'Hamas link at Haifa U'
Yaaokv Lappin
Published: 05.07.07, 18:27
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36 Talkbacks for this article
31. My name is not Mouad hefeb but Mouad Khateb !
Mouad Khateb ,   Here   (07.05.07)
i am Mouad Khateb (thats the correct way to put it). I am shocked by the amount of lies one can have in one single report. This guy called Fighel bases his points on his claim that the Quran does not start with the word Eqraa, but rather with "Bism Allah Arrahman Arrahem". I dont know how stupid one can be, as every muslim and non muslim knows that "Bism Allah..." is not the first word in the quran but rather a kind of an opening that every Sura (chapter) begins with. So we have 114 Suras in the Quran, and every one of them starts with "Bism Allah..." (except for one Sura only, and there is a reason for this). So the Quran verily begins with the word "Eqraa" which translates into an order to "Read", where God orders the prophet Muhammed to read, namely to learn. This makes the word very popular, and that explains why it is used by many associations, like ours, which deals with those Arab students who learn at the universities. So the whole theory if this ignorant reporter and the so called Gifhel is ruined by the fact that the word Eqraa is indeed a very popular word, and it is a stupidity to base his concludings on a coincidence. I also wonder why the reporter did not mention the fact that Eqraa at Haifa university gives support even to Jewish students, as part of our activity involves publishing study booklets written and edited by Eqraa members in various fields of education. We distribute them FOR FREE, and many jewish students came to our stand and expressed their gratitude and got copies of our booklets. Why didnt the fair reporter mention this? Why did he quote only the things that serve his sick judgements ? Finally, why is it not specified when saying "Eqraa" above, which "Eqraa" is meant? I think it is simply because the whole aim of this, is to prove that Eqraa and the Islamic movement are terror activists.. but this on the contrary proves nothing more than the fact that the reporter and the researcher, like the Yedeot Ahronot itself, target only to provoke against Arabs and Muslims, even if this was on the cost of their minds.
32. Islamic Movement, the political or the religious one?
Bishara is religiously Christian, and politically Hizbullahi. What Islam has to do with Bishara?
33. #1 disagree with you
They have been trying reaching new highs in that respect. But, look what has happened from the British Academy.
34. What would it take to make this clearer... it's INFILTRATION
Jeremiah ,   Israel's Jewish Land   (07.06.07)
The Left is about to scream "bloody murder". The civil rights of the poor Islam-O infiltrators is being brought into question, sound the alarm! It's really too bad for the Jewish students who are and who will continue to suffer from a Islam-O fascist student body affiliated with Hamas. They probably didn't except this when they paid their tuition. Liberalism is strangling this country. Israel can't afford to become like Europe. Europe is rotten in the core. It will be the end of the Jewish people should this happen. These groups must not have any presence what-so-ever in any part of our Educational system.
35. a real and present mortal danger
John Walker ,   Baker Lake   (07.06.07)
is embodied within Islam....aimed at all those outside of its theology. I will say it like it is. Call me a racist if you wish. Threaten me with legal action under the religion of universal human rights. But I will non the less speak the truth and will call an ace an ace and a spade a spade.
36. #19 sam. We'll support Israeli patriots, but not government!
Nannette ,   London   (07.06.07)
We won't support appeasers and defeatists like Olmert and the Kadima government, who are the best propagandists for the Palestinians right now. We, in the diaspora have lost all faith in Israeli institutions, which is why Jews aren't giving money to any government run Israeli causes, not even to hasbara. Thanks to the pro-Palestinian government, there's some very wealthy Jews donating to Palestinian causes... promoted by the government of Israel of course!
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