Blood libel on Lebanon TV
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 06.02.07, 05:03
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1. How much truth in these stories?
Palestinian   (02.06.07)
I have heard a similar story from a Syrian friend. He mentioned particularly a famous Syrian Jewish family, Abulafiya, and told me that it is believed that part of their members used blood of boys for some Jewish donughts or so... I honestly do not know if this was only an incident of a weirdo guy who happened to be a Jew, or if the accusation here is for a Jewish tradition. Can any one enlighten us on this, because this myth seems pretty famous. Thanks
2. I feel the chiller and horror of what is Islam/Arab today
David ,   Boston   (02.06.07)
So sad, so much hate, so much propaganda, so much denial. When wil these haters end their cowardness and build the future instead of trying to destroy it. Israel is eternal. Our enemies are not. Join peace and Tikkun Olam.
3. #1 Arabs will believe anything
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (02.06.07)
Jews are not allowed to eat blood of any kind. Blood has to be drained from an animal after slaughter and the meat soaked in salt to draw out all the blood. Blood is not kosher. People who hate Jews and who like to soak their hands in Jewish blood (like that fellow in Ramallah) are PROJECTING their own thirst for Jewish blood with these myths.
4. It's A Myth!
Major ,   Florida USA   (02.06.07)
What utter nondsense! Whenever anti-Semites have nothing else to say, they tend to drag out this old lie.
5. matzoh
Michael   (02.06.07)
there was matzoh LONG LONG before there was ever a christian or moslem on this planet.
6. To #1 Palestinian
Petunia ,   Pacific Northwest   (02.06.07)
None of it is true. In the Middle Ages, the Christians circulated lies about the Jews saying they would kill Christian children and use their blood to bake the unleavened bread eaten at our holiday of Passover. These lies have now made their way from Europe to the Arab world. What Kyle says is true, Jews cannot eat any blood, not even of animals, it is forbidden for us - haram as you might say. This is stated quite clearly in several places in the Bible. If you Google "Torah do not eat the blood" you will get hits that tell you the exact places in the Bible. Then you can google those Bible references and see for yourself. Thank you for asking if it is true rather than just accepting what your friend told you as fact. We can all learn if we keep an open mind. Shalom/salaam.
7. @ 1, 3
David Levine   (02.06.07)
@3 If that were so, why would an Arab be asking if it were true? You can answer without the biting distaste... @1 He is right however, blood of any sort (even animal, so of course human) is forbidden to eat. And also, we didnt cause the black plague in europe (less jews died because g-d commands jews to wash their hands before eating and the like; hygene was a foreign concept at the time). Nor do we control the world, as the Protocols of Zion and other propaganda would have you believe.
8. #1. Blood = NON-KOSHER, just as it is not halal
Zvi ,   USA   (02.06.07)
What your friend says is akin to suggesting that Muslims use blood in middle eastern foods. It's that serious. Just as inclusion of blood would render food HARAM, it also renders food NON-KOSHER and thus absolutely forbidden to Jews. Passover matzoh, of course, can only contain flour and water. If it contains ANYTHING else, it is strictly forbidden. Your friend is repeating a lie that was created in order to spread hatred of Jews.
9. blood libel.....a convenient myth
v n.y. ,   israel/boston   (02.06.07)
i can enlighten you......your arab mullahs and clerics have lied to you repeatedly. since they couldn't tell you the truth about the beautiful and peaceful jewish religion and tradition, couldn't indoctrinate you to hate using the real truth of who jews are and what the beautiful judaic traditions are, they have demonized the jes, their traditions and scared the hell out of muslims all over the world so that hate can flourish. when your clerics and religious figures teach you and your children to believe such nonsense and spread these lies often enough, and do not ever educate you muslims about real factual history and real factual events, when they twist your minds and try to control it with hate messages....this is the outcome. ignorance and fear.....unfounded! most of the stories muslims hear in mosques about the jews are simply 100% fabrication. these stories are told to chill your blood and make you hate jews so that you can destroy them. your clerics find fake stories such as these ones, the blood libel, to perpetuate your fear and hatered of the jews. your friend from syria is one such hater. anyone who believes these outrageous lies either doesn't have a brain or is so brainwashed, there is no hope for him/her. matza is lavened bread. it is made from flour, eggs and water and is slowly baked without yeast so that it doesn't rise and remains like a flat cracker. it is eaten during our passover holiday to symbolize the fact that when the jewish slaves under pharoe left egypt, they left with much haste and didn't have time to bake bread for their long journey in the desert on their way to judeah and samaria (now israel) (cnaan). they made this bread without an oven and baked it on hot rocks. doghnuts are basically made from flour, egg, yeast and are cooked by dropping this dough balls into hot oil. they are sweet and delicious and resemble the regular doghnuts one buys here in the usa. this tradition stands for the fact that the minute amount of oil in our temple burned for 8 long days (hannuka holiday). we eat sweets fried in oil to symbolize this oil miracle. and that is all.
10. What is wrong they beleive we control the world
Ben ,   Rockville   (02.06.07)
Let them beleive. Yes we control the world, banks, media governments. Weather, Corporations, United Nations, Arab Leauge, PLO, OPEC, Olympics, Hamas, Al Qaida, Hizzublah, USA, China, Russia. whatever you ever think we control.
11. Matzah.Blood.WORLD DOMINATION!!!
zeev   (02.06.07)
so...i shouldnt dip my matzah in freshly christian blood? hmmm.. If we did control the world, he must have a sled destructive mentality don't u think. ...jews jews jews jews we control the bank for which we get no thanks...and we wont control hollywood until we convert tom hanks...(what about jew album unorthadox)
12. I Make Christian Blood Matzos Fridays - What's the Big Deal?
Seth ,   Washington, DC   (02.06.07)
13. This Goes Beyond Ignorance.
Terry ,   Eilat, Israel   (02.06.07)
While many of us will laugh at the stupidity of such anti-Jewish hatred among our nasty neighbors, you should be aware that such thinking is widespread & believed completely by great numbers of people in the Muslim world. Only a few years ago, a friend was telling me what his brother heard at the mosque he attended - that Jews eat babies, that Jews poison Muslims, that Jews defile the Koran in secret rites, that Muslims were poor because the Jews took money out of the country, etc. & that the entire American Congess were Zionists. They sold anti-Semitic tapes from Saudi Arabia outside the mosque as well as pamphlets describing "Jewish conspiracies" to control the world. Islam is becoming the new Nazism - another totalitarian ideology that uses anti-Semitism to brainwash it's followers.
14. Sad world
Lebanese Muslim Shia ,   Lebanon/USA   (02.06.07)
It is outrageous that people still believe such nonsense about the Jews, these lies are made to spread hate and racism. This is similar to believing that all Muslims or Arabs are blood thirsty terrorists and barbarians. I believe the Jews are our cousins, Muslims and Jews have so much in common in their culture and the fact they believe in one God should bring them closer together. This so called Lebanese poet is a hateful person, he and anyone who advocate hate and racism must be punished I hope one day we the Lebanese Muslims and Christians, especially the young generation can find a way to live in peace with our Jewish cousins and neighbors in Israel and work toward prosperity and concentrate on issues that better our lives. I have many Jewish friends and I can say I found true friendship with them more that I could find it with any other, the Jewish people are honorable, respectful and successful people not to mention their great achievements throughout human history and their great sense of humor even when faced with the greatest evil ever known to mankind, racism discrimination and extermination. God Bless anyone who works for peace among men Salam Shalom Peace
15. As the main character in Malamuds book the Fixer said
Suzanne   (02.06.07)
Blood? It is against my religion. My mother even checked all the eggs on whether there was some blood in them or not. (this quote had been used in the movie based on the book. I cannot tell whether this is an exact quote from the book.)
16. Why do they hate you...
Khaled ,   Lebanon   (02.06.07)
People believe what they want to believe. And most people who believe this crap are those who already hate the jews. Seriously, the guy in the video doesn't even look sane, let alone reliable. But this should be very clear: they don't hate you because they believe it, they believe it because they hate you. But why do they hate you, you ask? Well that's a long story. And it starts in 1948...
17. its a lay
johnny sabbah ,   finland   (02.06.07)
18. #16 Khaled, you are Wrong.
Esther ,   Ofarim, Israel   (02.06.07)
The hatred started long before 1948. Look at history, when was there a period when Jews were not persecuted? Jews are hated for a simple reason: the fear of the "different". The ignorant will always seek to destroy that which stands out.
19. Read about Kashrut rules
Jul   (02.06.07)
Whoever reads a bit about Kashrut rules understands that a mentally stable Jew is incapable of doing such things.
20. No. 16, Khaled
NYC Girl   (02.06.07)
If, as you say, it starts in 1948, how do you account for the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem being an ally of Adolph Hitler and offering to help him carry out his genocidal aims against the Jews of Palestine? Apparently, it suits your world view to blame the victim, but you're using the wrong venue because the overwhelming majority of people on this site know better.
21. #9: Matzoh is UNleavened Bread
emanon ,   USA   (02.06.07)
Other than the typo, you did a nice job . . .
22. #1 illustration
gabriela ben ari ,   jerusalem   (02.06.07)
An Arab guy from Gaza once told in the Jerusalem post about having been indoctrinated __at school__, that jews have three legs and a tail, and tens of other myths
23. Jews used blood for Matzos
Arthur ,   Israel   (02.06.07)
Lebanese Poet Marwan Chamoun: "Jews Slaughtered Christian Priest in Damascus in 1840 and Used His Blood for Matzos" This gentleman wearing western out feat, shouting from his xxx hole; knows any thing about Judaism? Holding 4 papers in hand shouting at the top of his voice giving a lot of body action attracting some dumb audience does not men he is telling the truth. There may be such books; all of those must have been written by story tellers like him. Total fantasy like 'Harry Potter', to amuse people at the same time create hatred about Jews amongst younger generation, such books will definitely be sold in Arab world; where the politicians require motivated people to commit suicide in name of Allah. The facts are way far away from Judaism, the religion Islam is based up on! Judaism is older than 5000 years; Islam is little more than 1600 years. Blood thirsty are Muslim politicians, who want to shed blood of those other than Muslims; and if it comes even Muslims!.
24. #22: What, you mean Jews don't have 3 legs and a tail?
25. the ultimate irony
Yisraeli   (02.06.07)
If I told you that muslims during the night feast of Ramadan dip their bread in pig fat then wrap slices of bacon with humus and consume them throughout Ramadan what would you say? You would say that if I wasnt crazy Id be the biggest liar. and you would be 100% correct. Why? Because we all know that muslims dont eat pig, bacon, pork or whatever of the kind let alone on a religeous holiday. Its a given, its common knowledge, theres nothing even to question about the truthfullness of such an absurd accusation. Right? of course right. Now with Jews. Jews are so forbidden to consume blood not even the minutest droplet. Not just as Kylie above described how much effort goes to remove all blood from meat by salting till its bloodless making it fir for kosher consumption. But even down to the tiniest droplet found when breaking an egg. Kosher keeping jews and even non kosher keeping Jews check the egg and if theres any blood drop the egg is either thrown away or if so small that can be completely removed. So you see how absurd it is to suggest that Jews use blood in their food, and human blood at that, and christian to boot. Its so so absurd that as the above example with muslims it should be recognised as the lie it is. And as has been mentioned all part of the anti jew policy.
26. #24 MAN, YOU FORGOT THE horns, MAN (end)
Adi ,   Haifa   (02.06.07)
27. Heaven is going to Destroy Those Liars
Joseph ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (02.06.07)
Communities and cultures that promote murder and lies will be destroyed by their own sickness.
28. 18 and 20... It's not that simple...
Khaled ,   Lebanon   (02.06.07)
You really think it's that simple? Muslims hate Jews because Jews stand out and Muslims are ignorant? That you can even think that let alone say it out loud is reason enough for you to be hated... The fact of the matter is, Anti-semitism isn't a single stream of thought. Not everyone who hates Jews hates them for the same reason, and not everyone who persecuted them did it for the same reason. The only thing they have in common is that they were all wrong in hating an entire race because there's never a rational justification for racist hate. But the fact that you keep putting them all in the same basket with oversimplifications and ridiculous notions like comparing Islam to Nazism only strengthens and deepens this hate, and, worse still, it gives those who hate Jews the perception in being justified...
29. Catholic Church Teaching
The Holy See ,   VATICAN, Rome   (02.06.07)
The words: This is my Body and This is my Blood are said by the priest at Mass, the bread is no longer bread and the wine is longer wine. The bread and wine are transformed into the body and blood of Jesus. The Gospel of John presents Jesus as saying to his disciples: "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; HE WHO EATS MY FLESH AND DRINKS MY BLOOD has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him". Many of Jesus' disciples thereupon abandoned him (Gospel of John6:66), shocked at the idea, which appeared to be in conflict not only with ordinary human feeling but also with the Mosaic Law's prohibition against consuming the blood even of animals (see Lev 17:10-14, cf. Acts 15:19-21).
30. Khaled, Read my Post #18 Again
Esther ,   Ofarim, Israel   (02.06.07)
Nowhere did I call Muslims ignorant. Hatred of Jews started with the expulsion of my people from Judea/Israel by the Romans. It has been perpetuated by lies, blood libel and deliberate misrepresentation of our faith by those in power, throughout history. Ignorant people of various cultures/countries have adopted this mindless hatred for the past 2000 years. If the shoe fits, wear it. But, don't put words into my mouth.
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