Pork-selling deli set on fire in Netanya
Raanan Ben-Zur
Published: 04.08.07, 20:40
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95 Talkbacks for this article
1. Such an act only harm Israel
CK Tan ,   Singapore, Singapore   (08.04.07)
Haters of Israel will seize this incident to "confirm" their propaganda about Israel's alleged intolerance of anything non-Jewish (in other words, they will claim it is "evidence" of an apartheid state). Those responsible have to face the law.
2. This is taking a "Hogroast" to extremes.
Alan ,   SA   (08.04.07)
3. #1
Mark ,   South Africa   (08.04.07)
Do me a favour--OK. This is a Jewish state, pork is forbidden.If this happened in any Islamic country, not only would the Deli have been burnt down, but the owner & their entire family would have been burnt or stoned to death to. Let Israel be Israel, we dont need to prove anything to the world.
4. Criminal Damage to Property
ben ,   singapore   (08.04.07)
Throw the law at him. Character like these not Tolerable, whoever that arsonist, he/she only cause racial tension. I recall one insiden in Indonesia, a chinese settlement, in fact a methodist settlement, on xmas eve was set on fire/ bomb, two innocent chinese couple died.They were the only two who was operating a small pork stall.Very sad, very sad but such wickedness only opened wider doors to racial tension. Let the gentiles eat waht they want,let them follow their Gods we will follow our G-d.Why such hatred to the point setting fire on public places. No Arrest, Charge that idiot ! If the pork business to that sensitive to the jews...jews are being insensitive towards the non- jews too. Both deserve some public education. Now break away from fanatic ways.Religious extremism holds innocent public from living freely.Charge that IDIOT !
5. I am anti religious
Sagi ,   israel   (08.04.07)
as is evident from my responses to all articles pertaining to Haredim and the fact that they impose their will on others. But, I am definately opposed to pig rearing and sale of pork products in Israel. I always have been of this opinion because of the cardinal importance and the fact that Jews were prepared to die for this. If nothing else, their memory must be sacred. But, if Haredim have carried out this act, they must ponder their actions because it could blow up in their face. There are fanatics on the other side and I do not even want to post the words which are in my mind. I leave it to your imagination. The Government must bring in immediate legislation to stop the sale of Pork, then the secular opponents can vent their anger at the law and not at the citizens who are trading under license and do not deserve to have their premises destroyed. This situation is flammable and I use that word with deliberate intention.
6. Whatever happened to the proverb"Safe as a Pig in Palestine"
Alan ,   SA   (08.04.07)
7. Nethanya's Deli and to sk
charles ,   petach tikva   (08.04.07)
If the man caught and questioned is the author of this arson , as he is also a suspect in other similar cases , you can't accuse the protestors to have done it . Maybe that their protests gave him the idea to do it there . Maybe ? To sk . I have just read your latest tb from more than a week ago regarding those protests . They may protest , but think at this . Would you enter a shop to buy something , if you see that there are many protestors outside who might hurt you when coming out ? So their protest may be allowed , but they are against others liberty to shop freely without fear .
8. Lighting fire on Shabbat?
David ,   Norway   (08.04.07)
Lighting a fire on Shabbat? Would a religious person do this, or is it just someone looking for some "action"?
9. They won't get together to protest weak and corrupt leaders,
Sven   (08.04.07)
the road map to hell, terrorists in their own backyard being armed to the teeth ready to pounce on that at any given moment, yet they will protest over a pig, gays, and an outside concert. Puulleezz, The religious leaders have a form of godliness Period. And yes Torah teaches against these things, but lets put important things first. Time is running short before MAJOR heartache will be felt by this stubborn nation and all who live in it.
10. Just curious
Khalid   (08.04.07)
Can someone tell me why pork is forbidden to Muslims and Jews? I always hear it's because "back then, pigs carried diseases" but that never seemed to convince me. Religious laws usually stand the test of time and are not forbidden because they are harmful at one point in history.
11. #3 - Mark: Not True
Eric ,   Toronto, Canada   (08.04.07)
I am originally from Turkey, a muslim country. One can buy pork products in particular ham in many deli/chacuterie stores in Istanbul. So what you state about muslim countries is untrue. The question is weather we are dealing here with a religious government or a secular one. Obviously, the Haredim want Israel to be a non-secular country which is already the case regarding many civil situations such as marriage.
12. You pbulished this on Shabbat?
Guess you will be next for publishing this slander against the haredim. No fearful person would light a fire on Shabbat. This is libel for you to claim/suggest the haredim did it. The only problem is you are going to get away with it because the haredim will not take you to a court who's mission is not to bring justice. (i.e. the Israeli courts) Not to worry, I am a gentile, and I am not afraid to sue you on their behalf.
13. Eric , Canada
charles ,   petach tikva   (08.04.07)
Don't compare your native Turkey , where "church" and state are more separated than in other , totally , Muslim ruled countries .
14. Sagi
charles ,   petach tikva   (08.04.07)
Jews were prepared to die for other causes , and there you are not against . This is the first time i have seen you agree with charidim or even religious people . Are you waiting for a special benediction ?
15. #3
mark ,   ca   (08.04.07)
There is no Law in Israel against eating pork. Only moron can compare Israel (democracy) to any islamic country.
16. God's gifts.
Israelite   (08.04.07)
There is an infinite difference between faith and religiousness. Faith is private and good. Religiousness is ridiculous, evil, and about forcing, threatening and hurting people. This is the fact both in the Christian and the Jewish world. Faith is rational, religiousness is not. Why the Israelites in ancient times should not eat pigs was of course because the poor animal often carried worms. It was a God given health rule. Not a religious “law” made by idiotic rabbis. But that is what it became later, which is very typical for religious leaders. They turn something good, like a health rule, into something evil, like a ban. Why would God create the tasty little pig, just like He created all the other animals which are good to eat, if it was not for people to enjoy it as long as it is safe? So I say to everybody. Enjoy all of God’s gifts to us. God does not want us to refrain from what is good to please him. That is a religious invention.
17. #13 - I agree
Eric, ,   Toronto, Canada   (08.04.07)
That is precisely the point I am trying to make. Mike made a blanket statement about moslem countries which is not correct.
18. No. 3 Mark
NYC Girl   (08.04.07)
First of all, pork may be forbidden for religious Jews, but not every Jew and certainly not every Israeli is kosher. Not only that, but Israel is not a theocracy and people still have the freedom to choose the way in which they want to live their lives, and I certainly hope you're not holding up a bunch of primitive Muslim countries as an example that Israelis should be emulating. The fact that there are Muslim countries in which murdering an innocent human being for selling pork is sanctioned certainly doesn't justify this onerous act of arson in Netanya.
19. pork
David P. ,   Central Coast, USA   (08.04.07)
All or nothing if you don't like Pork don't buy or eat it, but why resort to criminal action? I tell you're missing out though, Bacon makes everything taste better.
21. an arsonist is a sociopath who lights fires because of his
debra ,   usa   (08.04.07)
twisted criminal nature. this article did not say anything about his religion. it cannot be assumed he is a haredim until the police tell us so. sagi almost gave me a heart attack with his tb--respecting something religious. will wonders never cease.
22. the police did nothing to enforce the bylaw?
yahn goodey   (08.04.07)
and then get upset when someone else does their job for them?the guy was doing everyone a favour by destroying the manufacturers give you an instruction book with your new car telling the owner what kind of fuel it runs on.put the wrong fuel in and you can ruin your new car.same with the human body-the Creator specifies what kind of "fuels" it needs to run on-wrong kind of fuels can destroy the human body and mind.we should care because He does.if you love your life and your children look after yourselves
23. #20 Thank you
Taxpaying secular ,   Israel   (08.04.07)
While I don't condone violence, vandalism, or religious extremism, there should be limits to how much we turn over the roots of our culture to cater to Israel-hating ISRAEL-SPONSORED immigrants. We all know the wide access to pork would not exist here were it not for this specific market. And most of us know their demand for pork is only a symptom of a deeper problem.
24. #1 -CK - Be for or against the sale of pork
Carl ,   Indianapolis, USA   (08.04.07)
But don't give us your sickening "what will the world think" garbage. Enough of that! The world thinks very little of Jews, no matter what we do or don't do. The world would like nothing more than to get rid of us, some by outright violence, others by conversion, and still others by arming the Arabs around the only Jewish country on the planet. We don't have ANYTHING TO PROVE TO ANYONE. Go and look at the list of Nobel Prizes and see the impressive list of awards to Jews. Look at the technology around you, invented and developed by Jews. Go to your bookstore or library and see the number of good books written by Jews.... The list is endless. Jews have proven themselves again and again. Yet, they still don't love us. So, stop the nonsense about What will the world think once and for all.
25. #9 Amen & amen.!!!! That says it all.!!! kol hakovod!!!
jan ,   usa   (08.04.07)
26. #7 That wasn't sk - #1 was CK!
27. # 1
Natan   (08.04.07)
We don't have to prove any thing to any one!!! This is a JEWISH state!!! and by the way, try to sell pork in any muslim country and see how far you will go...
28. medical fact about pork
Petra ,   usa   (08.04.07)
Any good surgeon will tell you that eating too much pork will cause your stomach to have burns as pork burns 'hot' in the belly. I personally know of both medical professionals as well as patients who can witness the removal of their intestines due to injesting too much pork. This is a medical fact. Check it out. Kosher or not, just as shellfish and the 'red tide' can kill you, the biblical health laws are for our health, not just our religion. However, for those who love bacon or pork, everything in moderation. Tricinosis is always present in pork no matter what the swine eat also, a medical fact. Better to be kosher which means, 'clean'. We are not to eat the fat or the blood of any animal, also for health reasons. Fish with only fins and scales again, for health reasons. Any questions? Tests at 1:p.m. on monday.....
David P. ,   Central Coast, USA   (08.04.07)
what i don't understand is this opposition from secular Israelis who've bought into every Euro-American trend, yet reject pork on a religious basis. The fact is secular Jews pick and choose which religious attitudes and behaviors to adopt based on lifestyle convenience.
30. To anonymous coward # 26
charles ,   petach tikva   (08.04.07)
Read before writing stupidities .
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