West 'humiliating' Iran, says Hans Blix
Associated Press
Published: 26.02.07, 23:29
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31. Blix is right
Noah G ,   Los Angeles, USA   (02.27.07)
We have to stop all this good versus evil manicheanism. While Ahmadinejad's holocaust denying is inexcusable, it does no one any good to think all Iranian people are somehow evil and deserve our military confrontation. That's just lunacy. If we wish to call ourselves civilization nations, we cannot choose violence over diplomacy and understanding. Each side is presenting their baddest street-poker face. We need to see past these.
32. #31
Charles T. Brown ,   Gray Summit, USA   (02.27.07)
No one thinks all the Iranian People are bad and deserve our military stikes....the Precision Bombings and Bunker Buster, Ground Penetrating bombs would be used against the Iranian Nuclear Plants and Laboratories in order to destroy or disrupt their production and advancement of Nuclear technology....Maybe we might hit some quds or revolutionary guards and destroy some aiports and military bases, in order to criple their military, but civilian targets would not exist unless the Iranians placed military targets within civilian neighborhoods.....
33. Nix Blix
Lori LowenthalMarcus ,   Philadelphia, PA   (02.27.07)
This man is the icon for all that is wrong with the West - fawning over the feelings of an enemy that would as soon blow the heads off our children as blow their own noses. No, the problem is not that the West is being mean to poor Iran. The problem is that the West allows a pathetic appeaser like Blix to make these statements and - please say No, but we know it is yes - even to take his words to heart. The reason the West cannot and should not "put itself in Iran's shoes" is that we are not religiously murderous fanatics intent on obliterating everyone we think worships the wrong way. No, we all need to put ourselves in the shoes of those who are not ashamed of themselves and who are repulsed by moral equivalency. And village idiots. Like Blix. Lori Lowenthal Marcus
34. offbase - again
tom ,   toronto, canada   (02.27.07)
hans blix reported to the united nations security council that iraq was not co-operating with international inspections, and was misleading them on chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons programmes. even though the iraqis managed to disappear every trace of those programmes, he still insisted the the united states should have waited longer before invading iraq. and now he offers the world more sage advice: don't humiliate iran. but he has completely left out the most important part of the picture, namely that the crazies running iran want neither peace nor beads and blankets; they are convinced that they can fulfill the prophecy only by bringing about world war and massive destruction. they speak of martyrdom and death to bring about the return of the mehdi, so sanctions, or security guarantees, aren't going to dissuade them, if 10 years of war and a million casualties didn't. they are, literally, on a mission from god. we are faced with a suicide bomber state, and he worries about hurting their feelings!
35. #31, you're dead wrong!
tom ,   toronto, canada   (02.27.07)
the choices are NOT between all-out war against the iranian people, or continued appeasement of a militant megalomania that is running iran. all-out war is not necessary because the vast majority of iranians do not support this regime on a political level. and, the nuclear programme, by its very nature, is confined in a limited number of secured locations, on the military level. appeasement will not work, because it cannot work. the basic assumption, that the iraninans are nice folks, just like us, who want the same things that we do, is just plain wrong. they are theologically motivated, which means they will not be satisfied with beads and blankets. they are on a mission from god to conquer the world, or die trying. there is nothing we can give them, short of our unconditional surrender, that really matters to them. the real rational solution to this gordian knot is regime change, and the only question is how.
36. Nix to Iranian tricks!
Randy J ,   Montreal   (02.27.07)
Blix is another Euroappeaser.
37. Makes sense, but what's the alternative?
Suzanne   (02.27.07)
38. much money has Iran put into his pocket?
Sabientje   (02.27.07)
This clearly shows what petro dollars do to a corrupt diplomat. I wonder how much money Iran is paying Blix under the table. To allow Iran to continue enriching uranium is like giving a loaded gun to a bratty child who always want to get his way. I wonder how this bastard Blix would react if monkey-face Ahmadinejad would state that he wants to wipe Sweden off the face of the Earth.
39. Terry.
AR ,   USA   (02.27.07)
Terry I understand where you are coming from with your statement. I agree from what amadinejad says i wouldnt trust that guy. But we trusted Saddam Hussein even after we knew he was using chemical weapons on civilians (which we gave him) We have talked to the North Koreans we have talked to the government of Sudan we are bussum buddies with the Saudies. All bad guys. (governments not people) Actually the Iranians have tried to talk to the states. It has only recently come out that when Khatami (a "reformer") was president just after the US invasion of Iraq the Iranian government sent a proposal to Washington which pretty much put the: nuclear issue, Hezbullah, Hamas, recognition of Israel, and helping America in forming a democracy in Iraq that would avoid sectarian problems not to mention shift on domestic policy. Suffice it to say at the time they were quite rational they pretty much were willing to discuss everything the administration says it has issues with Iran on. The proposal was proptley thrown in the trash once cheney and rummy got their hands on it. The iranians in turn believed that the Bush administration didnt have issues with its policies. They rightly thought that the Bush regime was opposed to Iranian power in the middle east. (dont forget bush and cheney are in bed with the saudis and Israelis who are both threatened by a persian shia power in the east especially for the saudis) I really dont get why Israel and Iran arent allies they should be (stratigically not religous or ideoligically). But i digress. I hate to sound like the blame America camp but when it comes to the ME America's hands are not clean or fair no one should be surprised bye this. After Iran gets rejected the Mullahs decide to look out for themselves (which they were smart to do they havent forgotten what the world did during the Iran Iraq war) and radicals like Amadinejad come to power (he dosnt have any real power anyway he a puppet president) Terry in Iran the democracy is a fraud. Khameni has the power in Iran and the people never elected him. The president is just for show. So the mullahs can say the people want us around. Bye the way they are called EFP's Explosive Formed Penetrators which were have been used bye Hezbullah, IRA, etc etc for years im pretty sure Iraqis know how to make them and even if they didnt their is no proof Irans government is sending them to Iraq. Dont forget Iran has had its people in Southern Iraq since the end of the Gulf War 1 they could have taught Shia's how to build them before America invaded. Dont think im defending the regime they are a bunch of corrupt facist but if we as Americans want to gain some of our credibility and love back from the world we need to look at the world from a different perspective then the one our media tries to instill in our psyche. George knows what hes talking about good for you George (not bush #8) #9 yah a nuclear weapons inspector wouldnt know what a nuke was but bush and cheney sure know.
40. Don`t humiliate Iran
Nora ,   Tel Aviv   (02.27.07)
The West is humiliating Iran by not accepting Ahmedinejad`s declarations that ,once Israel destroyed ,there will be peace in the Middle East . The fear is that a "Humiliated Iran" can become doubly dangerous to the Big Satan (US), to the Small Satan{IL) and to the Intermediate Satan(GB). If so, it`s high time that the West gets "Humiliated" by Iran`s blackmailings and start doing something serious.
41. Joe #20 #23
AR ,   USA   (02.27.07)
Yah Iran didnt harm a single hostage. They let the woman and minorities go. All they asked for was the return of the Shah which the US was giving medical treatment to. The shah that was despised bye the whole world. The shah who would sitt and drink champaign with carter while his people were starving and being tortured bye the Savack who got their trained in torture techniques by CIA. The same shah that the US put in power after the CIA and MI5 overthrough the democratic government of Mossadeq. Calling him a Commie. Not to mention we supported Hussein, gave him WMD's, diplomatic cover so he could use said WMD's. Shot down an Iranian Airliner carrying 200+ innocent iranians. Dont forget to mention the Iranian Embassy in England where Iranians were killed. Dont forget Iranians warned us about 9/11. Dont forget they helped us in afghanistan. Dont forget we rewarded them for their help by naming them the head of the AXIS OF EVIL. Clown shut up your ignorant racist and clueless you dont know a one thing about Iran or Iranians and you already hate them. What a sad person you are. #20 what treaties? Name them. America has violated the Algeires Accord im sure you have no clue what that is. THANK YOU #23 one person uses his brain thank god. You have hit the nail on the head and it isnt even that difficult to understand but most talkbackers are blindfolded by hate and ideoligy so what can you do. Good job.
42. Hanz Bix
Nechemia ,   World   (02.27.07)
What could one expect from a Swede?
43. Iran and N. Korea have diffrent needs
Eric ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (02.27.07)
Claiming that the US and the UN need to address security concerns of Iran like were done in N. Korea is a mistake. N. Korea was publicly building a nuclear weapons program for deterrence against the US, and as such required security promises. Iran claims to be building a civilian program only for power, with no weapon capabilities. Thus there is no concern about deterrence or security in their published plans. If there is a need for security promises then their program is a lie and the requirements of the Security Council are correct, if not then they can stop enrichment for a period of say 3 months of negotiations with the understanding that they will be only halted permanently should an agreement be reached. This is not an issue of pride or security, it is an issue of lying to the international community about their goals.
44. Talks = delaying tactics untill the point of no return
zionist forever   (02.27.07)
Blix wants us to all talk to Iran like friends and not humiliate them what he doesnt seem to understand though is for Iran talk doesnt mean compromise and find a negotiated solution it means more delaying tactics to which will help avoid millitary action. For at least 1 year now the Europeans have talked with Iran even Russia tried talking the talks go on for months then when its all over the Iranian policy is exactly the same as it was before the talks began .. we wont give up our right to enrich uranium etc. Then the US and Europe start talking sanctions and Iran ancounces it wants to hold talks try sort this out diplomaticly then the next round of talks finish exactly the same way as the first and it keeps going on in circles like this and the mulllahs are laughing at how stsupid the west can be. They are hoping that the delaying tactics will give them enough time to take their program to the point of no return and they can start threatening to nuke any country that uses millitary action and so the world will just turn a blind eye and accept Iran now has nukes. If he cant see that then maybe he needs to get a new set of glasses.
45. #16 M.Amer..
Lynne   (02.27.07)
wait until the world is ready for nuclear Iran??? who is the WORLD??? there's a world beyond Israel and the US that is READY to accept a nuclear Iran!! why did no one ever speak up against Israel's development of nuclear WEAPONS and not only energy (this was admitted by Olmert himself)!! and knowing that Israel is always the one at war with its neighbours...
46. Blix is missing the point as usual...
D- ,   San Diego, USA   (02.27.07)
If Iran is humiliated enough then perhaps it's leaders won't gloat after they bring nuclear terrorism to the Earth. Is that what Bliz is saying? It is incomprehensible. What does it have to do with anything? But then again, what does Blix have to do with anything, anyway, either! Who cares what this fool says?
47. hans
johnnie ,   russia   (02.27.07)
tell im to eat his tomatoes.
48. #45 Why would you accept a nuclear Iran?
Lina ,   USA   (02.27.07)
Ahmadinejad has threatened to destroy the US and Israel and send 40,000 suicide bombers to attack the US, Israel and Europe. He's a religious fanatic with a death wish who treats his own people like caged animals. And you support a nuclear Iran? While Israel may have nuclear power, she does not threaten to destroy any country with it. Further, Israel went to war last year because Israel was attacked.
49. Blix and Humiliating crap
Brod ,   USA   (02.27.07)
Why is Blix singing the theme song of Islamist-Jihadist crap--the so-called humiliating crap? It is astounding to see educated people like him know nothing about the threat of Islamist-Jihadism that is contaminating the world with the craps of the dark forces.
50. Humiliation???
susie ,   usa   (02.27.07)
Iran has yet to see the humiliation that will soon be descending on them. For all the taunting, delaying tactics, finger pointing, threats, and spoiled childlike tactics, Iran has set into motion the train against THEM that has no reverse. Soon they will experience such terror and fear that they thought for sure they were immune to. It will surely send the midget back into his box, only to be let out as a clown on a spring of a jack in the box. And it will give the ayatollahs zero standing in their deceived followers eyes.
51. to # 31
randy ,   usa   (02.27.07)
You definately have to be a cowardly liberal. After the EU, and UN tried diplomacy with this midget thug for 2 years, any intelligent surely should realize that they aren't going to listen. But then again, you would probably negotiate and listen to their lies as their missles were seconds away from your house. Your kind of thinking is dangerous and weak. They are WAY PAST the mind set of negotiating. The time is NOW to take out their nuke facilities instead of having to explain to the whole ME why the minget now has a weapon of terror that he will use on them if they don't give into his demands. Liberals never look ahead at the future. They're part of the reason bin laden got away with 9/11.
52. What happened was...
john ,   nz   (02.28.07)
El-Baradei invited Blix over for dinner and El show Blix his Swiss Bank account with funds TT from Teheran.
53. Peace with Justice.
Spinoza ,   Middletown NY   (02.28.07)
Mr. Blitz is right on the money. Treat people like you would want to be treated and good results are likely to occur. Of course right wing scum war mongers hate such ideas.
54. International Hate Iran Day
Per K ,   US of Europe   (02.28.07)
It's clear from the posts here that there is an amazing level of hate being built up towards Iran. I fear this is done deliberately to cloud our judgement. I don't think it would do any damage to calm down a bit and apply a little critical thinking.
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