‘Marriage to an Arab is national treason’
Roee Nahmias
Published: 27.03.07, 19:55
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95 Talkbacks for this article
31. Wow....
MK ,   USA   (03.28.07)
Such opinions and views, from the readers of Ynet and the participants of the survey make AHMADINEJAD looks like an angel.
Scott   (03.28.07)
I have to laugh at all the comments from twits like Larissa in Australia - saying that the Jews shouldn't carry 'double standards' when considering inter-marriage with Arabs. Jews of any locale have EVERY reason to fear Arabs. And especially those within Israel who have begun to realize that their Israeli Arab citizens - aren't with them, but will through militant means or the 'demographic bomb' - gain control of Israel. So much 'navel gazing' silly pinky pseudo-intellectual pondering bullshit claptrap; make anyone sick. DON'T TALK ABOUT JEWISH "DOUBLE STANDARDS" - THE ARABS "WROTE THE BOOK" ON IT AND CONTINUE TO APPLY IT UNIVERSALLY.
33. Mixed relationships
Tom ,   Dal Tex   (03.27.07)
dont work,, I have 3 kids who have been involved with a different race.. I'm tellin you it has been nothing but problems and violence,, I want a lot more for my kids.. Unfortunatly I cant say anything or I will be predudace or racist..
34. I dont believe
Todd ,   Portland Or   (03.28.07)
God wants us to intermingle in that sence. It weakens the blood line,, I'm not racist by any means, but I just think that we should stick to our own kind.. Peace
35. The normal Jews only marry the Jews
Peter ,   USA   (03.28.07)
36. Ridiculous
Canadian Dude ,   Montreal, Canada   (03.28.07)
Every society has their racist elements, but 56%? That's outrageous! When will you guys learn to treat people as individuals and stop associating them with Hezbollah just because of their skin, or their language? Are you trying to actually encourage them to join Hezbollah? I'm a secular jew, have been to Israel, love the country, I'm not some Canadian hippy treehugger, but that's not going to stop me from calling out this disgusting example of "civilized" behaviour. Face it Israel, you need friends. Lots of 'em. That includes arabs, especially the ones who live in your own country. Do you really think after you've turned your back on the whole world, that some big guy with white robes and a beard is gonna come down from the clouds and save you?
37. Actually both Jews and Muslims have the same descendants
Lednah ,   Europe   (03.28.07)
They have the same descendants and in the past centuries the Jews was helping the arabs and muslims against the europeans. Jews helped the arabs to conquer the Spain Peninsula and Jews (together with extremely egoistic and near sighted venetians) helped the turks to conquer Constantinople.
38. When the Arab stop murdering the Jews
and cease their antagonistic approach toward the Jews the situation will be different.
39. The Arab violent behavior and terrorism are the reasons
Felix ,   USA   (03.28.07)
40. the truth is
Yisraeli   (03.28.07)
that on many levels I have more in common with the Arab then say a Frenchman, German or American wasp. As a Jew the arabs are my cousins and culturally we have more in common. We both are semetic. However Judaism and Islam are incompatible and alongside each other. Whereas Judaism gives right to the ger toshav tzedek and Jews are tolerant its not the same if the arab is muslim. His teachings from his books villify and express hatred and contempt for the Jew. The Jew must be subjugated to dhimmi class. The Jew is inferior to the muslim arab. Theyre teachings proudly record the open slaying of Jews and taking theyre daughters. Even unto the rock who will cry out 'there is a Jew hiding behind me come kill him'. And you can see firsthand in the middle east how its the arab muslim who cannot accept the Jew. Whilst in the early 1900's we may have gotten along with many of them, this is no longer the case. It is them the muslim arabs who have poisoned the well with their vile hatred and lies regarding the Jews. Jews dont go about everyday looking for ways to slaughter arabs. However with many arabs its just the opposite. So is it any wonder that Jews can no longer live with them. Is it any wonder a Jew cannot accept an invitation to a muslim arabs home for fearing his back to them. If the arab were liberated from his Islam and be a Bnei Noach we would get along better with them then the rest of the goyim/nations of the world. I personally like arabs when they are their best and free of Islam. But they have made it impossible for me to accept them. As I would be putting my life, my families life and my country in grave danger. A pity but them are the realities.
41. To Jason in Afula
Canaanites are Arabians Nabateans are Arabians Ghassanids are Arabians There is a long history of Arabian tribes in the Levant way way before Islam.
42. Well, Islam allows that of course.
Palestinian   (03.28.07)
49:13 O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things). 5:5 This day are (all) things good and pure made lawful unto you. The food of the People of the Book is lawful unto you and yours is lawful unto them. (Lawful unto you in marriage) are (not only) chaste women who are believers, but chaste women among the People of the Book, revealed before your time,- when ye give them their due dowers, and desire chastity, not lewdness, nor secret intrigues if any one rejects faith, fruitless is his work, and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (all spiritual good). - English 2:221 Do not marry unbelieving women (idolaters), until they believe: A slave woman who believes is better than an unbelieving woman, even though she allures you. Nor marry (your girls) to unbelievers until they believe: A man slave who believes is better than an unbeliever, even though he allures you. Unbelievers do (but) beckon you to the Fire. But Allah beckons by His Grace to the Garden (of bliss) and forgiveness, and makes His Signs clear to mankind: That they may celebrate His praise.
43. Muslim Arabs view themselves as "Palestinians"
Rob ,   UK   (03.28.07)
That says it all about their loyalty to Israel. Unfortunately the survey and this article fail to distinguish between Christian Arabs (who do not seek the destruction of Israel) and Muslim Arabs who are openly hostile to Israel. They like the Israeli passport and the welfare benefits, resent the Jews that provide it for them.
Alex ,   Montreal, Canada   (03.28.07)
"The number was 55 percent lower in the previous survey" Meaning, that last year it was not 56% but around 30% (which is the case with most countries in the West). So what happened!!!! Until 2 years ago I wouldn't dream of saying that a Muslim minority is a problem. After witnessing repeated acts of misogyny, religious hatred toward infidels and terror all around the world -- I don't think that any country could allow itself to become a majority Muslim country. Radical Islam turns democratic values upside down not only against the will of infidels, but often against the will of moderate Muslims as well!
45. Why don't we all just keep fighting eachother?
Larissa ,   Australia   (03.28.07)
Unfortunately it goes all ways.... Jews, Christians and Muslims... kill people. Not every individual kills people...but individuals from each religion and every race kill people.... Until people realise that their is no "right" in killing, only "wrong"... there will continue to be killing. When everyone stops saying..."but they started it" or "they killed more people"... peace will be achieved. Unfotunatley that day will never there will always be war. Take the high ground and keep blaming the world for your problems...much easier than looking within to find the problem. (That applies to all races and religions) When you point the finger at someone you usally have 3 fingers pointing back at you.... something to think about.
Intermarriage should be officially encouraged, especially Jewish girls to Arabs. Then the more open-minded, cosmopolitan Arabs will learn to appreciate the Jewish way. Multicultualism is the future--look at AMERICA. THERE IS NO PROBLEM ANYMORE when blacks and whites can marry and be ONE FAMILY. Treason means a threat to the STATE. But once the ARab boy is intergrated into a Jewish family there will be no threat, because he will be watched constantly for good behaviour.
47. #45 The fact is both Islam and Christianity latched on to
Roger ,   USA   (03.28.07)
Judaism. Both Islam and Christianity are the missionary religions while Judaism is not. You will never meet a Jew trying to convert a non-Jew to Judaism. That is one of the fundamental differences. The Jews are begging to be left alone in peace while those who want to convert them via the violence, the demand to submit or love will never leave the Jews alone in peace. 5.3M Jews live among 350M Arabs on a tiny strip of land. The Arabs own 99.9% of the landmass much of which is floating on oil and yet they are still unhappy about the Jewish sovereignity. The Jewish spectacular achievements upset the Arabs and their wounded pride. That is why they want to wipe Israel out.
48. Any woman who marries a Moslem
needs to have her head examined!
49. language and pigment
C York ,   Summerland, Empire   (03.28.07)
does the world need to be blind and deaf before we comprehend things? Ideologies and Religions and Culture has been used to divide and conquer. Wake up out there.
50. harsh views? yeah suicide bombers in cafes might create that
lyle feld ,   NJ USA   (03.28.07)
51. to #48---Amen!
52. to # 45 larissa down under
So how many fingers do YOU have pointing at YOU when YOU decide to pollute the air with YOUR ignorance?
53. to # 17
jan   (03.28.07)
And thanks to that union which was against the will of Hashem, we now have Abraham and Hagar to thank for the whole Arab race.
54. #46 it works the other way
Arab men will never integrate into Jewish society. They want to take infidel women and once she converts and becomes a Muslim she is watched constantly to make sure she is a good Muslima, if not she will be beaten and sometimes killed. This happens far more frequently than Arabs assimilating into Judaism. I did hear of a case of a young Palestinian Arab who converted to Judaism (he was influenced by those "racist settlers.") In order to save his own life he had to flee to Russia so that he could live as a Jew.
55. What were the survey questions? Why no Arabs?
Steve ,   USA   (03.28.07)
B"H I am wondering what the survey questions were and why no Arabs were allowed to participate in the response. Do Arabs see the union of a Jew and Arab as national treason? Do they see it is improper to have Jews in apartment complexes with Arabs? We have Gaza were Jews are not permitted by the Hamas government. Why were Arabs discriminated against in this poll by not even getting surveyed? If we want a comparison, we would need 500 Arab men and women from Gaza to also take the survey also, right? Maybe the Jews and Arabs answer the questions in about the same proportion. I cannot tell from the posted result what the differences are in perspectives because the Arabs were discriminated against by their own and not allowed to even take the survey. Not to mention that the full survey questions are not published. Multiple choice can be very slanted in the way it can be presented, so the full survey is required to understand the picture, and this full survey link is definately missing from this article.
56. The truth is that there are at least 100 Jewish women.......
Chanan ,   USA   (03.28.07)
.........married to Muslim Arabs and who converted to Islam but not one Arab Muslim woman married to a Jew and who converted to Judaism.
57. quote
the observer from ,   the east   (03.28.07)
"Over half of the Jewish population in Israel believes the marriage of a Jewish woman to an Arab man is equal to national treason" yeah, ! is equal to national stupidity or dementia at best should I say Which decent woman, Jewish and otherwise would jump so fast to become traped in relationship of being *another* wife, be beaten to unconsciosness, rape and the brutallity of the arab culture ???? I dont get these results as being labelled "racism", who the HELL would like to be next to this suicide brutal culture? I would label the index as "good common sense" good luck in treating your paranoia leftists, but leave us alone
58. 29# LArissa, Now we know where u got your paranoia from !
theobserver from the ,   east   (03.28.07)
59. How Come???
Goldie ,   Israel   (03.28.07)
How come nothing is mentioned in the articule about Arab GIRLS marrying Isreali boys? The reason being - there aren't any. Arab Girls get killed for going out with Isreali boys. But then that's not "Racism" it's just Arab tradition.
60. Arabs have given the jews no reason to see them as Israeli
zionist forever   (03.28.07)
A jewish woman marrying any non jew arab or not is wrong. Judaism says that jews should only marry jews. As far as the arabs go they have not given the jews any cause to accept them. Arab MKS openly support the palestian cause and treat terrorists as martyrs and they call for international sanctions to be placed on Israel. Ordinary arabs many of them support the terrorists to them its a noble cause and they have no love of jews either as far as they are concerned all of Israel is Palestine. Not long ago the arabs released a document which calls for a binational state alongside a palestians state, end of the law of return for jews and being given the right to overule the state on certain matters. Why should the jews feel any conection or to these people or want them living in the jewish state .. there are plenty of arab states for them to move to.
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