'Stop Dimona' says Blix
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 24.05.07, 17:37
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31. Blix is quite right
Golem ,   Europe   (05.24.07)
Those of you who claim Blix is a would be antisemite are damaging Israel and the Jewish cause. If you read the article Blix is not calling for a Israeli nuclear disarmament, he says Israel should cease reprocessing uranium for more nuclear warheads. Where we stand today IDF can defeat any combination of possible conventional military threats from the arab cronies. The whole prospect of an Israeli nuclear response is based solely on the threat of Iranian nuclear WMD capacity and from a legal and diplomatic standpoint you don't really have a case trying to advocate against nuclear proliferation whilst busy splitting atoms in your own backyard. Love Israel, stop Irans nuclear WMD, stop Dismona!
32. Blix
Brod ,   USA   (05.25.07)
Blix's idea is fallacious. Equating Israel and Iran is insulting. Israel has never threatened the annihilation of another country. Iran, on the otherhand, has repeatedly threatened to annihilate Israel. Iran has also funded, supported and trained terrorist organizations in the Middle East as well as other countries.
33. To Blix
Frank ,   Canada   (05.25.07)
Dear Mr Blix, your mandate is to stop Iran nuclear program. However, because you are totally incompetent, you failed. To hide this major failure, you are trying to gain some kind of success on another battlefield. Mr Blix, go back to work and disarm Iran to prove us that the so-called international community can be efficient.
34. 31 - Blix is quite right
zionist forever   (05.25.07)
What Blix is asking for is stage 1 of his demands. Israel agrees to end uranium reprocesing today so its no longer in a position for further neuclear weapons development. One -two years down the road the demands are full disarmamnet on Israels part and the fact that Israel agreed to stage 1 is sometihng that can be used as amunition against Israek in making those demands. The conventional millitary balance of the Middle East is also changing very quickly Partley because the arabs are spending money on modern weapons .. the Saudis have spent around $20 billion on modern western weapons 4-5 years and they are still continuing to spend. The typhoon Eurofighter can take on an F16 anyday. Egypt is building US M1 Abrams tanks under licence and they have virtualy every single American weapon Israel does including laser guided missles. Israel at the same time has been spending less and less on the millitary, the merkava program has recently been canceled instead Israel will rely on American imports which will put it another step closer to the arabs. The conventional millitary balance of power has turned against Israel more than ever and the weapons are not arabs with Soviet weapons v Israel with American and European. Egypt and many of Israels naighbors are planning to buy the F22 joinst strike fighter when it comes onto the market ( a modern jet invisible to radar ). Iran are spending billions developing their own weapons and buying from Russia, China and North Korea .. they develop their own tanks and jets and with Russia are developing a stealth jet. They are developing stealth missles. Momst arab states have weapons of mass destruction and Irana has one of the largest stockpiles of chemical weapons in the region. Israels only real defense are nukes give up that and that and as the arabs sspend more and Israel spends less very quickly Israel could find itself as one of the weaker states. End the uranium reprocesing today and tommorow its the entire neuclear program they will be calling to be dismantled.
35. uranium enrichment
Dkm ,   Laredo, TX   (05.25.07)
Mr. Blix' comment is so obvious that he shouldn't have had to make it. The present leaders of Israel are just as fanatically religious as those of Iran and neither group can be accorded confidence in their good judgment. The behavior of the Israeli military and the illegal settlers is no different or worse than what is attributed to the Iranians. Both countries should be held to the same standards.
36. Anti Semites
Kashba ,   Helsingfors, SE   (05.25.07)
it's good to be an anti-semite in these circumstances, looser!!
37. Blix
Mannstein ,   USA   (05.25.07)
The US and Israel demand regime change in Iran. We should also have regime change in Israel maybe that will bring peace to the region. If that's being an anti semite I wear the badge proudly.
38. Dimona
Ms Pik ,   australia/NZ   (05.25.07)
There should be no special rules for Israel. Most of the people now living in the area called Israel are immigrants living on stolen land. If Israel is allowed to keep nukes, so should everyone else be able to! Otherwise Israel could join the NPT and open up her secret nuclear factories and the chemical weapon ones as well. Everyone knows that Israel is using the Palestinians to try their new evil weapons out on... where is the outcry over this. Lets have a look at what this little state has been doing in the war crimes area, the annilhilation of another race, the stealing of land and water resources, etc etc... No tears for Israel...and no I don't consider myself an antisemite...just want to see one rule for all. Perhaps Israel should just cease to exist and then we wouldnt have to be in a continual war on its behalf.
39. Blix remarks
Sophia ,   Edinburgh   (05.25.07)
I wish Mr. Hans Blix had been a very great deal more courageious before the invasion of Iraq. He could have told the World far more forcefully that Iraq had NO WMD - as all intelligent knew anyway. Why did he not speak out in the UN??? He was really mealy mouthed aobu it and he is also responsible for what has happened to the Cradle O Civilisation. His advice now is not much use to any of us -
40. It's high time
Persian CAT   (05.25.07)
the the rulers of Zionistan suspended nuclear weapons production in Dimona and other secret places. Israel has more than 200 nuclear weapons, Iran has none. The question is while Iran is a member of IAEA sand its nuclear facilities are subject to regular inspections and has has abided to the IAEA rules, why does Isreal "feel" its needs more nuclear weapons and has not joined ANY international organzations and NO inspection of its facilities are allowed. Even conscientous Israelis who even talk about it, Mordekhai Venunu, get kidnapped and tried in a kangaroo court and jailed! Israel needs to show it is a responsible regime as much as Iran does.
41. Special this and that
Doubtom ,   Calif. USA   (05.25.07)
Some in here speak of Israel being a "special" case when it comes to having nuclear weapons; we've long heard of a "special relationship" between the USA and Israel; Nancy Pelosi speaks of an "unbreakable bond" between the United States and Israel. The key factor in all of this is that not once have the American people voted on this unlimited support of this rogue nation with billions of our tax dollars each and every year. Israel is not one of our states and we're not joined at the hip despite the best efforts of the jewish lobbies with AIPAC doing its very best to buy every one of our government's representatives while sending its agents to spy on its benefactor. If Israel insists on having nuclear weapons it should do so on its own budget and quit sucking on the American teat. It's hard to convince the world that you're the eternal victim when you possess all the latest in weaponry including nuclear capability, courtesy of the American public and its obedient whores in Congress. Personally I don't give a damn if Israel ceases to exist tomorrow; I feel that we have enough problem areas of our own where this support money could be better utilized.
42. 38
zionist forever   (05.25.07)
The jews were there long before there were any arabs and the jews have had a constant presece in the area for over 2000 years. Its arabs who are living on stolen land .. Jordan, parts of Syria, the areas where the palestians live all parts of the biblical jewish kingdom. The modern State of Israel was created through a UN majority vote the same way all states in artifical borders have been. The Legue of Nations created Iraq and Jordan both aritificial states created in the 20th century. If at some point a peace agreement is reached between Israel and the palestians the final decision on creating a palestian state or not will be down to a UN vote. Israel is not getting special rules that Iran is not. Israel like Pakistan and India did not sign the neuclear non proliferation treaty but Iran did. Iran is the one getting the special treatment here because it continues to refuse access to weapons inspectors and refuses to end uranium enrichment but because nobody wants to upset Iran because they might make trouble in Iraq or put up oil prices so nobody has the stomach to do anything that talk tough and then ask nicley. What does Israels neuclear program have to do with the palestians and what are the secret new weapons that Israel wants to try out .. maybe you Israel is developing a death star so it can blow up the palestians and Iran from space.. Israel will still be around long after the arabs, Persians and Australians have ceaced to exist.
43. 40
zionist forever   (05.25.07)
Why do India and Pakistan feel they need more neuclear weapons and have not signed any international organistions or signed any treaties? Why do the US, Russia, China, UK and France all feel they need more neuclear weapons? Vanunu knowlingly broke the law when he sold his story and so he went to prison for it just like anybody who breaks the law. Commit the crime and you do the time. When was Israel irrisponsible with its neuclear program?
44. # 38
Canadian ,   Vancouver   (05.25.07)
I have always wanted to visit Australia, but if everyone is like Ms Pik, then there is no intelligent life to visit.
45. Right On Blix
Scott Lindsay ,   Canada   (05.26.07)
It is the aggression of the US and Israel on those in the middle east over the last 50 years that has made it unstable and every one wanting nuclear support.If Israel can break the international law why can't Iran.And if you think Israel has not threatened anyone than you better think again.they have used the US to do it for them for years.
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