Jewish Scene
Rabbi Yosef: Soldiers killed in war because they did not observe mitzvot
Dani Adino Ababa
Published: 27.08.07, 12:57
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121. #87, you don't even know me
Richard ,   New York, USA   (08.27.07)
but you talk like you do. What ignorance! And if you are in Israel with that horrible personality, no wonder the country is having problems.
122. He is Right
Dovid ,   France   (08.27.07)
it was is written in the Torah. We just read . If im not wrong its on last parsha or the week before. See commentaries of Rashia and baal haTurim.
123. #95 Keren, you really need to get over yourself.
SGT. Fleishman ,   Special Ops. USA   (08.27.07)
Trust me, Israel is NOT the only branch in the tree. Go and read your Torah and find out what Hashem has to say about those who lift up the sword in battle. Members of my family this very day are stationed on the outskirts of Israel watching and reporting back to the IDF of activity from muslims at your borders. Because they are not religious Jews does that make them available for you to take insulting aim at them from the radar screen of jewish hypocrisy you look at everyday? Truly you are a immature jew who has only recently made aliyah and thinks all others are dogs who should stay under the table. There are many, many, many secular and non-secular soliders who are not Israeli, and who are fighting the war against radical stupid islamists and yet their heart is towards the peace and well being of Israel. And yet when the call to battle comes, not once have I heard and IDF commander say"Except for you secular soliders". There is no greater love than when a man lays down his life for another. So when #92 congratulated soliders from your own country who are fighting for YOUR freedom, how dare you utter one single insult towards her. I could ask you the same question you asked her. Have you ever fought in ISRAEL for the freedom of your country? NOT! It seems to me that they only fighting you know how to do is with those who love and pray for your country. Perhaps someday you will do us all a favor and GROW UP.
124. Richard # 35 , do you believe this ?
charles ,   petach tikva   (08.27.07)
How is it possible to believe such a stupidity ? So Israel would not be attacked ? It's better for you to look for some psychiatric help , but i have doubds if your illness can be healed . I'm very sorry for you , but remember it , very much very orthodox Jews , praying every day , observing all the mitswoth were also murdered during the Shoa
125. Rabble Attack Great Sage - Moshe Rabbenu Symathises
S Judah ,   London   (08.27.07)
had similar problem. Said in my days a plague or two and some whiplashes shut them up. Its more difficult now , the high court would invoke the Basic Rights Acts.
126. The Rabbi
Eliahu ,   Cleveland, USA   (08.28.07)
I love the Rbbi's costume, must be that of a 19th century Russian officer, but does he not know Purim is over.
127. So the "pure" Haredim should join the IDF
Zvi   (08.28.07)
and make the IDF invincible. Oh, but they're too busy to defend their people's lives. I forgot.
128. S Judah: But is R. Yosef keeping the mitzvot?
Steve   (08.28.07)
You wrote: "He said if you keep the mitzvot you will be better protected from harm." What about the mitzvot of settling our land? What about the government's decree to expel thousands of Jews from their homes; from Gaza from northern Samaria? Does Rabbi Yosef get any money from the government of Israel S Judah? Do you know if he is taking money from the government S Judah? Why didn't Rabbi Yosef condemn this evil decree? Where was Rabbi Yosef as our soldiers were ordered to do this evil? Now innocent Jews are refugees in our land because soldiers were ordered by at least one great rabbi to do this? Why didn't your Rabbi Yosef speak out? Why was Rabbi Yosef silent S. Judah? Why are you silent and complicit in this? Where was the great rabbi's voice in the midst of this great sin?
129. learn and don't criticise
yerachmiel ,   san francisco, USA   (08.28.07)
Rabbi Ovadiah is , perhaps, the greatest Torah scholar of this generation. His wisdom is understood by those who understand the ways of Torah. The others should repent their ways and respect this great sage.
130. #3 JPS: God does protect people in battle who belong to Him
Rivkah   (08.28.07)
unless there is a sin unto death. General George Washington, the first American President, was the primary target of Indians shooting at American troops. He was tall and an obvious leader, but the bullets and arrows could not pierce him. The pierced his hat and clothes, but did not injure him. He prayed everyday and was so respected that a wealthy Jew financed the American War of Independence from Britain or American Revolution. Psalms says God can protect his people wherever they go. King David was God's man, a man the Bible says was a man after God's own heart. He was protected in battle and from lions and bears and giants. There is a supernatural shield of protection for those who love God enough to try to do what pleases God to the best of their ability, even in battle and wars. Many of the Jews in WWII Europe who fought or found a way to escape through sewers were protected by God. Why were the Jews who were killed NOT protected by God? Had they stopped doing the traditional Jewish things like observing the Shabbat or reading the Bible every day? Why didn't God protect them? Was it a glory for them to die so that there could be a new Israel in the Middle East? God protected the Jews in Persia in the days of the wicked Haman, but they had to FIGHT. By keeping the commandments as best they could, God gave them the victory. If they had not been keeping the commandments as best they could, God might not have given them the victory.
131. #1 Dorothy: You do not have to be in the army to be in a
Rivkah   (08.28.07)
battle. Ask the Shoah survivors how many of them were in the army, but who found themselves in a battle to the death with a government that suddenly took away their German citizenship and hunted them down to take them to death camps. That was a battle, believe me. The Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto withstood the German army with stones for how long...weeks...months? Be ready for a battle even if you are not in the army by trying to obey the commandments as best you can, like the Rabbi says.
132. #83 M.Hartley: In the days of Esther, Modecai, and Haman...
Rivkah   (08.28.07)
the Jews of Persia would have died, too, if they did not fight. THEY FOUGHT and won. The Jews of WWII Europe who finally realized they had to fight or die, held off the German Army with stones at the Warsaw Ghetto for weeks or months. Imagine what they could have done with guns and grenades. Perhaps they upset God by not heeding the warning of Theodore Hertzel long before the holocaust. He told them to leave Europe and go to Israel. Some listened and survived. Most wanted the good life and did not heed the warning of God's messenger. Even Hertzel's children did not listen to him and they died in Europe. There is a Hertzel Museum and Park in Jerusalem you should go to where he is buried with many of the Prime Ministers of Israel.
133. #91 David: The Ashkenazi Jews of Europe were given a
Rivkah   (08.28.07)
messenger from God named Theodore Hertzel who BEGGED them to leave Europe and go to Israel in the Middle East. They ignored the warning, as did Hertzel's children, and perished. Was that God's fault who WARNED THEM TO LEAVE long before they wer hunted down and killed?
134. Ovadia Yosef (He's no Rabbi)
Spencer ,   Israel   (08.28.07)
When I read the comments of this sick man I was sickened, no, disgusted. This man should be shunned by all decent people, religious and non-religious. Despite what this worm of a man might say, there are decent non-religious people!The media should NOT give him any publicity. It's people like this low life who drive people away from our religion.
135. #92 - Amen!
tma   (08.28.07)
My son's a soldier and is observant. I always bless and pray for all IDF soldiers, and never once differed between the observants and non-observants. BTW, there are many seculars who believe and trust in G-d's will and who pray for their sons' wellbeing in the army. There are also many secular soldiers who pray at the Kotel. Just because one does not wear a kipa does not mean he has no belief. There are people who don't wear kipot who are better people than those who do. G-d sees and knows everything and no costume will fool him.
136. 91 David: If the Jews of Europe had been studying the Bible
Rivkah   (08.28.07)
like they should have, they would have recognized Theodore Hertzel as the shepherd God said he would send to gather them back before the hunter (Hitler) came to hunt them down and kill them to get the Jews back to their traditional homeland. Let me see if I can find the verses the Jews of Europe or at least the Rabbis should have been aware of to warn the people...JEREMIAH 16:14-16 says, "Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that...the Lord...brought the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither He had driven them: and I will bring them again into their land that I gave unto their fathers. Behold, I will send for many fishers saith the Lord, and they shall fish them"... (THEODORE HERTZEL WAS A FISHER TO DRAW THE JEWS TO THEIR HOMELAND)..."and after will I send for many hunters" (HITLER WAS A HUNTER)..."and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks." When the Jews of Europe would not listen to the fishers who tried to persuade them to return to their traditional homeland, the hunters persuaded them by killing most of them so that the others would do what God wanted them to do: form the State of Israel again.
137. Ynet's favorite rabbi..................
joe   (08.28.07)
To # 40--this old men was senile 50 years ago To # 42--he is great because YOU call him great, not because he is To # 60--I 2nd the motion. He should take a stroll in a combat zone. To # 69-- Christopher Hitchens ? Was it Lenin (I stand to be corrected) who said " Religion is the opium of mankind "
138. #124, you attack me personally but
Richard ,   New York, USA   (08.28.07)
you don't even know me. Another dumb dumb we have in Israel. When rebellious Jews transgress the Laws of Torah in Eretz Yisrael, they put the lives of Jews everywhere in danger - especially in Israel. The covenant that we have with Hashem does not say that we can do whatever we feel like doing. And when we suffer, that is the price we pay for transgressing G-d's laws.
139. Rivkah , learn history and how to write names
charles ,   petach tikva   (08.28.07)
The Jews were not allowed to make Alyah in such quantities . And Herzl died in 1904 , Israel did not exist then , it was Palestine . Herzl is not writen as you did it . Don't write about things you are ignorant on .
140. Rivkah , Herzl was not god messenger
charles ,   petach tikva   (08.28.07)
Don't mix Herzl with your god . Herzl existed , your god does'nt .
141. 137 Joe - you have a problem, its lack of knowledge
S Judah ,   London   (08.28.07)
40 This man senile at 50 you say is the greatest halachic authority of the last 50 years and remains so to today. Seliity may be your problem but not his. 42. He is great because his Torah knowledge is greater than that of all others and he has created a great social, cultural and religious movement. What have you achieved? 60. He is in the combat Zone fighting for the almighty, even for those like you and against our enemies. 69. Since when is Hitchens the oracle of wisdom? Wisdom is with our great Sages. Your failure to Comprehend and understand is not an excuse for an open display of bigitory. I suggest a few additional al hets for you all on Yom Kippur might help.
142. Charles: READ #136. JEREMIAH chapter 16 verses 14-16
Rivkah   (08.28.07)
show Hertzel WAS a messenger of God, a fisher as Jeremiah calls those who tried to convince the Jews of Europe to return to the Biblical Judea/Israel. Palestine was a name the Romans gave to Judea/Israel, not the name God gave to the homeland of the Jews. It was 1948 before the REAL name was given back to the area, but the Bible calls it Israel/Judah/Judea/Samaria. If the Jews of Europe had listened to the FISHERS of men God sent to PERSUADE them to go back to the traditional homeland, the HUNTERS such as Hitler could not have harmed them. The Jew could have gone to Palestine when Hertzel told them to go there. Their children and grandchildren would have been born there instead of in Europe when laws passed later prevented them from going where God's fishers told them to go. If you do not believe in the Bible, why read my talkbacks? Why bore youself?
143. Why are you trying to take G'd's role?
Daniel ,   Israel   (08.28.07)
144. Richard
charles ,   petach tikva   (08.28.07)
You call me dumb , but writing the same as you did , YOU don't even know me . That's super dumb , but you being "religious" i can't await something smart from you . You are only adding another stupid one to this list of super religious dumbs . Regarding transgressing this "god's" laws , we have seen millions of not transgressing those laws been murdered , so don't come with this religious B.S. Even babies [ had they sinned ? ] were victims . I do not need god's laws [ how can an inexisting thing make laws ] to behave correctly , not even police . I do not like insulting someone , this is not my way , but i'm secular , not religious as you are , maybe it's your rule or you "god"s law
145. Good idea! Let Haredim do the fighting!
Richard ,   Paris, France   (08.28.07)
146. LEE #107
Keren ,   Israel-SP   (08.28.07)
Linda Rivera is a christian missionary. He fights islamists in order to garantee her own place in Eretz Israel because she things herself part of Jewish People and she believes the jesus is the messiah and that her future is here,with us converted to her faith.She believes in Armagedon and wants Jews to fight it.This is christian believing.They want our sacrifice and our blood. These christians deny our faith and believe on their own,which is a farse mounted in our back. And a farse ,that needs me to prolong their lie, greatly bothers me . It bothers me other people wanting to take us over .And now more than ever it bothers me,since I have been seeing what the Jewish People have done here . No other people have accomplished such a miracle due to hard work.I don't want to be robbed once again.Enough! Israel is our promissed land and of no one else. I am fed up to be robbed-me and my people. It would not be the first time they attempt it.People of a little culture know that. Jews suffered too much in the hands of christians.I don't have to teach you,I wish. They speak in love,but their view is "compassion "against Jews because "Jews are blind".Just read the arrogance of some christians in these TBs,for a small taste. Go to Notre Dame de Paris to see the statue(the origianl I think it is in Strassbougr-France) of Ecclesia and Sinagoga.Ecclesia is the "superior",holding the simbol of superiorty with her head up,while the sinagoga has the head down,her eyes are fold,and the simbol of power and sacreness is broken. Read the Doctrine of the Church of Fathers to understand the christian vision towrds jews. This is introjected in their minds.They behave under this faith,even conscietly or inconscietly.More likely only inconsciently,because if they would be analitic they would see their farse.They can not because otherwise their whole life would fall. Excuse-me I don't mean offending you,but if you are a Jew,you are indeed very blind and ignorant,as those who call me ignorant ,but in fact are the ignorant ones. Jews suffer because of people like you who refuse to SEE. It is a disgustfull naivety and indeed a disobedience of G'od.G'od never said we have to be complacent with evil. Our continuous destructions have been due to the complacence of induviduals like you. I wish Redemption to our people and to all,but unfortunally human beings are too stupid to read the History in order not to repeat it!
147. #138 Richard-I have to say again that you are so right!
Keren ,   Israel-SP   (08.28.07)
148. 146-Keren,
Shiloh ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (08.28.07)
"as a dog returns to his vomit, so does a fool return to his foolishness". Say no more. Kol hakavod (great talkback) to showing what Esav is. They are going to greatly try and push their lie to us. That actually is no problem, once you understand the last verse in Ovadia they are really nothing, but a pain. It appears that other area's are a much larger problem, gov't, gog and magog etc. It's not a problem as it was supposed to happen, but we have to hang on for the ride. It's going to be rough.
149. Charles
cfs ,   Toulouse, FRANCE.   (08.28.07)
Charles, petach tikva, i am agree with you.
150. Shiloh #148
Keren ,   Israel-SP   (08.28.07)
It is always a good to hear what you say about Esav.I t is clear,I know,but eventhough it still bothers! I hope that soon they will bother less and less, and that we will resolve the other problems too ,and very quickly!
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