Jewish Scene
Jewish boy served as Nazi 'mascot'
Modi Kreitman
Published: 25.08.07, 14:49
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31. #27 Rob: There is a power behind the scenes of government
Rivkah   (08.27.07)
that rules. Wars are contrived for profit and other political reasons. All of the major wars of the 20th and 21st centuries wer conspired in the 1800's and the outline was written out by US Confederate General Albert Pike after he was selected head of international secret society...the Spanish American War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, the Balkans, Afganistan, Persian Gulf War I and II, the upcoming war between the Moslems and the West, then Armageddon. It is all planned. Former US President Franklin Roosevelt said if it happens, it is planned. The "Rat Line" that rescued war criminals after World War II and protected them except for the few who came to justice was an international conspiracy to protect people who did what the they were told to do. Their reward was to be protected. It amazes me that Simon Wiesenthal lived after tracking down some of the criminals. Perhaps that was allowed and he was told to back off on others who were protected. Maybe he really did not know what many knew about Hitler. I think Eva Braun did die in the bunker and a double was killed to appear to be Hitler. The book "Escape from the Bunker" says Bormann forcibly sedated Hitler to get him out. I think Hitler fell in love with Eva Braun's younger sister Gretl since he had previously been in love with one of his nieces who killed herself. Probably, Eva was killed so Hitler could have a child with Gretl since obviously Eva could not have children. A woman in Germany the Soviet KGB files say was not born when she said she was was likely the child of Hitler and Gretl and given up for adoption since the Hitler name was anathema to the world. The woman's initials are A.D. K. M. and she may not know she was adopted. Her rise was meteoric.
32. poor little thing
marilyn   (08.27.07)
He survived the best way he knew. And Jesus teaches us to pray " do not bring us into temptation.' or another way of saying it " Do not bring us into situations that are too hard for us to handle' For we all never know what we ourselves would do when faced with some terrible situations.
33. He shouldn't be allowed near Yad Vashem
Alex ,   LA, USA   (08.27.07)
A lot of boys, 6-8 years old, were helping partizans to kill Germans. They should be honored. Perhaps I will allow this guy to do his shtick in a circus somewhere in Australia but not in Israel where there are so many heroes.
34. another propagnda of a jewish boy!!! Liar ppl
35. we all start out as "sweet" little babies but
yahn goodey   (08.27.07)
somewhere along the road into adulthood some dont turn into "saints" but rather turn into ugly monsters.even if we as parents teach them about G-D and try to discipline our kids into having respect for other people-once they get to school you can lose them when they are forced to be together with children some of whom their parents taught their kids no respect for other humans.nebuchadnezzar,vespasian, titus,the "holy"roman emperors,mussolini and hitler were once sweet little babies that turned into mass murderers.
36. at Rivkah #15
Joey ,   Baltimore   (08.29.07)
Rivkah maybeone should look at your facial features to determin what you really are. Your comments are insane. amazing
37. #36 Joey.Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat
Rivkah   (08.29.07)
it. Look up the information for yourself, Joey of Baltimore and tremble for your country. The Fourth Reich is rising and has a high command center in Renton, Virginia, near you, Joey. The German flag is flying over Holloman Air Force Base in Alamagordo, New Mexico and they have half of Fort Bliss, Texas, Joey. AS FOR ANGELA MERKEL' TRUE IDENTITY, THAT IS FROM THE STASI GDR FILES, Joey. I refer you to page 4 of "The Last Trumpet Newsletter" of August 2007. HOW do you think a FEMALE in a chauvinistic country like Germany became a Prime Minister and head of the G8 nations without some powerful people behind her? I was attacked by NAZI police in America for being a JEW, Joey. I was beaten up and falsely accused for being a Jew, Joey, by NAZIS, Joey , in America, Joey. Wait until that happens to you, Joey, and then I will laugh and call you crazy for being upset about what is coming to America. Call Colonel Elmer Ammerman of Dallas, Texas, Joey, and ask him how many FOREIGN troops are in America that a US Sentator told him were here while our troops are in 130+ countries. Then you willl find out the danger of Angela Merkel and her kind to America. By the by, Joey, CIA agents have told evangelists who speak for the Prophecy Club of Topeka Kansas there are guillotines in the FEMA camps...America's Gulag Archipelago under the REX 84 law that you and many other will likely be dragged off to in the night to die.
38. mascot
Radka ,   Athens, Greece   (09.01.07)
This talkback forum is worse than that of Haaretz or of any Greek newspaper for that matter; never imagined more basketcases existed in Israel than in my own country.
39. this is not a new story
pushkina ,   sydney, australia   (09.06.07)
didn't anyone see the film "europa, europa"? the jewish boy, solly perel, in that film (and original book memoir) saved himself by becoming a 'mascot' (albeit older) and being sent to the SS school. he managed to survive the russians and went to live in israel. i sat on a stage with him, poor man, in munich whihle giving a talk to the jewish community. when it was his turn to speak, the survivors in the room began to scream at him, how DARE he remain alive, and all kinds of horrible things were said to him. he simply stood there, hanging his head; it was very painful for me to watch. i think that anything one did, short of handing jews over i.e. stella the berlin jewcatcher or actually killing someone (and even then sometimes it had to be; think of the women who gave birth in the forest, under the care of the partisans. their babies were immediately smothered so their cries wouldn't give away where they were) was kosher. to survive was most important. and yes, i think the reason some of the survivors today are so very difficult to deal with is because they DID do anything to stay alive: selfish, self-centered, cruel, immoral things were called for so they did them.
40. Pronunciation of names and foods
Moshe Flam ,   Bet Shemesh   (05.29.19)
Elyeh Herrmann not Ggerman the way Russians and latvians pronounce it.
Shulem. Did he ever try listening to Yiddish. Did anyone put a beard and pieyess to the father's pic and show him. I spoke with a 95 yr old Ukrainian Jew who came here to Israel in 89 and remembered nothing. I bombarded him with hebreew words in different Yiddish accents about holidays and he suddenly membered the prayer of kappuress tuning a male chicken over the head.
Bring him to a chassidik home.
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