Before ceding the Golan
Dore Gold
Published: 10.06.07, 08:58
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60 Talkbacks for this article
31. Politicians who have accepted bribes in the past
Debbie ,   Seattle   (06.10.07)
are likely to accept them now. One can't be sure what could motivate someone to give away a strategic piece of land so easily. The pockets of Arabs and Americans are deep.
32. #31
enzo ,   london,uk   (06.10.07)
We don't mind where the Rials come from...as long as you all donate to us, honest and responsable politicians, journalists and academics!!! From July we also accept RMB.
33. To #32: Right ON
Dave Levy ,   Burbank. CA USA   (06.10.07)
The more I read about Israel, the more frustrated I become, as an American Zionist in long standing. Doesn't your govt ever learn? It gave up Gaza, and got Hamas. It gave up Jericho, and Bethlehem, and look what it got, an embolden Fatah, Islamic Jihad and Hamas. It left Lebanon and got Hezbollah. If it leaves the Golan, within 3 mos, it will get 2,000 tanks, 5,000 artillery pieces, and thousands of missiles, facing it., not to forget 100,000 well armed troops. Syria gives nothing in return..not even one dunam of land along the inland sea. I doubt it will allow even an embassy or consulate, and will NEVER recognize Israel's existence. Why should it? It and it's axil of evil allies are defeating US. We are have agenda in Iraq, or Iran..but lots of rhetoric and meaningless "surges" in a Muslim world area. Even Putin is laughing at US. Re: the Golan: no negotitaion, no compromse and no withdrawals (until an overall peace is made with everyone-enforceable)
34. Syria With the Golan: Iran With Nukes
Dave Levy ,   Burbank. CA USA   (06.10.07)
Syria will make lots of promices to get the Golan, and keep none of them. Then what, what recourse does Israel have? Any agreement with this dictatorship is unenforceable. The US said no to Israel..why is Israel being stubborn? It has no other friends on this planet. Even the UN is not doing anything about Iran's "wipe out Israel" statements, while Darfur languishes and suffers. At Babi Yar, 34,000 Jews were machine gunned in 2 days at the ravine. The Jews were told they would be relocated. They were relocated alright, into the pit. Some Israelis, desparately wanting peace, are making overtures to the Syrian (Mayan type) warlord. Syria wants to cut Israel in 2, then it can repeat Babi Yar with it's missiles, tanks, artillery, and 600,000 troops. Remember, Iran's nukes are just above the horizon.
35. Syria Wants to Cut Israel Into Peaces
Dave Levy ,   Burbank. CA USA   (06.10.07)
To Malcolm: I don't understand how your Israel's can tolerate all of this, frankly? As an American Zionist I sometimes wonder where your brains are? We Jews are thought of as intelligent, rational thinkers, people of the book, the "chosen" people. Seems to me like Israel is doing every wrong these past years. Does it never learn? In 0641, Germany invaded Russia. By 0941, Kiev was invaded. That month 34,000 Jews were slaughtered at Babi Yar., mostly women, children and the elderly. They were told they were to be relocated. The 2nd worst massacre of Jews happened (40,000 were killed in Romania). Above Auschwitz was "work makes free". 2m Jews believed it. When will we Jews, and you Israelis wake up I ask? When it's too late. Syria is hiding Hariri's killing, and it's smuggling into Iraq. It has a treaty with Iran. It supports Hezbollah...these are not signs of wanting peace in my book.
Ginette ,   Toronto, Canada   (06.10.07)
Thank you Dore Gold, you have balls where others (Holmer & click) are lacking. I honestly think it will be suicidal to concede the Golan Heights to Syria or whomever...too many soldiers have died or got maimed for life for the security of Israel, which the Golani is part of. Absolute suicide. Do you hear me Olmert? Better yet, don't listen to me, but DO listen to the People of Israel.
37. Israel Should Emulate Turkey to Survive
Dave Levy ,   Burbank. CA USA   (06.10.07)
To Michael Ben: Olmert, Peres, Livni and Beilin are no longer credible leaders, and should be armed out to Miami Beach, Florda. Israel needs new, fresh blood to lead it. Olmert is appeasing Condi, and Nancy Pelosi. He sees Bush's demise. Condi still has influence, but she will be gone soon. Olmert is gambling Israel's security, without any cards in his hands. You do not gamble when your life is at stake (nation)l you gamble shekels over a card game. Olmert is not seeing Gaza, nor Lebanon 1 and 2, nor the outrageous out come of the Hezbollah was (they now have 20,000 rockets and bunker systems in place). I feel sorry for you Israels. I cannot understand how you can stand it, frankly? The US is losing to the Jihadists thanks to poor leadership, and Israel is losing to the militants for the same reasons. All I can say is, "rememeber Babi Yar" only 65 short years ago.
38. olmert is such an idiot
natan ,   canada   (06.10.07)
in israel's history i can't think of anyone who even came close to being as bad. get this bum out of office already. everything that comes out of his mouth is pathetic
39. #13; Jeff Get Real
Doc Holliday   (06.10.07)
Their is a risk of war either way, and that's the fact Jack!!! Given the possibility of war I'll take the high ground and fight. Syria wants the Golan for a " maybe we will sit down and talk, maybe not ", Sorry chump you started a war and lost. Now you want some land back I dictate the the terms not you,
40. Strangulation
Schvach   (06.11.07)
The umbilical cord that stretches between the US State Dept. and Israel is anything but nurturing!
41. Golan -- Do not be fools
Kerry ,   Henderson   (06.11.07)
If you cede more land, it will not stop the terroism!
42. The answer is clear--Elections NOW!
David ,   Montreal   (06.11.07)
Nice rhetorical questions, but the answer is clear. First, the current government is incapable of ANY planning--the Winograd interim report makes that clear. Second, past Israeli goverenments have been all to willing to save corrupt dictators from being defeated (Afarat and Oslo ring any bells or yet more arms to Abbas). Third, as to why? Perhaps it's a Jewish Death wish, or just possibly it's simply another pathetic attempt of corrupt, honorless politicians without any vision or ideas to stay in power. At least they have found the perfect negotiating partner in Assad. Shas bring down the Governement!
43. 13 Time to leave most of Australia as well.
freedom ,   canada   (06.11.07)
GIve the Aborigines their land back. Get back to me when you have accomplished that JEFF.. Have a nice day.
44. JUst MAYBE.....
Brooke ,   Reality Check   (06.11.07)
I too am disgusted by the 3 stooges--olmert--livni---peretz BUT I think something BIG is brewing.behind the scenes. The US is ramping up proof of murderous Iranian connections in Iraq---readying the public for a stirke on Iran? At the same time--olmert extends his hand to syria--knowing full well syria cannot accept it because iran will forcefully block any moves for peace with Israel. Syria is strategically too important for iran to relinquish vis-a-vis hezzbollah, hamas and fatah. Iran needs syria to launch 3 fronts against Israel when the US strikes it. Olmert can now claim "honestly" that Israel extended her hand in peace with the very offer the syrians claim they need to extend peace to Israel. I think this is an empty offer and for once olmert is "playing" the diplomatic game, with no intentions of ceding any land to syria. I do believe there will be a US/ Israel strike on syria/iran/hezzbollah very soon. Bush will NOT leave with a nuclear Iran nor an Iraqi defeat. Prepare yourselves and G-d bless Israel, USA their military and all freedom loving, decent people everywhere. After the US and Israeli victory, the dynamics and power of the world, especially in the ME will change instantly and for the better. Lebanon and syria can finally realize their democratic aspirations and there will be nobody to prop up the psuedo palis. They will have to leave or metamorph into decent, peaceful people. This is impossible with Farfur teaching their kids. Saudi Arabia and Egypt (and the world needs to be reminded...Russia and China, are you listening?) will once again learn that the US and Israel are super powers. Unfortunately, this is the only way towards true peace. This lesson has been proven time after time throughout the ages. Look at Japan and Germany if you don't believe mighty force is the way in which murderous, insane regimes correct themselves. Starp in---its going to be a bumpy ride!! B'H"
45. giving "back" something we've managed legally
Robert Arnow ,   Beersheva, Israel   (06.11.07)
Why anyone would seriously consider giving one centimeter of the heights is ridiculous; inn addition to the author's well thought reasons, does anyone consider the current and future asset the Golan region is to anyone? Do Israel's leaders consider that in the long term, it may be that 20 million Israelis live in the country, not 6-7 million (is it so inconceivable to look ahead 50-200 years?); that the Golan provides abundant clean water to the country (do we now have so much?). Okay, tell the Syrians whatever you wish-they will do what they will decide to do in any case-and that goes for the short term and the long term. Israel acquired the Golan in war, as most modern nations have become defined politically. Let those leaders who wish to give away irreplaceable assets clear out their personal and corporate bank accounts as their gesture of sincerity- then do them a favor and contact their family physicians--
46. Golan is Syrian
Ma khasak ,   Antarctica   (06.11.07)
The Golan heights are Syrian lands and you have to withdraw from them sooner or later, this writer speaks of it as though it is Israeli land. The answers in this talkback also show the unwillingness of the Israeli's to talk serios peace. Arrogance knows no bounds, you will loose all this land you are on today because of your arrogance.
47. Return of the Gholan
Walldizo ,   Damas   (06.11.07)
Mr. Gold, your piece seems to ignore some crucial points: 1-You can not confiscate a land which is not yours regardless of the pretexts you ma present. 2- Peace negotiation is an on going process that aims at achieving peace at the end.Bad faith presumptions would only harm chances of true peace. 3-Re. American gurantees by some lunatics for Israel to maintain Gholan's occupation do not provide legitimacy for occupation unless Israel wishes to ransom the Gholan to the US. 4-If peace is what all parties are searching for, then a conducive language and conditions must be secured. Peace can not prosper under a warmongering mentality.
48. FO #16, you are right. Thanks!
Steve ,   US   (06.11.07)
You wrote: "Nevertheless, Britain, in total breach of article 5, ceded in 1923 the Golan Heights to France, the Mandatory of Syria." Thanks for this. http://www.palestinefacts.org/pf_mandate_overview.php In 1920, following the defeat of the Turks, the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, and the peace conferences after World War I, the British Mandate for Palestine was created by the League of Nations. The Mandate was international recognition for the stated purpose of "establishing in Palestine a national home for the Jewish people." The area of the Mandate was originally 118,000 square kilometers (about 45,000 square miles). In 1921, Britain took the 91,000 square kilometers of the Palestine Mandate east of the Jordan River, and created Trans-Jordan (later the Arab country of Jordan) as a new Arab protectorate. Jews were barred by law from living or owning property east of the Jordan river, even though that land was over three-fourths of the original Mandate. In 1923, Britain ceded the Golan Heights (another 1,176 square kilometers of the Palestine Mandate) to the French Mandate of Syria. Jews were also barred from living there. Jewish settlers on the Golan Heights were forced to abandon their homes and relocate inside the westerb area of the British Mandate.
49. Damascus was also part of the ancient Hebrew lands.
sk ,   USA   (06.11.07)
My criticism of Gold is that he's too much of a politico and fails to see that even discussing the Golan is an error akin to discussing how many times per week one beats his wife. The Golan has been annexed. Based on many principles of "international law," including, but not limited to, prevailing in a defensive war, the Golan is Israeli. The real question is the status of Jordan, of southern Lebanon, and of parts of Syria, including Damascus. All of that land is Jewish land. The only discussion from the Israeli government will be how much of THAT land will be RETURNED to Israel. Is what I am saying really that hard to grasp? If Israel is not on the offensive, it will eventually lose. It must press claims to ALL of its homeland (including Jordan, parts of Syria and Lebanon, and maybe parts of Arabia for starters), and PERHAPS negotiate SOME of that land away, if the price is right.
50. To Steve # 48.
FO ,   Belgium   (06.11.07)
Nice Steve, you took the initiative and went surfing on the net to find more details concerning this most important historical period. If you wish to read the full text of the League's resolutions of 1922, click as follows: "the council of the league of nations the palestine mandate". Now from two things one: or Mr. Gold knows the data I submitted, and should have used it as a primary argument in his article, or he does totally ignore the facts quoted above and in talkback # 16. If the latter is the case, than it is rather shoking, taking into consideration that Mr. Gold was an adviser of an Israeli PM.
51.  Golan Heights Giveback
Ann Hertel ,   Healdsburg, Ca. USA   (06.11.07)
Is the Israli govenment trying to do another deal like they offered years ago to give back all the "territories" and Arafat said and did nothing? Do they think Syria will not jump at this offer? second question: How come your logic is not employed by the Israeli parliament? They need better advisors. Just like the USA.
52. #49 sk - That's the spirit! I agree with you completely!
Tracy W   (06.11.07)
It's high time the old argument got turned around. Israel has allowed itself to be manipulated. Too traumatized by the Holocaust, Israelis did not have the spirit to demand what was theirs. Now, with the exposure of what the other side is really up to (Arabs and the West), Israel must stand tall and make demands, instead of negotiating its surrender. It won't get all its ancient land back, but at least it should make it clear who it really belongs to, and not give away a single inch of the Jewish land it controls now. And as you say, not even discuss its surrender.
53. 100% correct
ben ,   new york   (06.11.07)
You are absolutely right! Why is israel talking about this at all. Syria scares me very little. I think israel is its own worst enemy.
54. Dore's habit of hiding his religious motives with "logic"
rami   (06.12.07)
his religious devotion is what drives it all. why doesn't he say that's the reason, why does he need to mascarade it with fake made up logic? perhaps bx he fears being labelled as a religious nut case?
55. Huge mistake!
Jim D. ,   Grand Junction, CO   (06.12.07)
Land for peace has never worked. I'm amazed that giving away the Golan is even a topic of discussion. Lets hope sensible heads prevail.
56. To #37: God is in control and wants Israelis to see that...
Rebekah Kmet ,   California   (06.13.07)
whatever mistakes the leaders make, the Lord is still on the throne and is the God of Israel. When the enemies of Israel attack from the north because a multinational force was allowed to be there and the Golan Heights may be given up, the prophet EZEKIEL said the Lord will destroy the armies of Magog (Russia) and Gomer and the Moslem countries listed with them with an earthquake! It will take SEVEN MONTHS just to bury the dead. God is greater than the mistakes of leaders of Israel. Pray for Israel to be delivered from its enemies. Pray every day for PEACE IN JERUSALEM. The Bible says if there is PEACE IN JERUSALEM, there will be peace in the world.
57. a calm voice
art ,   jc usa   (06.14.07)
The withdrawal by Israel from all territories is suicidal. Why should Israel make concessions? Syria is regaining territory They should be satisfied with 50-60% of the territories. When Syria violates the peace will Israel be able to regain the heights? How many Israelis will die to get up the heights. From the Heights Syria can command Northern Israel. They can shell the towns and block the roads. Then there are the missiles. Remember even if Syria pulls back behind Damascus It cann reoccupy the heights in a few hours
58. Peace for peace.
Chaim   (06.14.07)
Israel should make it crystal clear that none of our land is to be ceded. This land is historically our and was won in a defensive war. If Syria is serious about peace, Syria will accept peace for peace. That is how America made peace with the former Soviet Union. America did not offer Alaska (bought for a pittance) for a treaty. America offered peace for peace. It worked! That is the basis of lasting peace. Nobody can claim "land for peace" hasn't been tried. It has and the results have invariably been disastrous. The great Israeli land giveaway is over. No more Israeli retreat!
59. Golan Heights Travesty
Ina Lynn Jurey ,   Sioux Falls, SD, USA   (06.15.07)
Toda Dr. Gold! Your article speaks succinctly; why are you alone in a public outcry against giving away the Golan Heights? Why are you alone in seeing the Syrians have absolutely zero plans for discontinuing attacking Israel again and again as history has proven. Please continue your published articles; perhaps it will awaken Israelis to reelect Bebe before it's too late!
60. Golan Heights
Gene Trower ,   Delray, Florida, USA   (06.26.07)
I still remember the spectre of a line of 3 or 4 farmers lined up behind tractors as they cleared the way IDF tanks. The instant one was shot, another took over the tractor. That land was purchased with a terrible price in Israeli blood. It should be annexed. I suggest an alternative solution. If Syria promises to relinquish their claim to the Golan Heights, Israel should promise not to take or destroy Damascus.
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