Social affairs minister laments situation of Holocaust survivors
Yael Branovsky
Published: 16.04.07, 03:05
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13 Talkbacks for this article
1. Shame is not enough
RedStarYeast ,   USA   (04.16.07)
I've asked this question before: What has become of the billions of dollars in European reparations and the billions of dollars of Jewish charity paid out for Holocaust survivors over decades? What accountings have been made by the hundreds of organizations collecting and -- supposedly -- distributing these funds? What percentage has been drained off to support opaque "administrative expenses"? How much has gone to fat salaries, travel allowances, five-star hotels and restaurants, conferences at which little potentates give awards to one another, brown envelopes stuffed with cash and passed from hand to hand? How many billions have gone to the death cultists who live very nicely, thank you, collecting money for yet another Holocaust Museum while the surviving victims scrounge to put food on their tables? The shame of the dead Nazis who created this tragedy is matched by the shamelessness of the living, self-indulgent parasites who thrive on the misery of a remaining few. It is time for the Holocaust industry to open its books and give a truthful accounting of the billions that have passed through its hands.
2. Serious question. Why are they living in poverty ?
redkmike ,   tel aviv and london   (04.16.07)
Is there a problem with the 'survivors' getting old age pensions or social security ? I haven't read anywhere regarding the cause of the hardship. They can either get the above or they can't. "I feel deeply ashamed' is just an attempt to gain popularity. Isaac Herzog continually plays this card and it's become transparent. Why should he be ashamed? He didn't cause the problem.'
3. Isaac, you should be deeply ashamed.
Talula ,   Israel   (04.16.07)
especially after the program that was aired on Channel 2 last night about the millions and millions of dollars received from Germany for these people. Where is it? Where has all this money gone? Why couldn't the two people investigating this get any answers? Why did the finance minister refuse to speak to them? WHERE IS ALL THIS MONEY? The Holocause survivors sure as hell didn't see any of it. So, where is? Why did an elderly Holocaust survivor have to pay 200 shekels for medicines? WHY? In most civilized countries people over 65 get these things for free. Why don't these people, who were the very foundation of this country, get theirs for free? Everyone talks and everyone makes out they care, the fact is Isaac, they don't. They care for the 24 hours of Holocaust Memorial day, then all is forgotten and these poor traumatized people, once again, disappear into obscurity. Let's see how 'deeply ashamed' you are - not by talking, but by helping them. They don't need your guilt, they need your gelt and your compassion. Talk is cheap, and action speaks louder than words. I hope you take the second.
4. They Rob the Poor of their PORTION !
ben ,   singapore   (04.16.07)
5. Claims conference sits on Billions
rh ,   Ashdod Israel   (04.16.07)
The overiding theme of reperations has been the restoration of property . The people who lost paintings, large houses , swiss bank accounts, have always been more important than the ones who "merely" lost their entire family. The ralities of the tradgedy are ignored - only those with lawyers succeed. I know of many survivors who receive little or nothing except aggrevation and new forms to fill out.
6. To #2
Arielush ,   Ramat Ha Golan   (04.16.07)
Unfortunately understanding "why" is not the problem there are too many reasons why. First of all, when Germany began paying reparations in the fifties, Ben Gurion appropriated the cash using it to build Israel. fifty years ago tge survivors were young and there was no thought of the future. Now that the future is here, their money is gone. Te biggest tragedy is that they were dehumanized by Germany and then by Israel. Also although Israel commenmorates the Shoah every years and refers to it in a speech at every expedient opportunity, the survivors have always been an embarassment to the country. There is money for supporting New Immigrants in college, for sending high school students to Poland, but for these people there is nothing. We say we must never forget but we have forgotten.,
7. for those who need assisted homes!!!
There should be buildings bought in every city and transformed into assisted living homes. Install an elivator, renovate the apartments and put a lobby in the building and hire some assistance. We cannot and should not accept anything less.
8. survivors
colin ,   israel   (04.16.07)
Anybody record the rantings of the minister.Next year will be the same story.Even being a son of survivors his lies are for political reasons only.The billions colllected from germany and charitable organisations are utilised to pay the exorbatant salary,secretaries,offices plane trips five star hotels etc but not for the intended survivors.Hersog is all noise or a dog that cannot bite but barks a lot.
9. #6 - thank you - so do they get money or don't they !
redkmike ,   tel aviv - Israel   (04.16.07)
I feel for them and tears came to my eyes when the sirens went off a few minutes ago. What would you like to see Israel do now is my question ? You say they were dehumanized by Israel. You can't change what was done but only what will be done. So. Do they get old age pensions or betuach leumi (income support) in Israel ? If yes, then is the issue that they should get more? If no, then I totally understand the issue but can't imagine that it's true. thanks - Mike
10. #9
arielush ,   Ramat Ha Golan   (04.16.07)
All I have is my opinion. Arranging old age pensions, or bituach leumi takes time which is one thing these people don't have. Also it involves, red tape. and bureaucracy. unfortunately I can imagine our system creating jobs and income around these people before they get a cent. Another problem is these people do not have the wherewithal or the contacts to go out and get their rights. Many of them are housebound. I think they should each be appointed a guardian or an advocate And the state must build special sheltered housing for the elderly with adequate social services and health services. This whole thing reminds me of the story of the blanket. A family is getting ready to send a grandfather to an old age home. The wife complains because the old man is taking with them the best blanket. The young son suggests they cut the blanket in half. The father asks what he will do with the other half of the blanket. The boy replies "I am going to give it to you, when you are old." One day we will all be old and pensioners. This is the example we are showing to our children. What will they learn from this?
11. Israel is funding Palis but these Jews, what a shame
Frank ,   Canada   (04.16.07)
12. survivors
ERIK ,   czech republic   (04.16.07)
250 000 survivors in Israel only!! How many around the world? 60 yers after the end of the WW II. How many survived ?? I'm very suspicious, The numbers don't add up!
13. Holocaust Survivors
Vera ,   Netanya Israel   (04.16.07)
How is it possible that a TV news report was able to visit with the Dutch Minister of Finance with such ease, and here in Israel, they were unable to speak to anyone - Not the Minister of Finance, or the Claims Conference. Shame on you Israel. What are your priorities. Fat men eating breakfast at big hotels???
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