Ayalon: I’ll reach agreement on Golan Heights
Attila Somfalvi
Published: 25.04.07, 02:34
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90 Talkbacks for this article
31. Let the Arabs return the Jews the assets and land they
James ,   USA   (04.25.07)
expropriated from the Jews. Yeah! When Arabs take away the Jewish property it is for good.
32. Can somebody tell me who breeds such crazy Jews
Stan ,   USA   (04.25.07)
with such crazy ideas?
33. Do the Jews need the Arab enemies when they have their own?
William ,   USA   (04.25.07)
This guy is more dangerous than any Arab.
34. #1 Want to be ignorant? The 242 states "territories"
Damian ,   USA   (04.25.07)
and not "the territories". Get real! Learn something before spewing your anti-Jewish venom, you enemy!
35. Herzl really should have taken the Uganda offer, right?
Rob ,   NY   (04.25.07)
Then we wouldn't have had such problems.
36. We already have a Solution - We Keep the Golan
Stephen Shayes ,   New York   (04.25.07)
and thats it... Go home Ayalon
37. #1 Corrupt UN has no authority over anything! I suggest yo
Stewart ,   USA   (04.25.07)
you campaign to return the the former American colonies to England. Sure we secured them in a just war, but according to your logic, you fight for freedom and defensive safety just for show. I suggest you get a job at the UN you love so much like parking limos for dignitaries like "Oil for food" Kofi Annan when he shows up and take your vacations in any of their dictatorial, human rights loving slave states that run the place. The UN is a joke. Why do you think that any sane country on the security council won't trust it with any real guns. It's just a showcase for hot air and veiled hatred.
38. No, Fred, UNSC 242 does not say that.
Raymond from DC ,   Washington, DC USA   (04.25.07)
UNSCR 242 does *not* call for Israeli withdrawal from the territories you list; it only speaks of unspecified "territories occupied in the recent conflict". Those who settled on this language left it deliberately vague. Moreover, it calls for "the right of every state in the area to live in peace within secure and recognised boundaries". The pre-1967 boundaries were not then, and would not today be, secure. Israel's neighbors have yet to offer any semblance of real peace. To give the Golan to Syria (not "return", as the Golan is sovereign Israeli territory) would leave the north seriously vulnerable. It should not even be on the table.
39. #1 You Tool
Yoni ,   Minneapolis   (04.25.07)
Fred, you sound just as ridiculous as Carter sounded when he made the same mistake. re-read 242, get someone to read it for you or whatever. but please you're making it hard to have an intelligent 'talkback' when you are just ignorant to the facts.
40. Has Assad agreed to this?
zionist forever   (04.25.07)
Aylon will give the Golan to Syria in return for a 99 year lease ... has he asked Assad if he would be willing to lease the Golan for the next 99 years if Israel gave it up or has Aylon decided that even if Assad doesnt like it then he will do it anyway? Its unlikley that Assad will go for it because he wants his prize if he is going to tell the world he got one over on Israel and a 99 year lease doesnt give him that prize because it will still be controled by Israel for the next 99 years. Does the man expect that Assad will give up his special relationship with Iran untill Iran wants peace with Israel then peace with Syria will be on paper only because the will of Iran is more important because they pay his bills and supply him with weaponry. Syria owed Russia $1 billion untill Iran paid it off, Iran sells Syria Iranian made weaponry, they have special millitary alliances .. what would he do if it came to Iran or keeping the peace with Israel He also seems to have forgoton that any plan to give up the Golan is dependent onf a knesset majority vote and if that passes then it must be put to a referendum and the people have the final say over what the politicians will or will not do and its the same with Jerusalem the politicvians cannot give up any part of the city without first putting it to referemdum and getting support from the majority of the public. Barak is a failure we know that. and he is going into the ellection with to much of a left wing attitude at this time. Aylon is going into this with a we surrender attitude which the arabs wont hesitate to take advantage of and pretty soon he will find himself another lame duck PM. Natanyahu allthough far from the ideal candidate he is at least somebody who wants to fight for Israels interests and not willing to bet everything on a few arab promises the way the others are.
41. 1 - Fred
zionist forever   (04.25.07)
Fred Resolution 242 says that Israel should return terrirory captured in 1967 in exchange for recognition of Israel, normolistion of relations, Israels right to exist in secure and lasting border and a just and lasting peace. 1) How much territory Israel gives up is a matter for negotiations there is nothing about saying Israel must give up allk the land it captured thats the arab defenition but in 1967 the UN intentionly left it open to be interprited this way because they didnt expect Israel to have such pathetic weak politicians who agree that negotiation means everything and they recognised that the pre war borders were not secure it was all supposed to be a matter for negotiation between Israel and individual states. 2) Assad must recognise Israels right to exist and offer full normolistion of relations with an exchange of ambasedors Something Assad has never offered when he was beiong most generous he offered end of hostilities sometimes he has never offfered nomol relations with an exchange of ambasedors. 3) The pre war borders were not secure theyb were what Golda Meir described as Aushwitz borders and the pre war borders were not official clear international borders they were ceacefire lines same way as the post war borders are ceacefire lines .. Israels national borders have never officialy been decided the so called green line is an unofficial recorgnised border but legaly they are just borders decided as the result of a war in 1948. 4) If Assad wants any land then he is going to have to be willing to stand up to Iran his best friend if he signs a deal with Israel and Iran says continue supporting terror Assad must say no or he would be breaking the terms of resolution 242. Can you see him agreeing to stand up to a country that has paid $1 billion in Syrian debts, provides Syria with weapons and has millitary pacts with Syria peace with Syria doesnt mean peace with Iran so there is going to come a time where Assad must choose where his loyalties lie.
42. 6 - papa jay
zionist forever   (04.25.07)
In the Golan the jews make the largest individual group ( over 1 third of the population ) The Golan is historic jewish land and in the Golan is millions of dollars worth of land bought for jews by zionists at the begining of the 20th century. Israel has held the Golan for 40 years now ( even longer that Syria hekd it for ) it only controled Sinai for 12 years and Sinai allways belonged to Egypt. The Golan is startegic high ground in war and a large part of Israels water flows into the Kineret from the Golan. If terror doesnt end then it will allow them to fire their rockets even deeper into Israel from the Golan. Sinia was not historic jewish land and there was no land bought for jews by early zionists, the jews were a small minority nothing like the population of the Golan and it didint have as much startegic importance as the Golan. Unlike Sinai the Golan was originaly promised to the jews by both the3 Balfour Decleration and the Legue of Nations untill the British illigaly traded it with France for Mousal and France had the mandate over what became Syria. THATS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SINAI AND THE GOLAN
43. Has Ayalon spoken to me about this?
Bashar Assad ,   Syria   (04.25.07)
44. dont return anything and move on
KING D*VID ,   NYU   (04.25.07)
syrian land was taking after syria declared war on israel and because of security reasons (buffer). this land should NEVER be returned. FACT: NEARLY EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY ON PLANET EARTH HAS CHANGED ITS BORDERS BECAUSE OF WAR. FACT: ISRAEL was the 1st country that was a victor of a war to return land EVER (GAZA).
45. Nos. 1 & 6
Michael ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (04.25.07)
The differences between Sinai and the Golan are many. Egypt did not regularly shell civilian settlements in the Negev from the Sinai, while Syria did shell the Galilee settlements regularly. Look at the old maps of the Palestine Mandate: the Golan Heights was part of the mandate, given to France under the Sykes-Picot Agreement, which was illegal at the time. Sinai was never part of the Palestine Mandate. These two differences alone leave room for discussion and negotiation.
46. a grave mistake
Daniel ,   Israel   (04.25.07)
He will be committing a grave mistake, and digging his own grave for his political life!
47. #6, well obviously the same bit...
Danny   (04.25.07)
You all seem to have difficulty with ie the part where we get peace in return. Lets see - Leave South Lebanon, get violence in return, Leave Gaza, get violence in return. Stay in West Bank, no violence, Stay in Golan, no violence. Whats the hidden message our arab friends are trying to give us....
48. maybe we can lease tel aviv from hamas too
49. Golan isn't Syrian
Bob ,   Tel Aviv   (04.25.07)
Syria has only been a recognized country since 1946. In 1967, Syria lost Golan in battle. Golan was only Syrian for 21 years. From 1967-2007 Golan has been a part of Israel, that's 40 years. just one year short of double what the syrians had. Why is Golan considered Syrian? Because in 1946 France drew a line and said this is yours?? Well, in 1967 Israel drew a line and said this is ours.
50. Good, now we know for sure who WON'T be PM
Judith, Haifa   (04.25.07)
I glad we got that out of the way. Who's next ?
51. Plague of Labor Desparados
Ilan ,   Ariel   (04.25.07)
Ayalon, like Peretz, comes off as a pathetic looser who can't see farther than the upcoming Labor primaries. Would Syria accept such a plan? Most assuredly not, if you would judge from past negotiations. All Ayalon created was to put a big question mark over the continued existence of the Golan communities. Now didn't some chelmite suggest that the Golan unlike Judea and Samaria was consensus because the Golan residents are secular and therefore moderate. Either pack away your misconceptions or just start packing.
52. Let Turkey gives back atay to syria first
trumpeldor ,   eurabaia   (04.25.07)
53. You too, Mr. Ayalon, you are an illiterate in history?
FO ,   Belgium   (04.25.07)
The Golan Heights, Mr. Ayalon were never Syrian territory. It is a shame, no, I correct myself, it is a catastrophe that a reader should by means of a talkback, teach you a lesson. Anyway, let's start: according to the resolutions voted by the League of Nations the 24th of July 1922, implementing the British Mandate in Palestine and fixing the borders of the country, the Golan Heights were an integral part of it. To convince yourself have a look into the official maps. (avoid the maps published in this very newspaper under "Israeli-Palestinian ProCon .org,they are fake!). Article 5 of the League's resolutions mentions the following, and I quote: "The Mandatory shall be responsible for seeing that no Palestine territory shall be ceded or leased to, or in any way placed under the control of, the Government of an foreign Power". Nevertheless, Britain, in total breach of article 5, ceded the Golan Heights, in 1923, to France, the Mandatory of Syria. If not this breach, even during the partition plan of the UN in 1947, there would have been no other way than to include the Golan Heights to the terrritory that had to become the Jewish State. As a conclusion we may state that the British brutal breach of article 5 was illegal and should be considered as nil and void! The Golan Heights are Israeli not because of conquest, the Golan Heights are not Israeli because Syria lost them, the Golan Heights are Israeli de facto and de jure! You got it Mr. Ayalon?
54. #1 Would you return
Jew from Israel ,   The HOLY LAND   (04.25.07)
Your home in New York to the Brittish or Us Government If you were asked to do so. I almost believe you are an anti simite. Change your name to Mohamad.
55. #29 Respect Mothers, please !
Atilla Karagözoğlu   (04.25.07)
We have met people who sold friends But we never met people who sold mothers. Atilla Karagözoğlu
56. Ayalon
Alex ,   L A USA   (04.25.07)
Israel should return Golan right after China releases Tibet, England North Ireland, USA returns Wash D.C. to Potomac Indians and Guam and Virgin Islands and Texas to Mexico. Dump that fruitcake
57. Golan
Alan ,   Elazar, Israel   (04.25.07)
The Golan needs to remain in our hands forever and always. Let's stop the appeasement now.
58. Then What Will Happen?
Reuven Brauner ,   Raanana, Israel   (04.25.07)
"Israel will transfer control of the Golan but will lease it for 99 years." The year is 2106 and the lease is over. One hundred thousand Jews are living in the Golan. They have factories, farms and homes. This is were they go to school, shop and where tourists come to enjoy the view. Next year, according to the Ayalon Plan, Syria is taking back the land. Our great-grandchildren and great-great grandchildren have to uproot themselves and families, pack their belongings, dismantle their businesses, abandon their fields, be pushed onto buses by the army and begin, after this wandering-Jew trauma, once again, a new life somewhere else in tiny Israel (which by now is a narrow corridor between metro-Tel Aviv and West Jerusalem within which are stuffed some 25 million Israelis since the rest of the country was giving back by successive left-wing governments). The Arabs take over the Golan, convert it into a series of slummy and unproductive villages and set up there a battery of Big Berthas to bomb any Jewish settlement they can in the North. What a great scenario this weak-thinking Ayalon is planning. In technical psychological terms, this guy is nuts.
59. and this IDIOT WAS HEAD OF SHABAK???....
j ,   jerusalem, israel   (04.25.07)
Wow that is a scary thought. Thank G-d he is no longer head of such an important unit.
60. why there is so many MESHGAIM IN ISRAEL
reuven ,   usa   (04.25.07)
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