Education Ministry okays new textbook featuring Nakba
Moran Zelikovich
Published: 22.07.07, 10:53
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Atilla Liman ,   Karagözoğlu   (07.22.07)
I start hearing this many times in these days. THE SELF HATING JEWS ??? I wonder why ? why they do that ? why they have the hate ? any idea ? SOME DAY THE POWER WILL BE IN THE HAND OF THE SELF HATING JEWS. AND THAT DAY ! ISRAEL WILL BE A GREAT COUNTRY, A GREAT NEIGHBOR ! until than ! The RACISM and The TERROR WILL LIVE IN THE HEARTS OF THE JEWS. Atilla Liman Karagözoğlu
62. #37 & #54 - If you and others like you spoke out more....
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (07.22.07)
we could get alot farther down the road to peace. Your position, that we each have rights here, is the prevalent view on our side of the green line. In my view, people who see things like you do and do not speak out is the biggest problem keeping the sides apart. You would find that most Israelis would meet you more than halfway and you would have your state alongside ours. I realize that people like Wissam from Haifa, who know nothing else than finger pointing and blame, refusing to take responsibility for our fathers' mistakes make that hard. Regards to you.
63. it does not pay to be reasonable with unreasonable enemies.
tom ,   toronto, canada   (07.22.07)
64. Andy #62 &Wissam #47
Ali ,   WB   (07.22.07)
The Jews AND the Palestinians are peoples of the Old Testament and they still live at a location on the Earth that they were the first to occupy; being dispersed to the Middle East from the single source: creation. It is not only the mistakes of our grandfathers, but also all the ancestors of all peoples that first came here and have been unable to make permanent peace. We must both acknowledge each others' right to be here and then divide the land fairly (each with sufficient natural resources). When my grandfathers refused to share Palestine, maybe the sharing arrangement was not fair?
65. #58 Andy - Your whole premise is wrong
Mark ,   Philadelphia   (07.22.07)
You are concentrating on a single chapter of a very long story. What happened in 1967 or 1947 is the result of a long series of events that go back thousands of years and that also go back to events as recent as the British Mandate. If you are going to select one part of a chapter, and hold it to the light and say "Is this true or not true", you are doing a disservice to intellectual inquiry. Everything that happens does so in a historical context. When a talkbacker like M. Hartley say something that seems to agree with a statement such as "stealing Arab lands", then one needs to point that out and correct it. Words - all of them - have consequences, even the most casual comment on a news website. So back to your comment, did violence against Arabs occurred in 1947-49? Of course it did. Nobody is denying that. But to go from there to asserting that the land was stolen, that's an entirely different thing. And in the end, for Israeli Leftists to continue in their campaign of vilifying the Jews while keeping silent about Arab acts against Israel is self-hatred, pure and simple. And not only self-hatred, but a criminal act in its essence because all that campaign to delegitimize the Jews in Israel has resulted and will continue to result in the loss of Jewish lives. There is a long history to back up the fact that the territories are Jewish land. The fact that blood was shed on both sides does not change that. Finally, if we are honestly interested in the truth, let the whole truth be put on the textbooks, as it has been already mentioned by other commentators on this article. All of it. Not only the political truth, but also the state of terror and hatred that has been inflicted on the Jews of modern Israel.
66. Teach in Jewish schools about our "nakba".
jason white ,   afula,israel   (07.22.07)
That was the day fat boy dreamt up kadima to keep his fat ass out of jail.Along with his henchmen. Everyday we have the kadima/labor/ma-gil/Yisrael beitanu/shas in power is another day of disaster for Israel and the Jewish people!
67. To #65
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (07.22.07)
Dammit! Where or when did I say Jews did or didn't steal land? I merely pointed out that one of the synonyms for "confiscate" as used in the book and in the context of the article is "steal." I don't care whether or not Israel did or didn't steal anything. My contention is that the existence of a State of Israel is an irrefutable fact of life and that I don't care how it came to be. I know, my English can't possibly be so convoluted as to convey the opposite of what I'm trying to say. Do you hear the US or any other country with not too noble of a beginning constantly berate itself and get so mired in some past as to shortchange its today and tomorrow? Come hell or high water, the past - good, bad, or indifferent - cannot be changed. So why waste all that energy on it or keep it stirred up, especially since it accomplishes nothing more or better than to provide justification for somebody else's trying to kill you? And that brings me right back to my very first post on the subject and its closing statement: I don't get it.
68. Read column The Enemy Within on Israel National News
Tracy W   (07.22.07)
It's a good description of the sickness of the Left and how they endeavor to destroy Israel.
69. Left is sickening!
Adam ,   USA   (07.22.07)
The left has trully reached a new low which should never be thought of as impossible as they are always setting new ones but this one is absolutely a terrible one as it tries to show taht Israel is illegitimate. I mean why are Israeli's not in uproar over the publication of this politically incorrect and leftist propaganda literature. If Tamir thinks of Israel this way why does she simply not move away in exile as she obviously feels no connection to the land or people. She wants to obviously withdraw from the territories that we rightfully acquired in a war that was not started by Israel but required of it in order to survive. All these people who think Israel is the problem and should give back whatever the stupid arabs want sicken me and should frighten and sicken many other Israeli's as well since they only want the destruction of the one and only home of the Jewish people.
70. Can see how religous would want separate education
Steve ,   USA   (07.23.07)
B"H This lady is calling Israel's defensive war a Nabka. Should not anyone focus on the Nabka for the Jewish people from the Roman destruction? If Israel is a Jewish state, why is not this Nabka more promenently educated about in the Jewish system? How come the Arabs learn about their Nabka, and the Jews are not educated about their Nabka? Is one Nabka more important than another? Did not the Jews lose Jewish homes and property in the Roman conquest too?
71. So, now Israeli children go to school to learn lies?
Márcia ,   Brazil   (07.23.07)
72. Nakba is used in Arab homes
Brian K ,   New York, NY   (07.23.07)
I don't see the problem with contextualizing the Nakba term in an Arab textbook. After all, these Arab students are hearing "Nakba" at home and in their media. Banning its use in textbooks is not going to stop Nakba's usage in Israeli Arab society. Ignoring "Nakba" allows the enemy to provide its context. We need to be proactive with this linguistic firebomb, providing our own context through the state curriculum. Wishing Nakba away won't make it so.
73. It's about time... but
Mohammad ,   Al Quds   (07.23.07)
it seems that there always will be stupid people can't stop lieing, and can't just admit that they and their fathers stole Palestinians land, killed innicent children and women, and forced people to live in camps. Mentioning "Nakba" is in "Arab school history book". Free Occupied Palestine Now
74. #2
it may be your "fact", but historically, what arabs were taught is incorrect and a complete historical lie. should you wish to really know what happened and how israel came to be, and who the "arab "palestinians" were and where they really came from to settle on jewish land....please, please read FROM TIME IMMEMORIAL by JOAN PETERS. you will never think the same as you think now. this is written by a non jew, a christian, and a terrific historian who doccumented EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED DURING THE BRITISH MANDATE AND THE HISTORY OF THE ARABIANS AND JES IN OUR HOLY LAND. I DARE YOU TO READ IT AND TO COME BACK HERE AND DISCUSS IT!
75. #7
i agree with you 100%. the real enemy of israel is not the arab world. it lies in the government and the israelis who do not topple them and request a new one. if this is not done fast, we are sure to perish. not because of nasrallah or iran or syria or gaza, but becaue we are stupid beyond belief. moshe dayan and begin will roll in their graves daily to see what is really happening in israel now and how israelis and their governement are selling their country and their future. when they are gone, the jews will have NO ONE TO BLAME BUT THEMSELVES!
76. Nabka is a myth and so are the "Palestinians."
Palestiniansareamyth ,   USA   (07.23.07)
Israel should teach the facts about the phony Palestinians instead of publishing Plo propaganda.
77. hartley #55
Keren ,   SP-Israel   (07.23.07)
I don't know nowadays any people or culture called cananites ,do you? But I do know a people called Jewish People who have ,misteriously and miraculously ,kept a culture as anyone else in the history has. This people,the Jewish People,have lived in Israel since imemorial times,and now has started in the process to completely gathering back (to your and many others immense surprise and disgust)here and have transformed this former desert in a land of milk,honey,wine,fruits ,vegetables and forests. Do you ,or any other christian,muslim or who ever ,have any claim on here to call us thieves,hartley?
78. Yuli Tamir is a disaster and and will cause destruction
elianna ,   USA   (07.23.07)
Does she need her head exaimined? Let her go somewhere else with her stupidity, the ministry of education is clearly not a place for her.
79. #77 Keren, well said.
David H   (07.23.07)
80. Yuli Tamir's Decision
mr ,   Israel   (07.23.07)
It is without a doubt an incredibly stupid one. The Professor needs to be re-educated. These children will be indoctrinated and these thoughts will remain with them for the rest of their lives - as well as the ensuing hatred of Jews.
81. 76
Boulos ,   Al Quds, Palestine   (07.23.07)
What is always so curious to me is that when Jews deny existinse of Palestinians they cannot explain why they are not found on any writings in Egypt that they were ever in that land. So who is real peeple - Palestinians or Jews who didn't live ever in Egypt?
82. to #81
Hilda ,   USA   (07.23.07)
Are you intimating that present Palestinians are in any way related to ancient Egyptians--If so then I suggest you return to your ancient homeland. The truth of the matter is that Arabs/Muslims are a recent inhabitant of Egypt as well as Palestine, their forebears being wandering Bedouins who came as marauders from the Arabian peninsula into Egypt and only very much later to Palestine after the Biluim came to and started to rebuild the Jewish homeland because because it became economically favorable with new jobs for the Arabs. Also probably then as now the Darfur refugees fleeing the cruelty of their brothers.
83. 81 - no writings? what about quran, citing prophet moses
reader ,   Israel   (07.23.07)
Both the Bible and the Quran accept that Moses was a prophet. If Muslims recognize Moses as such, which they say they do, then they need to recognize Jewish presence as slaves in Egypt and then Exodus from Egypt to Israel, the promised land. Even according to your holy books, Jews have a strong, historical connection to the land of Israel.
84. To #77 Keren
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (07.23.07)
I try to be extremely patient with people, who, for reasons only god knows, don't seem to be very bright. So, in the spirit of that patience, I'll refrain from writing what I really think of your inane prattle and merely suggest a beginner’s course in English Comprehension. Like a cat’s playing with a mouse long after it’s died, you repeat the same drivel that in light of any of my tb's didn’t make sense the first or the last time you posted it. Since you appear to lack the basics of Jewish history, too, below are a couple of excerpts from the Virtual Jewish Library referring to Canaan. If nothing else, try to learn a little something. I promise you two things: 1) A little knowledge won’t kill you and 2) you won’t ever need a speech for a Nobel Prize acceptance. The Canaanites ________________________________________ Canaan is the ancient name for the land of Israel. The Torah gave Abraham the land of Canaan, which in some cases stretched from southern Syria to the Eastern Sinai and, in other Torah references, was only a small strip hugging the Mediterranean. Under the leadership of Joshua the Israelites conquered Canaan, which had previously been divided into seven city states. Today, the land of Canaan is known as Palestine, Eretz Yisrael and Israel. Israel is known by a number of names, including Canaan, Eretz Yisrael, Zion, or simply as ha-aretz, meaning "the land," a sign of its belovedness and significance. It is the Holy Land, par excellence. God promised Abraham that he and his descendants would inherit the land of Israel as an eternal possession.
85. As nobody complained that I called these children Israeli
Márcia ,   Brazil   (07.23.07)
I can move on to my questions, knowing well that political correctness and multiculturalism are a plague everywhere: -Why are there Arab schools in Israel? -Are they intended as a privilege or a punishment? Neither? -Does Minister Tamir realize that Israeli schools are the only place where this group of children can learn the truth?
86. Why don't we hand the Arabs guns as they exit their classes?
LEE ,   NY, USA   (07.23.07)
87. Skeletons
EM ,   Ra'anana   (07.23.07)
Israel is the "Jewish Nation" - but not only Jews live here. Not mentioning the "Nakba" in Israeli schools, would be like American schoolbooks ignoring slavery, or the decimation of the Native American population in the 18th century. Every nation has it's "skeletons" and denying they exist doesn't make them go away. What is the point to keep denying that at the birth of the State of Israel, Arabs were displaced? We, of all people, expect everyone else to recognize our pain yet we refuse to even address the issue of the Arabs who lost their homes? Admitting it, and allowing free debate about it in the schools might just be the best thing that will happen to all of us.
88. Terry, its beyond nausiating now.
Shiloh   (07.23.07)
I don't know if we just are nausiated or that it is beyond reality what is going on. It truly appears that the current gov't has an agenda that is not pro-Jewish. I stronly suspect that those lovers of Esav/Edom have sold out because of preasure imposed on the Israeli leadership not to further upset the oil barons. I have read where bush says that "under no uncertain terms will their way of life be changed" which is a dependence on cheap oil. They will do anything, and screw anyone who tries to devalue their dollar (buy oil in euro's for example) or cause another 1973. What is sad is the little guy get's it, not the corrupt leaders of any nation.
89. Why is everyone so outraged?
Canadian Otter   (07.23.07)
You know very well that the aim of the Leftists is an Arab Israel. They call it a binational state, but that term implies two nationalities on equal terms, which would not be the case here due to the overwhelming Arab majority. In the twisted mind of the typical Leftist, the Palestinians are the real victims and their suffering needs to be redressed by offering them the land of Israel. They deceive themselves, I cannot fathom how, believing that Arabs and Jews would live happily and peacefully ever after in this Arab nation of Greater Palestine. These people are still stuck in the early 20th century, when Jews like them supported the Soviet state because they thought it would mean justice for all and the end to racial discrimination. Most Jews learned their lessons, but not these obstinate Leftists. So that explains many of their policies and activities, and the way they desperately try to undermine the development of a Jewish Israel. The anti-religiosity of many seculars plays right into their hands.
90. #84 Hartley
Mark ,   Philadelphia   (07.23.07)
What you need to understand is that the legitimacy of Israel is a very delicate subject. No other country that I can think of needs to justify and validate its existence day after day. What to you is a casual comment, may have deep significance to any Jew clinging to that tiny, vulnerable and besieged land called Israel. The anti-Jewish governments in the world, the media, NGOs, the UN, even the traitors within Israel, they are all watching like spiders for any chance to undermine Israel's legitimacy. When the very Minister of Education opens another crack for those enemies to disseminate their hatred by giving them a chance to tell part of the history of Israel from the Arab point of view and without its context, she is also undermining the security of her own country. This is what Jews who truly love Israel are so upset about. You can joke about a lot of things, but not about the legitimacy of Israel. I just want you to think about it.
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