Poll shows Arabs dislike Bush
Published: 09.02.07, 21:16
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48 Talkbacks for this article
31. Redmike
christa ,   near Monaco   (02.10.07)
What should be done ? Leave Iraq, give Israel real independence (and first stop financing it), stop interfering in Middle East affairs.
32. #31 - over simplictic answer .. not doing is not an answer
redmike ,   tel aviv - Israel   (02.10.07)
would you like the US to become isolationist ? To ignore Iran, Iraq: Venezuela; Europe and to have ignored Afghanistan. And just wait ? If Bush doesn't take out the Iranian nuclear sites in the summer (which he's 99 certain of doing) then there will be a nuclear Iran within 3-5 years and it will give know how and even bombs to Islamic groups. In 20-25 years Europe will be governed by Sharia unless it gives up its democracies. America will be faced with nuclear attacks by people that welcome death - not like in the 60s with Russia. Sounds good if you're a muslim and can't wait to get to those virgins in the sky but is certainly a problem if you're not. The above is a fairly optimistic forecast and not a pessimistic one. The world is now a global village and what one country or even one person does affects the rest almost immediately. So it's not possible to just "not do".
33. #27 You need our oil
Hani   (02.10.07)
Great idea, we leave you alone, but you also leave us alone (including our resources), you "blood oil" thirsty freaks.
34. Poll shows Arabs dislike Bush
Bill ,   Eshkolot, Israel   (02.10.07)
If the Arabs dislike Bush, If the illegal immigrants dislike Bush, If the Europeans dislike Bush, If the Democrats dislike Bush, If the rabid leftists dislike Bush . . . He sure must be doing something right.
35. Did Olmert Rate? Even 1 point?
Jack ,   San Diego, USA   (02.10.07)
36. #29 & #33
Lina ,   USA   (02.10.07)
Good point #29. In particular, I imagine a stampede of Iranians who would love to leave the Mad Mullahs and rotting economy in Iran for the US. #33-Oil is in short supply. We will find an alternative and leave you alone in the dust. It's just a matter of time.
37. In the US, the Arabs support Democratic PTY..
RCA ,   USA   (02.10.07)
38. Chirac - Between Nasrallah and Ahmadinejad
rh ,   ashdod israel   (02.10.07)
Viva Chirac viva, he must be very pleased with himself
39. Hani your right.
AR ,   USA   (02.10.07)
Problem is America like a vampire it sucks the blood out of the world then turns them into vampires too. America will never stop trying to take oil. Its not because Americans dont want to (most of them could care less) Its because certain companies, Chevron,GM,Ford etc etc. Make their money through Oil and the internal combustion engine. Money is the devil and capitalistic societies are a breeding ground for sickos. Sad but what alternatives do we got? Communism hell no.
MEGI ,   LONDON   (02.10.07)
41. #34 + 37:
Michael Steiner   (02.10.07)
#34: Don't forget the 70+ % of U.S. citizens who also dislike the moron. #37: Yes, American Arabs support the Democrats. So do American Jews. What's your point?
42. Who Don't the Arabs Hate?
Daniel Temkin ,   Tel Aviv   (02.10.07)
It seems like they take the slight (percieved) provocation as a sign to resort to violence, whether it come in the form of a cartoon, an Papal speech or this.
43. HA HA HA #42!!
Compared to the majority of Talkbackers on here, Arabs are paragons of tolerance!!
44. Arab Poll crap
Brod ,   USA   (02.10.07)
It is none of the business of the Arabs to be meddling in America's internal affairs. Their poll on Bush should be discarded as trash. If Americans were polled about their feelings toward Arab Islamist-Jihadists, it would be overwhelmingly negative.
45. 27
Libneniyyeh ,   Lebanon   (02.10.07)
BOO HOO! Its breaking my heart "most Americans don't like Arabs" Miss Oopsy Daisy look at that "filthy" Arab. Go play in traffic with your friend Donald.
46. Just Arabs?
Tom ,   USA   (02.10.07)
He's just as unpopular in every other part of the world. He's only got 30% of Americans who don't think he's a tool, for one reason or another.
47. #43
Daniel Temkin ,   Tel Aviv   (02.10.07)
Paragons of tolerance don't stage protests in the form of burning flags and effigies. Paragons of tolerance don't INCITE violence by throwing stones, and such, when there was no imminent threat to their physical integrity. Talkbackers on this site may be of strong opinions, but unlike your so-called 'paragons of tolerance' they know what lines not to cross and do not overstep them.
48. #13-good posting, but I was shocked...
Cameron ,   USA   (02.10.07)
to read you have been encountering this mysterious void of Left-wing silence whenever realistic alternatives to Bush's policies are entertained. Everyone I encounter has been running into exactly the same dilemna.
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