King Herod's tomb discovered, Israeli university says
Lilach Shoval
Published: 08.05.07, 12:33
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63 Talkbacks for this article
31. this king wasn't even jewish..........
Alissa ,   Tel Aviv   (05.08.07)
32. Arabs will find way to distort
yonni ,   Israel   (05.08.07)
facts and history again and again and again, using lies and their main export is violence and bomb attacks. "Palestine" never existed go back to Jordan you thief-lands and liers.
33. To #11
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (05.08.07)
You spend too much time in the bathroom. Didn't your mother ever tell you that you'll go blind, if you don't stop that? You'll end up like one of the talkbackers (see #19), who thinks he can't see, because the room is dark.
34. Why Always Denies
Ronald Gilerman ,   New York   (05.08.07)
Why do you muslims care so much about us Jews living in Israel. What is the point. Do you have any idea what we could do together. You guys with your Oil and our Jewish Brains. No one would care about China anymore and the Middle East could turn into the Most powerful region of the world. What is going to happen in 40 years when your oil is going to run out? Jews without Oil own 15% of the worlds money. Lets see in 40 years where you guys will be.
35. King Herod and Palestinians
israelli ,   israel   (05.08.07)
If Herod was not Jewish (what was he then? because there were no Christians or Muslims at the time) why did he build the Second Temple on the site of the First Temple (built by King Solomon and destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar) as a place of worhisp for the JEWS? This site has been holy for the Jews for millenia because it once housed the Ark of the Covenant. It is holy for Muslims because Muhamad allegedly tied his horse to it prior to ascending to heaven? And it is not even mentioned in the quran - the western mosque I think is what the quran says. What natives of this country? This country had been LARGELY uninhabited, as mentioned by Napoleon (was he a Zionist conspirator when he advocated the return of the Jews to the Holy Land as it was so underpopulated?), Mark Twain, and Christian monks travelling to Jerusalem. Which native population? The Arabs who came to settle around Jews in search for work, as they do today? And why did all Europeans send the Jews (whoever survived the Holocaust) to Palestine/Eretz Israel? Because it is the Land of Israel, that's why. I recently saw a documentary about the Temple Mount. As everybody knows, the Wakf has been digging and dumping "dirt" containing archeological evidence. Anyway, archeologists have retrieved a piece of pottery inscribed with the name of a prominent Jewish family living in Jerusalem at the time of the destruction of the First Temple - and guess what, that family and that name are mentioned if Jeremiah's Lament - 586 BCE. What archaelogical evidence is there for Arabs in this country?
36. Herod was an Arab
Robert ,   Aust4rlai   (05.08.07)
Herod was an Arab ruling Jews. He attempted to legitimise himself by marrying a Hasmonean and by building a huge Temple but he still needed Roman troops to control. The Romans couldn't care less, to them a Semite was a Semite, Jew or Arab, what's the difference...
37. nay sayers
griff ,   tacoma   (05.08.07)
gosh, while i was reading this article i was wondering who was going to say that the jews planted that evidence and that sort of thing, and i wasnt disappointed, it just cracks me up to hear people like rashid say the things that he does, anything that proves that jews have a legitimate right to israel is a falsehood planted by those gosh darn zionists. but the best part is that rashid stil hasnt caught on that mohammed actually went to america on his trip, and not to israel, and furthermore, he didnt exist, we zionists planted evidence to hurt those poor muslims. it makes me laugh
38. # 35
jan   (05.08.07)
The only archeological evidence of an Arab being in the land is th pile of dung that came from muhameds horse as it was tied up!!!!!
39. m (7), You're behind. Catch up with the news
Paqid 16 Netzarim ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (05.08.07)
The tombs and ossuaries were recently found. Despite Christian-fueled rumors, the scientists stick to their original positions, including rejecting Pfann's "correction" in an area he is clearly less qualified. Any objective person can tell that "It isn't proven" is an empty remark in the field of archeology. Almost nothing is "proven." The objective person goes *with* the weight of evidence, *not against* the weight of evidence. There is significant evidence demonstrating the Talpiot Tomb is the resting place of Ribi Yehoshua, his wife, his son, his mother and his brother -- versus NO evidence "disproving" the Talpiot Tomb. Prof. James Tabor blog: Documentary website: Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
40. #35
the only possible archeological evidence for arabs "palis" possibly living near jerusalem at that time long ago could be...... MUHAMMAD'S DONKEY SKELETON STILL TIED TO THAT WALL...." apart from that donkey's remains, if they are indeed there, no evidence exists till today.
41. To #35
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (05.08.07)
There you go again, trying to confuse certain people with historical facts!!! But let's be fair: They, too, have a history. It may only have been a rumor, but I heard that somebody was trying to auction off some genuine, very ancient, Canaanite camel dung on a well-known internet site. It, supposedly, had the images of one Mahmoud and one Nassan - whoever they are - on it, too. For some reason, that disqualified the poop as "ancient," and the deal was pulled. As for that horse tied to the Temple, are you sure that wasn't some old goat waiting for Hale Bopp?? "Here today - gone tomorrow" is not the definition of "ascension," either, especially when Ahmed, who never had a pot to pee in, had one hell of a BBQ behind his tent the day after that goat had gone missing. It all comes down to this: When it concerns history, you gotta be a little flexible. After all, while some folks might suspect that tunnels are being used to smuggle weapons, other people insist that they're 1) not there, at all, or 2) if found for all the world to see, only shelters that keep women and children safe from all the aggression by those Joooooooooos.
42. where are the black hats?
tom ,   toronto, canada   (05.08.07)
any archaeological excavation that might possibly disturb a burial brings down the wrath of the (underemployed) ultra-orthodox. even if the burial is clearly not jewish, they come and protest, because someone told their brother-in-law's friend that it MIGHT have been a jewish burial! nu, so where are they now? this is the grave of a king of judah, an in-law of the house of david, and at the very least a jew (by coversion)that is being excavated, and there is not a single protester around. is this some kind of discrimination, or is there just no money to be made "blackmailing" a national park?
43. #27: what are you smoking? caution: it causes stupidity
dante ,   uk   (05.08.07)
fyi: the locals are OVERWHELMINGLY, though not exclusively, from places other than Israel. the settlement history of the land, their family names, Ottoman and british records, etc. disclose the facts, though they have told themselves (and others) so many lies that some of them actually believe that their ancestors were caananites or jebusites or gergashites or philistines or whatever. so, genius, before you hit the keyboard, consider this: the borders that the "palis" claim were drawn by whom? [answer: the "ancient" british mandate in about 1921.] what are their ancient national holidays? what did their ancient flag look like? what was their currency called? who are their ancient national poets, artists, philosophers, heroes? the only state that ever existed in Israel was the Jewish State. same people, same religion, same language as 3000 years ago.
44. to # 33
The Tekoakid ,   Tekoa   (05.08.07)
Yes you are so right....I spend wazy too much time in the bathroom...maybe now with this discovery I'll become a tour guide again...I can even show people the view from my throne..:)
45. # 19 LOL LOL LOL you are brilliant
Prawn, I never saw that one coming. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
46. #16 Dude, you were born an @#%hole and just got bigger.
rocky ,   rocky mountain high   (05.08.07)
47. # 26
jan   (05.08.07)
History is what is going to be written about you pals and how your hatred led to your destruction and extinction of a people, Can't you hear that mighty army I keep telling you about? Shhhh. Listen. Theyr'e coming, theyr'e coming.
48. # 10
ruth   (05.08.07)
Your words are so true. Herods dead and in the grave, but Jesus is alive, he's alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!
49. Ha, Ha, LOL..... Ohh my GOD!!!!
Ron ,   Los Angeles   (05.08.07)
Rashid - 3000 years ago there were two people on this land #1 Philistines #2 Israelites, historians all agree with this statement. Historians also agree that 3000 years ago there was a man whom the Israelites called David and he was proclaimed King. Also, his son Solomon did indeed build a temple in Jerusalem and that fact is not disputed (yet). So you see Rashid, MUSLIMS WERE NOT AROUND THEN. I'm of Palestinian decent; however, I've never claimed that this land belonged to me and my Christian brothers. So you see my friend.... Islam never came to fruition until the year 610 to 632 AD...... A little history lesson to you!!! However, I'm sure you'll never understand it because of your twisted views :)
50. how did we get from Herod to prawns?
marianne ,   colorado, usa   (05.08.07)
51. #19
Please keep on posting.
52. # 25 M Hartley
Esther ,   Migdal, Israel   (05.08.07)
I used to like to read your talk backs, and for the most part agreed with many of them. However your comments today about Jesus and how his mother viewed him are in my mind way over the line. I see now that you are not a serious believer of Hashem, but rather one who tends to get a little racey on these blogs to get a couple atta girl from others who frequent these blogs daily. How dissappointing. Never joke about Yeshua whether you believe in him or not, or whether your garnders name is pronounced Heysus, but spelled Jesus.
53. #2 you mean Jews killed Jesus to prove their presence !
54. To $52
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (05.09.07)
Aw, I certainly didn't intend to offend anyone. That being said, my mother used to tell me that god must have a terrific sense of humor, else I wouldn't be here. Although I certainly believe in god most of the time, I'll admit that I have a few problems with religions. Different versions of the same one threw me out several times for lack of faith, another one doesn't really want me,(wrong mixture of parents) I'm not very big on that "obey, sumbit and kill infidels" sort of thing, and I don't believe in ANYthing that's being peddled at my front door at 7:30 AM on Saturdays; with or without pamphlets, garlic and/or strange little dolls with pins in them. ( My son-in-law, already, sent one of the latter to me for my birthday) I've decided on the direct route, and so far, god and I get along just fine. But if you want real racy, you might want to talk to that yardman of mine. ( I can't afford a real gardner) I don't know if it's about me, my crummy yard, or his helper, but it's one frustrated "Heysus, Maria y Hosey" after the other, and if I ever learn enough Spanish to understand the rest of it, it might well be the end of his cutting my grass. From the sound of it, he is not praying, and I do have my limits. If I've disappointed you, trust me, you're in good company. But as my momma used to tell me, too, trying to meet expectations other than one's own can make a person run in circles like that chi-chi bird. And after all of this, the movie about finding Herod's tomb should be just about ready for the History channel.
55. TimeMachine
Christy ,   Boston, USA   (05.09.07)
The group(s) who want to change history and make Abraham Muslim, and deny the historical claim that Jews have to the land of Israel ... better get busy and build a TimeMachine. With a TimeMachine, you could travel back in time and help history tell the story YOU want it to tell. Start working on that machine! Unfortunately, without a TimeMachine to alter history Abraham is still non-Muslim and Israel is still the historic homeland of the Jews.
56. #19..Rashid
Nemesis   (05.09.07)
You're funnier than Attila.
57. "Palestine" is a fiction, and Yeshua was a blasphemer
David ben Yaacov ,   New Brunswick USA   (05.09.07)
I'm sick of the Arabs who illegally occupy Judah and Samaria, the heart of ancient and present day Israel. Leave our land you invaders! You will either be kicked out or killed if you do not leave Eretz Yisrael. If you want to call yourselves "Philistines" just shows how ignorant you are about history. The real Philistines occupied Gaza only, and they disappeared from history around 500 BCE. Now shut up with your lies. Who gives a crap about Yeshua the blasphemer, the heretic, if what the Christian heretics believe he said and did. He's not even mentioned in any religious texts, just in that traitor Yosef;s book 30-40 years later. No Muslim or Christian has any say in this matter of this tyrant Herod. It is a Jewish historical site, not for you to prop up your false beliefs.
58. 55 Christy (Boston) Caterpillar Model D9 Time Machine (2nd)
Paqid 16 Netzarim ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (05.09.07)
The Biblical Archeology Review magazine (1983.03) first documented the Arabs' use of the Caterpillar D9 Time Machine to eliminate remnants of our first Beit ha-Miqdash. (See photos at Just a couple of years ago, news media around the world documented when the Arabs again employed the D9 Time Machine to revise the history of "Solomon's Stables." Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
59. These finds drive the Paleos wild
Mike Jefferson ,   Washington, D.C.   (05.09.07)
Already, I've read dozens of Palestinian leaders writing to refute the claims. Why? Because, the Palestinians in their "Naziesque" propaganda campaign are trying to erase and deny history. What banal people.
60. Im pretty sure this site is in the occupied territrories.
AR ,   USA   (05.09.07)
Not yours non of the land is yours. Get over it. Go back to europe go back to russia. And shut up.
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