Not funny at all
Ray Hanania
Published: 13.05.07, 18:07
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31. Hey Ray, when are you going to take up the cause
freedom ,   canada   (05.14.07)
of the oppressed Christians in Bethlehem. Right, now that would shoot too many holes in your theories on Israeli occupation and so on.. Theres always two sides to a story, that is what makes great journalism.
32. 21 - "Jerrold Cohen"?
Tahl ,   Israel   (05.14.07)
Notice that you, a supposed Jew judging by your name - is much more extremist and hateful of Israel, than Ray Hanania, the Palestinian. Dude - you are actually SUPPORTING HAMAS! WTF?... I would say something is seriuosly messed up in your thinking box. Either you are a self-hating Jew of the worst kind (even worse than Shulamit Aloni, and I never thought it was possible to outdo her), or more likely, you are simply an Arab impostor disguising himself in a Jewish name.
33. I beg to differ, Ray.
Tahl ,   Israel   (05.14.07)
You say, "Palestinians are suffering. They are being attacked. Their land is being stolen. They are slandered by hate speech in the Israeli media and Israeli politicians like SHaransky and Lieberman far worse than what is said by Hamas." Let's examine this, sentence by sentence: "Palestinians are being attacked" - The only Palestinians being attacked by Israel are armed Palestinian terrorists. Or on some occasions, unfortunate passerbys the terrorists use as human shields, which are never targeted deliberately by the IDF. Who is attacking who now, Ray, and why? In case you haven't heard, Qassams are fired ceaselessly towards Sderot. After long weeks of restraint, the IDF is now finally cracking down on the militants firing the rockets. Not hard enough, apparently, as they don't stop the shooting. "Their land is being stolen" -interesting how you so conveniently forgotten the mass transfer of Jews from Gush Katif two years ago, Amona last year, and Homesh this year - to give back these areas to the Palestinians. This is after Sharon and Olmert gave gritty speeches about the need to make painful concessions, and give back land, to reach peace, and most Israelis support this. Furthermore, it is actually Palestinians who are taking over areas in East Jerusalem in an secretive, underhanded fashion. "They are slandered by hate speech in the Israeli media " - what would you expect, after deliberately killing so many innocent Israeli civilians? And actually, the Palestinians enjoy a rather mild criticism compared to what you'd see from the Arab media toward Israel. This hideous Mickey Mouse incident, conveyed through the mainstream palestinian media - is not enough for you? Then how about Sharon portrayed as Dracula, drinking Arabs children's blood, as seen on Qatari TV? And there are numerous, countless other digusting examples. This is much, much worse than anything you would see in Israeli media against the Palestinians. So when it comes to media bias, you have a very bad case against Israel. "Israeli politicians like SHaransky and Lieberman far worse than what is said by Hamas." - Really? If you weren't so ignorant, you would have known they support a peaceful settlement with the Palestinians, with no transfer involved. Yes, they have a hawkish, hard-bargain stance, and sometimes talk of harsh punishment against terrorism. But they have nothing personal against Arabs (Lieberman actually met with Israeli Arab supporters), and they don't call for death of innocent civilians - like Haniyeh and all Hamas members, who call for the coninuation of the "armed struggle" (involving suicide bombers, Qassams, etc.). While I wholeheartedly agree with your peaceful perceptions, and don't like the idea of occupying another people and making their life miserable, and like you, support the resolving of the conflict in legal terms, including giving the Palestinians their own state on most of the territories - I am nonethelss offended by these lies and half-truths a supposed moderate like you is spreading.
34. Micky+Hamas Hampster&Jihad Gerbil are standing in for Alan J
Alan ,   SA   (05.14.07)
while he is out of town.
35. Thanks Ray!
jasmin   (05.14.07)
the thing is, Hamas did so much harm to the palestinian cause. I wish they disappear somehow!! Jews and others think that all or most palestinians are Hamas!! NO, it is true that the majority voted Hamas, but that was for a simple reason. palis wanted to get rid of Fatah governement due to its corruption..etc only to find themselves in shock after the elections!! the Jewish and international media does not show how Palestinians are frustrated about their conditions. fortunately, a minority only still supports hamas, but outsiders only see their governement propaganda!
36. Some Thoughts for Ray - part 1 of 2
threat hunter ,   eisham, israel   (05.14.07)
Dear Ray :) I disagree completely with your unbalanced claim that Sharansky and Lieberman are worse than Hamas. I ask that you please provide evidence where either Lieberman or Sharansky called for the murderous destruction of all Palestinians. Until you provide such evidence, that offensive comment of yours is a strike against your otherwise eloquent article. At the same time, I agree that Hamas must go. Then again, until the Palestinians choose a real philosophy of peace, what's the point of replacing one terror group with another? We already saw the result of that when Hamas took over from Fatah. The result? You are calling for Hamas to resign. I urge Palestinians who yearn for peace just as most of Israelis want peace, to make a change in your actions, not just your words. Dare to start a peaceful Palestinian revolution. For 38 years, Israel was the excuse for Gaza's failures. We all heard every day how Palestinian life would be soooooo much better as soon as Israel left Gaza. Well, Israel left Gaza and what have the Palestinians done with that much desired land? You guessed it ... more rockets, bombs and "Martyr Mouse" shenanigans. This is the wonderful life Palestinians were seeking? More of the same death and destruction? Oh, how proud they must be in Gaza of their accomplishments, their building towards a peaceful and just state living side by side with its neighbors. Where are all the businesses and improvements in daily life that Gazans could be building for themselves? Your fellow Palestinians, sadly, prefer blood and war, to peace. Even Egypt, your Arab brothers, can't stand the Palestinian pattern of violent, lethal juvenile behavior. Palestinians are behaving like a nation of teenage rebels who will only mature after a sound smackdown, or a deep insightful change of spirit. Please, for the love of humanity, prove us all wrong, and dare to Choose Peace. (end part 1 of 2)
37. Some Thoughts for Ray - part 2 of 2
threat hunter ,   eisham, israel   (05.14.07)
When Jews in British Mandate Palestine were building the State of Israel, Jews had to end internal conflicting ways to deal with our Arab neighbors. Jews put down Jewish rebels in Irgun and the Stern Gang by unifying all Jewish armed forces in B.M. Palestine / Israel. Jews established moral guidelines that reject unprovoked violence against people. Surely there are grievances against Israel. However, Israel and Israeli people do adhere (by and large) to the principles of Law and Justice. We in Israel do not usually take the law into our own hands, and when we do, the authorities of our laws deal with those who break them. And when the law fails to delivery a modicum of justice, we have further legal recourse, and we use it, and usually it basically works. It is high time Palestinians make the sacrifices necessary to stand up for themselves, peacefully, and put down the terrorists, even if they are "merely" moronic Mickey Mouse mimics producing a sick television show. Ray, you seem to be a sound person, and good in your heart, surely. How sad that you're such a tiny minority of your own people. If the majority of Palestinians really wanted peace, it would have been a fact long ago. We all know that all it takes for the war to end, is for the Palestinians to choose to stop fighting a futile war. Israel gains nothing from the war, really. Palestinians could gain quite a lot -- ie: statehood -- through peace. Both sides benefit from peace. Sadly, Palestinians still largely accept being led by killers and thugs. I guess Palestinians are too "comfortable" to want to change their ways. All of the perks of being "occupied" are apparently not lost on the Palestinians who know they would never get such good social benefits under their own thugocracies. Ray, the next time there is an election in Palestine, I hope you run, and I hope you win, and I hope we can make peace, so that our children can look back on us when we're older, and they can say "what the heck were those fools thinking, making war on each other for no good reason, for all those decades?!" We are all One. When I hurt you, I hurt myself. When you hurt me, you hurt yourself. Until we stop doing this to each other, there will not be a real resolution to this problem. May Justice and Freedom Reign. ( End )
38. ray, uncle tom for jews
rami   (05.14.07)
you and the rest of the world are outraged over a micky mouse biggot yet when a girl's family was entirely dessimated by israel's navy while picnicing on the gaza beach a year ago...nothing? that's discusting...this girl does not need a micky mouse to tell her to hate who she hates......just like the rest of the pals children....all they need to do is look around them....
39. Condemn CAIR and ADC
Mordechai   (05.14.07)
I admit to being pleasantly suprised by this clear condemnation of Hamas. As a Arab American you need to condemn those groups that support Hamas in your name such as CAIR and the ADC
40. Would that you were not in the smallest minority....
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (05.14.07)
of Palestinians or anybody in the arab world to denounce these bloodthirsty murders. The piece is nice in its utter lack of equivocation on how evil Hamas is. But its only one article, by one man (albiet a smart man and a funny commedian), and its so, so late in the game, since Hamas has been murdering for so many years. Anyhow, Ray, nice piece. I hope you keep truthing like this (even though I wish you had started earlier) and I hope other arabs join you. If Palestinians talked like this and walked the walk, there would be peace. Most people in Israel want it and are willing to work for it and sacrifice for it.
41. NO RAY, Israelis and Palis both have good cases. That is...
Stewart ,   USA   (05.14.07)
part of the problem. Both sides beg to have their grievences settled. BUT PLEASESESESE, don't give me that victimhood nonsense. You are much better than that. This problem could have been settled a long time ago if the trouble makers and terrorists were out, and the other Arab countries along with wealthier nations did what they had to to ensure a safe, two state situation. BUT DID THEY? NO. You've got to have someone to negotiate to have negotiations. Arafat, Nasar, and Syria as well as the Soviet Union never let this happen. You guys have been used as pawns. How many times were business ready to go between Israel and the Palestinians only to have it ruined by outsiders. Look, I know you have your fond feelings, but the more you focus on Israel as having caused the problem, the more you are missing the point many of which you have actually made at times. There comes a time when the little kid who keeps getting bullied gets strong and start beating up the bully, but the teacher now comes down on that little kid because the bully was so successful and hiding what he was doing. Don't make that mistake when the situation does not warrant it. IT DOESN'T SOLVE ANYTHING. IF ANYTHING YOU'LL HAVE THE KID'S PARENTS SCREAMING DOWN IN THE HEAD MASTER'S (PRINCIPAL') OFFICE ABOUT WHAT WAS REALLY GOING ON.
42. Probably some stupid questions, but ....
Robby ,   San Jose, USA   (05.14.07)
How many TV stations are available in Gaza? Do Palestinian kids watch this stuff? Are the parents of these kids aware of what their children are being taught? Are they encouraging them? I certainly wouldn't allow my children to watch this kind of stuff.
43. It's all about the money
Miguel ,   Switzerland   (05.14.07)
We can talk back and forth how much we want. Fact is that money rules todays world. The problem is that everyone is dealing with the little fish. If anyone saw the movie traffic he will know what I am talking about. You get ride of on drug dealer the next one comes. But you have to get to the source to stop the hole cycle. Even people like Nassralah are only little puppets and have nothing to say at all. As long as there are people out there making Millions of Dollars on this ongoing conflict there will never be an end.
44. Mr. Haniyeh, it takes great courage
Vered ,   israel   (05.14.07)
to publicly say what you said. However, no one caught the part where you said, "should we be more oppressive than the oppressors and more monstrous than the monsters", the monsters and oppressors being Israel. You have a right to an opinion, and it may be we are oppressive, but I don't think we are that way, because we are cruel, so much as: look what we are up against: A culture who uses Mickey Mouse to teach its children to hate and kill, a culture that passes out candy and makes a holiday after a suicide bomber blows up a bus station, a culture whose two organizations, Fatah and Hamas can't stop killing each other? Oppressors?
45. abdel...
As a jew Living in Israel I find it hard to sympothize with your struggles. Perhaps that is not the correct way for me to describe the way I feel. By no means do I feel that your oppression is by any way related to any persection by Israel. We are scared of Palestinians. We are not weaker, though we don't know when one might strike next. Tell me, What would happen if you went on the street and protested against violence? If you stood on the corner with a bull horn and renounced all fighting? Would you be safe? The image in the following link is one that Israelis have tatooed on their minds. Watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhT9w1K9yvQ Now let me ask you something...should we be so concerned with your ability to travel?
46. Culture of Fear & Hate
Maher ,   Palestine   (05.14.07)
Gentlemen; It's clear that Hamas wish and pray to smash al israelis, but do israeli love hamas? Palestinians has a right on their land, but do israelis has this right? Palestinians are killing israelis, but do israelis kiss palestinians? Who has the bombs, army, missles, .......who attack gaza day and night by air? Listen all, I don't hate you but I hate to be occupied all of my life, and we will never stop fighting till land back. GET UP-STAND UP GET UP FOR YOUR RIGHT DON'T GIVE UP THE FIGHT
47. #32 - dont you get it? #21 is NOT JEWISH!
"Jerrold" Cohen? First of all, no one spells their name 'Jerrold', it's Gerald or possibly another variation, but never have I seen it spelled that way. Clearly this is an anti-Semite, posing as a Jew to make his point appear valid - which is ABSOLUTELY ISN'T. this is a hateful, ignorant fool who just wants to increase hatred of Jews and the state of Israel around the world - as if we really need more of that.
48. Kol Ha Kavod Ray
For once, I agree with you!
49. 45
Abdell ,   Nablus, Palestine ..   (05.14.07)
My friend, The more I read this website, the more I feel that a lot of Israelis and Jews abroad don’t really have a clear picture of what is going on in the Palestinian territories, obviously you all know what our side does, since the media is completely focused on that. But you are not really getting what your army is doing to our daily lives in your name. And I’ve said numerous times on this website, that our violence is directly related to yours and vice versa. Any how I leave the fact finding for you to do……you have every right to be scared, becasue it is brainless, immorall, irrational violence...and it is scary as hell... no one claimed that you are weaker, on the contrary no one can deny the might of the Israeli army which I witness everyday first hand….again that is not the point. The point is, and as I mentioned before , justice towards others will only start to emerge when the people start feeling some justice in there own lives. You asked me very good questions, why should you be concerned with my ability to travel? Well I’m not talking about travel as you might understand it (Europe or America for vacation), I’m talking about the Palestinian farmer who lives 5 kms away from Nablus, and has to spend 3-5 hours getting to the city to sell his produce, which will be ruined by then already, I’m talking about travel to one side of the city to the other, I’m talking about travel from Nablus to Ramallah to work….obviously vacationing abroad is the last things we are worried about, although trust me we need the break….i did not watch your video since I assumed it will someone dead or blowing up, need less to say I have seen enough dead people to last me a life time, and my memory and the memories of the people I know are scared for ever, amnesia might be a good thing…..we’ve seen to many loved ones and friends die needlessly..as for why not protesting in the street? In these conditions, it will cost my life, or at least could be seriously hurt…..i honestly don’t mind that, because I believe it is the right thing to do, and it will happen soon, but you are not helping honestly, in order for me and for others to gain momentum, and be taken seriously, and to be convincing…the people have to at least have their basic minimum life needs restored, the ability to work, to move, to be relatively safe, to be able to sleep at night without gunfire, the basic dignity and respect instead of the daily humiliation and insults……other than that, people will look you in the face and laugh, or spit…….how can I tell a mother who lost her boys either dead or in prison we should make peace with Israel? Where are the signs that other side wants peace other than the talking? Settlements continue to grow, more and more restrictions are being put in place ….and the future seems more and more grim with threats of war and destruction everywhere…….if people are going to stick their necks out, and risk there lives for this, there better be a clear and obvious vision in site……other than that, people will shut themselves down in there houses, and worry about their own survival, what difference will it make ? they are doomed anyways…… I hope you understand what I mean……..i mean good ... My respects to you…..
50. Reply to #38
David L. ,   Toronto, Canada   (05.14.07)
So nice of you to keep up the dissemination of lies but the IDF proved that Gaza beach incident was a landmine explosion! The shrapnel did not come from an Israeli naval gun! Rami, you epitomize the end product of a lifetime filled with propagandized Anti-Semitic lies, tell me…in your world is the world flat too?
51. and yet they keep blaming israel - amazing!
tom ,   toronto, canada   (05.14.07)
52. Ray we need you
Abdullah ,   EuMe   (05.14.07)
Ray said: It's easy to be a fanatic. It takes courage and strength and most importantly of all, belief in yourself and the justice of your cause to do the right thing. Abdullah: I do hope that the "hamases" and ALL their "backers" fade away or wiped off the map (hopefully peacefully), and the "Rays" increase. Not only for the sake of the palistinians who have suffered an injustice but also for jewish israelis. B'co if every palistinian had the values Ray has expressed, then the israelis would have good neighbours and live in peace, security and of course LEGITIMACY.
steve ,   baltimore USA   (05.14.07)
USA is a great and sometimes wonderful country...However, our president has gotten us in a MESS. There is no WAR to win over there. The "enemy cults" (Militant Sunnis and Shiites) are both blood thirsty suicdal murderering anorchists. Iraq can look forward to a brutal Shiite Tyrant (this time), to run the show...or it may be a Sunni Al Queda type. Either way USA's mission is impossible - Sunni and Shiites Radicals get off killing Americans - who are trying -naively - to establish a rational "Western" Democracy...which is contrary to Islam. Rational people are murdered for being ...rational in Iraq.. Sorry secular "normal"Iraq will not happen. They're nuts over there. Let Allah sort it out Lesson learned
54. David the Lemming, You believe what you want to believe
mike ,   jerusalem   (05.14.07)
The IDF proved no such thing, a military force investigating itself is a farce. The jury is still out. Mark Garlasco,[16] the senior military analyst and battle damage assessment expert at Human Rights Watch, initially said that the nature of the injuries was "not consistent" with the Israeli explanation of an explosion originating from a buried object,[17] and claimed in his report to have found shrapnel 10–12cm in diameter scattered in an area of 90 meters around the explosion sites, some stamped with the number "55" and the word "mm".[14] [18] On 16 June it was reported that he had examined a piece of shrapnel from the abdomen of a Palestinian boy and had concluded that the shrapnel was part of an artillery fuse.[19] Following a meeting with Major General Klifi on 19 June 2006 however, Garlasco praised the IDF's efforts to avoid civilian casualties and their professional investigation of the blast, saying he had "[come] to an agreement with General Klifi that the most likely cause [of the blast] was unexploded Israeli ordnance".[20] HRW itself however, while conceding that it was possible for unexploded ordnance to have caused the deaths, cited a digitally dated and time-stamped blood test and hand-written hospital records[21] to persist in its claim that the explosion actually took place at the time of the IDF artillery fire, and continued to call for an independent investigation.[22] In apparent contradiction to the earlier praise of the IDF investigation, in the press release issued by Human Rights Watch Garlasco declared the IDF investigation not credible, citing the IDF's refusal to consider Palestinian and HRW provided evidence. Garlasco said “If the Israeli allegations of tampered evidence are to be believed, many Palestinians would have to have engaged in a massive and immediate conspiracy to falsify the data.” The press release states that it is possible for the cause of deaths to have been unexploded ordnance, but maintained that Klifi's investigation was incomplete.[23] [edit] Channel 10 report On 19 June Israel's Channel 10 television's Shlomo Eldar reported that shrapnel from an Israeli shell was discovered in the body of one of the Palestinians wounded in the blast (twelve-year-old Adham Ghaliya). An IDF spokesman responded that "Unfortunately, Channel 10 persists in publicizing falsehoods despite having been given the true facts".[24] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_beach_blast
55. #44, I'm not into namecalling :)
Ray Hanania ,   Chicago IL USA   (05.14.07)
I am not saying Israelis are "monsters" -- I am saying that if you see someone as a "monster," you then don't respond by being a bigger monster. I appreciate your response very much and the respectful manner in which you offered it ... we all see each other in different ways. We need to start seeing each other the way the others see us. Palestinians and Israelis. Imagine how fast we would resolve this if we had to experience what the other experiences? anyway, thanks and best regards Ray Hanania
56. Hanania is a double-crossing liar
Mush DeLeon ,   Brooklyn, New York   (05.14.07)
He wrote another column for a pro-Pali website that is almost opposite of this one. Stop paying this man's bills Ynet! Let him rely on his b-rate comedy act.
57. This guy is a Chicago-based gentile comic: He is irrelevant
Yael ,   Rishon   (05.14.07)
Maybe Ynet should next adopt a Greenland Eskimo who cleans toilets in Botswana as an author / contributor.
58. #54
israeli ,   israel   (05.14.07)
Wikipedia is not the most reliable of sources. The Gaza beach incident myth was debunked by the German media a long time ago: http://www.zionism-israel.com/log/archives/00000123.html
59. what's new? The arabs have been teaching this for years!!!!!
60. Ray of Hope
Besalel ,   Kew Gardens, NY   (05.14.07)
If all Palestinians thought the way Ray thinks, we would have reached peace is the Middle East ages ago. Unfortunately, most Palestinians are not from Illinois, are not educated, are not earning a comfortable living (are not funny) and instead have been indoctrinated with religious-based hate. Israel has officially offered West Bank/Gaza to the Palestinians to create a Palestinian home land on at least three different occasions: the acceptance of the 1947 UN Partition (which would have given them much more than WB/G), 1979 Camp David Accords (it wasn't just about Egypt, go read it), 2000 Camp David Accords (as testified to by Bill Clinton). Unfortunately, we must look good people like Ray in the eye and say, "We're not going to try forever." At some point a different approach must be attempted.
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