Blood libel on Lebanon TV
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 06.02.07, 05:03
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62 Talkbacks for this article
31. false,it's about blood from a special crocodile,white ,with
mae ,   paris/france   (02.06.07)
32. #1 Palestinian
Daniel ,   Israel   (02.06.07)
Hi friend; who wants to know the truth. I will not draw the conclusions for you. I’ll only put the facts on the table. You draw the conclusions your self & if you are convinced tell your friends. There are no cannibals amongst human race after 'Idi Amin Dada’. Human cannot eat human flesh or blood any time in known civilized history. It is your people who spread the word amongst your community to create hatred about Jews. You are told theses stories from your childhood. You naturally trust theses stories and the story tellers. Who is gaining out of these stories? And how? Those spreading these false words get paid for their jobs. Younger generation like you get provoked and join hooligan terrorist gangs and do some damage to our community and yours as well! The politicians get paid Hugh amounts for this by your oil-rich brothers. You die; your parents get some meager amount and done with. Politicians become rich and super rich on your blood. What was Yasser Arafat when he came to so called rescue of Palestinians? His widow still receives 100,000 US$ per month; apart from his personal billions of US$ cash accounts! Whose money that is? It is money earned on your blood! It is very common sense to judge your present leaders. Do you have any idea of the donations Palestinians received since 1948? With that money each one of you should have had at list 1000 sq. m. apartment! And some stable income from Palestinian rulers to sustain your families! Think where all that money gone? Now think who is blood thirsty, you don’t require any expert to explain you, Do you?
33. To Khaled: oversimplifying
Yaron ,   Barcelona, Spain   (02.06.07)
You are also oversimplifying your analysis! My grandmother told me that during WWII and she had to wear a yellow star, a little girl asked her in a train why she didn t had horns. Because all jews had horns and were worshipping Satan. Hatred comes also from education whether true or false. If you educate people to hate the other with false stories, their opinion will be biased no matter what. Yes sometimes you will hate a jew because he did a bad thing to you. This is because his a bad person not because he is a jew. But if you heard 1000 stories about jews drinking blood, killing others, and some jew do something bad to you, it will only confirm the 1000 stories you heard, and you will not try to put in perspective what happened
34. Catholic Church Teaching
Arthur ,   Israel   (02.06.07)
Who ever has written this must have been an insane. Jesus must have never said this; Christianity was formed 400 years after Jesus’ death and catholic and non-catholic came much later. There is need to change this.
35. #1 blood
linda   (02.06.07)
Yews are not allowed to eat and drink blood you moron!! We are not even allowed to put our own finger in our mouth after cutting it! start thinking or stay part of the morons of the world!!
36. Esther...
Khaled ,   Lebanon   (02.06.07)
"The ignorant will always seek to destroy that which stands out." Given the context of this talkback (Muslims hating Jews) you can understand why I accused you of saying Muslims are ignorant... But if you say that's not really what you meant to say, I'll believe you. I can agree about the origin of hatred of Jews (Romans expelling them). I can agree to the perpetuation of lies and blood libel by people in power. But again, today, those in the middle east who hate Jews, (I'm talking about Arabs in general and Lebanese and Palestinian in specific) do not hate them because of these lies. They hate them because of the events that started in 1948 and continued up until today, and they have a disposition to believe those lies because it helps them cope with their hate. In short, the Arab-Israeli conflict is the cause of Arab disease called Anti-Semitism, the acceptance and production of the lies, blood libel and deliberate misrepresentation of your faith are just some of the symptoms...
37. Khaled is right
Trobador ,   Algharb Alandalous   (02.06.07)
I believe and agree with Khaled said. The hate comes from the belief that no one can ocupy arab(muslim) land, there will be no lasting peace because their religion demans the lands to be freed of infidels thus... hate and more hate and lies and more lies, and to keep this hate going they also feed it with lies such as the blood thing, it doesn't matter how unreasonable it is. Shalom, salam from Portugal
38. Perhaps the new uk jewish group wants to defend this
Bernard Ross ,   St. Anns Bay Jamaica   (02.06.07)
39. To Arthur #34 - Catholic Church Teaching
The Holy See ,   VATICAN, Rome   (02.06.07)
Sorry to contradict and disappoint you, Arthur , but Jesus did say this in the course of THE LAST SUPPER ( The meal Jesus shared with his apostles before his death ) and that was NOT 400 years after Jesus' death ... " In the course of the Last Supper, Jesus divides up some bread, says grace, and hands the pieces to his disciples, saying THIS IS MY BODY. He then takes a cup of wine, says grace, and hands it around, saying THIS IS MY BLOOD. " and the same according to MARK, who was one of Jesus' disciples: " And as they did eat, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and brake it, and gave to them, and said, Take, eat: this is my body. And he took the cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them: and they all drank of it. And he said unto them, This is my blood ..."
40. TO 39
Lebanese Australian ,   MELBOURNE   (02.06.07)
Arthur, what is written in the Bible is true & it is true that the Bible "New Testament" was written in less than one generation after Jesus. Since, John was one of the appostles. But I suggest that you seek the assistance of a christian scholar to explain to you the true meaning of what is written. Because, the Bible should not be interpreted literaly. However, What you have quoted from the bible was a profecy of Jesus himself describing his sacrifice which will give the life to his church "kingdom" to the end of time. Jesus used those words to remind his people by "eating the sacrificed lamb" to get themselves ready to leave the slavery in Egypt & to the freedom in Israel. At that time of the year was the "Passover" feast in Israel. The resemblance here is that the new sacrifice wich is Jesus himself , is a new passover from the slavery of sin to the freedom from the sin.
41. at the next to last supper
Steve G ,   Kew Gardens,NYC   (02.06.07)
I've always heard that at the Next To Last Supper, they ordered out for Chinese food. It was a seder, always skipped over by the Christians. The entire premise of this thread, a blood libel broadcast on TV, is horrifying.
42. No Imagination at all.....
hiram ,   tel aviv   (02.06.07)
Islamic propaganda lacks novelty ! This is in line with the lower level of education and political intelligence found usually around Islamist crowds and terror organisation. Just like Julius Streicher, the arabs are using old propaganda cliches, themselves used, re-used and abused by previous dictatorships and marginal fringes of Christian think-tanks amongst the centuries. I am surprised that there is no mention of the Jewish plot to takeover the world'economy ! Meanwhile, this takes Islamists away from their real problems : themselves
43. Khaled: It did not start in 1948
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (02.06.07)
Why did Yasser Arafat's uncle the Grand Mufti pledge his support to Hitler if "it started in 1948"? Why were Jews massacred in Hebron in 1929 if "it started in 1948"? Why were Jews in Safed murdered in 1834 if "it started in 1948"? Why were Jews in Jerusalem slaughtered in 1625 if "it started in 1948"? 1948 only marks the time that the Jews made up their mind to fight back.
44. hey guys, don't tell anyone...
Greg ,   New York City   (02.06.07)
...but i grow horns at night.
45. Observations
Libneniyyeh ,   Lebanon   (02.06.07)
For one, I don't believe a word of this myth. Secondly, it has nothing to do with Islam, and nothing to do with Christianity either. Thirdly, the hatred that is being generated and propagated with such stories does seem to stem from fear and ignorance. I was surprised today to discover that Islam and Judaism have much in common. Muslims, too, must drain the blood from the meat before consumption. We also are forbidden to drink blood. I remember my mom chiding me as a child if I put my cut finger in my mouth to suck it. What little effort it would take if we only tried to understand each other as humans.
46. #16 are wrong..
Edith ,   USA   (02.06.07)
Why wouldn't they speak to Hitler?..The Grand Mufti was aware of the Balfour agreement..which apparently you are not... The overwhelming people on this cite don't really know too much real history anyway...And what better way to get people to hate, then to pump them up with lies..
47. Culinary delights, Judaica style
Jimmy Carter ,   Atanta GA   (02.06.07)
I've even dedicated several chapters of my new book, "The Kosher DeLite Cookbook" to the proper methods of cultivating developing and seasoning different blood types. They are not all the same, and years of practice by the jews have allowed them to develop just the right blend of seasoning and sauces for a variety of bloodlines.
48. I agree
Casey ,   Germany   (02.06.07)
I agree with Khaled
49. To #47
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (02.06.07)
I think, they're serving some of that at the Waffle House with grits, gravy and boiled okra.
50. Drain Bramage
Education ,   israel   (02.07.07)
You could only pass that garbage off on uneducated arabs.It's almost comedy.
51. Jews used blood of Christian priest for Matzos
MairiT ,   Glasgow   (02.07.07)
I just cannot get my head round the idea that anybody can invent such a story and more so, that people can believe it. You get locked up for less, erm is this 2007
Umm El Kul Naqba   (02.07.07)
THE IMAM PUBLICALLY CALLED YOUR SISTEM A WHORE This article is a indictment of both the imams who are morally bankrupt and the people that believe their lies. It is a sad state of affairs when imams abuse their position to spread lies and hatred instead of promoting morality to their followers. They have hijacked Islam and the people to promote terror, brainwash the people with lies predicated on hatred, and incite people to commit suicide in the name of Islam while concurrently violating the tennets of Islam. They promise virgins as reward for acts of terror. When they are not inciting people to kill non-Moslems, they recruit people to kill other Moslems of differing sects or political ideology. On the other hand the people eat up the lies like candy: blood libel stories, myths that no Israelis or Jews perished in the World Trade Center, and countless perversions of historical facts. They blow up a very few incidents attributed to Stern Gang and the Irgun totally out of proportion and magnify the incidents to unrealistic proportions. They totally disregard the facts about the attrocities Arabs committed in Hevron, the collaboration with the Nazis, and all the other terrorist acts committed by the Arab over the last century. They will avoid taking ownership of their failings and believe any story that villainizes the Jews, Israelis, Zionists, Americans, etc. They are force fed the lies 24x7 over Al-Jazeera. They produce hateful libelous TV programs in Lebanon and Egypt. They produce childrens textbook teaching lies and hatred of Jews and Israeli. But never do they challenge the "information" they are fed. For them it must be fact but it agrees with their belief system built on hatred. WHEN THE IMAM PUBLICALLY CALLS YOUR SISTER A WHORE IT DOES NO GOOD TO PROVE YOU HAVE NO SISTER. The facts are irrelevant and the horrible damage has been done, never to be undone.
53. #45 Libneniyyeh - Continue to search and you will be amazed
Umm El Kul Naqba   (02.07.07)
Libneniyyeh, Continue your search and you will be amazed at all of the similarities between Judaism and Islam and the differences are equally facinating. Charity is Sedaka in Arabic and Tzedakah in Hebrew. The concepts of Islam and Judaism on charity are in perfect harmony: Charity if for the benefit of the disadvantaged and sick in both religions who try to administer charity anonimously. Christianity exploits the disadvantaged and seek converts. Both Islam and Judaism use the lunar calendar while Christians after the 3rd century or so switched to the solar calendar. Islams Ribiyeh (interest) and Judaism Ribit (same word) are identical. Islam continues to forbid interest but Judaism has created ways to circumvent it (Heter Iska). One of the transformations between Semitic languages is the Hebrew "Sh" goes to a "T" such as ox/bull which is "Shor" in Hebrew and goes to "Tor" in Aramaic to Arabic and ultimately crosses North Africa and become Toro in Spanish after possibly going through Taurus in Latin. The "Throwback" of this linguistic transformation is "Torah" connecting directly to "Shariyah" meaning "The Law" in both religions and languages. The dietary laws are very similar - Halal and Kashrut. Although I strictly observe the laws of Kashrut, I strongly believe that the Rabbis totally misunderstood the passage "Lo T'vashel Gdi Ba'Chalev Emo" - Don't cook a kid in the milk of its mother. The Torah teaches compassion towards animals: 1. Don't kill the father (bull) and son on the same day [i.e. what pain for the female to lose spouse and child) 2. If you seek the donkey of one you hate fall under its burden, you must help the animal not suffer and don't transfer your hatred of the master onto the animal. 3. Chase away the mother before taking the baby birds, etc. I believe that interpretation of not mixing milk and meat is a totally wrong interpretation and misses the point of the Torah teaching compassion. In the final analysis if you continue to explore all that we share from Avraham/Ibrahim onward more than focusing on differences, lies, and hatred maybe one day we might find a way to live in peace with each other if the extremists let us.
54. Jews and their "horns"
Raymond from DC ,   Washington, DC USA   (02.07.07)
The mother of a friend tells the following story: Many decades ago, she was working as a social worker somewhere in Appalachia. At one point, the question of religion came up. She informed the local that she was Jewish. "You can't be a Jew!", she insisted. "Of course I'm a Jew," insisted my friend's mother. The local, obviously confused, asked, "But... WHERE ARE YOUR HORNS?" There's a lot of nonsense out there about Jews. Most of the world has moved to greater understanding and reality. The Muslim world, sadly, has not. Indeed, they continue wallowing in their nonsense and their hatred. If anything, it's getting worse.
55. #54 Raymond - My understanding of the origin of that mistake
Umm El Kul Naqba   (02.07.07)
My understanding of the origin of that myth/mistake is from a misinterpretation of the Torah. When Moshe (Moses) decended from Mt. Sinai the verse says three times with slight variations "Karan Ohr Panav". Correctly translated means "The skin of his face shined". The noun form of Karan (shined) is Keren which can mean either a beam (as in beam of light) or horn. Michaelangelo is said to have painted Moses with horns on Mt Sinai in the Sistine chapel because of this mistranslation. As a result some people have have come to believe that Jews have horns. Personally I believe that no translation can ever do justice to the original Torah and that the TORAH MUST BE UNDERSTOOD IN HEBREW WITH ALL THE BEAUTY AND DEPTH OF THE LANGUAGE. A translation of the Torah is like a black and white photocopy of a Rembrandt. The color and texture are totally lost.
56. where are the Politically Correct ?
Art ,   jc usa   (02.07.07)
Where are the British professors, where is Amnesty International, where are the politically correct? I do not hear their outrage at the ugly blood libel. This is from an educated "poet". Don't worry after the Jews it will be the Christians, just ask the Maronites or the Copts.
57. #21 Emanon - Actually #9vny is correct and you are wrong
Umm El Kul Naqba   (02.07.07)
#21 Emanon - Actually #9vny is correct and you are wrong In proper Hebrew, according to the official pronunciation in Israel, it is Matzah [singular] and Matzot[plural]. The author of this article and some talkbacks use the older Germanic (Ashkenazi) pronunciation which was used in the ghettos of Europe and is still used by those who are still stuck somewhere between the 17th century and the beginning of the 20th century. G-d bless Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, the Maskilim, and all those who helped Hebrew revive to become a living language once again so that we can live and breathe our heritage which is rooted in the Holy Hebrew Language and connect back to our forefathers.
58. Body and Blood of...
JP   (02.07.07)
Christian's are a Jewish sect as Jesus collected the fallen Jews. Catholics symbolically mix the two using bread and wine. So the claim may find its origins stemming from this questionable ceremony of a Judeo-christian pratice.
59. #1 not a Palestinian
Josh   (02.07.07)
Just trying to kick the dry Sh*t pile to make it stink. No Jew is a freind of a palestinian and talks about his family unless he is a self hating Jew. Which in that case he is also the collector of lies against his people in order to support his lame position. More likely #1 is a Montana redneck.
60. #36 Khaled , What you don't understand is that just about
rachel ,   usa   (02.07.07)
The same time as the Palestinians refugee crisis. There were much more Jewish refugees from Arab countries kicked out of their homes. Everything confiscated. Yet not one word from the world community to help these refugees. The United Nation had resolution ... after. Resolution ..... to help the Palestinians, but not one resolution to help any Jewish refugees. Somehow Israel,intergrated these refugee and help them have new lives. But the Palestinians were kept in place by the rest of the Arab countries to harass the jews
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