for those who insist on allowing "the boy to decide when he comes of age"... adult circumcision is a hudred times worse than having it done as an infant... the first day or two, every erection reopens the wound, increasing the chance for infection and causing excruciating pain... THAT, to my mind, is more inhumane than circumcising an infant. " which makes me believe that you have no sons. Did you know that boys have erections even in the WOMB? They get erections almost every time they urinate (as a newborn, that is every FIFTEEN MINUTES that's right, so this extra trauma you cite as reopening a wound, reopens the INFANT circ every FIFTEEN MINUTES) circumcision is a horrible autrocity. Many other "religious" autrocities have since been discarded from various religions, this one seems to be behind.
62. #53
M ,   usa   (02.05.07)
Isn't it lovely that the percentage of intact boys is going UP every year!! In the state I live in, medicaid no longer pays for the barbaric mutilation, and the circumcision rates in this state are down to almost 35%!! Circumcision is ending in America, one intact baby boy at a time.
63. #57
Assuming? Jesus came from an ultra ultra ultra ultra religious group known as the Essenes, duh he was circumcised. I'm willing to bet on it. Besides that if your not Jewish or Christian your Muslim or Buddhist or non religion?? In either case whats it your business? Are you being circumcised???? Are you hearing Jewish males complaining? Are you hearing Muslim males complaining?? All I hear complaining are uncircumcised men who seem to be obssessed with circumcised penises.
64. any rebuttal to historical information?
Ron ,   Pittsburgh USA   (02.05.07)
Is any person trying to justify ritual gential mutilation going to offer a substantiative rebuttal to the research that shows this is a man-made ritual? Or is it going to be ignored?
65. #50 #51
Insight   (02.05.07)
Ok so you’re saying because Abraham was circumcised as an adult that all Jews should be circumcised when their adults (repeat after me Michelle: Allah Akbar)??? Then under your logic if I had a time machine I should go back to when Abraham had Isaac circumcised as a BABY and put Abraham in hand cuffs for being such a primitive barbarian. Moses parents should also be ashamed of themselves under your logic. You have only one great Jewish man who was circumcised as an adult while ALL the rest were circumcised as children and the only great Jew who was circumcised as an adult did this because he was the FIRST Jew. Your child will not be the first Jew. Plus, Abraham technically wasn’t born Jewish. I have no problem with your plans; I have a problem with you feeling the need to tell US (the first person who posted was you, not me). You came on this site with the heading “Against Male Circumcision” making very heated judgments against all of us Jews who do practice this and then you have the nerve to complain when you get it thrown back at you. Now in your most recent posts you cry victim when you get talked back against for making judgments. Don’t throw stones if you don’t want to get stones thrown back at you. Keep your opinions to your friends and the non-Jews who agree with you. I don’t go posting on Christian sites “Against Eating Pork”. You started this by judging Jews who practice circumcision so don’t go turning yourself into the victim. By me saying "the women I’ve had relations with did not complain about my circumcised manhood" is being anti-Semitic??? “Was there any anti-Semitic insult you didn't manage to include in your reply to me, including your remarks on promiscuity” (taken from your post in #6). So a woman enjoying a circumcised man is me being anti-Semitic!!!! By using connections and comparing you to Hadrian (do you even know who he was???) I’m being anti-Semitic!!!! Your being truly absurd and I’m really curious what twisted form of logic you will employ to manipulate your position in your next post…. You really need to reread your post from #6 and then honestly tell us posters who are for circumcision when the boy is a baby that you did not come here looking for a dispute. Don’t cry if you ferment trouble and then it gets back to you. If you are Jewish and your husband is Jewish then I do hope your boy is raised Jewish. I hope he does one day decide to circumcise, but I also feel that any Jewish women who refuses to bed with your son unless he is circumcised has EVERY right to do so. You can’t demand that other Jews accept your ways if those ways differ with Judaism. Judaism is not a religion that is about following what the majority does because if that were the case we would have stayed pagans (since paganism compromised the majority of the ancient world) and today we’d all be Muslims or Christians because they compromise the majority of the population today. Even if the majority of Jews will one day take your position mine will never change just as the one true g-d is eternal and not some interchangeable notion. Just so you understand Michelle I am not haredi or a reform Jew (both movements I highly distrust), I am a traditional Jew. I’m half Ashkenazi and half Mizrahi (that’s an important thing to know because it gives me a broader cultural understanding). So if you think your dealing with someone who is ultra religious think again. I see your form of Judaism as an appeasement form to gain more acceptances amongst the other religions. Your counter argument is that your being “modern” but that’s natural for you to say because who would admit that the way they practice Judaism is done that way because they’re cowards and afraid of the people around them.
66. To # 59
charles ,   petach tikva   (02.05.07)
Because only Jews are circumcised , and they are only 2 # of the total US population
67. My Own Sons
d ,   USA   (02.05.07)
To #58 I want to thank you for your contribution, which is much the same information I was given by a Rabbi when researching why I would ever intentionally cut my newborn. To #63 Are you one of those Gay Men of which you speak, weary of pushing away all of the uncircumcised advances made upon you? You, sir, are incorrect. The homosexual community is obsessed with the "Uncut" penis, which is also why so many men attempt foreskin restoration. To #61 I have 5 uncircumcised sons. All of which were the most peaceful, content infants who never cried. They each had an erection as soon as I opened their cloth diaper upon changing them...every time. It used to bring me to tears to hear the other newborn boys I knew that had been circumcised, wailing inconsolably throughout their first weeks of life. And to see the look of frustration and confusion on their mother's faces as they couldn't understand why all of my babies were so 'good'. In raising my sons as with all other things in life, I do my best to keep in mind, 'Do no harm'.
68. #67
Where in my post did I mention anything about gay men????? I'm really confused. I did imply that uncircumcised men seem to be slightly to obessed with the penises of circumcised men but still nothing in that implies homosexuality. What disturbs is the mother of five "peaceful" sons knows so much about the gay community.....
69. #63
M ,   usa   (02.05.07)
No, I am not Muslim, Buddhist, or nonreligious, but thanks for again assuming, and attempting to label me. As far as I understand christianity, jesus came from GOD born of a virgin Mary, and did *not* come from some ultra religious group. Mary and Joseph had to flee because of mary being pregnant with jesus out of wedlock, so yes, I think it is safe to say it's an assumption to say that jesus was circumcised. I am not a man, I am a woman and Mother. I am a wife to a circumcised man who has complications due to his circumcision. I suffer because of his trauma, and so does he. We did not know, before learning the truth about circumcision, that the pain he and I experience were a direct result of his circumcision, but it is undeniably so. It is My business that children are protected from abuse. ALL FORMS of abuse, just as it is any other ethical citizen of a country. I and my daughter, thankfully, are protected by USA laws against female circumcision. I do not hear circumcised men complaining, because most of them (like my husband before we found the truth) do not realize that their problems are directly related to their mutilation. I am not complaining, I am pleaing with people to realize the horrors of circumcision. Not to close your ears to the truth. to protect all infants from this mutilation, the same as you would protect them from being beaten or starved. The same as you would protect young girls from having their breasts ironed or feet bound.
70. #64
M ,   usa   (02.05.07)
any pro-circ'er has no substatial rebuttal to offer. Simply that it is their religious right to mutilate their children when where and how they chose as is guided by their religion. Any argument a pro-circ'er can come up with can be disproven simply with science, therefore they will not offer any. The good news is: circumcision is ending in america, the MGMbill will one day be passed, this I do believe as truth, and one day, all of our children will be protected against mutiliation, not just our baby girls.
71. #66
d ,   USA   (02.05.07)
Get your facts straight. Jewish people are not the only people in the US to circumcise their sons. Muslims, Fundamentalist Christians, Jehovah's Witnesses, and until recently when medical insurance stopped paying for it, the majority of society. Currently in the US 49% of male newborns are circumcised with the percentage of male adults being far greater.
72. #66 only jews are circumcised?
M ,   usa   (02.05.07)
I'm sorry but you are sorely off here. Somewhere around 98% of all males aged 30-75 in the USA are circumcised. Thankfully that number is going down steadily as the number of intact infants is right around 51%. MOST american boys born prior to about ten years ago are routinely circumcised as infants, including, sadly, my oldest son (because we didnt' know the truth then). the HIV rate in USA, however, is about the same or higher than noncircumcising nations such as in europe. The best way to stop the spread of HIV? safe sex, not circumcision. It seems kind of strange to me that one would cite the langherson (sp?) cells in the foreskin harbouring HIV, so they must be cut off, but they don't talk about the very same cells in the labia of women also harbouring HIV, so they too should be cut off, shouldn't they? And besides, what parent should *assume* their child's future promescuity by circumcising them simply to help prevent an STD? What if they grow up to only have sex with one person? (as both my husband and I have been monogomous, we were each other's first and only)
73. d. #67
M ,   usa   (02.05.07)
I commend you for knowing the truth in time to rescue *all* of your son's from genital mutilation. we were not so fortunate and our first son is circumcised. He was a high needs baby, and suffers from sensory integration disorder. we often wonder if it is a result of his circumcision, because he was mutilated at 5 days old, and his first 5 days were peaceful days of sleeping baby and nursing all day, then he was cut, and screamed bloody murder all day every day and still has sensory integration issues. It's very sad. our second son (third child) is intact, and also has been (and still is) peaceful. Our first son asks sometimes why they look different, as he gets older we will explain, because we want him to know the truth, so that none of his children (if the law doesn't pass by then) go through circumcision.
74. driving hurts people. ban that!
jjjjjj ,   jjjjjjjjj   (02.05.07)
75. #74 driving hurts people
M ,   usa   (02.05.07)
but EVERY time you drive, does a peice of you get amputated? does a peice of your child? someone else or thier child? every time? what? no? then, how does it even relate to circumcision, where the *most* sensitive part of a mans genitals is amputated EVERY SINGLE TIME in every single circumcision? performing a circumcision does not just rob a man of his foreskin, it robs a child of his right to bodily integrity. It robs the man of the frenulum (which has the sensitivity of the femail clitoris), the ridged band, and inner mucousa. It makes for "dry sex" that is often blamed on women not having enough lubrication but infact is ar esult of the man not having his inner mucousa in tact. Infant circumcision can cause things like tight erections, premature ejaculation, latent ejaculation, painful erections, on TOP of all the other immediatly obvious complications in newborns (including but not limited to losing the entire penis, MRSA eating away at the circumcision wound, sex reassignment, death)
76. To # 72 98 % ?
charles ,   petach tikva   (02.05.07)
This is certainly untrue , since even not 98 % of Jews are circumcised . If you tell something , give me your , preferably very serious and different sources . Ok ? Be serious in your affirmations or shut up , and don't be ashamed to give your full , and true , name and city . Or maybe are you right to be ashamed by telling such stupidities . PS . You can come to Petach Tikva , and see MY name is true . Dare ?
77. not so rare after all..
Ron ,   Pittsburgh USA   (02.06.07)
There are literally hundreds of medical journal articles documenting the complications of circumcision. Some published from 1940 to 1998 are listed below. Bleeding after circumcision. Gold S. Canadian Medical Association Journal 1940;43:473. Wound diphtheria in the newborn infant following circumcision. Rosenstein JL. Journal of Pediatrics 1941;18:657-658. Osteomyelitis of femur (probably due to circumcision) in infant. Altman H. Bulletin of the Hospital for Joint Diseases 1946;7:109-113. Tuberculosis of the penis: a report of 5 new cases, and a complete review of the literature. Lewis EL. Journal of Urology 1946;56:737-745. Total denudation of the penis. Editor/ Banham. Urologic and Cutaneous Review 1949;53:309. Gangrene of penis following circumcision with high frequency current; plastic reconstruction of penis. Hamm WG, Kanthak FF. Southern Medical Journal 1949;42:657-659. Reconstruction of penis with split-thickness skin graft; case of gangrene following circumcision for acute balanitis. Thorek P, Paul E. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 1949;4:469-472. Amputation of the penis as a complication of circumcision. Lerner, BL. Medical Record and Annals 1952;46:229-231. Surgical reconstruction of the penis. Brown JB, Fryer MP. GP 1958;17:104-107. Plastic repair of the denuded penis. Wilson CL, Wilson MC. Southern Medical Journal 1959;52:288-290. Excessive penile skin loss from circumcision. Van Duyn J, Warr WS. Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia 1962;51:394-396. Meatal ulceration following neonatal circumcision. MacKenzie AR. Obstetrics and Gynecology 1967;28:221-223. Hazards of circumcision. Editor. Practitioner 1967;198:611. Glans necrosis as a complication of circumcision. Rosefsky JB. Pediatrics 1967:39:774-776. Penile urethral fistula as a complication of circumcision. Limaye RD, Hancock RA. Journal of Pediatrics 1968;72:105-106. Hazards of plastic bell circumcisions. Malo T, Bonforte RJ. Obstetrics and Gynecology 1969;33:869. Thirty years of ritual circumcisions: appraisal of personal experiences, after-care and postcircumcision complications. Schlosberg C. Clinical Pediatrics 1971;10:205-209.
78. more complications
Ron ,   Pittsburgh USA   (02.06.07)
Concealed penis: another complication of circumcision. Trier WC, Drach GW. American Journal of Diseases of Children 1973;125:276-277. Impotence and adult circumcision. Stinson JM. Journal of the National Medical Association 1973;65:161,179. Preputial skin-bridging: complication of circumcision. Klauber GT, Boyle J. Urology 1974;3:722-723. Neonatal septicemia after circumcision. Kirkpatrick BV, Eitzman DV. Clinical Pediatrics 1974;13:767-768. Complication of ritual circumcision in Israel. Frand M, Berant N, Brand N, Rotem Y. Pediatrics 1974;54:521. Ablatio penis: normal male infant sex-reassigned as a girl. Money J. Archives of Sexual Behavior 1975;4:65-71. Urinary retention due to ritual circumcision. Berman W. Pediatrics 1975;56:621. Reconstruction following iatrogenic burn of the penis. Pearlman CK. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1976;11:121-122. Abdominal distension following ritual circumcision. Horwitz J, Schussheim A, Schalettar HW. Pediatrics 1976;57:579. Iatrogenic microphallus secondary to circumcision. Levitt SB, Smith RB, Ship AG. Urology 1976;8:472-474. Neonatal meningitis and circumcision. Scurlock JM, Pemberton TJ. Medical Journal of Australia 1977;1:332-334. Circumcision and obstructive renal disease. Linshaw MA. Pediatrics 1977;59:790. Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome: a complication of circumcision. Annunziato D, Goldblum LM. American Journal of Diseases of Children 1978;132:1187-1188. Impotence following anesthesia for elective circumcision. Palmer JM, Link D. Journal of the American Medical Association 1979;241:2635-2636. Gangrene of the penis after circumcision. Du Toit DF, Villet WT. South African Medical Journal 1979;55:521-522. Overwhelming infection with Group B Beta-Hemolytic streptococcus associated with circumcision. Cleary TG, Kohl S. Pediatrics 1979;64:301-303. The case against neonatal circumcision. Fleiss PM, Douglass J. British Medical Journal 1979;2:554. Necrotizing fasciitis after neonatal circumcision. Woodside JR. American Journal of Diseases of Children 1980;134:301-302. Circumcision disasters. Cleary TG, Kohl S. Pediatrics 1980;65:1053-1054.
79. Even more
Ron ,   Pittsburgh USA   (02.06.07)
Successful replantation of a traumatically amputated penis in a neonate. Izzidien AY. Journal of Pediatrics 1981;16:202-203. Necrosis of the glans penis following neonatal circumcision. Sterenberg N, Golan J, Ben-Hur N. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 1981;68:237-236. Plastic reconstruction of partially amputated penis at circumcision. Hanash KA. Urology 1981;18:291-293. Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome: a complication of circumcision. Anday EK, Kobori J. Clinical Pediatrics 1982;21:420. Myocardial injury following immediate postnatal circumcision. Ruff ML, Clarke TA, Harris JP, Bartels EK, Rosenzweig M. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1982;144:850-851. Penile adhesion: the hidden complication of circumcision. Gracely-Kilgore KA. Nurse Practitioner 1984;9:22-24. Acute gangrene of the scrotum in a one month old child. Evbuamwan I, Aliu AS. Tropical and Geographical Medicine 1984;36:299-300. Penoplasty for buried penis secondary to radical circumcision. Radhakrishnan J, Reyes HM. Journal of Pediatrics 1984;19:629-631 Penile denudation injuries after circumcision. Sotolongo JR Jr, Hoffman S, Gribetz ME. Journal of Urology 1985;133:102-103. Complications de la circoncision rituelle [Complications of ritual circumcision]. Gross PH[?], Pages R, Bourdelat D. Chirurgie Pédiatrique 1986;27:224-2265. Impetigo in newborn infants associated with a plastic bell clamp circumcision. Stranko J, Ryan ME, Bowman AM. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 1986;5:597-599. Tachycardia and heart failure after ritual circumcision. Mor A, Eshel G, Aladjem M, Mundel G. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1987;62:80-81. Circumcision complications and indications for ritual recircumcision - clinical experience and review of the literature. Breuer GS, Walfisch S. Israel Journal of Medical Sciences 1987;23:252-256. Mechanical complications of circumcision with a Gomco clamp. Feinberg AN, Blazek MA. American Journal of Diseases of Children 1988;142:813-814. Methemoglobinemia following neonatal circumcision. Mandel S. Journal of the American Medical Association 1989;261:702. Total ablation of the penis after circumcision with electrocautery: a method of management and long-term followup.Gearhart JP, Rock JA. Journal of Urology 1989;142:799-801. Scrotal abscess with bacteremia caused by salmonella Group D after ritual circumcision. Uwyyed K, Korman SH, Bar-Oz B, Vromen A. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 1990;9:65-66. Ruptured bladder following circumcision using the Plastibell device. Jee LD, Millar AJW. British Journal of Urology 1990;65:216-217. Skin bridge - a complication of paediatric circumcision. Sathaye UV, Goswami AK, Sharma SK. British Journal of Urology, 1990;66:214. Gastric rupture associated with prolonged crying in a newborn undergoing circumcision. Connelly KP, Shropshire LC, Salzberg A. Clinical Pediatrics 1992;31:560-561.
80. and yet more
Ron ,   Pittsburgh USA   (02.06.07)
Toxic methaemoglobinaemia after circumcision. Ozbek N, Sarikayalar F. European Journal of Pediatrics 1993;152:80. Keloid of the penis after circumcision. Warwick DJ, Dickson WA. Postgraduate Medical Journal 1993;69:236-237. Phallic construction in prepubertal and adolescent boys. Gilbert DA, Jordan GH, Devine CJ Jr, Winslow BH, Schlossberg SM. Journal of Urology 1993;149:1521-1526. Pathogenesis of post-circumcision adhesions. Attalla MF, Taweela NM. Pediatric Surgery International 1994;9:103-105. Botched circumcisions. Miya PA. American Journal of Nursing 1994;94:56. Penile reconstruction following post-circumcision penile gangrene. Ahmed S, Shetty SD, Anandan N, Patil KP, Ibrahim A.I.A. Pediatric Surgery International 1994;9:295-296. Buried penis as a contraindication for circumcision. Alter GJ, Horton CE Jr; Horton CE. Journal of the American College of Surgeons 1994;178:487-490. Male ritual circumcision resulting in acute renal failure. Eason JD, McDonnell M, Clark G. British Medical Journal 1994;309:660-661. Iatrogenic penile gangrene: 10-year follow-up. Kural S. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 1995;95:210-211. Clinical presentation and pathophysiology of meatal stenosis following circumcision. Persad R, Sharma S, McTavish J, Imber C, Mouriquand PD. British Journal of Urology 1995;75:91-93. Newborn penile glans amputation during circumcision and successful reattachment. Gluckman GR, Stoller ML, Jacobs MM, Kogan BA. Journal of Urology 1995153:778-779. Serious complications of routine ritual circumcision in a neonate: hydro-ureteroephrosis, amputation of glans penis, and hyponatraemia. Kanukoglu A, Danielli L, Katzir Z, Gorenstein A, Fried D. European Journal of Pediatrics 1995;154:314-315. Bipolar diathermy haemostasis during circumcision. Marsh SK, Archer TJ. British Journal of Surgery 1995;82:533. Amputations with use of adult-size scissors-type circumcision clamps on infants. Editor. Health Devices 1995;24:286-287. Amputation of distal penile glans during neonatal ritual circumcision - a rare complication. Neulander E, Walfisch S, Kaneti J. British Journal of Urology 1995;77:924-925. Partial amputation of glans penis during Mogen clamp circumcision. Strimling BS. Pediatrics 1996;97:906-907. Circumcision: successful glanular reconstruction and survival following traumatic amputation. Sherman J, Borer JG, Horowitz M, Glassberg KI. Journal of Urology 1996;156:842-844. Sex reassignment at birth: long-term review and clinical implications. Diamond M, Sigmundson K. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 1997;151:298-304. Amputation of the penis during traditional circumcision. Ameh EA, Sabo SY, Muhammad I. Tropical Doctor 1997;27:117. Necrotizing fasciitis after plastibell circumcision. Bliss DP Jr, Healey PJ, John HT Waldhausen. Journal of Pediatrics 1997;131:459-462. Surgical repair of urethral circumcision injuries. Baskin LS, Canning DA, Snyder III HM, Duckett Jr JW. Journal of Urology 1997;158:2269-2271. Reconstruction of the penis after necrosis due to circumcision. Belkacem R, Amrani A, Benabdellah F, Outarahout O. Ann-Urol-Paris 1997;31(5):322-5.
81. M, USA
So everything I've been saying is assumption according to you. Well courtesy of one of your posts I now know exactly why you’re so zealous over this issue. You and your husband have some serious issues and I pity you dearly. In your deluded mind you believe your sad case is the normal case for circumcised men. Most of us get it on perfectly well, unless, ALL the women I've been with were very very very dramatic. You gave me your personal example of how it doesn't go well for you because you believe its the circumcision and here I give you an example of where it goes very well for me as a circumcised male, who then is right?? Another thing that tickles my curiosity is why uncircumcised men would have problems during sex??? Do you really believe uncircumcised men don’t have troubles too? Maybe then it is not the issue of circumcised vs. uncircumcised but rather the mindset of the man when he’s in action.
82. #76
M ,   usa   (02.06.07)
Dare? What are we in middle school now? How does my full true name have anything to do with the subject? I know the internet is not a safe place and filled with sickos. I do not use my real name here. I have no reason to be ashamed, you throw flames at me. I can give you sources for the rate of older circumcised men in america, but what is the point? You are obviously ignorant. This is even from a procirc point of veiw: "Furthermore, the majority of men in the United States are circumcised." from: another procirc site that states at LEAST 80% of men born previous to 1990 were circumcised: The prevalence of circumcision in the United States increased from about 30% in the 1930s to nearly 80% by the early 1970s. During this time frame, whites were more likely to be circumcised than blacks or Hispanics.1 While the circumcision rate appeared to decline in the 1970s and early 1980s, rates of more than 80% were described in studies limited to Atlanta and US Army Hospitals.2-4 Estimates based on the National Center for Health Statistics indicate that 61% and 65% of male infants were circumcised in the United States during 1987 and 1995, respectively. from: would you like some from ANTIcirc sites as well to get your "well balanced" sources? only an idiot would believe america doesn't routinely circumcised MOST infant boys, not just jewish ones.
83. Ron
M ,   usa   (02.06.07)
I'm glad to see a fellow intactivist posting so profusely against the ignorance here. I hope to see you at the march against circumcision this march/april in DC!! LOL!
84. #81
M ,   usa   (02.06.07)
actually, I'm pretty good at faking it too, and it took almost TWELVE years for my husband and I to actually TALK about it. until then, he thought everything was *great* on my end. He also believed "blue balls" was an anatomical thing (it's not, btw, it's wholly owned by the cut penis) and totally physiological. He thought also that having his penis point so straight upwards that it is pressed against his abdomin is also physiologically normal, which it is not. so yes, your sex life suffers, and your women were either 1. too kind to point it out to you (believe it or not, we don't like to hurt your "manhood") or 2. thought it was them and not you, therefore too embarressed to talk about how they were "Lacking"(which was our situation) I am not deluded, what I "believe" is science and nature. Nature gave men a foreskin, science proves it's usefullness. Have you ever been a sexually active male WITH a foreskin? if not, then I doubt you can say for sure how your sex life is affected.
85. #10's comment
doesn't matter ,   canada   (02.06.07)
you are just as sad as all the others that commented on the topic. quite simply put, the parents were wrong. that is the only issue!!
86. inept clip
alex ,   miami, usa   (02.06.07)
the mohel (circumciser)'s malpractice insurance has a 2 inch deductable, hardly enough to compensate for a lifetime of mental and physical anxiety.
87. the foreskin IS part of the penis!
Brian ,   USA   (02.06.07)
SO, in fact part of the penis is cut off.... even if they "fix" it...the penis IS permanently damaged by having the foeskin cut off. the DENIAL is incredible...
88. health issues negligable: Re to Michelle of Norfolk
Tex ,   Texas   (02.06.07)
The health issues mentioned made reference to the recent studies that concluded that the HIV infection rate was cut in half. The diference was actualy rather minimal, the largest diference in the percentage of men infected in the studies was 7%, and that wa &5 compaird to 14% (hence the 50% reduction quoted) most studies claiming a bneifite have a diference of 1% compaired to 2%. Also many studies have found the opposit results, but fewer are published due to the fact that it is hard to publish a report about a treatment that doesnt work. From the search you provided a link for, the first actual scientific publication I found was actualy refuting the health benifites of circumcision regarding AIDs. As for circumcising in Judism, to my understanding it is still technicaly acceptable that the circumcision be preformed by the time the child is 13. It is not preferd but acceptable. This seems fairer since a new born can not express its religious opinions, but a 13 year old at least has an idea of what religion is, whats being done and why. Widely changing the age for the Bris to 13 would not be the first time the cerimony underwent major changes. The modern bris removes far more than the circumcision of Abraham to just past biblical times.
89. #18 anatomy
Tex   (02.06.07)
The foreskin is a part of the penis, also it is very very far from uncomon for circumcision to remove shaft skin as well.
90. Jewishness
Allan ,   South Africa   (02.06.07)
It would seem that Michelle is expressing thoughtfulness, reason, compassion and understanding of true Jewishness which is of the heart not of the body. "Insight" pardon the misnomer, has responded with heated, blind vitriol like a threatened canon firing buckshot. Innitially circumcision was a physical mark setting the Jewish nation apart from their neighbours. With circumcision today being done by people of any and no faith it no longer sets one apart. Years ago Dr Spock recommended Circumcision so that boys "would not feel different"! In our scriptures G-d has challenged those who place their confidence in ritual and have no living relationship with H-m.
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