'Katsav said he thought of me during sex with his wife'
Yael Branovsky
Published: 28.06.07, 18:35
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57 Talkbacks for this article
31. Unbelievable
Danielle ,   santa cruz, ca usa   (06.29.07)
Those of you that are criticizing her for not showing her face or allow her full name to be printed should be ashamed of yourselves. I pray that something like this never happens in your family, but if it does, I hope people show more kindness towards you then you have towards her.
32. All you people dont get the point
freejay ,   Israel   (06.29.07)
Whether this pig raped her or not, there is no question that Katsav was cheating behind his wife with not just one, but several women. This has been going on for years so stop trying to justify his actions by saying this woman is lying. Were all the other women lying too? I doubt it, so stop trying to dicredit her. I am not saying she is totally innocent, but that isnt the point. The main point in this article is that Mazuz is illegally pardoning Katsav!! Katsav is an utter disgrace and should spend time in jail for his actions.....also, if his wife had any pride she would leave him immediately...............Mazuz should be tried for corruption along with Olmert!
33. #32 Freejay - Cheating is no grounds for inprisonment
No means No   (06.29.07)
You say he was cheating and therefore he should spend time in jail. Freejay.... there ain't jail big enough for the adultery culprits in Israel or anywhere else.... What consenting adults do, that's their business. The only ones who have any reason to be concerned are the wives or husbands who are being cheated on. They can demand a divorce or counselling sessions. Or pretend ignorance. And I'll tell you a secret. Wives always know when the guy strays... If they stay with their men, it's because they have accepted adultery as part of the package... They either love the guy too much, or they love their lifestyle...
34. the is just like the story of palestine and the rapist
justice will one day ,   prevail   (06.29.07)
state of israel. just like its leaders , it decided one day to rape this beautiful land and strip its original residents of there dignity and soul , so it did and is still doing it and the whole world is quite about it because of its powerfull statuse .
35. Not sufficiently offended the first time?
Pat   (06.29.07)
First time, shame on him. Second time shame on you.
36. what's her name
If even one word is true, and I think there's enormous exaggeration, she had a choice to stay or go and she chose to stay. Now she's articulate and blah, blah, blah. Come on media. Get a life!
37. #29
Ram ,   London   (06.29.07)
Many thanks for your response. I am a 60 year old man with a vast experience, from observation, of women, both in the social and work environment. Socially, my wife and I could not be more active. Being an owner of a large successful business that employed as many as 60 people simultaneously over a period of 35 years, I have noted the attitude of female employees towards male employees and even towards their employer. Socially, I have witnessed all kinds of behaviour, sometimes mind boggling, going on around me between female and male friends. No need to go into detail here. I have come to a definite conclusion that most males are ever ready for a dalliance BUT, that "nothing ever happens unless the female engineers it". As you put it, "unless the man is a psycho.....". Well, Katzav is no psycho. And if he were, what?! she kept on going back for more? As the saying goes: "Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned". It makes sense to me in this case.
38. Return to sanity, stop blowing up Katsav’s case further.
H.H.M ,   Jerusalem   (06.29.07)
This ugly, dirty “Katsav’s political juridical and p o r n o g r a p i c f e s t i v a l m u s t b e s t o p p e d i m m e d i a t e l y if the State of Israel still is to be considered a State of law and order. To reach this intermediate effect clear interpretation of law and order by the Attorney General’s consent to all relevant government offices should be promulgated. Of course this includes the apparently planned protest demonstration in Tel Aviv, further interviews in the media to quieten the public uproar caused by the AG’s decision of plea bargain. The AG’s yesterday’s explanation why and how the “plea bargain” was reached is more than difficult to accept and in his wish to explain the unexplainable ignited additional outcries. Under these circumstances a fair and normal trial atmosphere cannot exist as the judges who will have to deal with the “plea bargain” by weighing to accept or to refuse it which is still possible under the law! – Considering the allegation by the “famous Mrs. A” to the media including TV foreign press etc Mr. Katsav is less delinquent and far more a very very sick person even if we have a considerable doubts to this lady’s credibility taking into account previous information given out by AG’s office about complaints of similar type from the time of Mr. Katsav being Minister of Tourism, and we hear of some more allegations / witnesses having testified in similar particulars under alike conditions. – For the non professional observer here a pattern of sick behavior by Katsav emerges which causes the question to AG Mazuz if he had consulted medical psychiatric specialist advice in the case, during the nearly one year investigation!- From the media it is learned that in the Knesset exist a movement to cancel all the perks salary etc from Katsav in view of his criminal / health ? behavior. The whole affair in the way of handling it soiled Israel renommee worldwide and internal. Irrespective if Katsav was an ordinary criminal his normal pension would be retained as a result of labor / work rendered; in his case the so called perks are meant to retain his public relation / standing connections etc which with this plea bargain most probably became irrelevant. Even discussions / decisions and ventilation of such a process should be delayed until the public sphere quietened down. One can ask oneself if our present Attorney General handled this irregular unforeseeable situation in acceptable way? !
39. Katsav case
CSB ,   USA   (06.29.07)
If he, actually ,did come onto this woman from the very first conversation, she should have never returned. There was something in it for her, flattery , feelings of power over the President, whatever.However, she is a fully grown adult. She is responsible for her actions and for placing herself in a position that could be problematic. I am very familiar with these situations, and one extricates oneself as quickly as possible. She had choices. I, also, think, she has been set-up and used by others to take out Katsav., especially, at a time when his knowledge is important to Israel's survival. There is more to this than appears. It's time Israel's leaders cease serving themselves and attend to the business of the State and the People. It doesn't have the luxury of this political/personal canabalism.. Israel's 6 million Jews are being attacked globally on a daily basis. Their very survival is at stake.
40. #34
Ram ,   London   (06.29.07)
Indeed. Justice will one day prevail and the land will be returned to its true historical owners. I have to agree with you on that. I look forward to that day!
41. Sounds like a bunch of BullS@#! coming from "A"
C'mon any other women out there the first time a man at the workplace said or did anything sexual would've complained right then and there, even if it was a man of power. This women like it she should admit that already.
42. #27 you're cool!
43. Katsav and Clinton
Dina ,   Cambridge, MA   (06.29.07)
You ought to send President Katsav to see President Clinton to pick up some pointers on office sex. President Clinton has never had a problem putting a smile on a Jewish girl's face. Ask Monica Lewinsky!
44. Rape or sort of
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (06.29.07)
Unless it involves a gun, there are two simple ways to stop this sort of thing in its tracks. If there's a wife, leave a well-defined, bright-red hand print on either side of the guy's face and let him explain that to his wife. If there's no wife and we're down to "exposure," just point, start to laugh uproariously, and there won't be anything left with which to rape anybody. In this case, it's appropriate to bring a "thank you" present the next day. One fills a small, paper lunch bag with air, sticks a dead flower into the top and adds a note that one hopes the recipient will enjoy this "bj to go," because that's all he'll ever get from you. Normally, neither "offender" will ever bother you again, but will stay as far away from you as possible. Trust me, girls, it works.
45. To all who want the lady's name....
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (06.29.07)
This is why giving out names is not a good idea: IRISH CONFESSION Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose woman." The priest asks, "Is that you, little Tommy Shaughnessy?" "Yes, Father, it is." "And, who was the woman you were with?" "I can't be tellin' you, Father. I don't want to ruin her reputation." "Well, Tommy, I'm sure to find out sooner or later, so you may as well tell me now. Was it Brenda O'Malley?" "I cannot say." "Was it Patricia Kelly?" "I'll never tell" "Was it Liz Shannon?" "I'm sorry, but I can't name her." "Was it Cathy Morgan?" "My lips are sealed." "Was it Fiona McDonald, then?" "Please, Father, I cannot tell you." The priest sighs in frustration. "You're a steadfast lad, Tommy Shaughnessy, and I admire that. But you've sinned, and you must atone. You cannot attend mass for three months. Be off with you now." Tommy walks back to his pew. His friend Sean slides over and whispers, "What'd you get?" "Three months’ vacation and five good names!"
46. pure embarrassment
sc ,   j-ru   (06.29.07) if this country doesn't have enough problems and katzav has to go and bring this kind of scandal upon us. i'm not making a judgement on what exactly happened and tbh honest couldn't give a cr@p anyway but it turns my stomach when jews/israelis make the news for anything negative since it only gives the other side ammunition...
47. #46 - Embarrasment - I felt the same way at first, but
Proud Jew   (06.29.07)
Jews should get out of that frame of mind where they need to look over their shoulder all the time. Jews are human, and as such they will do the things that humans do. Jews are not on probation in this planet. They have a lot to be proud of and they have already earned a place of honor in the world. They have weaknesses too, but that's life. So stop apologizing!
48. He said she said ..thay are all worth crap
Al   (06.29.07)
Welcome to the new Israel where every screwball is out there looking for an opportunity. All the while the Arabs are looking for ways to blow you to hell... Dont say you weren't warned. israel is facing a horrible future..Its time you dumb nuts got your Sh*t together..
49. #37 Ram
No means No   (06.29.07)
You are quite right. My experience is one of working in Canada. We had to go to courses on sexual harassment so everyone was well aware of office etiquette, but the truth is that guys are quite decent. They make a timid try and if they get red light, they back off. The interesting thing is women's behaviour, though. They are the ones taking the initiative. Married women trying to seduce office studs.... It happens a lot. Anyway, this "helpless damsel in distress" doesn't cut it anymore. Women know how to take care of themselves. I hope the tables are eventually turned on women who use false accusations as revenge or as a political tool to destroy someone's career.
50. A vs Katsav
Randy ,   Atlanta, GA USA   (06.29.07)
Polygraph them both. I will do it for free. "Justice is, as any reaonable person will tell you, the finding of the truth."
51. the lesson here is???
jack bauer ,   usa   (06.29.07)
if you are being sexually assaulted.... Fight back with every once in your being... If she had done so... and if what she claims is true... he would have been caught with his pants down literally
52. Is this a story out of a porn movie
john ,   nz   (06.29.07)
If Mrs A change the name of the main actor to Olmert, it would be more believable.
53. Katsav sex scandal
Adedeji Oladele ,   Ibadan, Nigeria   (06.30.07)
The heart of man is concealed and deceptive,only God can fathom it.Only God can tell what transpires in this case.
54. M. Hartley # 45 . GREAT i liked this
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.30.07)
55. # 30 Rebecca
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.30.07)
I have heard , radio news , that she gave her resignation , but this was not accepted . She told that he said to her : where youy'll be , i'll find you . Listen , for me it looks not clear , there are too much questions we can ask ourselve . Even if he is strong , a women can resist and leave some signs on his face . Are there no letter openers in the presidents offive ? or a ball point ?
56. M. Hartley (45) very funny :-)
Beth Landau ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (07.01.07)
57. The Long and The Short of It
Dan ,   Ontario   (07.14.07)
The claims raised by Mrs.'A' are two - the first one of rape hardly holds any water -what with her not raising alarm when the alleged rape had taken place; and to make matters worse going back to worse going back to work, only to be 'raped' several times,over a period of months; it's hardly conceivable that her claims would ever be upheld, were it to go to trial. However, her claims of threats and harassment, following her allegations would evoke more interest, as the same would amount to an officer of the state -the President ,no less- misusing his powers to subvert the cause of justice. In several other countries, this would,if proven, qualify as grounds for impeachment. The President, like any other citizen is under the law and not above it. Unfortunately, for young democracies, and Israel here is no exception, the lumpen proletariat often acquires power and goes on to abuse it for a considerable part of time, till the institutions of democracy assumes permanent stature. It is a badly kept secret that the politicians of Israel are a law unto themselves. Unless and until the people elect leaders, based on the ability and integrity, events like these would only repeat, ad nauseum. But, hasn't somebody said that a people only get leaders that they deserve.
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