Report: Jews behind campaign to boycott Israel
Hagit Klaiman
Published: 15.06.07, 14:04
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61. Looking for an easy category
AY_Lamb ,   USA   (06.15.07)
Many of the routine posters here, like "Doc Haifa" and others wish to put the Jewish people in a nice neat little package that fits so well into their personal perceptions. Doc Haifa quote from previous post "So what if Jews as an ethnic group have won more Nobel's" here is the problem that so many throughout history and certainly in the present have failed to grasp. Emunah Yehudim is comprised of several ethnic groups. Sorry if you don't agree it is just an empirical fact. The faith and the law require reason and compassion and resorting to violence and animosity is a last resort and only for reason of survival. The law requires that we care for ourselves and others as we wish to be cared for by others. The law requires effort; (in every way) to coexist to learn and grow in both academic and spiritual knowledge. I don't mean for this to sound as a condemnation or attack on any individual or group or certainly not a sermon, I just mean to reiterate that which we all already know and that is this world is a magnificent tapestry of so many varied and differing peoples but, "that which makes us similar does exceed that which makes us different " Let me asseverate; The central premise of the Torah is one of inclusion not exclusion; exclude only that which is harmful. If you are suffering and if you have been wounded stay attentive to the responsible party don't irrationally condemn a group, don't oversimplify the the human condition, don't perpetuate the unearned stereotypes or contribute to the cycle of conflict. These "scholars" depending on the accuracy of this article still act within the parameters of their conscience and serve to pass on a necessary message even if it isn't 100% accurate. P.S. Doc, (seek help) you are intelligent and I know you won't respond to being told but, conduct some personal research on the works of Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski Shalom
62. Bush , Jew hater # 1
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.15.07)
You can't read . People as you are the guilts of everything what happens to the Jewish people . You criticise the seculars , but you , and your alikes , made one thing for sure . Opposing more and more seculars to your kind of "religiosity" . Your hate , as this of many others made the split between the GOOD secular Jews , and the religious greater and greater . And you , did'nt you enjoy the good US life while Jews were murdered in Europe ? What have you , the "orthodox" religious done for your European Jewish Brethren ? Have you done something for the passengers of the St Louis ? Communism was started by a Jew , so what ? His ideas were great , but afterwards were transformed into a dictature . Tell me , wich Jews helped to exterminate their brethren ? Can you accuse Kapos ? how would you react if placed in front of this dilemma : to be murdered or be kapo , with a [ small ] chance to survive ? Nobody can answer this , because you are'nt in this situation . The Judenrat ? Their work also saved many thousands in some countries . And this i know very well . Jews are the greatest enemies of the Jews ? look in a mirror , and you will see hater # 1 .
63. Gabriela
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.15.07)
I've also heard that at the Bar Ilan Univ there are such not pro Israel voices . Regarding excommunication : You know very well that they can't do it . If one of the Rabbanim would put a cherem on someone , another would not agree . A Cherem ordonned by the Israeli Rabbinate has maybe no consequences abroad . And to what effect ? those involved are probably not religious . Did the Rabbanut Harashit put a cherem on those iran visitors ? local rabbanim did it maybe for one or two of them . In the Jewish religion we have'nt any "supreme" earthly authority .
64. jewish boycott of Israel
Johann Haefliger ,   Sion / Switzerland   (06.15.07)
Repelled by the religeous stubbornness of Jews and Christians throughout past centuries, ulimately leading to the tragic cataclysm of the Holocaust, and strongly identifying with the enormous contribution of Jewish thinkers to Western science and emancipatory thought, I still think that the Zionist Ideology, considering its result, was a terribly wrong "good idea". It's balm for my heart to see courageous Jewish academics dare speak out against its wrong-doing
65. Hilary Rose
Judy ,   London, England   (06.15.07)
Hilary Rose is not and has never been Jewish. She happens to be married to a man who is ethnically Jewish but is a militant anti-religious atheist.
66. We should ask the old question again!!!
enzo ,   london,uk   (06.15.07)
Who is a Jew? I don't see many real Jews around these days! Where are they? It's not enough to have a Jewish mother to be considered a Jew!!! You have to behave like a Jew and rally behind Israel all the time, everywhere, against everything and everybody..."no questions asked!" You bloody well know what I mean, without me having to write a 5000 words essay...! I read in the article: "It is civil action against a military occupation..." My opinion after careful pondering is: "BALLS!" Where were all these British Jews last Saturday during the march against the "occupation"??? Why didn't they join us in the counter-demonstration? It's so easy to call yourself a Jew from the comfort of your armchair!!! Shame on you!
67. Rose and Rose
Genie ,   UK   (06.15.07)
Hilary Rose works at Bradford University which has a reputation as the worst place to be if you are a Jewish student. I know first-hand. When I went on a visit there before starting my degree elsewhere, I was completely overwhelmed by the amount of anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian propaganda on the notice boards. H Rose isn't Jewish, her husband is, and they have (or still write?) a column together in the Guardian - they are so extremely proud of themselves which comes over in their joint efforts. They obviously share the same brain as well.
Zalman Yehuda ,   JERUSALEM,   (06.15.07)
I am not an academic thank ...whoever it is up there. I think that today ,a degree in contorted common -sense must play a major part for acceptance amongst certain of their circles For this I have no desire to apply A common stand must be made against the rot that is sprouted by the certain Jewish Scholars who want to go down in History as the ones who want to destroy Israel by their perverted thinking.If they have been instumental in enforcing a boycott of Israel, a counter boycott should be implemented . Non admission to Synagogues and Burial Societies. would be a first suggestion that comes to mind, This in conjunction with strong unwavering unified Rabbinic leadeship might make these loud mouthes. more cautious in their services to the Jewish Community here and abroad .Am I asking too much?
69. Actually, not surprising at all!
The Doc ,   Haifa, Israel   (06.15.07)
Regardless of ethnicity, we know that Radical Leftists have been ganging up together with Radical Islam forming an Unholy Alliance against Israel, Jews and generally the West under the pretense of "freedom", "anti-capitalism" and under the protection of the very same Democracy the loathe so much. The fact that there are Jews among the Radical Left is no surprise - just as there are Arabs and other ethnic groups! Why do you think that we are immune from idiots and imbeciles? As a matter of fact they are so stupid as to allow their Jewishness be used AGAINST their own people, after history has shown them repeatedly that nothing will protect them from anti-Semitism - not even their treason. They will be spit out and discarded like used tampons as soon as their usefuleness expires. There's no need to travel to UK to find them. We have our own right here - Tali Fahima and her Radical cretins are just one example. So no need to be surprised and enraged - we better spend our energy protecting ourselves from enemies without and within.
70. Duderino - what a stupid shallow thing to say
Eli Shoresh ,   Israel   (06.15.07)
There are many of us trying to establish a two way conversation with the Palestinians. We are not the Apartied state, remember 20% of Israeli citizens are Arab, it's the Hamas, PLO and Palestinians who want a State free of Jews. The majority of Israeli's agree to a Palestinian State next to us, but why don't they spend the millions they receive to create factories, jobs and decent coinditions for their citizens? We did, and we had to maintain a DEFENSIVE army at the same time. Israel was built on the blood and guts of pioneers who worked to build the state and make it into the modern country it is today. I didn't say perfect, I said modern. The problem is that the Palestinians also want a modern state - ours !
71. Israel's prograssive demo-crazy
observer   (06.15.07)
Yesterday, it has advocated silencing Diaspora. Today, it is the academics' turn.
72. did he leave the cut hair for Zaka?
Yes, of course, because he is a good Haredi like the Zaka volunteer himself, look at the photo. Zaka has, now, some work to practice its true kindness after long idleness by burying the remains, probably it cooperated in its production with a brother Haredi. The Palestinians have apparently given up suicide bombing, and the business is at its lowest nadir. Needless to say, no trips to the USA to expose photos of victims at that point. After all the perpetrator is an Orthodox like Friedman the NK Kisser; and he wouldn't be saved its wrath, because in Israel there is no Police to protect those bloody fool Haredi.
73. jews for boycott of Israel
sellier ,   Lyon, France   (06.15.07)
rj, #6, for once, the Jewish Chronicle is not publishing rubbish; just look at, and draw your own conclusions. The jewish (israeli or not israeli) organizers of the boycott probably think very highly of themselves, and decided that in all occasions, they should stand on the elevated side of the moral ground. They seem not to have any doubt whatsoever about their own rectitude. They will stick to their opinions in weather foul and fair, even if it is utterly painful, because, for them, it is equivalent to kiddush hashem. They sacrifice their own self to the idolatric cult of their own self, and there is not much we can do about that. If we expose them by name, we just give them publicity, which they crave, and this is the reason why I do not want to name them. If we insult them, they will feel even more justified. Let us just ignore them. By the way, it is permitted to oppose the boycott *and* to be critical of Israel's government policies !
74. #29
our brains! the most superior brains of any society. how do you think we were able to give so much to humanity science and technology and medicine in just 60 years and even centuries before that. uk has given nothing to the world except abuse of colonialism and subjugation.
75. Bresheeth is full of sh*t
Jewish Lecturer   (06.15.07)
As always in history - the worst anti-Semites are self-hating Jews who think that the world would like them better because they turn against their people. Names that come to mind are Pablo Christiani, Nicolas Donin, Karl Marx, Noam Chomski, Norman Finkelstein, Ilan Pappe. Breshit is not the first, and not the last, but like Herostrates, his name will forever be in the company of these miserable traitors, may G-d have mercy upon their souls.
76. Overstated , over-rated and exaggerated
Steve G ,   Kew Gardens, NY, USA   (06.15.07)
They named three people in this Jewish Chronicle article (which doesn't sound like it took much on 'investigation). Okay, so we are talking about 4 people. This is news? This is a mass betrayal by the Jewish community in Britain? How many people reading this haven't heard some (misguided) Jewish Leftist stating such foolishness at one time or another. When it's four people, it barely qualifies as news. Sorry.
77. Beware them which say they are Jews, and are not
John   (06.15.07)
but are the synagogue of Satan.
78. Johann Haefliger, from a town called Zion
Jake   (06.15.07)
A hymn composed by Bach says that "Zion hort die Wachter singen" , but it seems that these days anti-Zionism is the new vogue. These 'Jewish academics' are in fact traitors and liars, who don't have the guts to come forward and admit they were behind the boycott all along. Instead, an investigation has exposed them. If these are the kinds of Jews that are popular in your society, i.e. the anathema, I truly pity you.
79. #64-No surprise from the Swiss
Reality Check ,   BaGolan   (06.15.07)
One can't help but recall the Swiss openly financing Hitler, as they did Arafat's weapons business; one can't help but recall how the Swiss, with the Vatican, were in the forefront of providing the Nazis escape routes and protection after the Shoah;one can't help but recall the Swiss adamance that Magen David Adom NOT be allowed into the IRC; the "one cannot help but recalls" go on and on!
80. #64
Drumgoole ,   Newark NJ   (06.15.07)
Haefliger, exactly what hell are you talking about? Your post shows you as you are----an empty suit who babbles. Religious stubbornness of Jew? What do you mean? Our refusal to convert? I always thought that the cataclysm was caused by psychopathic monsters called nazis (although I do acknowledge that Christian antisemitism set the stage for the extermination).
81. Why are Jews so self hating? We feel guilty for being alive.
How frustrating.
82. simply because they see Israel as bunch of extremists
83. The JC is anti-Israel too
Rogel ,   London, UK   (06.15.07)
The JC is the last place to make allegations about anti-Israel Jews, It has, after all, an anti-Israel editor and its foreign editor has written in praise of Hamas.
84. To #37 - Agreed! (end)
Noah ,   New York   (06.16.07)
85. Left-wing Jews are worse than Hamas
Mark ,   USA   (06.16.07)
I would prefer a palestinian who hates Jews over a left-wing Jew who does any day of the week. At least the palestinians are too stupid to ever amount to anything, unfortunately the left-wing self-hating Jews always reach high positions in finance and academia (like George Soros, etc.)
86. USA Jews
leon ,   Grand Rapids USA   (06.16.07)
And here, jews voted for Jimmy Carter. Blindly, automatically, they will vote for the Democrat because they are "liberal...meaning good" To be conservative, to stand for the permanent values, of couse is bad. And then, these new "values" bite you in the ass. INEVITABLY !
87. Naturai Karta are also considered 'Jews'
Shoshana   (06.16.07)
Doesn't say much about anything. The whole boycott is an absolute convulusion of anything productive, and is absolutely absurd. That Britain is so vulnerable to such a phenomenon says a lot more about Britain than it does about Jews.
88. Embarrassment being a Jew.
Lewis Beyman ,   Middletown, NY   (06.16.07)
Why have Jews embrassed fascism? Why are Jews now heavely represented even in neo Nazi organizations? As a Jew I always thought we were better than this. That we had a tradition of Ethics and honesty. That we cared for our fellow man. I find many Jews a total embarrassment.
89. Straight to the S.H.I.T. list!
Tahl ,   Israel   (06.16.07)
90. talkbackers 78, 79, 80
Johann Haefliger ,   Sion / Switzerland   (06.16.07)
In my talkback 64 I talked about Christian and Jewish religious stubbornness alike, which together caused a destructive dynamism, finally leading to the holocaust, and I did not express contempt for anybody nor did I hide behind a pseudonym.
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