Iran develops 900-kg ‘smart bomb’ - official media
Published: 22.08.07, 23:57
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90 Talkbacks for this article
31. Great for Iran
St James ,   Philadelphia, USA   (08.23.07)
Now all they need is a fighter/bomber that will be able to stay in the sky long enough to reach a target.
32. U.S. AirForce vs. Iran Air Force
Michael C ,   Iraq   (08.23.07)
Thats great they developed them. Is this supposed to be a threat? What they don't realize is that even if they were able to get off the airfield with their planes, they'd be intercepted by U.S. fighters so quick and shot down it would be just absurd, but if it came down to their jets even being a viable threat, we would bomb their airbases, smart bomb making facilities, and airports to oblivion..end of story...done and done.
33. Iran's definition of a "Smart Bomb" is ....................
Joseph ,   Oklahoma, USA   (08.23.07)
A suicide bomber with a college degree.
34. Does "irony" translate?
kevin67 ,   Ohio   (08.23.07)
Does "irony" translate?
35. Are you nuts?
Jim ,   Mesa, Arizona, USA   (08.23.07)
36. Iranian smart bomb
greg linden ,   austin, texas, usa   (08.23.07)
So, Iran has developed a smart bomb. How appropriate for a peace-loving, Islamic country. I wonder though; where is the announcement of a cure for lymphoma, for pediatric lukemia, for the advancement in geophysics, a mega-gig computer processor, etc. Once you destroy Isreal, then what, nirvana?
37. rabbit hunting
Rev. Viceroy Kimbley ,   Urange County, USA   (08.23.07)
#12 joell, ru referring to the Arrow system, designed to intercept medium and long-range reentry vehicles? Tell us about your rabbit hunt using a Barrett .50 while you're at it.
38. Reply to #14 with comment
Kelly ,   Louisville, Kentucky   (08.23.07)
I don't think they intend it for Kurdish villages, They probably intend to use it against Israel or give it to terrorist groups to use against Israel and the U.S. I'm just curious, but couldn't Israel take out their bomb manufacturing centers and such like they did when Iraq was attempting to develop a nuclear bomb several years ago?
39. Not using GPS!
Jeff ,   Nashville, TN. USA   (08.23.07)
Not sure how smart the Iranians think their bomb is....seeing as how we can control how our GPS signal is used. Unless they're using laser targeting, but that would require a recon team on the ground near the target. Sorry, not buying the story.
40. to #22 Sam
Erik ,   Virginia Beach USA   (08.23.07)
I feel sorry for you Sam. The Greeks at 250 BC made the water clock (over 1000 years before the birth of Mohammed), Astronomy was discovered and invented by the Wu (Ancient China) around 3400 BC (4000 years before Mohammed) and also started Medicine by the Wu same time frame. That you have been so lied to is an example to many Islamics who truly desire peace, but have nothing but lies and propraganda filled in their heads. As a Christian devoted to tolerance, I can only pray for each and everyone that true enlightenment and wisdom can be found and soon.
41. gimme a break #22
kevin ,   waynesboro, va usa   (08.23.07)
I think you are too quick to congratulate yourselves. Consider the Maya or Egyptian for that matter. I think they eclipsed your folks in the study of astronomy. Pride in your heritage is one thing. Hiding your head up your ass is another. Submitted respectively, of course.
42. To #22
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (08.23.07)
Yeah right, and Al Gore invented the internet. Sorry, there were clocks before the world ever heard of mohammed, A water clock was buried with Amenhotep ca. 1500 BCE and Andronikos, a Macedonian, came up with a mechanical clock ca. 100 BCE. Now, when was mohammed around again?
43. reply to #10
ray ,   chicago   (08.23.07)
of course you think iran looks like a backwards country in the stone b/c you have never seen pictures of the country other than on fox news from 30 years ago. if you were a smart person and not a dubm zionist piece of dogshit you would know iran has beautiful mountains, ski resorts, lakes, a bustling downtown terhan and is as modern as any other industrialized country, except maybe the rural areas but the same is true here in the U.S. no disrepect, but G-D and Moses didnt give the spirit of critical thinking and accepting others as equals to his followers.
44. "Smart" bomb?
LA Doc ,   Los Angeles, CA   (08.23.07)
A "smart bomb?" I thought they meant they found a suicide bomber with an IQ above 100. What a bunch of losers.
45. Iran's Smart Bomb
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (08.23.07)
I wonder, if Mahmoud has ever seen the detonation of a 9,600 kg MOAB. And how long, exactly, would his F6's last against the F22?? That man has serious delusions of adequacy. A dogfight between those two would be the air comedy show of the century. Giora Epstein would have an apoplexy from laughing.
46. close US ally-'cause we installed him!
Mike ,   Toledo, USA   (08.23.07)
47. To #22
Gabriel ,   Philadelphia, USA   (08.23.07)
Muslims haven't pioneered anything for nearly a thousand years. All of their technological accomplishments were achieved by the early age of the first Caliphate. As their scientific pursuits waned, their hatred & envy of the West blossomed, and has waxed ever since. Since their Golden Age, they've had to borrow technology from Christendom. In fact, the Ottomans even used Christians slaves to man their armies. They have always had wealth, but have never regained knowledge. They get that from the West & use it to destroy those who gave them wealth. They hate the West because they hate themselves.
48. Again we see people cheer for Iran and...
DR ,   Florida, USA   (08.23.07)
Hezballah...idiots!!! This is a terror group that brought misery to Lebanon. Iran would never dare fly out of their own airspace in these outdated jets. they would be downed before they could yell "Allah hu akbar". They know this and we know this. Stop defending a country that publicly states its suicidal intentions, stop making excuses for a regime which executes people in public and stop telling us that Hezballah did anything but embarass itself.
49. Iran "smart" bomb
Norm ,   Hollywood, Fl , USA   (08.23.07)
It figures, the only thing in Iran that is smart are the bombs.
50. Iran Smart bombs
Rook ,   Carson City, USA   (08.23.07)
I'm afraid you are all missing the point ! Sooner or later Iran is going to take out the Saudi oil infrastructure with Russian missiles. Safaniya and Ras Tanura are "sitting ducks" for Russian cruise misslies. Imagine the economic impact of taking 3 million barrels of crude of the market.
51. Smart bomb?
Sean O'Connor ,   Pleasanton, Ca   (08.23.07)
They developed a Smart Bomb? What, it accepts that the Holocost really happened?
52. F-4/5 vs. F-18, F-15, F-22
James ,   Spokane, USA   (08.23.07)
Are you kidding me? The Iranian Air Force is like trying to win the Indy 500 today with a model-T. US Air Force, No One Comes Close
53. Why blame Islam?
Qazi ,   Johnstown, USA   (08.23.07)
Why blame Islam? Individuals, not religions, carry out inhuman acts Islam is a religion of peace, accepted and practiced by 1.5 billion people worldwide. It is the fastest-growing religion in the world, and if it was what some critics claim, why should the people from all walks of life from around the world keep embracing Islam? Where is the sword now? In Islam, a person has the right to defend himself, his family, his country or his neighbor(s), which justifies the resistance being offered by the people of Afghanistan, Bosnia, Chechnya, Iraq, Kashmir and Palestine, to attacks on their soils by the so-called liberators, who are actually the occupiers. The Holy Qur’an clearly states that if a person saves one life, it’s as if he saved humanity, and if a person kills one human being, it’s as if he killed humanity. What is happening in the enslaved Muslim countries is a natural reaction to occupation, bombings, killing and terrorizing of innocent civilians (children, old men and women), rapes, in addition to looting of resources, national antiques and artifacts, above all destruction of property by the occupiers. Terror breeds terror. We assure those who bash Islam that if there was no occupation in this world by foreign invaders, there would be no resistance – the so-called terror. We would like those who criticize Islam to explain the following acts committed by the Christians on Jews, other Christians and Muslims alike, throughout history: Hundreds of thousands of Muslim men, women and children killed by the crusaders, who were Christians. Inquisition of Jews and Muslims from Spain by Queen Isabella, a Christian. Millions of people killed by the European and American Christians during the two world wars. Atrocities committed on millions of Jews and Christians by Adolph Hitler, a professed Christian. Hundreds of thousands of Christians killed every year by the Irish Christians, including the British and the IRA, both Catholics and Protestants, during the past few centuries. Why are they not blamed to be “Christian Terrorists?” Both of them believe in Jesus Christ, who told them to turn the other cheek, and both of them believe in the same Lord, Who commanded that “Thou shall not kill.” Period. Timothy McVeigh, who bombed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, was a Catholic. Are all Catholics terrorists? The bombings, killings, rapings and lynchings of both American Indians and black slaves (Afro-Americans) during the past 200 years in the United States. Will those filled with hate for Islam blame Christianity for the above inhuman acts by Christians in various parts of the world? If not, then why are they blaming the religion of Islam for what is a natural reaction to occupation of Muslim countries by foreign invaders? Most importantly, these folks should know that the three great Abrahamic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – have one common basis, and that is one God Almighty. “All men (and women) are created equal, and we all are one nation under Almighty God,” is a statement according to the Holy Qur’an and is very well elucidated in the U.S. Constitution. Lastly, as a brother in humanity, we recommend those filled with hate get an education in the history of Islam and Muslims, before they dare to write nasty letters full of personal, ingrain hate and vendetta. We would be pleased to provide anyone with free copies of the Holy Qur’an and Islamic literature in English, which would help them to understand the truth about Islam and Muslims and get rid of hate from their systems, God willing. May God Almighty show you the light, Amen.
54. Pat Robertson
Prof Watson ,   Los Angeles, USA   (08.23.07)
Pat Robertson is old and senile. I would not repeat what he says. "Mass killings" in the USA, . What kind of non sense is this? Don't get excited about Iran. Watch out for the progressive left who hates Zionism and seeks the give back of Palestine to the Arabs through elections.
55. regional ingenuity
when Yugoslavian war was on, the aggressors claimed they should be exempt from guilt b/c they were the first people in Europe to eat with forks. That was also their last meaningful contribution to civilization. Arabs need to come up with something new besides the numericals. Suicide bombings don't count as an invention.
56. #50
Isragirl   (08.23.07)
so, u'r saying that this is still internal "pan-Arabic" conflict, and Israel is just a ploy to divert attention from it? I love being a scapegoat for the Arabs. Again, not new - Europeans invented it long before them. How do you think Vatican (aka Inquisition) became so rich - from torturing and converting Jews and taking their possessions away, nay?
57. Iran Develops Smart Bomb
kirk ,   dallas   (08.23.07)
It if were smart, wouldn't it blow up immediately???
58. To #22
magnum ,   Overland Park KS USA   (08.23.07)
Since they were so smart, how did they forget all the stuff in their books they did write them didn't they? Perhaps they kept their people stupid and only educated the punks in power. So when their precious books were stolen they were left with an ignorant population which brings us to our present day problem, I hope the followers find these books quick so they can get there heads out of their asses'$$.
59. how much will it take
Ed the avenger ,   somewhere usa   (08.23.07)
The current Iranian Leadership is obviously nuts. However, it is always unwise to underestimate your enemy. With Russia and China more or less taking sides with Iran, it wouldn't supprise me if they have aquired some guidence technologies. Furthermore, with as much S@#T as their leadership talks, combined with past actions...HOW MUCH WILL IT TAKE before the world intervines. I wouldn't wait on the spineless, ineffective UN.
60. #42 - BCE?
Rick ,   Benton, WI, USA   (08.23.07)
M. Hartley, why use the politically correct term BCE (Before Common Era), rather than the truly correct term BC (Before Christ)?
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