Jewish Scene
Path to Judaism paved with obstacles and tests
Gregory Kotler, Yisrael Rosen
Published: 04.06.07, 12:56
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52 Talkbacks for this article
31. David # 26
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.06.07)
A convert , even Orthodox , can't have a Jewish Neshama , can't have the same Jewish background a Jewish born has . And the Beit Din can decide whatever they decide , that can't change the facts . This converted can be a very believing one , believing in all the religious laws , making all the mitswoth possible , this will not give him [ or her ] this neschama , this Jewish feeling , this Jewish History engraved in his blood .
32. 27: Don't Self-Proclaim. Abandon Xy/J*sus, Submit To Rabbis
Paqid 16 Netzarim ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (06.06.07)
By your own admission you are a Christian and a gentile. You will never get anywhere by continuing to think in your Christian box that you can somehow self-proclaim the Displacement Theology of Christianity, or yourself as a Christian leader, legitimate in the Jewish community. Your 'sour grapes' accomplishes nothing. Abandon Xy & J*esus and adopt, instead, Torah according to Halakhah and the Orthodox rabbis -- like I did. The result is Orthodox acceptance, recognition, certification and documentation; not self-proclamation. PS: the most popular Israeli Jewish newspaper not publishing candlelighting times on Yom Shishi is a disgrace to Israel and Jewish readers. Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
33. Don't Self-Proclaim. Abandon Xy/J*sus, Submit To Rabbis 27-3
Paqid 16 Netzarim ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (06.06.07)
By your own admission you are a Christian and a gentile. You will never get anywhere by continuing to think in your Christian box that you can somehow self-proclaim the Displacement Theology of Christianity, or yourself as a Christian leader, legitimate in the Jewish community. Your 'sour grapes' accomplishes nothing. Abandon Xy & J*esus and adopt, instead, Torah according to Halakhah and the Orthodox rabbis -- like I did. The result is Orthodox acceptance, recognition, certification and documentation -- not self-proclamation. PS: the most popular Israeli Jewish newspaper not publishing candlelighting times on Yom Shishi is a disgrace to Israel and Jewish readers. Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
34. (26) But Avoiding Beit Din Precludes Becoming a Jew
Paqid 16 Netzarim ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (06.06.07)
For those unfamiliar with Hebrew, נשמה (n'shaMAH) means "breath" (the noun). By extension, it is taken metaphorically to mean "vital spirit" (Klein's Etymological Dictionary); i.e., "essence." While neshamah is routinely confused with "soul," the latter is anglicized from the *original* 8th-century German seula (probably referring to their pagan "sea-spirits")! Christian missionaries to the Germans translated the Hellenist (Greek) psukhe (the psyche) of the NT to seula and Christianity there acquired its "soul." However, the original, Hebrew, term from which Hellenists translated psukhe in LXX (the Septuagint), is נפש (NEPHesh; free will, the mind, sapience, the psyche). Thus, students of Torah will abandon the Germanic pagan concept of "soul" to concern themselves, instead, with the original Torah Hebrew concepts of nephesh (free will sapience) and neshamah (breath, essence). The issue of "Jewish neshamah," then, is no more complex than whether the essence of the Jew is the service of ha-Sheim according to His Torah -- or racist claims and "feelings" From Biblical times, those who keep Torah, Jews and geirim alike, were described as Yirei ha-Sheim (Reverers of ha-Sheim, corrupted to G*od Fearers), each of whom hosted the "Jewish neshamah" and, Talmud documents, were counted with Israel (though there were marriage restrictions on geirim). Being "described as Jewish," by itself, is meaningless. That's just a different facet of the argument that Hitler defines Jews, because he "described them as Jewish." Christians also describe themselves as "the real Jews" or "spiritual Jews" all the time. PS: the most popular Israeli Jewish newspaper not publishing candlelighting times on Yom Shishi is a disgrace to Israel and Jewish readers. Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
35. Charles
David   (06.06.07)
Charles, read what the Ari for example says about the subject, it's very interesting. Secondly, how do you know that your family is that of the original Jews who left Egypt or the group of Erev Rav who left with them? What would distinguish you from them. They both kept Torah, right?
36. David #35
Keren ,   Israel   (06.06.07)
I like talkbacks like yours ,which make me reflect and understand things more profoundly. I wonder many times that our People is a very good People:inteligent and extremelly good hearted. But I observe as well some very ,very bad people among us,living as if Jews... After reading a bit about Erev Rav,since your posting,and remembering some classes I had about the issue,I start understanding this bad and poisonous people existing among us,calling themselves jews and trying all the time to destroy our elevated goals.They are the Erev Rav! I wonder why Moshe desobeyed G'od and brought these poison with us... Why ,if ultimately we will have to get rid of them anyway?
37. Paqid, it is the essence here
David   (06.06.07)
You mention that the neshamah is the essence, that is correct, you will never change one's essence by converting UNLESS the person has a Jewish neshamah to begin with. It takes the rabbi's time to figure it out. Interestingly enough, after the coming of the Mashiakh, there will be no more converts. Strange. Anyway, question if a person is described as meaningless, why do you describe yourself as a "Jew" at the end of your talkback?
38. LMAO at the paqid
John   (06.06.07)
So, you won't answer the question which is what you want other's to do. So let me get this straight, you are the self emposed leader of an man who returned spiritually, in essence a pretend man, thus pretend leader who advocates one follow the halachah of logic. See something weird here, a leader of a pretend man and that's logic? You say to follow halachot and halachot is what the rabbi's have deemed which includes not using turning on and off electricity by ones own means, but you have deemed that to be not fire? Therefore you make up your own halachot which is a different group then that of Orthodoxy which is contrary to what Ribi Yehoshua did. How many judges are in your beit din today, 1? After 25 years you still can't get anyone else to agree to this stuff?
39. David
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.06.07)
I certainly do'nt know that my family left Egypt 3000 + years ago , nobody knows such a family history . What i know , there was a Chumash in our family , going from father to eldest son , this during around 20 generations [ sadly lost during the Shoa ]. Enough to build up a true Jewish Neshamah , and to have some Jewish history engraved in my blood . All other sayings , by the Ari or other great sages have no importance , i know what i am , and where i came from .
40. To Charles
Besalel ,   Kew Gardens, NY   (06.06.07)
I don't pretend that my contribution to Israel is similar to those like you who build the country and made Aliya. I recognize that your contribution is greater and I wish one day to equal your contribution. Nonetheless, what made the land yours is the same thing that makes the land mine. If all of a sudden a bunch of really really hard working Jews decided to go to the empty vasts of land in Wyoming or Montana and work really really hard to build a life there, are they entitled to a Jewish state in Wyoming or Montana? But Israel is different. It is true that good people such as yourselves worked really hard to create a state but bottom line is you would not be entitled to a state (no matter how hard you work) unless there is something that entitles you to create a state there (and remove the Arabs who were there, lets be honest). Whatever it is that gave you a right to create a state in Israel and not in Wyoming is what gives me the right to call Israel mine. לא בזכות הכח אלא מכח הזכות
41. David
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.06.07)
Reading your # 31 for a second time , i can only say that i fully agree regarding the "Jewish Neshamah" One of the tb'ers gives a long explanation of this word , but he doe's not understand it , having no Jewish Neshamah himself . You probably know he is a "convert" , officially he proclaims to be Jewish , but in fact ?? He has to add Jewish orthodox Isreali . But some times ago he said that he was not orthodox . He would not be accepted by a othodox bet din , because he is not orthodox , he wrote . So probably he do'nt even know what he is , and has to convince himseld , and all the others he is Jewish , by adding this after his name . The only who needs to do it . It's a sad little guy .
42. (37) How do you presume to know essence can't be changed?
Paqid 16 Netzarim ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (06.06.07)
Seems to me only ha-Sheim can know such a thing. If one prays to ha-Sheim and tries to make teshuvah you declare that no one can, through the operation of their free will, change their essence. The only way you can make that declaration is to presume to be peer of Elohim, to be able to look into the heart, discern another's intent and judge the heart. Neither you nor I can do that. It is for ha-Sheim alone. Any high school student would realize that a sign-off is entirely unrelated to the discussion of determining one's Jewishness according to how he or she is described by Hitler, etc. IMO, everyone who fails to identify themselves and give a general idea of where they're coming from is secretive and deceptive. So, the better question is, Why are you secretive and deceptive? Stand behind your words and let people know who you are and what you stand for. PS: the most popular Israeli Jewish newspaper not publishing candlelighting times on Yom Shishi is a disgrace to Israel and Jewish readers. Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
43. Besalel
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.06.07)
First a rectification : as i wrote to you in Yiddish , when i made Alyah , the table was dressed . I did'nt built this country . I made Alyah only in 2001 I told you already , this land will be yours when you will live here . You have certainly a close relationship to Israel , paid some visits , have , maybe family members living here , you probably dream of making Alyah one day . This dream can become reality . If you dream from winning the great lottery , does this mean that this hughe sum is yours ? no it's a dream , and as long you have'nt this money in your hand , it is not yours . The same with this country , as long you do'nt live here , you can't call this yours .
44. David , regarding your # 37
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.06.07)
You asked this "employee" why he adds Jewish etc after his name .He will not respond . He said that you have to say who you are , and what you stand for . He did'nt do this neither , he is not Kosher at all .
45. David your # 37
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.06.07)
You wrote ....UNLESS he has a Jewish Neshama to begin with . How can a non Jew have a Jewish Neshama ? this is impossible , even after years this can not become true . A non Jewish Neshama , stays a non Jewish one , a conversion can't change this fact .
46. No one is questioning you, it was to open a dialogue
David   (06.07.07)
Charles, you have heard of Moshe. He was raised by non-Jews without knowing his parents originally. That is simply an example. I don't disagree with you at all in your assumptions. Now since no one knows today truly if one has a Jewish neshamah the rabbi's have to check it the only way they can. Yes, you where born Jewish, but say 10 generations back that there was a woman convert that is a direct descendant of yours. Since you are unaware of your 3000 year history, maybe you do have and again I for sure am not saying anything contrary to you, but if it goes by the mother, no one would be Jewish down that linage if a convert can never be Jewish. Correct? So how can we tell today, it's very very difficult. Do we base it on Torah observance? If yes, then 90% are not Jewish today. Do we base it on the mother, well, yes then that would indicate a nation that one cannot join. All I am trying to relay, is that if a person want's to follow Torah, they will be a Torah observant non-Jew, which according to some is a requirement for the world. I am not speaking of religion. It is also a fact, whether one will believe it or not, but the coming Mashiakh will be able to tell. This is beyond me, but there are writings about that. I have noticed people like the Paqid think that the Mashiakh has already been here and returned spiritually, I don't agree, but he can have his opinion. I don't know you at all and it does not matter, you are correct, we come from a slightly different angle. I would be classified as traditional religious which you may or may not agree with which bothers me not. We have bigger problems with our home then this issue as you know. Before I forget, Erev rav also kept Torah at the time of Moshe, so is religious observance the correct response, debateable at best. Good luck.
47. Keren
David   (06.07.07)
Karen, it's a very complex issue to say the least. Erev Rav's nature is selfishness. They decided to keep the Torah for themselves. The Torah was given to humankind to live a life designed by haShem. I am not talking religion here. Derech haShem. The argument with Moshe and haShem was that haShem said they would be aproblem for us forever, but Moshe said they where fine. With one's greatest strength is ones greatest weakness. Compassion. Did that not get others like Shaul in trouble. Sure it did. Now that erev rav was here to stay, before Moshe died he said we would act corruptly and not listen to him. Maybe this happened. We, as Jews where to share the Torah with the world, we did not, we kept it for ourselves. Now how would the world learn about the Creator, via Torah, we would not share it, or via "religion"? Now we have 2 very large other movements, not for discussion here, but they basically show a concept of a Creator. Nothing happens for no reason. Now it's 3500 years later and the machine of religion has lived its purpose to show the world a Creator, of which we decided to keep to ourselves. You must remeber for example, Jews of the first century would not even talk to non-Jews without at least reaching a certain level of observance. You can imagine the previous 1500 years how it was. Then comes a guy who tried to make a bit of a change, he died, then his followers tried to share the Torah with the non-Jews. This got changed into a different religion to replace the Torah, the 600 years later, another religion to replace the Torah came along. If we had only shared it this would have not happened. Moshe had such compassion, as you can read in the Torah that he wished to be written from the Torah in order to defend his people. Well, this got him in trouble, now we pay. We don't need to 'get rid' of them, I believe when the Mashiakh comes (contrary to Paqids teachings) they will be straightened out and corrected. I understand that he will be able to see the souls of people (I know some kabbalists can see it too) There is obviously much more to discuss for hours on end. Be careful who say's who is Erev Rav, the religious say it's the non-observant, conservative or reform. The Kabbalists say its most of the rabbi's. Sadly, we do need to be saved from ourselves. That's the bottom line. Seeing our beautiful country in the shape it's in kills me. Keren, it's nothing to do with religious observance, I have seen the behaviour of erev rav in every form not saying that I know who they are, just that they give huge hints that even other can see. Good luck.
48. #1- Ben. Thanks for the pleasantries.
RCA ,   USA   (06.07.07)
Not !
49. David
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.07.07)
A convert can be a observing the Jewish religion , that's sure . But this won't give him a Jewish Neshama [ you wrote it also i think ], a Jewish feeling , and Jewish reactions to some facts . I knew one , othodox convert , well , he had "non Jewish" reactions on the daily life facts , had other feelings . We were working toghether , so i knew him for a certain time . Of course , he was only one example , but it made me think about it . This was not such a problem for me [ it was in Galut ] he was a person observing Jewish laws , that's all , but in my eyes , not Jewish . You can't change a non Jewish Neshama in a Jewish one . And in Neshama , i'm not talking about a religious one [ if this exist ] I'm secular , this you know , Had very orthodox grand parents , a kosher home after WWII . So we are maybe not coming from a different angle . I changed , you stayed religious . You probably already read the reasons why i can't believe .
50. David
Keren ,   SP-Israel   (06.07.07)
You lifted so many points that it is quite difficult to discuss all of them in talkbacks,but I will mentions some and give my opinion. For example,Moshe desobeyed G'od out of compassion. Maybe that's true, and maybe that's a lesson we Jews should learn in order not to fail anymore:even compassion must be given to those who deserve compassion,otherwise it is a waste ,with grave consequences. I guess,toughness,when needed, is part of the way to holyness. You say ,we didn't share Torah with others,then(my conclusion) others -the 2-tried to rob the Torah from us ,by force, to themselves and distorted It completely. WE and only WE have the ability to fully understand the Torah given to US,for THEN,and only THEN share IT with others. I guess we Jews must make peace among ourselves;love ourselves's each others and by doing so,start taking real possessness of our Treasure,understanding IT ourselves and then sharing it to others. The big problem is that the other 2(the robbers)don't want us to do it:they are jelous. That's why TOUGHNESS is a very important atribute we have to acquire in order to reach our goal despite and in spite everything ,anything or anybody. And Ithink it has all to do with religious observance,yes. Religious obsevance means believing what G'od gave to us and asked us and was promissed by us;means enjoying what He gave to us;means learning to understand and aply what He gave to us and asked from us.
51. #14, Hiram, status of Mischlinge during 3rd Reich
Frank ,   London   (06.08.07)
Hiram, German nationals with Jewish father and German mother were not deported. They faced some degree of ostracism, and for example were not allowed to serve in the Wehrmacht or SS (what a great honour, right?). The same thing applied to children of German father and Jewish mother. The only way they could have been threatened by deportation was IF their mother was divorced, and the children were registered as Jewish with the Jewish community. There was talk if they were to be sterilized. But there was no consensus, so it was let be. They were certainly allowed to marry other Germans, unlike German Jews were this was forbidden after 1935. So for all practical reasons, the ostracism they faced was not severe, certainly not deadly. Helmut Schmidt, he was Federal Chancellor from 1973 to 1982, his father was a Mischling. According to the Nazi terminology, Helmut Schmidt himself was a 2nd grade Mischling. These were recruited to the Wehrmacht and served in the war, including the officer ranks (Helmut Schmidt was a lieutenant in the Wehrmacht). YNET, why was this comment blocked when I initially submitted it? There is nothing incendiary in this comment.
52. conversion
Gregory Richardson ,   Seattle, WA, USA   (06.25.07)
In Seattle, conversion is very unfriendly and nearly non-existant. According to a sympathetic Rabbi, If conversion were made any easier the Jewish community would be overwhelmed with new converts. My Rabbi friend believes that conversion should be much easier, as prescribed by the Rambam. In Seattle they do not just discourage, they ignore. They never return phone calls.
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