Settlers' birth rate three times higher than other Israelis
Efrat Weiss
Published: 21.02.07, 14:03
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31. Names matter - they influence perception
Tracy W   (02.21.07)
Peace Now has nothing to do with Peace. No matter what they want to call themselves, they are actually "Pro-Arab Activists", or "Anti-Jewish Activists", although they have sometimes crossed the line from activism to outright harassment and violence. I agree that "settler" is not an accurate term either. I often call them "Residents of Judea and Samaria". What would they rather be called in English? Names matter. It's a matter of perception. The word settler implies outsiders moving in. That is not historically correct so it's time all patriotic Jews agreed on a new name and used it all the time. One last thought, how can Jews be "illegally" in their own country?
32. All the best to you Judea & Samaria
Tracy W   (02.21.07)
33. It is time Israel learned to respect international settlers
M. Amer   (02.21.07)
Under International law Israel must withdraw from the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza.. These are occupied territory.. We were thrown out of our homes in 1948... My family lost two homes to the Zionist invaders, who came from Europe. You have built a road through my land for these "settlers".. I personally like the word invaders.. Recognize our right to exist.. I am a decedent from the Cannites.. You are decedents from the Hebrews... These Hebrews wre nomads. Leave us Palestinain's be, and you will have your peace.. We are subjected to the Israeli gun everyday of our lives.. I have been arrested twice for absolutely nothing... It is time you follow some type of law.. Israeli's are a lawless people, and this is why we are always attacking you.. You treat us like dogs and expect us to surrender are rights as human- beings.. It is time we look at each other as equals..
34. the actions of peace now make me physically ill
aaron ,   ra'anana (1920)   (02.21.07)
36. #33 M Amer
Judy Y ,   Los Angeles   (02.21.07)
I don't know your personal circumstances but you're making gross generalities and assumptions here. The historical right of Jews to be on theirt land has been stated very well and quite often by previous TBs, and you can also refer to the Bible or to unbiased historical records that have been published by non-Jewish historians that support the right of Jews to their land. You may have had a legal title to a piece of land there, and if so, you should be compensated. Just as Jews thrown out of Arab countries should be compensated for lost property as well. Your statement that Hebrews were nomads is so outrageous that I prefer not to comment. Amer, you really need to order a few good history books and do some reading of your own. What they taught you in school is just plain propaganda. The one issue I'd like to question is your assumption that it's only the presence of Jews in Israel that makes you turn to violence. The infighting in Gaza is the latest in a long history of Palestinian violence that didn't always have Jews as targets or as a direct motive. You have been thrown out of several Arab countries because your culture of violence and anarchy was detrimental to the host country. I do not think for a minute that such culture will change just because Jews leave you alone. Were the Jews to vacate all of Israel, that would solve absolutely nothing for you. It's your subjugation to an ideology of hatred that is your worst enemy. If you govern yourselves democratically, respect your women and children, respect life and freedom, the life of all your people would improve dramatically, whether there are Jews around you or not.
37. #33 You are wrong. It is just the opposite
Jew from Israel   (02.21.07)
38. Peace Now phonies and hypocrites
Phil ,   Richboro US   (02.21.07)
Have you ever noticed how radical fascist and communist organizations love to name their orgtanizations with lies? So.... a communist dictatorship likes to call itself a people's democratic republic or a violent group like the radicals of the 1960's called themselves SDS-Students foor a Democratic Society. SNCC, the student "non-viole3nt" coordinating committee was anything but violent. Now< in Israel and the Diaspora, most Jews who are against Israel call themselves "progressives"> Really? What are they progressive about ? Peace Now is an organization that knows that the vast majority of Israelis and Israeli supporters want nothing more than peace and a fair and comprehensive settlement of the Israeli and Arab conflict. Most Israelis want the peace yesterday so they can go on with their lives. Yet a group that urges the US to withold aid from Israel and obsesses about the big bad settlers has the nerve to mention peace at all. They are a bunch of misfitss and loons who want surrender and couldn't care less about the welfare of the settlers.
39. # 33,,,You?..a Cananite? HA HA HA HA thanks for
Ivri   (02.22.07)
The good laugh...infact,your jokes are getting better and better as i read the rest of your "poor me" drivel.
40. to 30 keep on dreaming
don't forget to send me flowers when they leave from there ... you are just big mouthes ... just keep on watching your history and what was your goals when you came to this land and how you became and then you can imagin how you will be .... no great Israel from the Nile till El Forat , no friendship with most of the world , anti-Israel is growing up almost in whole world , not even safty Israel ... where the promissed heaven you promissed the Jewish around the world with it ? the Arabs in Israel in 30-50 years will be more than the Jews in Israel ... imagin this hell the best thing for the Arabs that Israel still believing it self and they don't want axept the reality , like you ..... the Arabs will get stronger with time and the neuclear arsenals will cover the middle east and the Israelis will escape each one back to HIS LAND from the fear they will have .... what a nightmare ... enjoy it ....
41. I am a decedent from the Cannites..
M. Amer   (02.22.07)
The Hebrews were nomads... the Hebrew culture is just as violent as the Arabs..Before the Hebrews settled in Israel they were a nomadic people... You almost destroyed my people once.. Perhaps you have never lived in the Palestinain territories.. We are tear gassed, the roads are blocked.. I myslef have seen women forced to give birth on check points because the Israelis would not let them path.. Ther are many good Israelis, the Jewish people are a great people.. But what happened in 1948 my families whole world changed.. We were forced to give two homes to thier "true Jewish" owners.. No compensation.. We moved to the West Bank city of Bet'in.. We lived thier for almost two decades.. Then the Israelis came and bulldozed our homes, and built a road right threw our land.. I ask you were is the justice? This is the Palestinain story..
42. #41 M. Amer
Judy Y ,   Los Angeles   (02.22.07)
Amer, what would you like to do now? Just be honest and tell us. As you can see some Jews have had a hard time too. They were expelled from Gaza so that the Palestinians could have that land to themselves and many of them have no homes, no jobs. All that so that you could have Gaza. Tell us what do you want now. What should your people and the Jews do now to stop all this suffering on both sides.
43. Very simple answer.
M. Amer   (02.22.07)
Either accept us as equal citizens of Israel, or give us a state.. But the occupation is not the answer.
44. #43 M. Amer
Judy Y ,   Los Angeles   (02.22.07)
My question was "What should your people and the Jews do now to stop all this suffering on both sides". You gave me half an answer. You want Israel to accept you as equals and to to give you a country. Fine. But you didn't tell me what your people would do to end the suffering on both sides. What, specifically, and how would you go about implementing it. That is, of course, if it's peace that you want. If you want a state to continue to attack Israel, then that's a completely different thing. So Amer, be honest and tell us.
45. Arabs..
M. Amer   (02.23.07)
Well the first step would be for Israel to withdraw compeletly to the 1967 border... Build a wall on the border.. This alone would satisfy approxmately 80% of the Palestinain populance.. Give the settlers two choices.. Live under Palestinain law as equal citizens or move back to Israel.. Compensate the Palestinain refugees that come under the absetee property law in Israel.. for thier property and allow them to return to the West Bank or Gaza.. The Palestinain's would in return recognize Israel and stop all attacks against Israel.. It is really that simple.. You will always have extremeist on both sides that do not want peace, but in time we will all come to see ourselves as brothers and sisters of Abraham.
46. #45 M. Amer
Judy Y ,   Los Angeles   (02.23.07)
Thanks Amer for replying to my questions. Regarding your answer, it's not what I as an Israeli would settle for, but for the sake of this discussion, I will put myself in your place and say that I find your answer reasonable. The problem remains, what to do about the Arab extremists? Because experience shows that there are no violent Jewish extremists (in the sense of committing acts of terror). There are people passionate about the land, but not likely to do you any harm. You saw how Jewish farmers were treated by their own government and there was no terror, no real violence. They resisted but they complied in the end. The problem is the Arab extremists who are determined to destroy Israel. I'm not blaming everyone, Amer. I think that many Arab families would rather live quiet lives minding their own business instead of finding themselves in the middle of constant strife (internal and with the IDF). So, what do we do about that? As you can see, Olmert and the US are eager to settle this once and for all, to establish Palestine as a country with final borders, and to have both countries live in peace, or so they say. However, a large proportion of Palestinians voted for Hamas, which makes no secret that it has a plan to take over all of Israel. (Fatah has the same plan, only it's less vocal about it). Now I'm going to ask you to put yourself in Israelis' place. How would you feel about that? How would you feel when listening to the Arab rhetoric of hatred and threats of annihilation. Right now, with "territories", Israel has the option of going there and dealing with terrorists plotting suicide bombings. With Palestine as a sovereign country, what could Israel do? Have another war? With Hamas refusing to recognize Israel and continuing the harassment and infiltration, what kind of peace would that be? You say Palestinians would recognize Israel. How do we achieve that? Do you think that there's a majority willing to do it? The political (and financial) future of Hamas and Fatah is to continue with their struggle to destroy Israel. They have no other plans on their agenda. They have been totally unable to achieve anything in terms of making life better for Palestinians. All the money seems to go into weapons. I'm going to ask you one more question, if you don't mind. What would you think of the idea of having Jordan annex the West Bank, and Egypt annex Gaza? I know that goes contrary to the long held dream of a country of your own, but right now the future of Palestine seems very dark indeed, with such anarchy, with military factions fighting each other, and with no hope of a democratic future in sight. What if there was a plan combining direct compensation to families and individuals, and a plan for resettlement in Arab countries. What would you think about that?
47. extremeists
M. Amer   (02.23.07)
1 Settlers in the West bank are just as crazy as Hammas.. They resort to violence just like the Hammas wing.. 2. The Arab extremists which are a small minority.. In a recent poll done by Ber Saat University nearly 80 percent of the Palestinain's would favor peace and recognition with Israel, on the condition of a complete withdraw from occupied territory.. These extremists gain the support of the public by pointing out how Israel makes the Palestinain's suffer in their daily routine.. If Israel were to withdraw they would lose this base, which in turn would let the terroists lose thier base of support... Now this process would take maybe years, but it is a necessary step.. A withdrawal should be completed slowly, as for Israel to put up defenses on the new border and a wall. 3. The annexation of the territories by Egypt and Jordan are good idea's. I personally would favor such a move, but for security reasons I think Israel would reject the offer. As for the relocating part.. I would never accept.. Palestine is my home.
48. #47 M. Amer
Judy Y ,   Los Angeles   (02.25.07)
Sorry Amer, but by comparing the settlers with Hamas, you've discredited all your more reasonable statements.
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