Road accident orphans 8
Efrat Weiss
Published: 15.03.07, 14:09
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38 Talkbacks for this article
1. Who needs suicide-bombers??
Esteban ,   Argentina   (03.15.07)
The israeli drivers are doing their job very well. Stop the carnage on the roads!
2. Barbarians
Mike ,   Jerusalem   (03.15.07)
"While the MDA crew was working to evacuate the victims, Palestinians stoned the ambulances" These so called "palestinians" are nothing but barbarians who thirst after jewish Blood! Why do we allow them in our hospitals? Let them build their own hospitals and stay there if this is the thanks the give us for giving them humanitarian care in our hospitals! Certainly the MDA workers and the victims were NOT combatants
3. Those Palestinians in future CHARGE them
ben ,   singapore   (03.15.07)
for obstructing the Public officer's in the execution of duty !
4. ...
DR ,   Florida, USA   (03.15.07)
Interfering with a rescue operation? How low can these people go?
5. "Palestinians stoned the ambulances and police vehicles at..
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (03.15.07)
the scene." These Jew-haters are the people the US EU UN Russia and Israeli leaders are eager to reward with a Global Islamic TERROR state on Jewish Holy Land - dedicated to the annihilation of Israel's Jews and the DESTRUCTION of ALL of civilization. May the G-D of truth and justice execute His judgments soon! Bible, Psalm 69:35 For G-D will save Zion. Psalm 71 You are my rock and my fortress... You are my hope... You are my strong refuge... Psalm 119:114 You are my hiding place and my shield... Psalm 144 My lovingkindness and my fortress My stronghold and my deliverer... May G-D heal and always comfort, protect and take care of these precious eight orphans.
6. road accident
charles ,   petach tikva   (03.15.07)
Again an unadapted speed that caused this accident . When will all those drivers learn that they have not to drive at the speed limit , that they have to adapt their speed to the weather conditions . When will they learn to leave their home earlier , so they don't have to hurry , they won't be nerveous , they will come relax where they have to be . Regarding the pals : disgusting .
7. How some the media doesn't cover this???
DR ,   Florida, USA   (03.15.07)
Show the true face of the Palestinians. Throwing stones at ambulances as they take injured people away...ridiculous. Hopefully the western media will pick up on things like this in the future.
8. Send this report to-----------
Ely Greenhut ,   Tzfat Israel   (03.15.07)
Peace Now, Olmart Peretz & all the other Knesset ministers who want to give the Paletinians our land & see what their reaction will be once they see this report.
9. Video?
Yifat ,   Israel   (03.15.07)
Where's the video? Where's the outrage from Peace Now or Btzelem? Where is the artcle on the harsh punishment that the arabs recievewd for stoning an ambulance caring for the injured? Where's the justice????
10. Appalling! Horrific!
Reuven Brauner ,   Raanana, Israel   (03.15.07)
"While the MDA crew was working to evacuate the victims, Palestinians stoned the ambulances and police vehicles at the scene." That is one of the most perverse things I had read about in years. Sickening. Animals. Our deepest sympathies and condolences to this tragic family. May G-d comfort them with all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
11. The palis never stop to surprise me in a negative way
Y ,   N   (03.15.07)
12. Where oh where is Btselem?
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (03.15.07)
They are celebrating the conviction of that dastardly monster Ifat Elkobi.
gabriel ,   mtl   (03.15.07)
no videos for this? no mention from the def. minister about this? Bunch of self hating leftist jews, shame!
14. This Article----
Ely Greenhut ,   Tzfat Israel   (03.15.07)
Why are the BBC, CNN, New York times & all the other anti Israel news medias not reporting this ?
15. I only hope , Israel will never delude
Canada guy ,   Canada   (03.15.07)
itself, hoping by giving up any amount of hard fought for land , would !ever! give her peace. Pallis would even stone the last Jew in the water. Plse don't ever give up a single square inch.
16. I nominate the stone-throwers for a Darwin Award
17. # 2 MIKE
ISRAELMYTH   (03.15.07)
18. Where is Steiner?
Arthur ,   S Francisco   (03.15.07)
19. road accident
charles ,   petach tikva   (03.15.07)
Most of the tb's blame the pals stone throwers , with reason , it's disgusting . But the first to blame is this driver , who is guilty of driving in an inapropriate way . He paid it with his life , but sadly to say , assassinated his wife , and made 8 orphans . When will we learn to respect some rules on the roads ? Many of those accidents could be avoided by driving a little bit more carefully . Are all those deaths not enough ? How many more do we need ?
20. Weather Or Rocks On A Windshield? Or Bullets?
Yonatan Koss ,   Chi Town, OR. USA   (03.15.07)
21. #2 What's even more barbaric, the world at large excuses it.
AK   (03.15.07)
22. I'll pray for them!! May they overcome this
John ,   Amsterdam, Holland   (03.15.07)
23. road accidents
benny   (03.15.07)
the only way to stop fatal road accidents is to give the culprit a heavy jail sentence, take away the drivers licence for good. This will certainly be a very good lesson to others not to be careless on the roads. benny
24. Baruch Dyan Ha'Emet..........
Avraham ,   Netivot   (03.15.07)
There was a blizzard raging in the area & driving conditions were horrible. All the roads in the Hevron area are very narrow with alot of curves & hills. As far as I know all the roads in the area were supposed to be closed because of the weather. I wish all the injured a refua shelayma. To the arabs who threw rocks, may they all suffer a fate worse than the victims.
25. charles
gabriela ben ari ,   jerusalem   (03.15.07)
dont jump so fast to blame the drivers It has been snowing and raining buckets heavily non stop since yesterday in Jerusalem Hebron ect So try to get a better picture of how slippery roads operate in a day like this I how personally the best of drivers having slipped from the road in this area on days like this
26. Yes, tragic, and I'm sorry for the children
Michael Steiner   (03.15.07)
Those calling for me: those who threw rocks at the ambulance were scum. Then again, we let pregnant women die rather than let an ambulance reach a hospital. Both are wrong. What's your point?
27. Condolences
Abdullah ,   EuMe   (03.15.07)
May G-d help the children and the injured.
28. #26 Michael Steiner
NYC Girl   (03.15.07)
The point is that Palestinians have used ambulances, carrying supposedly pregnant women, as vehicles for suicide bombers. Yes, it's tragic if a pregnant woman dies, but that's an unintended consequence of having to be hyper-vigilant and the blame for that rests with the Palestinians. On the other hand, the imbeciles throwing rocks at the ambulance deliberately attempted to hinder emergency workers in a situation where even seconds can be crucial.
29. Gabriela
charles ,   petach tikva   (03.15.07)
As you know i lived for many years in Galut in Europe . There i had a car for almost 40 years , we had more snow and bad conditions in one year than here in 10 . I know that you have to adapt your speed to those conditions , how bad they are . Even to drive at 10 km/h sometimes . I always left my home early , and certainly when weather conditions were bad . That's why i wrote that the driver is to blame , sad to say .
30. #2
Liza ,   tel aviv   (03.15.07)
I couldn't have said it better myself. There are enough Israelis to think of first who are getting hurt or killed left right or center before tending to the ones who expect our medical care on one hand and on the other hand they repay by stoning. If they only took the trouble to take care of themselves for once and quit looking over at what we're doing all the time then maybe they wouldn't have to resort to violence if they made a life for themselves. Apparently all they want is to look over our fence obsessively and deal in violence.
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