Hizbullah: Winograd proves Israeli defeat
Roee Nahmias
Published: 30.04.07, 22:03
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52 Talkbacks for this article
31. Hezbollah Victory???
Danny ,   Tel Aviv   (05.01.07)
Lebanon was destroyed thousands of homes turned into rubbish, 1200 lebanese lost their lives, total instability, etc... and Hezbollah clamies "Victory" Nasrallah is on Crack!
32. To Sami
Jeff ,   US   (05.01.07)
Winograd is actually a sign of Israel's strenght. Arab countries do not not have Winograds. That's why they'll never improve.
33. Good for Israel
Jeff ,   US   (05.01.07)
This is great for Israel. In most countries, mistakes would be swept under the carpet and forgotten. This capacity for intense self scrutiny, leading to change, is what will make you stronger.
34. Sami #25, my friend, for your sake...
Aaron   (05.01.07)
open your eyes. So Hizzy l'earned...about Izzy's warfighting, but not vice versa? Go ahead, tell your civies to leave again, see what happens. No nah, you probly hide beneath your women's skirts, like little terrorist bitches. Last chance. Learn or burn. Peace.
35. To 8
Ofcourse killing Nasrallah won't end this. The main reason why this won't ever end, is because Israel fights by one set of rules and it's enemies another. I no longer care to try to get sympathy by fighting the "European" way (Which as France has shown in the Ivory coast has shown, they fight with no mercy when they feel threatened). So it is simple, when they bombard Kiryat Shomna, Sidon simply needs to have every building knockdown. You hit akko, we destroy Tyre, and so on. We must fight a war that everyone in Lebanon understands that when Israeli Jets come and artillery bombardments come they are no longer safe. There now has to be a healthy fear put into place, we can no longer fight where there civilian population is considered more holy than ours. We must fight a total war, where we make the rules and they are: "SURRENDER OR BE MARTYRED"
36. BRANT..................YOU ARE WRONG#1
MAHMOOD ,   LONDON-UK   (05.01.07)
By venting out abuses to Sheikh Nasrullah,you have hardly assisted in the talk-back.The fact remains that Israel could not plan its strategies before,during and after the war.Pure dedication to the cause led Hizbullah to achieve a visctory over the IDF.Future may also hold more surprises for Israel.
37. to 31, 32, and 35
Ali Moussaoui ,   usa   (05.01.07)
Lebanon won the war because "Israel" was the one who attacked, and it was defeated. None of the "Israeli" goals of the war were achieved. This is a synonim of "defeat". Winograd is not a sign of weakness for sure. but it isn't also a sign for improvement for you in the future you know. Olmert is STAYING in office. He DECLARED he planned the war four months ahead, and he failed. That must show you how dumb he is. And he's staying in office! bad for you; lucky us. And to 35, I see you said everything opposite to what actually it was. The formula was: target Lebanese civilians, your settlements will be hit with Katyusha, Khaybar 1, and Raad. Hit "Dahyeh", and Haifa will be hit. And then hit Beirut, and Tel-Aviv will be hit. This is how the war stopped. "Isael" had nothing more it could do except targeting the Lebanese capital; which menat Tel-Aviv will be under fire, and which "Israel" cannot afford. you know the international airport, the gvmt offices, and even refugees from the Northern settlements were in the public parks to flee the rockets that were raining on their settlements in the North. Imagine then Tel-Aviv under fire. Unfortunately, Olmert was not THAT dumb to go further and take such risk.
38. Monkey
Caroline ,   London   (05.01.07)
who cares what this monkey has to say?He will get his butt kicked again if he gets too big for his boots so give him the 5 minutes in the limelight.LOOSER.
39. #37 Hit Tel Aviv? With what??
Allahsaurus   (05.01.07)
Hez's entire stack of long range missiles was destroyed the first day. The one they tried to launch got dropped on their heads and they tried to pass it as a downed Israeli jet, remember? All of the unmanned drones nasrallah sent (I guess, that was the big surprise he promised) were destroyed by the IAF. The fact is, hez desperately tried to hit Tel Aviv, but couldn't - silly monkeys. Israel, on the other hand, could turn the entire "Lebanon" into a post-apocalyptic desert... Be glad you're fighting a civilized enemy. But the white gloves will come off sooner or later... And nice one about "targeting civilians".... Was that hospital with hez's command center a civilian structure? The apartment buildings from which the Katyusha's were fired - also civilian targets? The school basements where the missiles were stored? Using the civilians as shields is the only reason hez wasn't wiped out completely. Next time - first bombs, then leaflets.
40. Ali 27s dreamy "mohammedean" logic
Aaron ,   USA   (05.01.07)
Just like America "lost" in Iraq, Afganistan. Watch and see what happens to your terrorist friends. So kidnapping the soldiers wasn't an "attack"? Hizbullah "won" just by being alive at the end of the day (not so lucky for the poor innocent Lebanese)? Watch your tail, this free nation has had enough Islamist BS.
41. the report say these were foolish leaders
reuven ,   usa   (05.01.07)
but the army did its job with even stupied leaders on top and won.we as jews corect our mistakes and clean up but the arabs are still in 6 th century.this goverment will go to hell and a better one will rise to keep your mouth shut.
42. to PAPA JAY
avi   (05.01.07)
google Clarity & Ehrlich
43. simpletons
simple simon   (05.01.07)
yup, any admission of mistake is "admission of defeat"...brainless simpletons (islamists).
44. arabs.
Rehavam ,   Israel   (05.01.07)
If Hezabalastan would become parking lot and if 3 mill Lebanise become homeless refuges THEY WOULD STILL SELEBRATE "VICTORY". Muslim logic. go figure.
45. Nasrallah, your bottom line is not so glorious
The Doc ,   Haifa, Israel   (05.01.07)
This latest Hezbollah publicity stunt was only to be expected. In the best fundamentalist Muslim tradition, they talk an talk and talk and talk, but the hard fact is that Hezbollah is NOT near the International Bordr anymore, it LOST all its long-range missiles, it has NOT succeedd to hit Tel-Aviv with its almost comical drones and never delivered that "painful surpirse" that he has promised during the war. Lebanon as an impotent host of Hezbollah paid a dear price in infrastrucure and economy and I am not so sure Lebanese citizens will be so lenient if Iran and Syria will decide to use its territory for their genocidal purposes again. Hezbollah found that it is quite easy to destroy its assets - even if he builds them smack in the middle of civilian Beirut, in home basements in Lebanese villages and behind women skirts and children's toys. Now its posh Beirut "Hezbollah-land" lays in ruins and Lebanon is mourning the deaths of its citizens which have been used by Hezbollah as human shield. Hezbollah also failed to grasp the fact that Israel will go on an all-out war as a result of its reckless, irresponsible and repeated agressions along the internationally recognized border. It thought that as in the past, Israel will show restraint and will swallow the slap on the face. This is a MAJOR intelligence failure that can be explained only by the traditional and stupid fundamentalist Islam facade and unbased superiority complex over the non-Muslims. Nasrallah himself, together with his acolytes ran away - DESERTED his men - and hid in a Syrian bunker and never apeared in a live TV or radio broadcast for the duration of the war - until Israel promised not to hurt him - WHAT A COWARD! Actually the only thing Hezbollah "achieved" is shaking Israel out of its self-induced Peace euphoria and made the Israelis aware of the need for a REAL leadership and renewed and increased financing of its military capabilities. It also taught Israel's leaders to speak less and do more. If only Olmert would have shut-up, the propaganda war would have also been won by Israel asn nobody would have been able to pinpoint the achievements against real goals of Israel. So basically Israel WON a great deal in this war, but not according to the publicized unattainable plan that Olmert so recklessly parroted in teh media. This war also galvanized the friendship between Israel and US, and behold - even France came to free Lebanon's, Israel's and USA's help - something that has not been happening for a long time. As a democracy and open society, Israel has the power to re-invent and improve itself, to learn from its mistakes and to grow steadily. Hezbollah's dogmatic and hatred-based fabric will inevitably disappear either under its own weight or during the next "victories" it will have over Israel. With all the pain, Israel got hit with showers of Katiushas which scarred it for some time, but surprisingly during and DESPITE the war, the Stock Exchange flurished, the economy never stopped bringing in Dollars and foreign investors were shown that even during one of its difficult hours, Israel can be trusted to deliver the best products. The citizens showed a great deal of resilience and mutual support - just as expected by a strong and patriotic nation. These are the symbols - the characteristics of a strong society based on democracy and equal opportunities, contrasting with the totalitarian and primitive regimes around Israel whch are based on cruelty, tyranny, lies, educational and economical impotence, boasting hatred, intolerance and religious fanaticism. Hezbollah CALIMS it won but the proof on the ground shows that it actually LOST, and a great deal more than it ever dreamt. Hezbollah may get a new arsenal and make a lot of noise, but next time it will be pushed again - until inevitably becomes extinct - just like its supporters in Teheran and Damascus.
46. War #2
Mo ,   HI, USA   (05.02.07)
The victory of Hizb'allah is interesting. Only AFTER drawing the Israeli army into a fight and getting themselves and innocent Lebanese civilians massacred could the Arab world celebrate a victory. Halfway through the war, everyone said that all Hizb'allah needs to do is to keep breathing and it wins. So, it invited death & destruction upon Lebanon, and wins the PR game by resoundingly losing the battle it began. So -- now's a good time to work out a PR strategy for the next Hizb'allah attack. Clearly, kicking their butts isn't doing it.
47. Hezballah supporters....
DR ,   Florida, USA   (05.02.07)
What did nasrallah win? What did they gain out of this war? Maybe they showed that Israeli leaaders were not up to the challenge of war, but this will only make Israel smarter and stronger in the long run. Hezballah not only showed their true face of a cowardly terror group, but it also exposed Iran and Syria at the same time. The world is not blind...they can see these three ridiculous groups and their aims. Anyone who still supports this lying snake, Nasrallah is trully blind and very corrupt. Any thoughts???
48. The Winograd Report - A positive example
Shaiya Baer ,   Nashville, USA   (05.03.07)
Nasrallah and Hizbollah may gloat over the scathing conclusions of the Winograd Report. But the underlying theme is a positive example of Israel's open society . Israelis should take heart that they can be openly critical of their government. Autocratic Arab leaders themselves may fear that example.
49. DR...............THOUGHTS?????#47
MAHMOOD ,   LONDON-UK   (05.03.07)
I believe that you should ponder.All along,I have been trying to tell you what actually happened.But you remained stubborn.One more example of what Hizbullah is and you will be nowhere.Neither was Iran nor Syria were exposed.They have been supporting the Hizbullah resistence group for ages.Your conclusions of Nasrullah being a corrupt person is far beyond reality.You know why?Ask your friends in Israel's cabinet.
50. Nasrallah's weapon is Lebanese blood
Mo ,   Hi USA   (05.03.07)
Mahmood points out that "pure dedication to the cause led Hizbullah to achieve a victory over the IDF". Actually, from a military standpoint, Hizbullah got tossed around like a little rag doll, exactly as everybody expected. The fact that Nasrallah ordered his troops to retreat INTO the villages at the first sight of the approaching IDF guaranteed the civilian casualties that terrorists so crave. Shocking pictures of dead Lebanese civilians is the only victory Nasrallah wanted, and that is where all his strategy went. Pure dedication to the cause of murdering innocent Lebanese led Hizbullah to CLAIM a victory over the IDF. Israel's focus ought to be to on a fact-finding campaign to determine who ordered missile batteries to be set up on top of apartment buildings, who used children's schools as storage depots for ammunition, and who led the fight to the heart of civilian neighborhoods. Hizbulla's method of "resistance" is the only reason resistance is necessary. Israel should leave no room for discussion or theorization on this point. In addition, Hizbullah strongarmed its way into the Lebanese government, and through Syrian and Iranian government money & support is equipped at least as well as the legitimate army of Lebanon. Hizbullah's rocket attacks were not authorized by Lebanon, they were authorized by Iran and Syria. They left the Lebanese government looking weak while Hizbullah looked like it was taking the initiative. How long before Iran and Syria topple the government of Lebanon and insert their puppet butchers?
51. DR.... thoughts?
Mo ,   HI USA   (05.03.07)
Although the world can passively see that Lebanon is every bit as much under assault as is Israel, and although the world can passively see that Nasrallah bragged about ordering his troops to take the fight into villages in preference to any other battlefield, the images of dead Lebanese civilians overcomes reason. The IDF was a cannon shooting at a squirrel. That is the world's primary complaint, and that is exactly what Nasrallah, Iran and Syria wanted. We cannot rely on the self-evident truth because the terrorists have become spin masters. We have to come up with another way of kicking Nasrallah's butt in order to win the overall war. Otherwise, Israel will face a never ending stream of winning every battle, and in so doing will lose the war. That is the terrorist tactic. Expose it to the world. Focus on it. Drive it home at every opportunity. Do not let anger at Israel fester, thinking the truth will set us free. If we get the world's attention on the callous way terrorists sacrifice human life for nothing more than a steady drumbeat of soundbites, that alone will save more civilian lives (Israeli and Arab) than any further military victories over the terrorists.
52. Hezbollah fought like Hero’s
sajad ,   pakistan   (08.03.07)
Your anger is clearly showing who is winner and who is loser but I am afraid that you people don’t have courage for a person who is sincere, brave and hero of every oppressed person on this planet. May Allah protect Sayed Nassurllah for Lebanon. By the way how much Americans are paying for the crimes you people are commiting against humanity ??? Every one has to die but the way you people are massacring only for your survival is clear sign that you people are not human but animal with no mercy … in last just reminder for Israel that we have the nuclear weapons so just imajine if they fall on your cities like you had dropped cluster bombs in lebanon .
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