Third of Israeli youth fears second Holocaust
Tzvi Singer
Published: 15.04.07, 08:18
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31. comment
Hal ,   Tucson, AZ   (04.15.07)
Israeli youth need to distinguish Israel and its behaviour from anti-Semitism. One can object to the behaviour of Israel without being anit-Semitic.
32. Correction to #13
Scott ,   UT, USA   (04.15.07)
Not fight, but rather "kill him" though I suppose that was the point you were trying to get to. To the Jews, I feel sorry for you, I really do. Sometimes I wonder if the only way to achieve peace would have been to completely exile the palestinians. Fellow Muslims keep them in concentration camps on purpose. The arabs have no love for each other, just hatred for those that humbled them. (Jews) Now that your stuck with the Palestinians, treat them fairly please! When they act up, hit them hard, but don't use techniques that amount to war crimes! I've heard of some of the blackmails that occur among Mossad, and they are totally immoral, even in a time of war. If you expect God to be on your side, follow his rules and he will help you! If you stay righteous, you can count on millions coming to your cause from across the world to help. Ignore your reason for existence as a state, people and stay secular, then you will reap the consequences.
33. Third of Israeli youth fears second Holocaust
Caif ,   Washington, DC   (04.15.07)
Article should be titled, Two Thirds of Israeli Youth Fear no Second Holocaust.
34. second Holocaust
William Athanasidy ,   Cortlandt Manor, USA   (04.15.07)
The left in my country has taken to issuing memos to its staffers that they are not to use the phrase "the global war on terror" for fear it may undercut the anti-war crowd's arguments for running away from Iraq. The Israelis are on their own, for I'm afraid there will be a civil war in the US and it won't be very civil.
35. new home for the jews
fred johnson ,   atlanta, georgia USA   (04.15.07)
I propose a new home for the Israeli Jews: the United States. They are currently living in a dangerous neighborhood. It would be too easy for Iran to wipe out half the world's remaining Jews with a few nuclear missles. We should start a free land program to repatriate all willing Israeli Jews to the United States. Let half the world's remaining Jewish population join the other half here in America, where it is safer for them. This would strengthen the United States and end our ties and obligations to Israel, which only irritate our enemies and make us more of a target. Furthermore, we need to develop our own new energy sources and get completely free from oil so we can leave the Arab countries alone and have nothing more to do with them. We can't fix things over there, and we never will. We only continue to make it worse. Let us keep our home safe, bring our Israeli friends here to help us, and leave the rest of the world alone to work out their own problems. It is about time we got our nose out of their business.
36. #34 William - USA political correctness
Kevin G ,   Oregon, USA   (04.15.07)
Your comment reminds me of the recent case of PBS that dropped "Islam vs. Islamists" from the series America at a Crossroads. This was to be a documentary on the struggles of secular Muslims against the most extremist ones in America, but it had to be cancelled due to political pressures from the Left within PBS.
37. Wrong Direction
Todd Beezley ,   Roanoke, VA, USA   (04.15.07)
Anti-Semitism may be alive and well in this world but understand this, as well. There are millions of Christian Zionists who have taken an oath of "never again." The Jewish people, both within and outside of Israel, are not standing alone this time. We are your friends and will protect you in time of trouble. We will help you claim and keep your land, Eretz Y'Israel. According to G-d Almighty, it is yours as an everlasting possession. We are His servants...and your friends.
38. 35 is sadly correct
mike ,   montreal quebec   (04.15.07)
many young israelis, in record numbers, are already leaving Israel for the united states.
39. Countering Holocaust 2
Stephen Russell ,   La Canada USA   (04.15.07)
Holocaust 1 was "new" then in the 1940s, Now we know better I say Time to NIP sources in the bud?? ID possible Holocause sources & deny Repeat of Holocaust?? Or is this a Nuclear Planetwide holocaust?? Or rerun WW2 but more savage gas techniques etc that the Nazis didnt have then??? IE MiniGuns Cannons. Chem weapons
40. To #17
Mischa ,   Somewhere in Georgia   (04.15.07)
What does it matter if you have 400 Nukes, if the Iranians get nukes all you will do is destroy each other. That does not sound very promising for wither nation
41. If it happens again ...
Jim ,   Los Angeles   (04.15.07)
you can't say you didn't see it coming. It's up to Israel -- there is no one coming to help this time. Your choices are simple: Crush your enemy or die. It's up to you.
42. My religious roots are over 2000 years old.
Rich Hulten ,   Nebraska USA   (04.15.07)
Christianity came from Hebrew. The way I see it is that I have one foot in the Jewish religion and the other in Christianity. If push comes to shove I'll be on the side of the Jews.
43. What Does The Bible Say?
JB ,   Chicago USA   (04.15.07)
What does the Bible predict? Is there anything relevant to this matter in the Old Testament? Read up.
44. Israel youth fear second Holocaust[part1]
Margaret   (04.16.07)
Tragically the cold,hard,cruel reality is Israeli youth have every reason to fear another Holocaust. First of all,they are surrounded by almost 500 million Arabs and Iranians, the majority of whom are very hostile or even downright hateful towards their country, and their people,and don't even recognize their right to exist as a nation. The Arab and Islamic news media in the surrounding countries has embarked on anti Jewish demonization campaign on a level that rivals even that of the Nazis. Arabic newspapers frequently depict hateful cartoons of Jews as controlling,manipulative killers who work to undermine the Islamists and the Arab world. The racist caricatures of Jews in Arab newspapers resemble Nazi like propaganda of the 1930's in which Jews are depicted in such sinister ways as everything from greedy old shysters who are hooked nose and clad in sterotypical black hats and beards who control the media and American government to the age old blood libel where Jews are villified as vampire like creatures who drink the blood of Muslim and Christian infants. Palestinian religious leaders frequently incite and even bless those who inspire to murder Israelis. Several years ago, a Muslim Iman told his followers that whoever put a bullet in a Jews head was blessed by Allah,last year a Hamas religious leader refered to the Jews as the "Aid's Virus" and the cause of all the world's problems and that Jews should be destroyed. Just recently,another Hamas Religious Leader called for the genocide of Israeli Jews.
45. holocoust
Carl Neels ,   USA   (04.16.07)
I am Christian, but I would fight to my death to prevent harm to the Jewish people.
46. JEEZ. Give me a break.
Eric ,   USA   (04.16.07)
The Israeli youth should be worrying about much more important matters, like how their current right-wing leadership, along with the right-wing extremists in the US, are making the world a much more dangerous place for Israel. Threatening force against absolutely everyone and pushing Arab countries into defensive postures is not even remotely the path to peace.
47. Most Powerful nation in the Mideast.
Eyes Wide Open ,   Anytown USA   (04.16.07)
I doubt that the only mideast country that has it's own nuclear arsenal will ever face another holocaust.
48. Holocaust
Roy ,   San Luis Obispo USA   (04.16.07)
I believe another Holocaust will be attempted in the future. What will be different about this one is that Christian’s worldwide will be included in the persecutions. The Anti-Christ Left in America, and the world, hate the Jews, the Pope, Christians, and anything to the Right of their LEFT!!! They proclaim they are the party of PEACE and SAETY, and say they support the troops in Iraq and elsewhere, but their actions speak louder their mantras. They support the Palestinians terrorist over the Jews right to exist as a Nation. I have personally heard LEFT wing Democrats say they want our President "dead.” While at the Farmers Market in SLO Ca., April 12, 2007, certain CODE PINK (Mother’s for Peace) activists, encouraged and endorsed individuals, who verbally advocated the death of the USA President #43.
49. Military solutions CAN be permanent
sanjosemike ,   San Jose, CA   (04.16.07)
Randolph Phillips said (post 30): "For the solutions are political and economic. They cannot be military, since military victories are all ultimatley temporary, and themselves sometimes raise the ghosts of "final solutions". Ridiculous. "Military solutions" can be and are permanent. Look at Japan after WWII. Look at Germany after WWII. These results were (so far) indeed permanent. There are no more German Concentration Camps or Bataan Death marches. All we have to do is SLOW DOWN the Iranian nuclear war effort. We don't have to replace their regime, just slow down and/or stop their march to nuclear arming. The U.S. has the capability fo doing this, by bombing Iranian nuclear facilities and doing it now. It must be done, and the sooner, the better. There are no "diplomatic solutiions" with malignant hatred, as defined by Iran. sanjosemike
50. I agree with 42
Jackie ,   Nashville US   (04.16.07)
There is a Holocaust ongoing now, and for some reason, all of the leaders of the world ignore this as they did the Shoah. It's known as Darfur. As far as another Jewish Holocaust, rationally anything is possible. But I agree with #42. The Jewish Nation and the Jews theirselves are God's chosen people. I too will always side with Israel.
51. If It can happen in the Sudan then...
Ibrahim ,   Toronto   (04.16.07)
theres a genocide going on in the sudan. why couldn't there be another holocaust?
52. muslim messiah
carol rasmussen ,   appleton wi. usa   (04.16.07)
i'm confused. if jesus is muslim's messiah why do muslims want to get rid of christions and in some muslim countrys fail to mention the holocast in history books. hey lets get together on this.if the jews haven't found the messiah yet, let them keep looking for another 2,000 years.
53. Second one?
Alex ,   Bryan, Texas   (04.16.07)
There wasn't a first one.
54. Israeli youth fear second Holocaust [part 2]
Margaret   (04.16.07)
We live in a time when moral relativism has taken over not only many people's world views, but their political ideologies as well. When an Iranian Muslim leader is threatening to build Nuclear weapons in one breath, and in another threatening to "wipe Israel off the map", and yet much of the world, including many Europeans, who only 70 years earlier were indifferent to, or took no action, when 6 million Jews were mass murdered by fellow European Nazis, still remain ominiously silent there is something seriously wrong. It is very telling that these same Europeans who are silent over Iran's nuclear ambitions and threats to perpertrate another Holocaust against the one Jewish nation in the world often level a dispropartionate amount of outrage and severe criticism at Israeli defensive measures against terrorists gangs,which indiscrimately target Israeli civilians,and often Jewish children for mass murder. If the Europeans and German's were sincerly sorry for the Holocaust, they would show it by at least having the moral decency to not support the murderers of Jewish women and children today. When a former US President accuses Israel of being an aggressor and human rights violater on the scale of racist apartheid South Africa in one breath and then in another sympathizes with and even praises terrorists who deliberately target Jewish women and children for mass murder in suicide bombings and other acts of terror, people of good conscience everywhere have much to fear. When a group of British journalists vote to boycott the one Jewish nation in the world, yet are strangely silent on nations with very real and egregious human rights abuses, the only obvious harsh conclusion to draw is that these journalists as well as others like them in recent years who have boycotted Israel are motivated by the same age old hatred that led to ostrazation,demonization, which led to the pogroms and eventually even the Holocaust. To deny the ugly, yet very real scourge of antisemitism that is sweeping our world is akin to denying the truth staring one right in the face
55. Hell yes it can happen.
Chris ,   Toledo, ohio   (04.16.07)
How may Jews went to the concentration camps full of confident self talk and belief in humanity. You think that an athesitic and hedonistic world is going to sacrifice comfort let alone life simply to do the right thing? You better switch to regular tobacco.
56. A fear of another Holocaust
Miriam Jakubowitz ,   USA   (04.16.07)
With the state of affairs in the world; particularly Iran seeking nuclear weapons, another Holocaust may seem possible. But, has the world forgotten the words, 'NEVER AGAIN"? If so, now is the time for not only Jewish People but all religions, races and creeds to become more and more aware of the hatred that exist in our world for those of us who wish to be free to practice any religion we believe in. These are the issues that matter the most. If we are asleep at the wheel, we all know the outcome!!!! This leads me to think of a comment Albert Einstein stated many years ago. "I know how World War I and II were fought. I do not know how World War III will be fought. More than likely, World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones". Let's all hope not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
57. Stop abusing the emotions of young people!!
Warrior Woman ,   left coast, USA   (04.16.07)
This poll is one cheap shot, designed to pull at supporter's heart strings, for payola. 15-18 yr. olds, let them alone for crying out loud. They are young people trying to grow up. Why is it that American society in particular is hell bent on exploiting the immature emotions of still developing young people, burdening them with adult responsibilities that even adults refuse to solve? I am so glad I was allowed to enjoy my teen years and grow up without all the political pressure from certain political quarters? This old lady says, "Lay off our young people"! For another thing, I don't give a rat's rear end what some hyper-hormonal young person, whose hormones bounce them around emotionally like a bouncy ball that's been slammed. So-called adults, with some kind of unhealthy compulsive-obsessive disorder, feel it is their right to project and impose their own unhealthy compulsions onto young people. Young adults are still going through developmental stages. I wish some real adults would begin to address this phenomen in our society of the exploitation of the emotions of developing young people. Crying out loud! Is this the real reason kids are committing suicide in epidemic proportions?????? Why doesn't the ADL poll survivors? Or would that be exploiting their emotions? Frankly, they are the experts on the subject, not 15-18 yr. olds. Something wrong with the true experts' opinions, or............. is this just one more example of emotional abuse, in order to pull the emotional strings of a constituency in order to solicit funds for this once venerable organizatio I'm still waiting on that global ice age, and nuclear holocaust certain segments of our society used to scare the hell out of our children back in the 70's & 80's. That was a farce, too. But it didn't stop the emotional abusers. How many kids did the American media show every night on tv, telling us how scared they were, their nightmares, showing us their drawings of nuclear mushroom clouds!! I remember well. I was horrified then, but now I am outraged! Stop abusing young people emotionally! Not everyone has the memory of a jackass...donkey...mule.
58. #46 Right wing government? Hahahahahah!
Logic ,   Israel   (04.16.07)
I guess the last time you read the news was over a year ago. We've had a center-left government since Spring 2006, and our defense minister with the binoculars used to be the head of the labor unions!!!!
59. Nu?
Nu? ,   USA   (04.16.07)
More than say a Holocaust against black people in the US? Or Arabs in France? C'mon, lets stop dwelling on the past. As Jews WE need to mourn, move on, and realize that hatred exists against everyone and that we need to condemn it everywhere. Stop making policy based on paranoia--it's creating lots of pain.
60. A lot of dead Jews in the future
Marvin Cohen ,   Hamden, USA   (04.16.07)
Given Syria and Egypt's huge armies, and Egypt being a center of world anti-semitism, and Iran pursuing Nukes, and much of the Moslem world learning to hate the Jews, obviously there are a lot of dead Jews in our future. Plus the US won't be there to protect Israel - it will have its own problems with China and Russia and Moslem terror.
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