Israel occupation resembles apartheid, expert says
Associated Press
Published: 22.02.07, 21:57
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61. #60 NudeNik: CALM, calm, calm
Flower ,   Stockholm   (02.23.07)
If you read the article a bit more seriously you will discover that the criticism is about the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, it's enclosure of the Gaza (world's largest prison) and the way Palestinians is prohibited to move freely and develop their own properties. Rights that at least americans allways have held high... IT IS NOT ABOUT THE STATE ISRAEL ITSELF.
62. No. 61 Flower
NYC Girl   (02.23.07)
The "world's largest prison" as you call it isn't Gaza. Rather it's the collective minds of the Palestinians that are their own prison, at least until they free themselves from the absurd notion that if only they could remove Israel from the Middle East, all their troubles would be over.
63. UN is obsesed with condeming Israel
zionist forever   (02.23.07)
The UN once claimed that zionism was apartehid untill they were forces to overturn that resolution so now they are looking to find a new excuse Israel of apartheid. House demolitons - their purpose to discourage people carrying out terror operations. Preferencial treatment to settlers .. could it be because the settlers are Israeli citizens and its the job of the Israeli government to worry about the interests of its citizens not the arabs that want to destroy it. Restrictions of movement .. maybe if they stopped trying to smuggle explosive belts around then there would be no need for these restrictions. Prehaps the UN should start looking at the reasons behind these things instead of basing their decisions on what they see and not why they are seeing it.
64. UN commission
charles ,   petach tikva   (02.23.07)
A neutral report ? Look who presents this : a lawyer who fought against apartheid in South Africa . And this is called neutral ! I would call it , at least , one sided . Who commissioned this report ? This UN commission , criticised by Kofi Annan who himself was not such an Israel friend , is composed by 47 members , most of them anti Israeli . So dear Israelis , and Israel's friends , let him bark , let him compare not comparable situations . The big difference , as one talkback correctly says , is that the Black Africans did not want to exterminate the white inhabitants of their country . And that says enough .
65. apartheid
Canada   (02.23.07)
and look at all the problems with the blacks in south africa now,they are nuts and the black government cannot control them,botha was good for something.
66. SEVERE BEATING on U.S. Campus-Israeli Apartheid Week
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (02.23.07)
Israeli Apartheid Week on U.S. Campuses By Lee Kaplan | February 22, 2007 ... Last week a particularly odious “End Israeli Apartheid Week” was given venues on several American campuses, most particularly in New York -- yet the mainstream media nary said a word. Despite denying this event was even going to be held, the City University of New York, threw the event together in three days in a university facility. The presentation included a film screened by Mohammed Khatib, the International Solidarity Movement-Fatah liaison in the West Bank village of Bi’ilin, and Feryal Abu Haikal, a woman who serves a similar function for Fatah in Tel Rumeida, also in the West Bank. The two Arab flacks, who are also responsible for organizing riots in the West Bank against Israel’s Security Fence and interfere with Israeli soldiers and police, presented a propaganda film that alleges that Israeli soldiers purposefully abuse and bother Palestinian quadriplegics and other disabled people. These events sometimes run films in which Israeli soldiers are accused of using Palestinian children for target practice. Blood libel tales are common fare. At the conclusion of the film, Binyamin Rister, a Jewish student at CUNY, raised his hand to ask the question, “Do you support terrorism?” The Arab presenters refused to answer. Rister politely repeated the same question only to find himself set upon by five CUNY security cops who dragged him from his seat and removed him from the room. One officer continued holding him by the neck on the outside escalator and repeatedly banged Rister’s head against the wall as the escalator descended. Then, before they reached the bottom, the guard threw Rister head first down the remaining steps, injuring him severely enough to be taken to the hospital in a neck brace. Preview Image Binyamin Rister, 19, was taken by ambulance to a hospital in a neck brace by paramedics. This is the second time a Jewish man was beaten up at an ISM event in this country. One year ago, Georgetown University guards severely beat a 67-year-old retired police officer for also asking if the speakers supported terrorism. Georgetown currently has an $8 million personal injury lawsuit on its hands as a result. There were seven witnesses to the unprovoked attack, and Rister has now filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against CUNY, a taxpayer-funded college. Of note is the fact that a lawsuit filed in advance to prevent CUNY from holding such an event, as it presented a danger to Jewish students, was tossed by the judge because it was filed only a day before the event-- the organizers and university did a good job of denying the event would even take place...
67. Move the UN and their experts to Darfur.
AK   (02.24.07)
Or Somalia... or Zimbabwe... or Liberia... or Egypt............or Ivory Coast....or Yemen.....or Jordan......Saudi Arabia...
68. the only victim
H Brewer ,   UK   (02.24.07)
Israel objects to any note of any suffering other than its own. It is the only victim that counts - no matter what the Palestinians do, say or feel - they are the eternal terrorists to Israel's poor picked-upon self. Can't get more apartheid than that.
69. There is a solution
Grafted Wild Olive S ,   Sojourner   (02.25.07)
Yitzhak Levanon said "Any conclusions he may draw are therefore fundamentally flawed and purposely biased," Precisely, why is the UN picking on Israel? What about the apartheid in Arab countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, etc? There is enough documentary proof that all the Islamic countries have practiced apartheid for centuries, what has the UN done about this? There are 56 Islamic countries 22 of which are Islamic States where only Muslims have the right to be citizens, whereas there is only one Jewish State and they allow Muslims to be citizens. Israel has every right to conduct their affairs as a Jewish State along the lines as taught by the Torah. I’m not Jewish but I respect their rights. It’s about time the UN butts out of Israel’s internal affairs and looks at all the atrocities committed in the world in the name of Islam. This Dugard speaks out of ignorance or just plain anti-Semitism; he needs to get educated on history before he dares write a report about Israel. He is no expert, more likely a squirt looking for recognition at any cost. If anyone knows how to contact him can they suggest he read “From Time Immemorial” by Joan Peters; “Judgement Day” by Dave Hunt; “The Everlasting Hatred, the Roots of Jihad” by Hal Lindsey. Probably like the rest of the UN he does not care about the truth. There can be no peace as long as the world ignores the truth, the “occupiers” are the Arabs, and the only way to solve the Middle East problem is for the Arab states to take back their people, acknowledge that the whole of “Palestine” belongs to the Jews from time immemorial, accept Israel as a Jewish State and give back ALL the land that belongs to her. This will happen when Messiah Yeshua returns; He will restore the kingdom to Israel. The disciples of Messiah asked him, "Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" He said to them: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by His own authority. … After He said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid Him from their sight. They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. “Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven." Acts 1:6-11. When Messiah Yeshua returns He will restore the land of Israel to the Jewish people (a remnant who survive) and set up His eternal kingdom. "I kept looking in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven One like a Son of Man was coming, and He came up to the Ancient of Days and was presented before Him. "And to Him was given dominion, glory and a kingdom, that all the peoples, nations and men of every language might serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion which will not pass away; and His kingdom is one which will not be destroyed. Daniel 7:13-14 For the Law shall go forth from Zion (Micah 4:2) Baruch ha ba B'Shem Adonai Blessed is He who comes in the Name of The Lord
70. The whole world knows this ... what's new ?
Some they say it and some they close their eyes ..... tha's it
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