Iran will trigger all-out regional war if attacked, official says
Published: 11.06.07, 15:18
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31. TALULA................YOU ARE THE BEST.
mira ,   bear shiva   (06.12.07)
i love your posts the most. you are right 100%. they hate us but still expect us to love them. what a joke those gentiles are.
32. At this rate Iran will be a smoking crater in no time
RA   (06.12.07)
Dinnerjacket and his crew really need to shut the hell up before its too late for the innocent Iranian people.
33. his threats proove airstrikes are needed
zionist forever   (06.12.07)
If the US ever questioned if airstrikes are the only real solution to the Iran problem then this is it. If Iran is willing to cause a regional war and countries who had nothing to do with the air strikes will be targeted also because they are condsided to be American alliies, and allow terrotiets to travel through its territory and intentionly target civilians all because the US bombs its neuclear facility then think about the threats Iran could make and carry out if they got nukes. They allready have a balisitc missle program which is growing what if there comes a time when Iran has not just nukes but the missles with a range long enough to hit the US are we then going to have Iran threatening to fire missles at the US conventional or even neuclear if the US try to stop them doing something? A neuclear Iran is even more of a threat to the west than the Soviet Union was during the height of the cold war. The Soviet Union was run by politicians, the cause was politcal, they didnt threaten to wipe out any countries if they were not threatening them, if they had a problem with one country they didnt invade every country in the region. The Soviets were at least responsible with their neuclear program and it was more of a theorteical one ( US has a certain number pointed at the Soviets and they have a certain number pointed at the US but nobody wanted a war ) Iran is run by dangerous religious extremists who have threatened to wipe their naighbor off the map .. all it takes is for the ayatlollahs who have the real power to anounce that Allah wants them to nuke Israel or the US and they will do it. They are willing to start wars with countries that are not even threatening them if the US decides it wants to carry out airstrikes. I think that for the sake of long term REGIONAL stability ( not just Israel ) then risks must be taken now and the Iranian neuclear program stopped before it reaches the point of no return and Iran becomes a neuclear threat. Ahmadinejad looks like a chrecter from the planet of the apes movie and the reason apes took over there was because of a neuclear war so lets not give this ape a chance to start a neuclear war ... the region doesnt need anymore nuts like him.
34. only the US can pull it off & will regret not doing anything
zionist forever   (06.12.07)
Israel doesnt have the physical capability to deal with this one. Iran is a long way for Israeli jets to fly and if they are going to get back to Israel they cant afford to get into any dogfights in Iran which allmost certainly will happen. Israels F15s and F16s are not invisible to radar so they would be picked up on Iranian radar very quickly .. flying bellow radar can only be done for so long and it increases the amount of fuel the jets use. Saddam had just 1 reactor Iran has quite a few sites some of them underground will need bunker busters to get through. Iraq never even considered an attack from Israel because it seemed so unlikley but this time there would be no element of surprise and Iran. So this time round Israel doesnt have the capability but the US does. There are 2 American carrier groups on the Iranian doorstep with hundreds of fighter jets which can all be rearmed and refueld quickly the F/A 18 hornet is also alot more advanced than anything Iran has and US pilots can outfly Iranians anytime. The US has B2 stealth bombers in the region which can fly undetected simaltaniously drop their bunker busters on all the different sites then fly off before the Iranians realise whats just happened. The US has the capability to sink the entire Iranian navy and a large part of their airforce at the same time possibly even some of their missle stroage sites. Without putting a single man on the ground the US could do alot of damage to Iranan millitary capabilities in a very short time. Israel can defend itself from most Iranian missles with the arrow and patriot missle defense systems but the risk of conventional Iranian missles landing in Israel now and causing limited casulties is better than waiting till Iran goes neuclear and having a nuke landing in the middle of Tel Aviv. If Israel hadnt taken a gamble and prempted in 1967 there would have been alot more casutlies and damage if it had decided to wait for the arabs to take a first strike then it would have had to first fight the arabs of Israeli territory before taking the war to the arabs. 1973 was proof of what happens when you let the enemy take you by survive Israel came close to loosing that one and that was just a conventional war 1 Iranian nuke would destroy the country. The US need to have the courage to take on Iran they are the only ones with the physical capability and right now the politcal situation is right .. Bush cant stand for reelection and his presidency is garunteed till the end of his 4 year term. However it turns out it wont affect his politcal career which he is coming to an end of 1 more year. If this turns out right he will be a hero if anythnig does go wrong then he allready has a bad image people will just dislike him a little more. Leave this till later a new president will be in the White House who will be looking to build a good image and wont want to get involved in anymore Middle East problems especialy if its a Democrat and at the pace its going Iran will probably by then have enriched enough uraniaum to build a bomb. So the time is now right if the US is going to do anything about Iran there is more than enough US firepower in the Gulf to do the job and the political situation is right so if nothing is done about it then the US are going to be the ones regreting it when Iran has the ability to blackmail the world with its nukes and one day develops the missles capable of dropping one of those nukes on the White House lawn.
35. #30
have you forgotten israel has nuclear war heads that can be put on all kinds of missiles for self defense. please, you need to update yourself. iran's passe soviet technology is nil compared to the military and intelligence arsenal in israel's possession. please do not sound like an imbecile even if you wish israel will be eliminated. sorry to tell you buddy, but iran doesn't stand a chance against the letahl atomic missiles possessed by the usa or for that matter, israel. do not fool yourself. israel can take care of itself and did, does and will continue to do so. israel doesn't need help from the usa and uncle bush.....just the permission to go ahead. that is all. the rest will be dust, i can assure you. iran is very worried and the more they are, their rhetoric gets more violent; warnings, threats, etc.... it won't wash because both israel, the usa and iran know what's coming and it isn't pretty, especially for the iranians who view ahmadinejaad not only as a dangerous imbecile, but a fool as well. he took that nation a century backwords....yes, in the name of islam....the very honorable and peaceful religion of the mid east.
36. NAMLESS...................................#35
MAHMOOD ,   LONDON-UK   (06.12.07)
You seem to be existing in the world of dreams,my friend.However hard you try to portray President Ahmednejad,your futile attempts will have no bearing on the steadfast people of Iran.So, save your energy for the timebeing.
37. #36, mahmood forgets history again!!!
DR ,   Florida. USA   (06.12.07)
Iran and Iraq were at war for how long? It took the US a few days to accomplish what Iran could not do in years, but you still think Iran is this powerful nation...get real! I hope and pray that there will not be a war, becuase the Persian regime will fall so fast nd many people will die there. And all for what? mahmood Amhadinejad?
38. Iran has much bigger pain tolerance factor!
Joshua ,   USA   (06.13.07)
If it comes to what s described in this article, which I think is highly unlikely, Iran will persevere simply becasue they can absorb pain and suffering much better than the other side. They don't live in luxury but the other side, including all the Gulf states, Israel and the US forces in the region do relatively speaking. When the pain gets too unbearable both politically and literally, the nukes start flying.
39. Radioactive oil in Iran
fly ,   USA   (06.13.07)
Radioactive oil is no good Iran, keep it up.
40. YOu don't meet your own criteria
Skidmore ,   Ca. United States   (06.13.07)
Comments containing incitement, slander, racist slurs and inappropriate language deemed to violate our terms of use won't be published. Then why do you print those stupid articles and statements by the Iranian government?
41. Iran attack
nocaliphate ,   USA   (06.13.07)
Maybe they will postpose their plan for middle east hegemony if they are unable to occupy massive parts of their country for 10,000 years. What they threaten, the US can do.
42. Respect?
Linda ,   Toronto,Canada   (06.13.07)
I think the world would be a better place if Iran, Syria and Lebanon were turned into a parking lot. I am so tired of Israel having to defend itself with words when the best tactic would be to blow those countries off the map!!!!!!!!!!
43. Response to # 34
Linda ,   Toronto, Canada   (06.13.07)
Here, here to your inspiring post. I wish that Bush would read this and get his hands in it before he leaves Washington. As you said he has nothing to lose and the West and Israel have everything to gain. This one is a no brainer Mr. Bush!! Which should be right up your alley.
44. NOT STUPID AT ALL............#40
MAHMOOD ,   LONDON-UK   (06.14.07)
Skidmore, stupid and useless words are used only for readers like yourself...................................anything emanating from Iran these days are very much important for your Government.
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