Jewish Scene
US: Anti-Jewish memo spurs apology
Published: 18.02.07, 22:30
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20 Talkbacks for this article
1. Curious
Chaya ,   Bat Yam, Israel   (02.18.07)
The people who are pushing for Creationism in U.S. schools are Evangelical Christians and of course he knows that. While Jewish teachings believe that God created the world in seven days (though some interpret those seven days as representing much longer periods), it has been the Christian Right that has been behind the attempt to get it into schools - not Jews!
2. Yeah, evolution is a lie...
Michael Steiner   (02.18.07)
...and the Earth is really flat. A thunderstorm means the gods are angry and rock'n'roll is a creation of the devil. And the people who believe all the above are Israel's best "friends."
3. Interesting points in Bereshis
Steve ,   USA   (02.18.07)
B"H The Creation narritive has some interesting points. For instance, the construction of the mishkan was also completed in seven days, but the materials fro that were assembled much before the seven day period of "creation" of the mishkan. One of the most interesting aspects I find of the Creation narriative is the phrase "and there shall be light, and there shall be light". The Genesis account talks about the phases of matter, of solid, of space (darkness), of plasma (and light). In the way the "scientific" creation stories are told, these tend to escape mention. For instance, do people generally know that in electromatic theory, creation (the formation of an election or a proton) does not even have to take an instant? Yet these people will often criticise the Genesis account for taking 6 days of creation and one day of rest! One basic question is how could there be a day without a sun? But the scientific story needs to be held account. How can there be a sun without temperature to raise the atoms to combustion? And how can there be temperature without electromagnetic light? And how can there be the same sort of atoms if the universe is without a singular form? The Genesis account deals clearly with the formation of light on the first day; not only that, but it details two types of light the way I read it. Where else is that detail to be found except in detailed analysis of the vector Maxwell equations describing electromagnetism? On the third "day", form and structure becomes reproducable. Where is that explanation in the other accounts of how the "laws" of creation became universally set down so that the same sort of atoms and physical laws appear everywhere in the universe? I personally do not think that mankind has a full enough understanding of the Genesis account to teach it properly or criticize it correctly. It is probably that should not be taught in secular schools because the way it would be taught would introduce more questions than answers, and half the criticism would be not in the actual account, but how it is taught.
4. overreacting
USA   (02.19.07)
What a shakedown. That memo is not even anti-semitic .
5. Now i've heard everything!
Ivan ,   Sydney, Australia   (02.19.07)
In the vain of gool fashioned jew bashing,this one is new! Evolution is for thinking people though so I'll happily take the blame!
6. There is no limit to stupidity
A. de Metz ,   Haifa, Israel   (02.19.07)
neither is it limited to American legislators.
7. #2, Evangelicals are certainly better friends than you are
Marc ,   Israel   (02.19.07)
Unlike you, they actually love Israel, and do not spend every waking moment online attacking us the way you do. So we'll take the Evangelicals over your kind any day.
8. #7: That's a pity.
Michael Steiner   (02.19.07)
I do not attack Israel. I love Israel and would fight to defend it without a second thought. I do attack policies and practices, which ill-behove decent and intelligent people to engage in. I also attack myopic practices, which are liable to cause us problems in the long-run. As far as the fundamentalist Xians, they "love" Israel only because they hate Muslims. If you think that other than egging us on to spill our blood for their war with Muslims they would do anything concrete for us, then you really need to start going out more. When push comes to shove, they want to convert you and me just as much as any non-Xian. I'm not even talking about missionary groups such as "Jews" for "jesus"--that's a whole other story. Even if their "love" was genuine and unconditional, are you sure you want to ally yourself with people who think the world is only 6,000 years old, who bomb abortion clinics, who live in their fairytale little world and want all of us to do likewise? Islamic fundies and Xian fundies are two sides of the same coin. Caveat emptor! ;-)
9. #8
Dorothy Friend ,   Tel Aviv   (02.19.07)
Michael, suga, I've stopped (well pretty much) arguing with Jews and especially Israelis who think that Evangists and Fundamentalists are a Jew's best friend. Just not worth it.
10. legislative memo
Tom ,   Houston, TX, USA   (02.19.07)
Politicians (including those inTexas) have demonstrated in the past many attempts to legislate science and technology with reckless disregard of facts or truth. I have less of a problem accepting the creation story than I have accepting all the violations of thermodynamic laws that are required to explain evolution. The concept of a 7 day creation has no bearing whatsoever on what we consider to be the duration of a day. The progression of time is not a constant. The speed of light in a vacuum is the only constant. Time can speed up or slow down depending upon the relativistic velocity of ones frame of reference. In the absence of a sun and earth (as prior to creation), the concept of a solar day is meaningless. However, even if it did refer to a 24 hour duration as we experience on earth today, that same duration could feel like eons if one was travelling at near light speed. The length of the extended time is governed by the Lorentz transformations. In similar fashion, dimensions of mass, length and volume also can vary considerably according to the relativistic velocity of the observer. So, a 7 day creation is based upon the time duration experienced by the only observer present, who was an omnnipotent g-d who can create something out of nothing and do so in whatever timeframe it took to do so... which could have looked like 7 days if somebody else was around to experience it. As for the rest of the creation story, I see many BIG gaping holes in the fossil records to substantiate claims of evolution from one species to another. Although processes of natural selection can explain variations within a species, mankind has yet to establish fossil records to substantiate the millions of transitions required to morph from one species to another. My comments are not based on religious beliefs, but upon science and logic.
11. Nr 8 : "They hate Muslims"
leon ,   Grand Rapids USA   (02.19.07)
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. This is a necessary truism in this complicated world.
12. You're all wrong !...Charles Darwin was influenced by Mossad
Alan ,   SA   (02.19.07)
13. 9# Two peas in a pod.
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (02.19.07)
Snuggle up to the Muslims who hate you and want you dead. Hate anyone who likes you. Must be lonely in that little liberal world. Maybe it is a phobia. Drive away your friends, kiss your enemies, and blame it on the fact that you are a Jew. Does your group thrive on everyone hating you in some way. It doesn't seem that you can accept friends. It must be incompatable in your little cult of guilt.
14. Supporters of Israel
What would you all think of someone like me? Unfortunately I am not Jewish (though I always wanted to be). Even so, I support Israel with my whole heart. Why? Is it because I think it will bring the end times sooner? Is it because I hate Muslims? Is it for some other stupid, typical reason that a non-jew does? NO! I love Israel because I love Jewish people, Jewish/Israeli culture, and most of all I love the G-d of Israel. What would you say about someone like me? what generalization would you make about me? Is my love of Israel not real?
15. 2# is more inclined to like the nutty Koran bomb slingers
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (02.19.07)
than his own kind. He hates the Christians but is in love with the Muslims who despise him for being a Jew. You slam your own religion by telling everyone that you jumped out of the evolutionary tree with the monkey. Jews are monkeys? That's what you tell your Rabbi? You might as well spit your venom towards Jews and Muslims as well as Christians. Be a person of conviction....hate yourself for being a Jew as well as everyone else for being of one faith or another. For a person who claims he doesn't paint with a wide certainly have covered a lot of ground with your paint brush. Why hold back. Finish painting.
16. Bombing abortion clinics? How long ago was that Steiner?
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (02.19.07)
That's your excuse to dump a Christian religious group? Give me a break. How many people were killed Steiner? Not to many. Not that it was right to do it of course. Your argument is very weak compared to the amount of children killed in those same clinics. 40 million babies have been slaughtered in abortion clinics since 1973. Where's your remorse for them. I don't see it. You liberals are all about being nice to your enemies, despising your friends, and justifying the slaughter of innocent children. It's no different than what the Nazi's did to the Jews. Everyone turns a blind eye. I seriously wonder if you are Jewish or not. God said you were a claim he doesn't exist through evolution? So if Judaism doesn't exist in your mind....why hate Christians? They are your monkey brothers in your reality without God.
17. #14, Israelis and Jews embrace Christians
Liz Shemtob ,   Israel   (02.20.07)
The 2 individuals on the forum who've insulted our wonderful Christian friends do not speak for a majority of Jews and Israelis. They are clowns who bring shame and embarrassment on the Jewish people. We always remember who our friends are, and we deeply appreciate and value your support. Thanks again, and God bless you.
18. Steven Wilson, I agree with you 100%
Liz Shemtob ,   Israel   (02.20.07)
Steiner brings so much shame on the Jewish people. He comes on here on an hourly basis spewing his venom against Israel and Judaism. I am stunned they allow him on here. In any case, you hit the nail on the head, could not agree with you more. And to all Christians, we thank you for your support, God bless.
19. politicians
tom ,   toronto, canada   (02.20.07)
clearly, a capacity for deep thought is not a requirement for entering politics, either in georgia or in texas! it's ironic that the flat-earthers should be trying to defend the jewish bible (genesis) from the jews! the fact that a texas representative admits to forwarding this rubbish to other politicians should be an embarrassment to him, but its thinly-veiled jew-hatred is also dangerous.
20. A few salient points
Benjamin Gordon ,   Tolleson, AZ   (02.24.07)
First: This is not, as commonly stated, a battle between religion and science. It is a battle between a particular type of religion (literalism) and reason, fact and truth. Those opposing evolution have made a false idol out of their chosen holy text (in the case of former Alabama Judge Moore, literally a graven one), and all they are doing is a desperate attempt to prop up their obviously invalid doctrine. That's fine when they limit it to a matter of belief (we are all free to choose whatever faith we wish), but when they take on science they overstep their bounds. The vast majority of religious people have no problem accepting evolution and maintaining their faith, because they recognize that the Bible (or other texts) are not necessarily literal throughout. Second: Judaism has no problem with evolution precisely because it does not demand a literal reading of the Holy Scriptures. "Rashi, the greatest Jewish commentator of all times, taught that the purpose of Scripture was not to give a strict chronology of Creation; while no less an authority than Maimonides declared: 'The Account given in Scripture of the Creation is not, as is generally believed, intended to be in all its parts literal'" -- The Soncino Edition of the Pentateuch, page 194 (2d Edition, 1960). The commentary cited above goes on to point out the result if we were to expect the Scriptures to incorporate literally the most recent scientific findings. The result is a collection of "begats" to rival the generations of Noah! (Monera begat Amoeba, . . ., Mud-Fish begat Gilled Amphibians, . . ., Pouched Animals begat Semi-Apes, . . ., Ape-like Men begat Men.") The point, of course, is that such a "genealogy" would scarcely be comprehensible to its intended audience. Galileo said it best: the Scriptures were written to tell us how to go to Heaven, not how the heavens go! Third: To Tom of Houston - what do you mean by "the violations of thermodynamic laws that are required to explain evolution"? If you are refering to that tired old canard that evolution violates the Second Law (actually a corollary to the Second Law), you should know that argument is based on a completely erroneous view of both evolution and thermodynamics. The fact is: evolution (in part) depends on thermodynamics! Why do you think the lion hunts and eats the zebra? To replenish the energy used up while performing the work of being alive. In short, to reverse its entropy, something we all do every time we eat (and every time we fill our cars with gas). Fourth, and finally, while I welcome support for Israel and professions of friendship to Jews, I don't blindly accept them. The real question is: are these "friends" actually recognizing our rights as fellow human beings, or are they just expressing support because of some role they've assigned to us in a great cosmic drama? Martin Luther once made similar professions of "love" for the Jews, but only because he deluded himself into believing that his Protestant reformation had removed all differences between his faith and ours. He expected the Jews of his time to all become "good Protestants". When they refused, Luther quickly returned to his former anti-semitic ways. So while it's pleasant to hear the Falwell's , Robertson's, and Dobson's, et. al., say nice things about us, I'll remain skeptical until they are willing to say that the Jewish faith is just as worthy of respect as their own, and that a good Jew (or anyone for that matter) can get into Heaven without believing in Jesus. - I'm not holding my breath!
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