Opinion  Ray Hanania
Israeli-Palestinian comedy big hit in Hollywood
Ray Hanania
Published: 28.02.07, 19:59
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38 Talkbacks for this article
31. Talkbacks are for discussion, not drive by intellectual ...
Stewart Miller ,   USA   (03.10.07)
sniping. First you say you disagree with me on issues I never brought up such as the settlements and other items. Then you make assertions without example, context, or perspective and accuse the wondering of trying to engage you in a historical debate. I already conceded it probably happened, but have no idea what it really means without context and perspective. WHY SHOULD I OR ANYONE ELSE TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY WHEN YOU TAKE A FEW SHOTS AND DRIVE OFF. Is your participation any better than the evening sound bite news? Oh, and they often start the same way by attributing things to people that were never said or aluded too. Put your money, or at least a few sentences where your mouth is. If your going to make an assertion, a few sentences of example and explination shouldn't ruin your busy liffe. It can't be that busy if you have time for 5-10 min. talkbacks.
32. thoughts and feelings
Arja ,   Canada   (03.11.07)
Hmmm interesting exchanges while I've been busy having a life... I think it's best for me to decline direct comments on most of what's been written...... I'd like to ask, when did either of you, Edan or Stewart, last visit Gaza or the West Bank? When did you read about the experiences from someone who was visiting or living there? I don't visit, but I do read. For the most part, it wouldn't call it propaganda. Also, I have spoken with someone who was with the British military when Jews were being transported to Israel after the war. I also had a friend, now dead, who told me of her childhood in Israel in those early days. She was very happy to have moved to Canada. But history is really a red herring to discussion of human rights and social justice for the Palestinians who are living in the Occupied Territories NOW. Edan suggested I check out Tikun Olam. And as a result, I found www.richardsilverstein.com/tikun_olam/ Richard Silverstein has a beautiful image entitled Stop All the Massacres by Ben Heine which he is recommending for all bloggers whether pro-Israel or pro-Palestine to display at their blog sites (check it out, Ray). It records the massacres committed by Arabs as well as israelis. Neither side is blameless. He writes: "There is a compassion deficit on both sides of this conflict. Of course, it is entirely understandable why this deficit exists. Too much blood has been shed and attitudes harden when there is an unending stream of violence. "But perhaps we can join Ben Heine, the wonderful artist who created this image, by imagining a world in which we put our respective massacres behind us and embrace a future vision of peace between two peoples. We can tell the leaders of the U.S., Israel and Palestine that we are tired of massacres. We want peace. We want negotiation: Israel-Palestine. Israel-Syria. Stop with conditions. Stop with blame. Sit down and talk. Now." Like, Michael said in a previous feedback, so many wrongs, when and how do we stop?
33. laugh clown laugh
bruce beal ,   l.a. ca. usa.   (03.13.07)
the marvelous and brilliant intellect of the cream of the sabraim, will find the ticklish point beneath the ribs of all their "enemies" they will laugh now or they will laugh later. Or they will just be laughed at.
34. #32 Thoughts and feelings? Try, "Feelings and more feelings
Stewart ,   USA   (03.13.07)
Oh, and as said many times before, "Examples prove nothing, they only illustrate." (Meir) Without context and perspective, they are meaningless. (I got to tell this to a college instructor? Intelligence goes out the window when young, impresionable students fawn all over you.) The conflict in Israel and Palestine is SO MUCH PART OF A BIGGER AGENDA. But, go ahead; keep ignoring the bigger picture. Keep putting bandaids on the wounds while the patients are dying from infections. Let's turn out another generation of young ones that think they can solve every conflict by understanding how everyone feels and just talking it out. Meanwhile they get flattened by the real steamroller of life.
35. Live Love Laugh
Arja ,   Canada   (03.13.07)
Stewart, you're good at spewing angry words and putdowns -- a lot of emoting, I'd say (e.g. #31) . So are you for a two-state solution? What do you think about the settlements in the West Bank? I know you can't write an essay or worse yet, a thesis, in the space provided in the feedbacks, so all you can provide are comments, snippets of the bigger picture. So who writes about this Bigger Agenda you mention? I know my sources, but I'm interested in knowing what YOU'VE read, where YOU get your FACTS and information -- well, in addition to Alan Dershowitz? Have you read the rebuttal to his book by Michael Neumann? As for the bigger agenda, perhaps you are talking about the one set forth by the PNAC, the Project for the New American Century? Or AIPAC? Or Perhaps it's the Zionist agenda, or maybe even G-d's bigger agenda (not Allah's, I'm pretty sure)? Mine is really quite simple (perhaps even naive and idealistic) - peaceful co-existence of human beings: negotiation not force, collaboration not competition, partnership not domination; all at the political, social, psychological, spiritual, ecological/environmental spheres of life. Although there are records of a few peaceful cultures like the Minoans, for the most part, I do believe it requires human beings to mature, evolve and transform to higher levels of morality and consciousness. Our current dominator model is a path leading humanity to death and destruction. It's time to learn to Live, love and laugh!
36. ...mature, evolve and transform....
Michael ,   Seattle   (03.14.07)
your hands are the hands of God, your voice is His. Choose to transform or choose to suffer. The rest is all rhetoric.
37. #19, thanks Stewart
Ray Hanania ,   Chicago, IL USA   (03.14.07)
I think it may be true that populations shift from left to right driven by emotions. If we poll today, the results are different than five years ago or more ... my point is, yes, it is disturbing that more and more Palestinians are turning their anger towards real hatred ... but I still believe thatthe majority of Palestinians, faced with a solution that is fair and based on compromise, will embrace mutual recognition ... but as long as the conflict continues, even the moderates int he middle are skewered by a distorted pull from the extremists ... There will always be a small group of Palestinians AND Israelis who hate. That's life. But the majority are driven by moods, rhetoric, events, hope and loss of hope, frustration and achievement, to change. And they do change. That's human nature too and we should recognize that even if a majority today seems to be embracing anger, hatred and violence, that they can easily be moved back to reason under the right circumstances. Right now, there are no good circumstances pushing people towards hope and resolution. Everything, including the political actions of the Israeli government and the PNA are pushing both sides to loose faith and to believe in rejection rather than compromise just my thoughts (I have a new emial by the way at rayhanania@comcast.net although I still amc hecking the AOL account) Ray Hanania www.IPComedyTour.com
38. What's it about?
Korem ,   New York, USA   (03.20.07)
I must watch this. What is it about?
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