Jewish Scene
Reform files complaint against former chief rabbi
Neta Sela
Published: 18.04.07, 17:15
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61. Answer to 32 (should have been 31)
Zach ,   Southern Israel   (04.18.07)
62. #55 is most ignorant and stupid
Phil ,   US   (04.18.07)
Although there have been many hateful and stupid comments by some of the intolerant and fanatic responders before, #55 takes the prize for the most stupid. Imagine, being so idiotic to dare someone to prove that the Reform caused or did not cause the Holocaust. I guess that #55 (who is also illiterate) also has a direct pipeline to the truth. Oh...., I forgot, his Rebbe has the direct pipeline. What is the difference between the suicide bombers who are told by their clerics that they are performing a holy act by killing infidels to please Allah and a former Chief Rabbi implicity absolving the Germans of blame for the Holocaust by placing the blame on Reform Jews who don't observe the Sabbath or Kashrut?
63. 56 don't you know that paqid likes a book by an oxford grad?
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (04.18.07)
beware of questioning this guy becuase he'll sure let you know how smart and jewish he is (despite the fact he converted, that is, he's a goy who practies judaism). he happily displays his pedigree in order to lift himself to messianic heights and put you in your place far below himself. after all, the smartest guy is always right (maybe he should get his theology from albert einstein, no?). and watch out if you're a christian because you're automatically wrong without a doubt. he will expect you to read an old book by some guy from oxford who, according to paqid, is THE final authority on what happened historically between jews and christians AND where the church went wrong (never mind there are plenty of oxford scholars, higher credentialed at that, who would strongly beg to differ). oh, did i tell you he's smart? according to him, "I also know more about Christianity than you -- or any seminarian you can produce -- will ever learn". in his very own humble opinion, that is. that rubbish will soon be in the dust bin of history. don't bother stirring it up.
64. Nobody has a hotline to G-d
Sam ,   Canada   (04.18.07)
There are people who have much greater knowledge of the texts than others but to claim a knowledge of G-ds thinking on world events is to take advantage of one's status and the naivite of people.
65. With all due respect #55 and #62
Steve ,   USA   (04.18.07)
B"H With all due respect, I think there is a serious misunderstanding: "Those people were innocent, but Reform started in Germany. Those reformers of religion started in Germany, and because it is said that the wrath of God does not distinguish between the righteous and the evil ones – this was done." No where in the quote of Rabbi Eliyahu is there the word Jew. YNET in its main heading, on the other hand, used the word, stating on its home page "Rabbi: Reform Jews prompted Shoah". That is an inaccurate statement of the quote. The #55 response had the specific "Jew" in the title. This is inaccurate also. The #62 response talks about "his Rebbe". That is not only inaccurate characterization of the quote, it also demonstrates some presupposition of #55's religious beliefs and is off-topic. All three are misunderstandings of Rabbi Eliyahu's quote which was not specific to the Jewish people as I read it. Rabbi Eliyahu can only be accountable for his words, and not the misunderstandings of the public that reforms those words :).
66. Unity at any cost
Former Goy ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (04.18.07)
The only place for the Jewish people to unify is around the truth. Grow up and stop being afraid to confront it! Our actions have consequences, sometimes cosmic consequences. We can't rebel against God and then whine when he doesn't rescue us from the mess we created for ourselves. Look at the Nuremburg laws. Jews began intermarrying and Germany said, no intermarriage. That's just one example. As Jews, we do not have the choice NOT to obey the covenant of Sinai. The only choice, as the Torah makes clear, is whether it will be by a blessing or a curse. The Reform deny the basics of Torah Judaism and teach others to follow in their errant ways. God does not play games with us. America is next, God forbid, unless everyone does teshuva.
67. To Charles Petach Tikva #60
Besalel ,   Kew Gardens, NY   (04.18.07)
Despite your extreme secular views, you have always been open to reason. If you are sick and a doctor tells you that he will give you a medicine to cure to all ills and give you eternal health but if you mix the medication with certain other drugs, it can kill you, is that doctor evil? After God took the Jews out of Egypt and created the Jewish nation he gave them the Torah. He also said (look at Sefer Bemidbar, Parashat Ki Tavo, Perek 28, Passuk 15) that if you mix in certain things with the Torah, a lot of bad things will happen. The Shoah replicates all those things listed there. So is God evil?
68. Whose fault?
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (04.19.07)
Good grief, in what kind of a god do some of you people believe??? Knowing from time immemorial exactly what his children will and won't do, does he lurk somewhere like a vulture, licking his chops, just waiting for any excuse to pounce and inflict every imaginable hurt and torture on them??? How awful! To blame anyone or anything other than the murderous hearts and intentions of the Nazis for the holocaust is disgusting. How about it was the fault of the Orthodox, because they didn't set a good enough example with their lives to keep people in the fold, thus allowing the Reform Movement to get started as a consequence of which there was the holocaust???? Maybe the survivors should look for restitution from the Reformers instead of from the Germans.
69. Reform did not cause the Holocaust
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (04.19.07)
They did proclaim that "Berlin is the new Jerusalem" At least the Holocaust has caused the Reform to stop proclaiming that "Berlin is the new Jerusalem."
70. Why is Orhodox Judaism DYING?
Jewysh CANADIAN ,   Toronto   (04.19.07)
Because of sick,twisted and peverted minds such as this.It will limp along because of inbreeding, brainwashing and having a dozen children.But it is clear that Orthodoxy in the 21st century will survive only as a marginalized and irrelevant cult.With a barbaric medieval theology,a hatred of women and of all other people s and a twisted unearned sense of moral and religious superiority these fools have NO contribution to make to mankind, May their decline be swift and permanent,
71. #70 Ha, what a laugh, its growing while conservo/reform
is dying. Authentic Judaism is the Future Not the Reconstruct [G-d's words] movement
72. To # 67
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (04.19.07)
If that doctor is as all-knowing as god and knows what will happen, yes, that doctor is evil. Would you put a bunch of Ex-lax in front of a small child, tell it not to touch it, knowing full well that the chances are pretty good that the child will eat the stuff, because it looks like chocolate??? And do you honestly believe that "well, I told the kid not to touch it" is an excuse for the suffering you allowed to happen to that child? I don't think so!
73. caught wearing tzitzit in auschwitz
sean ,   brooklyn ny   (04.19.07)
when Rabbi Meisels of Weitzen Hungary (later Miami FL) was caught in auschwitz wearing hidden tzitzit beneath his striped uniform an act punishable by death, he was immediately dragged out to be shot, the nazi officer sarcastically said "if you can give me a satisfactory answer, why G-d is doing this to his people, i will spare your life" Rabbi Meisels answered the following; If you would barge into the operating theatre of the highest rated hospital and find the top surgeon in the midst of a life saving operation, you would not begin questioning him why are you causing all this bleeding mess and why are you savagly cutting up this poor sick patient?. G-d is in the midst of a severe operation how can we mortals question the actions of the top Doctor & top Sergeon. The nazi was dumbstruck with the Rabbi's answer and yelled at him to return to his barrack
74. I agree fully with Rabbi
Michael U ,   SF.CA   (04.19.07)
This Rabbi is speaking the truth. The reform movement is and was a rejection of divinity. Reforms try to water down the Torah, change it in their own image, and basically disregard the teachings of the Sages. What kind of chutzpah do the reform people have? It is not divine, it is not Jewish, it is not spiritual. Reform judaism sparks antisemitism, it has been shown many times. People dont respect Jews who dont live by the Torah. Torah is the lifeblood of Jewish survival. Those who disregard it are bringing shame and disrespect to G-ds people. People like Jewysh Canadian have a lot of hatred for G-d and his people. To call Judaism a cult and a barbaric medieval theology just shows how little this small-minded individual is. If only he cracked open a book or two, and spoke to a real Orthodox Jew his eyes would be open to the majesty and divinity of Torah Judaism. Statistics show that Orthodox Judaism is the only strain which is constantly growing while Reformed Judaism is losing Jews every year. To call people names like this supposed Jewysh Canadian does just proves my point {sick, twisted, no contribution, etc.}. This individual carries a ton of hatred with him. Please Jewysh Canadian. do some Teshuva and learn the truth and stop deceiving others.
75. Rabbi needs to get facts straight
Joseph ,   New York, USA   (04.19.07)
Let's see.. Hitler y'm writes in Mein Kampf that it was the sight of a hassidic jew that convinced him Jews are subhuman and deserve to die. Proportionately MORE reform jews in Germany survive than Orthodox Jews in eastern Europe. Seems that it was the anti-Zionist Orthodox who triggered the Holocaust, following his Eliyahu's line of hate-reasoning.
76. Reform ignored Shoah
avi ,   nj   (04.19.07)
While gentile politicians and newspaper publishers were crying out for a response to the Holocaust, and the leading Rabbis marched on DC, the reform movement was conspicuously silent. Too busy touches leching FDR and too busy having gentile offspring.
77. Crazy
Keith ,   Washington D.C   (04.19.07)
He's a Jewish Pat Robertson!
78. RE #75. Sick interpretation of cause and effect
Steve ,   USA   (04.19.07)
B"H Hitler was wrong. He was the one who ordered the murder of Jews. Whatever he claimed to have seen was part of Hitler's propoganda and not the person's fault. I cannot think of anything that would render a verdict like this that a person is subhuman and deserves to die because he is wearing some different clothing or has a different hairstyle. Hitlier was a deluded man, and Joseph to not understand that he was the problem indicates that his evil still continues to perpetuate.
79. 'The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom
m   (04.19.07)
God does not do evil, The Spirit of this world is in opposition to God. The biggest problem before the flood, were people were going about their daily business and 'taking no notice' about the things of God until the flood came and washed them all away. Out of all the nations God chose Israel to be a light to the Gentile nations. But God himself said 'they broke the covenant." When that happened God took his 'protection" away , and when God withdraws from a person or nation because they have withdrawn from him, The enemy comes flooding in.God is cognisant of those in fear of him and who obey him.
80. Another Sephardi Rabbi having his say
Dan ,   Australia   (04.19.07)
We already heard the enlightened Rabbi Abdullah Youssef tell us his deluded thoughts on why Jews were killed in the Holocaust. Now this fool wants to have his say. What is it with these Sephardi Rabbis not having any respect for those that were murdered during the Holocaust? Instead of saying how much of a tragidy it is, he is saying how these Jews deserved what they got for their sins. My relatives back in Poland (not Germany) were NOT Reform Jews and were just as Orthodox as this Shmuck. I don't know what sins they committed for God wanting them to be gassed. Eliyahu thinks he knows, but he is just an old deluded fool who obviously craves any sort of attention.
81. "kol yisrael arevim ze laze"
tom ,   toronto, canada   (04.19.07)
at this time, as we try to make sense of the events of the shoah, we should try to learn to unite rather than fractionalize. one of the terrible truths that we have yet to learn is that we are all one people - there were no separate facilities for the more religious or the less religious at auschwitz. god didn't save the rabbis or the yeshiva bochers, or even the children. and the nazis didn't care if you were assimilated or converted, you were still a jew. rabbi eliyahu could learn from this. because if we fail to learn these lessons, we are doomed to repeat them.
82. The world is a reflection of us!
שילה ,   ישראל   (04.19.07)
Look how sad we have become. From a group that tried to fix some ills of Judaism, going way to far, to the extreme nutjobs who have added to the Torah because they believe they have the authority. They are no better then the reformers. We have been punished for many years, we have also recieved Israel. It also say's in sefer Yehezkel, that "not for your sake, but to save my Great name". Blame was given collectively with the Shoah, just as collectively we will be redeemed. The Temple was not destroyed by reformers, it was destroyed by our wicked mouths. Have we learned anything, no, just look at the shape the world is in today, look at our own country, the corruption, the extremists on either side, the lack of Torah (before all you religous get a big smile, we have mitzvot mastered but missed the message) HaShem said, via the prophets that He will teach everyone the Torah, because we have totally screwed it up. When in the hell will we ever learn, we have to stop this non-sense before we destroy each other. We need to saved from ourselves.
Stewart ,   USA   (04.19.07)
An since YNet was so kind to carefully explain his remarks with all the detailed context, we will certainly be able to discern if there is any merit to them? Somene else made the same point somewhat differently (maybe it was only him) some time ago, but the whole context was presented by the reporting news outlet.
84. Paqid, if you know the truth
Marcel Abel ,   France   (04.19.07)
please reveal it. I wrote (message 46) : "The good shepherd knows his sheep and he would not be able to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong [?]. Not even wrong, but pure nonsense I never heard from an ex-chief Rabbi. I don't know why God did not intervene from our human point of view. God is immanent and transcendent, so could he change human, so human history without upsetting his creation ? And I wrote as temporary conclusion : " Truth belongs to God, his truth is unfathomable." Why did I mention John ? If you are what you claimed to be, you already have the answer. A clue for those like me who still learn (I hope you have not finished learning) are the verses where Nicodemus came to Jesus. With all due respect, Paqid, have your abyssal knowledges helped you so far ? My faith has to do with truth, and "only if man is capable of truth can it also be said that he is called to freedom. The first item in the alphabet of faith is the statement - for us Christians - : in the beginning was the Word... Faith does not aim to offer man some sort of psychotherapy; its psychotherapy is the truth. This is what makes it universal and by nature missionary. It is also the reason why faith is intrinsically "quaerens intellectum", as the Fathers say, that is, in search of understanding. Understanding, hence, rational engagement with the priorly given Word, is a constitutive principle of the Christian faith, which of necessity spawns theology..." (Pope Benedict XVI in Day by Day with Pope Benedict XVI, edited by Rev. Peter John Cameron, O.P., Magnificat/Ignatius Press). The former Chief Rabbi is a giant of the Scriptures, the Pope is a giant of theology, and me, only a worm creeping along, but a worm who heard with his heart the words of the Word saying "I am the truth, the way and the life." And this worm could emerge victoriously from its nothingness into becoming a no longer creeping, but an upright standing man fully capable of God through his, our Saviour. 16 "wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight! Stop doing wrong, 17 learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. 18 "Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." (Isaiah 1. 16-18)
85. the worst explanation for the holocaust ever.
debra ,   usa   (04.19.07)
86. Besalel
charles ,   petach tikva   (04.19.07)
If i mix medecines , i ALONE will suffer . I have the choice to suffer or not . This choice was not given to the millions of "GOOD" Jewish people and the 1,5 million children and babies . By your explanation , other people have to suffer because of my "mixing" . And this , taken from the tora , is evil .
87. #72, the response to 68 applies to you as well
Paqid 16 Netzarim ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (04.19.07)
88. Marcel: the p*pe is a giant fraud!
89. Jesus is the answer?
Josh   (04.19.07)
But what was the question? The reason for the Shoa is clear. It stems not from Reform but something else. The failure of the Jewish people under the test of Devarim. Rabbis such as this Rabbi are misleading the Jewish people in everyway. It is intentional under the test. You dont need someone to get it for you. It is not across the sea nor in heaven but very near to everyone. The trick of Gan Eden was to take words out of context. Clearly a chicken is not kid and cows milk is not its mothers milk, yet a chicken cheese sandwich is forbidden. Who are they kidding with these blatent lies. The Shoa was predicted by the great punisher and fullfiller of Devarim (Deut) 13 the false prophet and the horse of the Neveem (Hasus). That is Jesus was not a messiah prophet of peace but rather the tester and punisher of Torah. He stated when he spoke to Jews in temple that the "fallen" Jews he collected as a result of failing his tests. "One day they will kill you for my namesake." They being the newborn religion of christianity from the fallen Jews. In the holacaust the swastica (sandskrit for crucifix) and the calle "christ killers" was the movements use of Jesus' namesake to kill Jews. Jesus said to his followers (Jews - like reformers) who thought he came to bring peace that he came to bring war and not peace - whatsoever. He also called on the fallen to return to Torah - they did not listen. So Jesus prophecised crusades and holacaust in his namesake and the Vatican helped Nazis escape by giving visas. Judaism needs to look closely at what the Rabbis are doing and begin to reject foolish misinterpretations and go back to the pashoot as the shomroneem are doing. One G-d one love (Deut 13) By the way my experience of Reform was that it was repackaged Cristianity without Jesus. They spent much energy arguing G-d's gender and worse. The concepts they teach are Christian not Jewsih. Turn the other cheek, etc.
90. #86 Charles /decisions affect others
m   (04.19.07)
Adam and Eve made a decision that has had an effect on all their children Men in southern Sahara, make decisions to go with prostitues and bring home AIDS that affect their wives and trickles down and causes suffering to their children..Babies died in the flood and probably in Sodam and Gomorrah, they are part of the decision making of their parents. God said he curses up to the fourth generation of those who hate him, but he blesses for infinate generations those who love him.
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