Palestinian turns Israeli teen into sex slave
Yael Branovsky
Published: 17.08.07, 08:50
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61. #55. Sharon is a medical prisoner who is sedated in my
Rivkah   (08.18.07)
opinion, having felt the chord he plays on my heartstrings often when he was supossedly in a coma. I am beginning to believe his sons are involved in this travesty. Why were his medical records destroyed by Hadasseh Ein Keren Hospital which is illegal? Why wasn't he given IV caffeinol within three hours of the supposed stroke since he got there within an hour of the supposed incident. Why hasn't his tissue oxygen level been raised to 14 parts per million which can reverse a stroke even long after the event, according to Nobel Laureate medicine that is taught in medical schools but rarely used? See and Cellfood, the Nobel formula that should be put into General Sharon's food tube to raise his tissue oxygen levels. Or hyperbaric oxygen chambers several times a day would force oxygen in through the skin. Why are people so jealous of an old man loving his devoted friend? Are they afraid we might be related? We certainly do look alike.
62. #55: "OS", my darling, your father loves me telepathically.
Rivkah   (08.18.07)
How is it you cannot perceive that? What is done to children to cause them to become telepathic as revealed in mind-control programs such as MK Ultra? The child is abused sexually at a very early age, as I was raped in the anus at the age of three after being abducted. Things like that set a child up to be aware of pineal gland telepathic communications. Your father's messages to me are like flashes of a wonderful bright light-like love to the various energy chakras of my body. His signals have grown weaker as the months and now years have passed, when he should be getting stronger. Is he being sedated too much? I think so. You disagree, but at least there is an open line of communication in your contempt and sarcasm caused by your inability to perceive what I do. Consider yourself fortunate since if you had my abilities, you would have been raped as a child in all likelihood. You were better protected than I was. Be thankful for that. My adoptive father was in G2 US Army intelligence and may have known about the MK ULTRA program. I wonder if I was offered as a sacrifice to those experiments since he often worked in research. My mother was furious that I was told as a teenager some of the things that happened to me. But it is better to know. Life is hard for you right now, my darling. I have tried to make it easier by my prayers and constant attention, but I cannot get past the shield of your contempt and anger and sarcasm of something you are unable to understand or perceive.
63. Arabs listen up
Gil ,   Tel Aviv   (08.18.07)
This is true its happening to your sisters and daughters. Wake up and smell the sugary coffee!! ps: the ideal situation would be to have these kinds of girls pleasuring Jewish officials lol!
Alex ,   London   (08.18.07)
I protest this shameful act of sexual exploitation of innocent Palestinians by Israeli neo-colonialists. The Palestinians are not your sex machines !!!
65. abuse is universal
Isragirl   (08.18.07)
go to the battered women's shelters in Israel. Most of the women who reside there are Arab women with bruised faces. Their community doesn't provide them with real support, so they come to the shelters regularly, and then go back to their husbands. #63 Gil - yuck! and Rivkah - WOW! My eyes are still burning from reading your post # 55...
66. To #61/62
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (08.19.07)
Pineal gland telepathy? How about just plain nuts? So, you were abducted, huh? Not that I would blame them, but did the aliens throw you back; maybe from a great height? Is that when you fell on your head? Whatever you drink or snort can no longer be considered recreational, and you need some serious help. Although you're in CA, it's still a little frightening to live on the same continent as you do. Hopefully, my "shield" is in good working order, although I'm sorry, if it interferes with your energy chakras. Trust me, that interference would be strictly accidental. All my life, it's been drummed into my head to never, ever interfere with anybody's energy chakras. Who would dare do such a loathsome thing? Have you tried ex-lax lately? If you're not full of it, I don't know who is.
67. #8 You tiny little brain must be the same size as you tiny
little stump .....oops ......a woman should not talk like that right?
68. 66:When abducted at age 3, the aliens did not throw me back.
Rivkah   (08.19.07)
A ransom was paid by my birth father 's family who abandoned me at birth because of birth defects and my true identity was no longer spoken of in the family to protect me from. I overcame the Bell's Palsy, cranio vertebral joint misalignment, and other birth defects sufficiently to get a college degree and a Naval commission, something your husband obviously did not have in the Marine Corps to be so desperate to marry a German as vicious and uncaring as you are. You are typical of German women who married American GI's after World War II: they hate America and Americans but cannot go back to Germany for marrying the "enemy". Their German families despise them and they do not feel accepted in America. No wonder, the way they attack Americans any way they can. Why don't you go back to Germany? You will be happier and have lots of German women to gripe about Americans with. I do not get paid by the CIA or anyone else. What I do is charity out of concern for what the Lord calls "My Land". I have been persecuted and poisoned and attacked by the haters of God who will be judged for their rejection of HIM, not me. I do not use illegal drugs and never have. Why don't you read and study before attacking what is sacred and true? Ariel Sharon is a medical prisoner who was given very poor treatment in an attempt to kill him. Were the doctors acting in sympathy with Rabbis who put a curse on Sharon for withdrawing from Gush Katif to keep from losing foreign aid from Armerica and suffering international sanctions from the UN? You laugh at this. The devil will laugh when you are judged, since he is the one influencing you.
69. #66: You SAY you are Jewish, but Germany eliminated most of
the Jews in Germany during WWII. You say you were German, but married an American marine. Why didn't the GERMAN men want you? Most of the German and Japanese women who marry American GI's are women who were rejected by men of their own nationality for whoredom. You SAY you forced your children into the US military, as if children could be forced to go into military when there was not a draft. "Tell it to the Marines. The sailors will never believe you". I have met some Marines and they love whores and liars and haters of God which is why they are called "devil dogs". The stupidist Marines I have met were Generals. They got promoted by having rich mommies or rich wives.
70. She went to Ramallah?
Fivish ,   London   (08.19.07)
How could a Jewish girl willingly go to Ramallah? Its just not possible.
71. General Alfred Gray isa good example of a US Marine General
who loved who loved a whore, but not enough to marry her until he was told that he would not be promoted to Marine Corps Commandant (highest job) unless he did. Not being a godly man, he only married her for that promotion; or they would still be living together in sin. I never saw General Gray sober at a para-military meeting he spoke at like the Navy League or the the Marine Corps Foundation. He sure like his alcohol. I just hope he did not lead or direct Marines into battle, drunk. I learned a lot about how US Marines get promoted to General from a retired American Indian US Marine officer who lives in Norfolk, Virginia, on Powattan Drive. He said, first the service records for anyone who is Black, Indian, Hispanic, or Oriental are put aside, not to be considered unless the family bank account is in the stratosphere. Then the family assets of the other candidates are considered, with the promotions going to the richest unless there is political influence or one is a homosexual lover of a high ranking official in the Corps or the government. Butch homosexuals rather than faggot homosexuals have a lot of influence on promotion boards. Even the Marine Corps mugs sold at bases are now dark PINK instead of red. Daniel in the Bible said it best: God rules in the kingdoms of men and sets up over them the BASEST of men.
72. To # 68 & 69
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (08.19.07)
(Dang! Another good Christian has lost it. No, I take it back. This one never had it.) I btw. do not laugh at anything that's going on in Israel. I don't even laugh at you, since you obviously so need pity and compassion. Your tb's, however, are fair game. Pineal glandular telepathic communications???? Poison wafers? My land???? All occasion Solomon, Ezekial and Rabbi Yeshua quips???? Ok. God spoke to me this morning from the drain in the kitchen sink and told me that I should feel sorry for you, because you're nuts. I guess, my god isn't much on those pineal gland or energy chakra speeches. As for your other literary pieces de resistance, they're even funnier. I would suggest, though, that you check in with Best Buy or Office Depot and have someone troubleshoot the circuitry of that glandular telepathy configuration. Those communications seem to come in highly-interrupted and confused spurts. Nevertheless, I definitely admire your intimate familiarity with international whoredom. Did you learn that in college, in the Navy or is it from first-hand experience? Being so extensive, I suspect the latter. And do you mean to tell me now that all those Japanese hymen replacement operations didn't even work??? What a rip-off, no pun intended. Btw, listening to The Village People's "In the Navy" 25 times in a row does not constitute a Naval commission. As for "making" my son join the military, had there been a draft, it would have been automatic, wouldn't it? That aside, we, their parents, could "make" our kids do just about anything, only, of course, if they didn't want to be grounded into their next lives, had their car keys jerked or were deprived of all the rest of what they thought of as necessities of life, such as tv, telephone, stereo, trips to the movies, etc. Maybe that sort of thing doesn't work with kids suffering from pineal glandular telepathy disorder and waning chakra energies, but it worked like a charm with ours. (It seems to be very effective with the grandkids, too.) But then again, our son made it through his senior prom without seducing or raping anybody and nothing untoward happened to our daughter, either. Imagine that! Maybe you could tell me what Ezekiel, Rabbi Yeshua or Solomon had to say about that. Surely, one of them had a comment or two. Any ideas as to what good ol' mohammed thought of all of this? Now there's something into which you could sink your teeth!!! Then again, maybe not even he deserves you. So, with or without a name, please keep posting to me. It always so brightens my day.
73. #72 needs psychiatric help. She is bouncing off the walls.
74. No.72 Diagnosis:Terminal Jealousy.Take away her guns.
75. To #73 and 74
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (08.20.07)
That's it? One-liners? No bible quotes for me? Aw, I'm disappointed.
76. Navy vs. Marines :-)
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (08.20.07)
A US Navy guy shows up at the Pearly Gates and is warmly welcomed by St. Peter. He shows the Navy guy around the place and finally assigns him a nice little spot in heaven with a nice little one-bedroom bungalow with a couple of Navy flags and a little boat in the front yard. Just then, the Navy guy happens to see this huge mansion way up on a hill, brightly lit and generously decked out with US Marine flags. Feeling a bit slighted, the Navy guy wants to know why he gets a little rinky-dink bungalow, while some Marine sits on a hill in some awesome mansion. St. Peter tells him that the mansion on the hill is god’s place. When the Navy man then wants to know why god honors the Marines above the Navy, St. Pete tells him, “Well, we really and always appreciate your prompt and courteous taxi service, but we all know who does the real fighting after you drop them off: The United States Marines.”
77. #72 Don't take it personally. It is not just Germany and
Rivkah   (08.20.07)
Japan who push their whores off on America troops, the British, the Koreans, the Philippines, and at least 130 other countries do, too. American troops are so lonely and desperate, anyone will do, I guess. Then the snakes get to America and most dump the dupes who gave them a chance to redeam their names from the lists of the fallen.
78. 71...Sir Winston Churchill once said the British Navy's
traditions are "sodomy, rum, and the lash." Time passes, but few things change.
79. no
tam   (05.16.08)
80. hi
jeevan ,   mangalore   (04.25.11)
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