Jewish Scene  JPPI
'Foil threat of destruction'
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 11.07.07, 19:43
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41 Talkbacks for this article
31. At the rate of the internal destruction, Iran is irrelevant
Shiloh   (07.12.07)
32. I followed almost to the end
Steve ,   USA   (07.12.07)
B"H Is Natanyahu seeing the Messianic era as a bad thing? Or is it the concept of Messianic regime that he is concerned with? Where is the counter article from Feiglin who is running also in the primary race? I personally can see a Messianic era that promotes individual responsibility, going along the lines of Israel's original entrance to the Holy Land and the events immediately preceding in which Moses calls the people "rebels". If he chastised us as rebels, the hope would be that we would each be individually accountable to G-d and that this would be different than a single Messianic King. It would be each of us understanding the works of Moses and relating to G-d through his words. However, there are other visions of the Messianic Era, say that of Bilaam, where a star rises. Let us see some drawbacks with that common vision of a Messianic King and the Israeli government: 1. No Israeli government. 2. Temple gets rebuilt properly, and so much for the Kenesset 3. Democracy heads out the window in favor of a single enlightened leader. This is a major discussion point, and I do understand the Torah to say "you shall surely choose a King from your bretheren" but this was in a context warning against the decline to be like other nations, not a promotion of the wisdom of individual rule per se as I read it. Certainly a nuclear Iran would be very dangerous to Israel. If it attacked the Temple Mount for instance, it could potentially devastate Salomon's Temple, necessitating a new rebuild from scratch at some future date. But I cannot fathom why this quote of Natanyahu comes at the end of the article. Is he implying that Iran is working to bring a Messianic redemption to Israel of a King? The quote seems ugly on the face of it. But a deeper introspection reveals some perplexing and interesting questions. Quote: “You could easily get a fanatic messianic regime here that is undeterrable, and that is the great danger," he said.
33. #30,What is his website & is it in English?
Connie ,   VA. USA   (07.12.07)
My choice if I was an Israeli would be Bibi, but to be fair I'd like to see what the other candidate believes. Thanks
34. That's right, there's never any column about or by Feiglin.
Ralph ,   Boston   (07.12.07)
35. #33 Connie - Feiglin's website
Gary ,   New Jersey   (07.12.07)
I'll post it separately because they not always get printed. Anyway,you can find it by googling Jewish Israel .org You can also read his columns at Israel National News. The following is from his Oslo column: "An opposition is supposed to present an alternative. In Israel, though, the Right has surrendered its own dream and has adopted the leftist, Oslo dream. Since Netanyahu's warm handshake with Arafat, all of Israel's political paths lead to Oslo and its logic. Every Israeli already knows that if he votes Left, he will get Left, and if he votes Right, he will get double Left. That is the source of the general despondence prevailing in Israel. It is the feeling of a dead end and zero alternatives." "It is urgent that we get off the Oslo logic stage set and begin to deal with reality. The reality is that the Land of Israel belongs to the Nation of Israel. Those people - from both Left and Right - who have exchanged simple Jewish logic for Oslo logic are no longer connected to reality. They are stuck on the "creative" Oslo solutions and will never be able to deal with the challenge of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel."
36. #1 - Since you're so far away, are you aware
that any such action againt Israel will kill MANY more Arabs than Jews? It already happend in the second Lebanon war, and the bigger the action, the bigger the 'result'. Perhaps that is OK with you martyr types.
37. 32. Steve USA
gm ,   south africa   (07.12.07)
I think you misunderstood what netanyahu is saying. You get fanatics in the world who want to bring 'their' messiah. They threaten the lives of others. We have also had people in history, who are false messiahs. He is not saying that the messianic age is bad and must be avoided. he is saying we mustn't allow the iranian idiot leader to try usher in the age of his messiah, as he believes he may be doing. Really, don't try to over think this cos then you just come across as silly.
38. Give Him A Chance
Raviv ,   Israel   (07.12.07)
He is the only leader that is making sense based upon the "facts" of the reality in which we are trying to exist. We need a man who understands the threat and understands the connection to our economy. I hope everyone in Israel will give him carful consideration and not rely on one's political orientation to chose the next Prime Minister. This is a critical time and we live in a dangerous area and this is no time for brave hearts who would take so called "risks" for peace.
39. #35, Gary
Connie ,   VA. USA   (07.12.07)
I went to google like you said and when the page came up, I clicked on "What's new on Jewish Leadership". I have to say that after reading Feiglin's dreams and goals for Israel, I came away with the feeling that I was witnessing a start to a new way of thinking about how Israel is governed or should for the most part be governed. Both Netanyahu and Feiglin should work together towards addressing a needed transformation of Israeli politics. I still favor Bibi but I was drawn by their vision of Israel. It made me think differently and deeper about what a Jewish homeland should be. Since I am not a Jew and it made me feel that way, I wonder what an actual Jew thinks about what they say. I'd like to hear their comments.
40. #39 - Connie
Gary ,   N. Jersey   (07.13.07)
I'm so glad you agree with him. The problem is that he is still unknown, even among Israelis. Although you are not in Israel, please do all you can to propagate his ideas, even sending letters to newspapers and to your Congressman. The Quartet seems to be stuck on "Oslo", you know, the two-state solution that keeps getting farther and farther away. There have been so many years of failure now, so much loss of life, so much suffering. It's time to listen to the nationalists. I'm not a religious guy but I admire the religious nationalists, those who are ready for any sacrifice to settle the land and to defend it. Regarding Bibi, I like the guy but I don't trust him. But if he were part of Feiglin's government, they would probably make a good team.
41. # 40
Connie ,   VA. USA   (07.17.07)
I finally got access to this site. Since it is a story within a another site it has been hard to find. I don't think this article was ever on the story line-up. No 34 is right about never seeing anything about Feiglin. Is this on purpose y-net?
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