UN singles out Israel for human rights abuse
Associated Press
Published: 20.06.07, 00:27
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66 Talkbacks for this article
61. Finally a positive attitude from my Canada. Yippeeeee
Oggie ,   C A N A D A   (06.20.07)
62. #58 Shir - self praise is no recommendation!
Nannette ,   London, UK   (06.20.07)
And your posts show up your fraudulent claims.
63. Mark might chance his mind
Shir ,   Finland   (06.20.07)
once american Jews start transferring their money outside USA and invest in non-US companies instead of american ones. Cause that´s exactly what would happen if the US ever turned it´s back on Israel.
64. well
Shir ,   Finland   (06.20.07)
My name can be found on the local Mensa member list. Unlike you, I enjoy solving math problems on my free time, not writing poems or studying english. I don´t know about your country, but here people with mathematical talents are valued.
65. All credibility is lost
Patricia ,   Waipahu, Hawaii USA   (06.21.07)
I agree with Paolo that the UN has now gone the way of the League of Nations which failed it's purpose. This manipulation of councils and investigations shows how political and biased the UN has become, although this cannot come as any suprise to the Israelis who have had to deal with double speak and double standards since the country came into being. I have long hoped that my country would at least stop permitting this entity from using our land, our money and our country to promote the persecution of Israel. The d-n doesn't do anything right and has a loss of perspective that is outrageous. This entity does nothing for the real abuses that occur in Africa, the middle east and Asia. Instead they focus on a country that is far more humane in it's treatment of people who daily attempt to kill Israeli's and other innocent people . I do believe there are issues that Israel has not handled well but Israel is no more guilty of mistakes than the US and one might overlook some of these considering how hard it must be to be to deal with people who don't seem to have some basic comman sense and want to destroy Israel not coexist . I often wonder how the US would deal with a boardering country like for instance Canada or Mexico if they sent suicide bombers into our country or threatened to destroy it. Tell me we would not react with overwhelming force. I found some of the insulting posts and name calling here disturbing, is it necessary to call people with whom we disagree stupid, tell them to shut up, moron, fools and monkeys. Can you not disagree so disgustingly without being one of these yourself?
66. There is one thing many billions of people have in common...
Rebecca Kmet ,   California   (06.27.07)
that the United Nations needs to have an assembly vote on. Two billion Moslems and one billion Roman Catholics and countless millions of Jews and Christians all say they worship the G-d of Abraham. That is the one thing they believe they have in common. So why not have a vote at the UN on asking the G-d of Abraham to come to the earth, to the UN building and take over running the world as Commander in Chief with the majority vote giving the G-d of Abraham supreme authority that the leaders of the nations agree to give Him. You know what? I believe He would come if the nations tell him by such a vote that they cannot handle the problems of the world and they need Him to take over. But they have to vote on that and ASK Him to come and be their leader.
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