250 British academics against Israel boycott
Published: 13.06.07, 07:21
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52 Talkbacks for this article
31. Bad for Britain
Tobias ,   Germany   (06.13.07)
For the last decades, Israel belonged to the countriest with most research & development per capita. It has the highest percentage of people working in R&D. Every country which decides to boycott Israeli universities is hurting itself. BTW: I don't think there will be such a large change with this boycott appeal. Most people who decide to "boycott Israel" probably don't like Israel anyway, and have never been in Israel or invited an Israeli. And most of the people who work with Israeli universities, will continue to do so. Probably some will even increase their cooperation with Israeli institutions, in order to protest against the boycott call. If the state and other organisations who fund research and scientific cooperation, would stop all payments for travelling to Israel, inviting Israelis, or other forms of cooperation and joint projects, I think this would have a much larger impact on academic cooperation. But not so much this boycott call. However, it has a large symbolic meaning.
32. the whole world should boycott israil
rashid ,   palistinian   (06.13.07)
for occupying our land from haifa to tal abib, thank you englantera and amrica for helping us throw the zionist back to poland believe me the world should stop supplying water and electricity to israil and close the borders and the sea and stop giving medicine to israil i feel so strong now, i can kill a shild, thank you engalntera thank you amrica
33. education in Gaza to rushdi hasan, gaza
Richard-Goj ,   Amsterdam   (06.13.07)
Here is a report about a summer camp in Gaza - one of many. It is not the first summer that such camps have been reported. The program of the camp in the words of a director: We teach the children the truth. How the Jews persecuted the prophets and tortured them. We stress that the Jews killed and slaughtered Arabs and Palestinians every chance they got. Most important, the children understand that the conflict with the Jews is not over land, but rather over religion. As long as Jews remain here, between the [Jordan] river and the sea, they will be our enemy and we will continue to pursue and kill them. When they leave we won't hurt them."
34. welcomed news
rj ,   engladn   (06.13.07)
although on a whole britain is too tollerant of islamic citizens and do as much to please them at the expense of Israel i am glad to see that at least 250 academics have not had the wool pulled over theirs eyes and know the truth behind who the real culprits against peace and normality really are....i applaud these academics and hope that the rest of britain open their eyes and realise the palestinians are beyond help with infighting and terrorism....the quicker the seperation barrier is completed and two staes are definately made there should be no excuse for palestinians to kill,murder and send rockets to Israel...then the world should know for sure that it si not Israe causing the battle but only palestinians and their funders iran,syria,eygpt,jordan,lebanon adn any other terror supporters.
35. #1
rj ,   england   (06.13.07)
#1 i am glad to see you haev access to the internet which is money well spent rather than buying a gun you bought a computer...also why you have internet access perhaps you would care to look for educational websites that can teach you about worldly matters rather than using it for terror sites and propaganda....who says you need educating in Israel when you have the tools to educate yourself and whilst doing so keeping Israel free from potential suicide bombers...THE INTERNET ITS AMAZING DONT YOU THINK SO ....
36. Investigation needed
freejay ,   Israel   (06.13.07)
The british government needs to do a comprehensive investigation into how this inappropriate boycott came about. Im sure they will find in the proffessors accounts, bank deposits leading back from Saudi Arabia. Go check who is funding all this action against Israel. Everyone should demand an answer.
37. #1 If Mickey Hamouse + hate teaching is under "Min of Educat
Alan ,   SA   (06.13.07)
38. #36 - Investigation?
Ram ,   London   (06.13.07)
You must be kidding! There will NEVER be an investigation in the UK that "might" benefit Jews. However, to find Israel "guilty" you can be sure they will go to any length.
39. You are wrong Joey
dd   (06.13.07)
because I write more posts on subjects NOT connected to the U.K. The U.K. I know is one without reckless and thoughtless boycotters. So it happens that nowadays there are quite a bunch of boycotters whimpering and plotting from your part of the world, but luckily, there are indefinitely more boycott- haters in the U.K. Good for them ! Quite reassuring, don't you think so ? As for your kind invitation to wolf down pasta and basil with you while watching good premier league, thank you, but I must decline because I prefer the stadium. There is so much more action there. Meantime, feel fine, and one day, who knows we might sit down over a cup of something, talk world politics and even see eye to eye. I am a staunch believer in human malleability.
40. Boycott to israel
Abraham Levy ,   gibraltar and spain   (06.13.07)
We all know that in Britain they hate jews and favour muslims you only have to listen to the BBC or Sky News every comment is against Israel and the jews even Toni Blaire have approved £1m to teach muslims how about that very soon we in Gib will kick the britons out
41. makes u wonder
joshua norton ,   israel   (06.13.07)
i think , perhaps , that everybody outside israel think that we r all arab haters , i'm an israeli student , studying 4 my m.a , i have been unwiling to serve in the west bank since i finished my army service , is it me the U.C.U want to boycott ? does anybody out there think that makes any sence , in stead of coming to my aid the ucu would punish this sort of left -wing ideals ? this sort of thinking and acting has the complete opposite effect
42. # 39 dd
joe ,   (06.13.07)
"JOEY"?Last time it was "Joe-the-philosopher" + "BLOODY HELL JOE" What has caused this change of heart?"If I must suffer,what harm can it do me?" cos i ain't got no 40" flatscreen .I prefer discussing the weather,Shakespeare,Aristotle(in Greek,of course)rather than world politics.As for a cuppa - do you prefer Guiness,babycham or Tempo, with/without Bamba? Where would you prefer to drink - @ the Ramat-Gan Stadium or @ Old Trafford (the football stadium not the cricket one).Anyway,what kind of a nom de plume is dd & i suppose you're from EREHWON.too-da-loo.Oh,almost forgot :"malleability";what about "amelioration" (sicha be-shney/arba/einayim,ke-muvan)
43. Soooo, only 250 decent, clear-headed academics in Britain?
AK   (06.13.07)
The country is going down the tubes, and fast.
44. #21, Printed before Muhammad cartoons
AK   (06.13.07)
45. britain
nelson ,   usa   (06.13.07)
I wonder what the average British person, with no personal agenda, has of this boycott. I would hate to judge an entire nation that I have never been to by the actions of some professors.
46. Nelson-Its not "some profs"-80% hate ILand USA.(my guess)
Alan ,   SA   (06.14.07)
The problem is that Americans think that the UK public all think like Tony Blair .... They dont . You must watch TV shows ,Chat Shows ,read Newspapers,Speak to people at Dinner or Tea Parties It is not anymore the England of Bowler Hats and Cucumber Sandwiches . The public slavishly follow the Media "flavour of the month"and that is to be anti US and Israel and "BUSH" The cities and big towns of Britain are filled to the brim with 3rd world populations .Politicians like Livingstone and Labour and even Conservatives pander to them for votes.As long as they can make a cross on a ballot paper,they dont even have to know a word of English as long as they live .Every document is available in a myriad of Languages. An army of Translators cater for the smallest enquiry at a Dr or Govt Office The Labour Party got rid of Blair so as to be able to move more to the left although Brits love home ownership ,holdays, restaurants and general good life America is seen as a right wing Capitalist Evil Empire . Like Arabs in Iraq wanted help in getting rid of Saddam,the Brits wanted US to get rid of Nazis-after US had done that "Yankee go home "
47. #12
you made me smile. of course i agree. 100%
48. #11
i read your post and wept!!!!! hind sight is always 20/20. unfortunatelly, europe has never leaqrned from its past. having an israel and jews/israelis is a thorn in their asses. how many times i have hear...."hitler should have finished you off". yes, we are a threat because we are very bright, very determined, very educated and very advanced....but we didn't acheive all these glorious feats by abusing the europeans and christians. there is no global jewish conspiracy. all we wanted is to live and let live and we were never allowed to do so peacefully and without "boycots".
49. #13
but they will never be able to do so again because we are closing our borders. they asked for it. they got it. the reason palestinians were never able to create and establish a state of their own is not because israel didn't let them. we offered plenty of opportunities for their future state. they refused because, i am convinced, they had no clue how to run a state. better milk the israelis for money, jobs, economy, water, electricity, higher education and medical care than create these infrastructure on their own. knowing this they invented the word "occupation and palestinian nationality" bogus, never existed! rather than face the fact that they are complete loosers in every aspect of life.
50. And again there is NO boycott
Danny   (06.14.07)
A report was written following the last two failed attempts to impose a boycott. The resolution calls for it to circulated for "discussion". To quote the General Secretary of the UCU - "UCU general secretary, Sally Hunt, said: 'As I have repeatedly said, I do not believe an academic boycott of Israel is the issue UCU members want the union to prioritise. Personally I believe that any decision to boycott another country's academic institutions should only be taken if the majority of UCU members support it. This remains my position'." To quote the official website of the UCU: "Following a meeting of the UCU's national executive committee on Friday 8 June, the union has confirmed that it is now considering the necessary steps for members to be able to debate the arguments for and against an academic boycott of Israeli universities. This does not mean an academic boycott is in place, it means that individual branches will debate the pros and cons of boycott." Tom Hickey, the head of 9th rate "university"'s union, has not managed to acheive what hysterical Israeli MFA overreaction has - to give the impression that the majority of academics even CARE about the boycott let alone support it. If you are going to do a letter writing campaign, then write to the newspapers demanding the PROMINENTLY retract their reports of a boycott and FORCE them to print the official PR of the UCU.
51. #13 then they shouldn't have voted for Hamas
Danny   (06.14.07)
They can vote for whoever they like - such is democracy, I mean we voted in Peretz and Olmert - but there are consequences. As for the other countries, they may not like Palestinians but as Palestinians make up a substantial portion of the Arab educated, technocratic, entrepreneural class they normally don't have a choice.
52. Academic Boycott and growing Anti-Semiticism
Mikhael Bareli ,   London England   (01.31.09)
Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for highlighting the recent and continued campaign against Israeli Academics. Do you know who these Academics are in the UK?. If you do, would you please email who they are. Has anyone considered Legal procedures against these people. Under English law, there are procedures we could use to at the very lest remove them from there positions. In addition, I would like to express my concern on the growing presence of two MP active against Israel and the Jewish Community. These people are George Galloway and Tony Benn. Finally, the repulsive Humanitarian propaganda for Gaza. Only the BBC and Sky refused to air that propaganda. Yours Sincerely Mikhael Bareli
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