Assad: New country mediating between Syria, Israel
Roee Nahmias
Published: 17.07.07, 12:45
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31. #16
English guy ,   London   (07.17.07)
You misunderstand me willfully. What I suggested is that the thieving settlers leave the Golan. Knowing Israeli demographics, this probably means that only about 45% of the Israeli settlers are Jewish, the rest being non-Jewish Russian immigrants. In any case, whatever they are, they are living on stolen land. As for Jews getting back their property in Arab countries, if you read the press, you will note that there have been recent cases in Egypt where the formidable Carmen Weinstein has managed to get back abandoned Jewish properties. Thus, my suggestion is that every Palestinian, Syrian and Jordanian whose land has been stolen should take their case to Israeli courts where the sheer amount of original land deeds and ownership deeds will prove that the Keren Kayemet and other organisations were involved in some very shifty transfers of ownership in 48 and 67, and will also prove that the laws governing the sale or transfer of land were skewed heavily in favour of "only Jewish purchasers". Now, just to be clear - I didn't say that Jews should leave the Golan, but I will reiterate that the thieving stealing underhand foreign settlers on the Golan should get off Syrian land.
32. if i were assad i would hurry the heck up
bibi returns ,   soon   (07.17.07)
33. Why aren't Israelis out in the streets protesting
that there is even "talk" of giving up the Golan??????????
34. English Guy thinks everyone with an opinion different from
his own is a bigot, claims he doesn't appreciate name-calling, and believes his own opinions and motives stem from pure virtue, wisdom, and righteousness. Who does he think he's kidding? LOL!
35. Olmert & Livni preparing for Golan Surrender
Malcolm   (07.17.07)
And now they got Peres in the mix along with the media and the dead left. Somethins gotta give before they hand the entire country over to the ayatollahs.
36. #12 No Logic
YB ,   NJ   (07.17.07)
A quick reminder, The Atabs attacked Israel, they wanted to through every Jew into the sea, now that they lost, The Golan is NO MORE theirs, the same goes to Gaza & the west bank, end of story.
37. #29, well answer this then
Danny   (07.17.07)
If you vitriol comes from a "liberal human rights" perspective, why is every substantive comment you make utter BS? Surely someone coming in objectively would quote - even by accident - some facts, rather than simply fabricating them.
38. English Guy #15 and #31
Average Reader ,   London   (07.17.07)
Hey Guy--your comments bespeak who the actual "densest, thickest and most dyed-in the-wool bigot" is--indeed it is you. By using words like "Lebensraum" thereby equating jews to their killers, you show that you have no true understanding of a situation which, although you might not agree with, is entirely different. jews have never and will never systematically gas or mass murder their opponents. If they did, their wouldnt be any opponents left to negotiate with.... Ironically, Israel did not expel arabs from their homes during these wars--hence the existance of (gasp!) Israeli arabs. Most of the land was bought from its inhabitants or otherwise the inhabitants fled due to promises by their leaders that they would come back to reclaim it in a grand victory. I challenge you to find legal, unfalsified deeds to property in Israel that was wilfully taken. Jews, on the other hand, were treated as second class citizens in all arab lands until the creation of the state, and thereafter were expelled from these lands. But, in contrast to your wet dreams--they will not be expelled again, because they finally have a home. Lastly, whether you want to see this or not, the proof is "in the pudding" so to speak. Jews and other minorities are not allowed (for fear of dear life) into arab lands, and can hardly exist without military protection, whearas the arabs (and many other minorities) in israel, visiting or otherwise, are free to demonstrate, participate in the goverment and speak their minds. Sudanese flee to Israel to seek protection--I don't see them fleeing to these righteous countries you so staunchly defend to seek those protections--because these "honorable men" would show them no mercy. Gay men from all of the arab world flee to refugee centers in Jerusalem for protection from their own vicious law and bretheren. These are just a few examples of why your conclusions on this situation are misguided--I challenge you to watch more than the BBC and to read more than is readily available to you in order to ascertain the truth in this sorry situation--but only do this if you are honestly open to seeing another side to a conflict you think you know.
39. #15, some actual corrections
Danny   (07.17.07)
Israel - your Tasmania - conquered the Golan in 1967 and that would be 40 years ago not 60. If you meant to talk about 1948, then Syria conquered a patch of Israel. Wierdly enough it's "occupation" of Israeli land and it 100% expulsion of Jews living there doesn't seem to be a cause for outrage by "English guy". Nor is the demand that this conquered, "illegally occupied" land be returned to Syria a cause for outrage by "English guy". You will note this is why Syria is demanding a return to 1967 borders and not the International border - which would mean Israel keeps land it lost in 1948. Also something that "English guy" presumably "forgot" to mention is that the Golan was part of the Mandate until 1922 when it was hived off to the french....
40. #26, as usual English guy is talking crap
Danny   (07.17.07)
Lets start with the "stealing land". The Yishuv BOUGHT land and rather than "pushing the indigenous inhabitants out", the number of Arabs more than doubled from some 600,000 to 1.2 million from 1922 to 1948 - a large portion of them immigrants during the mandate, but "English guy" only has a problem with Jewish immigrants. As for "displacement", well we actually have some real figures: in 1936, a british commission counted the number of Arab families displaced at 654(out of 61,408 living in the Mandate). The Simpson report in 1930 also investigated a specific case and found that the Jewish purchasers "paid high prices for the land, and in addition they paid to certain of the occupants of those lands a considerable amount of money which they were not legally bound to pay". That there was a massive boost to the Arabs under the Mandate is without (serious) dispute. How was the conflict prior to 1948 a land/property issue? Jews "displaced" arabs from 1% of the land. 70% of the land was government property - inherited from the Ottoman Caliph - and Jews bought around 7%, most from public land. More than 1% of white english people have had they property bought by immigrants in the last 60 years - are immigrants "pushing out" native english people? You advocating a war to expel Asian and African "colonialists"? You planning to vote BNP in the next election? You planning to ever write something that is not pure, unadulterated BS?
41. Unlike you fake English guy
Ivri   (07.17.07)
I was born and raised in the land of my ancesstors ERETZ ISRAEL. Not the USA,NOT LONDON. Fact are in London,I am in Yerushalaim. Unlike you,I dont own the CLEVER soap box you are doing your ballancing act on. with feet firmly on MY land.....making sure fakes like you stay in London.
42. to so called English guy
Matt ,   Israel   (07.17.07)
Perfidious Albion English guy should look in his own backyard first before trying - rather unsuccessfully I must say to be our moral conscience. It was England that was the first European country to expel its jews and they were not allowed back in for some 400 years. It was also England where the first European blood libel against the jews was invented - in Norwich. Of course English guy will never mention these facts but instead he will engage in false propaganda against Israel.
43. I like this forum english guy sipping tea
tea man ,   marjayoun lebanon   (07.17.07)
while the land stealrs are boiling and adding to aroma of the tea i beat the english guy is using his lef hand for typing and his half mouth for cracking as for me i find the jews are always funny thats why i love them in a way!!!!!
44. Hey Number Twenty-Nine
Reign ,   Aurora, Colorado   (07.17.07)
You make statements about how you live in a free society and, quote, "I am a liberal anti-racist who believes in quality and human rights". So, you support countries and dictators that are totally against your personal freedoms and a free society and will kill you in a heart beat for making those statements. What kind of logic is that? Let me say this, once your personal freedoms are taken away by such individuals and they make you bow down to their God; I can only imagine how much whining you will be doing then.
45. To #15
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (07.17.07)
You left out a piece of great importance. The little sliver of Ozzie territory those miserable and overly aggressive Tassies have decided to keep, is, by virtue of its geography and strategic location, the very place from which the Ozzies could do major damage to the Tassies, especially when there are reliable indications that their demand is driven and stirred up by some Headhunters in New Guinea who have this hankering for Tassie heads. All of that doesn't even take into consideration that the Tassies have invested blood, sweat, tears and a lot of money to develop that sliver of land. Add the above to your analogy and it's just about right.
46. Sorry, we'd love to give back golan but..
Micha   (07.18.07)
see there was a war waged and your leader said that the Jews and Israel would be destroyed. Nasser and Assad both wanted Israel dead and the Jews dispersed. So, sorry that the decision makers in your respective countries plotted so poorly but this is the way history works. Perhaps you won't make the same mistakes they did. But, no, the Jews will not be giving back land that was used to torture our country and used for taking pot shots at our people. And yes, that's the final word. Now, was there something else you wanted to negotiate? If that was it, then I guess we're at an impasse. If you'd like peace, sure thing. But no more land for peace. It just doesn't work. Unless you want to give Israel some land that is really a part of the land of Israel. Otherwise,I guess there's nothing else to speak about. By the way, why does assad go by the title of "president"? He's a dictator. There are no free elections. So, let's call him chairman just like the communists. So, unless chairman assad wants to make peace without the precondition of the golan changing hands, then I guess we have nothing else to talk about.
47. #31 english guy aka Rust Dumb
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (07.18.07)
"thieving stealing underhand foreign settlers on the Golan" That would be the Syrians, dumbass. Jews BOUGHT AND PAID FOR all the land they hold in Golan, in spite of being kicked out 1) by the Turks, who brought in Circassian settlers and 2) by the Pasha of Damascus, who STOLE the land OWNED by Baron Rothschild. The only THIEVES are the Mohammedans, the Turks, and the French.
48. Ramat Hagolan is ours forever.
Gidi ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (07.18.07)
49. Everyone read comment number 24
Gidi ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (07.18.07)
If only we learnt from our Turkish friends.
50. if the golan is the minimum whats the maximum
zionist forever   (07.18.07)
If the entire Golan is the minimum that Assad wants then what are we supposed to be negotiating ... Israel giving up territoy that Assads father failed to take from Israel in 1967... maybe Olmert will accept a deal where all of Israel will be given over to Syria which Olmert and Assad can rule over together, Olmert though is such a weak fool he will let Assad set the conditions for any deals. Please Natanyaahu save us give Israel strong leadership again thats willing to stand up to Assad, his Persian friends and the rest of the arabs and terrorists. Once he does his behind the scenes deal with Assad will he let the people of Israel have the final say through a referendum. If he does agree to the referendum wil it be rigged in his favoiur by the question being rigged so either way his dirty deals with Assad pass. Olmert has offered more to Syria than any previious leader and the man is a weak fool who has destroyed Israels image as a country thats willing to stand up for its own interests.
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