Arab-Israeli group: National service offshoot of occupation army
Roee Nahmias
Published: 13.09.07, 23:44
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31. # 13, Zuri, almost every Jewish
Israeli has expressed concern but not HATRED, as you willfully incited in your post. Yes, we have recognized the Arab minority's equal rights, provided they take the whole package, I mean, resposibilities, as well. But this, not many of them want.
32. #24 Richard in London UK.
Terry ,   Eilat, Israel   (09.14.07)
First of all, I take exception to your description of the murder of 6 million Jews as "gross indecency" - that's quite a euphemism all things considered. Second, the State of Israel was no gift by Europeans. Europe, and your country in particular, were quite willing to see us destroyed by invading Arab armies. We fought for our country. Also, the modern Zionist movement began well before the Holocaust, actually the idea of a Jewish state was made in the Balfour Declaration after WWI. I did not advocate "all Arabs" be removed. I have no problem with Druze, Bedouin, or Christian Arabs since they represent little in the way of a security risk, regardless of their political opinions. To say that the threat to our security by this "helpless minority" is negligible is very naive on your part. Your country is having quite a bit of trouble with a much smaller group of immigrants & in all probability the problem will become more serious over time. It has nothing to do with tolerence or intolerence - believe it or not, this country is far more tolerent than most & we have done a rather remarkable job in integrating people from almost every country in the world. By the way, most of the Jewish population is descended not from European survivors of the Holocaust but by refugees expelled from Arab countries. If you want to decry intolerence, I suggest you look at the Arab & Muslim countries before criticising Israel.
33. Alexander
Richard ,   London UK   (09.14.07)
Alexander I was not contesting the size of the aid just the issue that some of the 'feedbackers' were demanding the withdrawel of benefits from the Arabs. I wanted to point out that Isreal benefits enormously from the US and the EU. The EU permits Isreal to participate in Europe's cultural activities (football for example) a privilege which is not extended to Turkey. Regarding 'acquiesce to commit national suicide by letting ethnic minorities annihilating . . . . ' many European countries have had issues with minorities. In Britain we had the IRA, in Spain there is ETA. Both are minorities claiming against the legitimacy of the host government. What Britain did not do was surround the Irish and collectively punish the whole lot of them. The debate as to whether the Palestinian fighters are terrorists or militants is open. Certainly the impartial media labels them Militants. 'The same national rights and 2) the same individual rights and obligations' Yes, the nation does have rights and obligations, including to its minorities. The transfer of National Rights is not usual but there is such a thing as Human Rights and most people in Europe and elswhere believe that Palestinians are denied their Human Rights.
34. #25
i agree with sagi 100%. no one wants to expell arabs and palestinians from israel and, as sagi claims, they have full democratic rights in israel and are represented in our knesset totally. however, they are the ones not wanting to integrate. please pay attention to the words and sermons in the al aqsa mosque each friday. their leaders like salah encite the population against israel, filling their heads with nonesense and hatered towards the state. their religious leaders do nothing to encourage and preach peace and co-existance and since their religious leaders are revered and respected by the israeli arab masses, one can see why these same masses wish our destruction. basically, an enemy from withing. i am not saying all, but most. look at their representatives in our knesset and government. they occupy seats of great responsibility and position enabling them TO CHANGE THE MENTAL SET OF THE ARAB CONSTITUENTS AND WORK TOWARDS IMPROVING RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN ALL PARTIES. instead, like bishara, look what happened. how can we trust those people who are israeli citizens to go to enemy countries during conflict, to preach in support of hizbullah and syria and to put down their county, israel.....unless, as is the case, it is not their country and therefore should be annihilated. ever thought of that? the history doesn't speak very loudly for arab support of israel and for wanting to be a prosperous integrated part in our country. we do respect their religion. you do not see israeli mk's preacing hatered and killings of arab citizens. we are a country with many religions in it but we tolerate and accept all of them. it is the arabs who cannot come to terms with our existance as a country and who may not want to accept it as final.
35. # 24 Richard
Sagi ,   Israel   (09.14.07)
I would like to offer you a few facts which you can turn over in your mind and come to your own conclusions. Yes there are elements in Israeli society that wish to expel the Arabs, I can not give you an exact percentage but I can assure that it is very small and in general is comprised of messianic religious elements for whom I have contempt. Religion has the power to twist the mind of anyone. Most Israelis, like myself, and I suspect Terry, would like them to divorce themselves from us, this is not motivated by racism, rather it is based on practicality, from the point of view of both sides. You bring up the question of threat. I am sure you know the meaning of the word insidious. This goes for England as well as Israel. I recently had the opportunity to have a conversation in England with an Arab, he was a relatively recent arrival from North Africa and he did not know that I am Israeli. At the end of the conversation he said to me," there will come a day in England, after we take control, when you will ask our permission to go to church". After parting company I said to my friend, an Englishman, that the Arab was mistaken. Of course he was, said my companion, no such thing could ever happen. No no, I said, you misunderstood me. There will be no churches to go to, with or without permission. I talked about the culture of the cult of the Prophet of Islam. Forty years ago I entered Gaza city for the first time. I visited schools and I cannot start to describe to you the graphic hatred plastered all over the blackboard and walls of the classroom, hatred for Israel, America and in fact for anything. The word Jihad means struggle. The first struggle in Islam is "the struggle for the soul", meaning you must overcome all the decadent and impure thoughts and submit yourself to God. Once you have reached this stage you can then project your struggle on to others, the infidels, you and I. In this context the word is used as meaning holy war. The Koran says that if necessary the sword must be used to force others to submit. Two popular first names in Arabic countries, throughout the centuries have been and still are, "Jihad" and "Seiff A Din El Islam" The first I have explained, the second means, The Sword of Islamic Justice. Ponder and analyze all I have said. If your ruminations lead you to any specific conclusions which you would like to share with me, please respond, if not, so be it. I hope I have been of some assistance in helping you to understand. Once again, have a nice day.
36. terry
Richard ,   London UK   (09.14.07)
I apologize if my euphemism caused you offence. I know all about the Balfour Declaration I was decrying the intolerance in the feedback. The talk of expulsion, bombing Gaza ( the other feedbacks) getting rid of the scum hardly sounds tolerant to me. It sounds like the virulent Right Wing stuff we used to get here in the 70's and 80's.
37. Sagi
Richard ,   London UK   (09.14.07)
Sagi - I do understand. And you explain very clearly. I have not been to Gaza so I cannot contest your account of hatred. Was the hatred there before 1947?My 'knowledge' comes from the media and from the few people I have met who have been to the West Bank and Gaza. I do have quite a few friends with Isreali family (I was brought up in Golders Green - do you know it?) and their opinions vary as much as any others. I don't think - in England in any case -that there is an insidious danger from immigrants. I think there is an insidious danger of intolerance masking under the guise of self protection. The Patriot Act is an insidious piece of legislation, for example. Or in this country the temporary suspension of habeus corpus. Why, if all you say is true, does Isreal have such a terrible press and not just in the east but also in the occident? We can't all be wrong in the West. All the UN resolutions and world wide condemnations, boycott campaigns and demonstrations can't all be down to leftie anti semites can they?
38. Governmenr have to declare its intention
Rami ,   Nazareth, Israel   (09.14.07)
consecutive Israeli government have failed to formulate a clear policy toward Israeli-Arabs, it is time they do that and declare in a loud and clear voice. If national service will lead to equality then they need to declare that loud and clear. Otherwise, considering the distruct that Israeli-Arabs have towards the government intention discrimination and equality problem will still exist as we see wth beduin and druze who serve and die fighting for Israel but still considered 2nd class
39. To 33 - Richard
Alexander ,   Herzliya, Israel   (09.14.07)
US and Europe benfit enormously from trading with Israel - the US and the EU get a huge amount of high tech knowledge from Israel, as Israel is the 2nd most important high tech center of the world after the US and Silicon Valley. Israel benefits enormously from trading with EU and the US, but from being a "social welfare state", as some anti-Semites baselessly accuse Israel to be. Participating in football events or cultural events never did and never will strenghten nations intellectually, politically, economically, militarily, scientifically, technologically, demographically, territorially, culturally or morally. Human Rights encompass the right to live under descent conditions - not to steal 4000 year old Jewish territory. The Arab presence in Israel, Judea, Samaria and Gaza is criminal, because the EXPLICIT PURPOSE to the Arab presence is to annihilate Israel through land theft(Israelis have 4000 years of Jewish history in the land and they had and still have a Jewish state , whereas recorded human history has found no evidence of an Arab "Palestinian" "civilisation or "state" neither in Israel nor outside of Israel. The numbers of Arabs in Israel is criminal - they have 20 Arab states that put together would be 1,5 times larger than United States of America, the Arab rewriting of Jewish history is criminal, their incitement against Jews is criminal, their aspirations to Arabize and Islamize Israel is criminal and the Arab demographic warfare, Arab terrorism and Arab sympathies with Israel´s enemiesd are all together criminal. I could argue that my "Human Rights" are violated because I can´t annihilate all European states including the UK through the means of creating a new Israel with terrorism, demographic warfare and rewriting of European history. People would mock such a statement, but that statement is obviously valid for the so called "Palestinians". They can be given Human Rights and national rights - OUTSIDE Israel, Judea, Samaria and Gaza, in some of the 20 Arab states. 1,4 million Israeli Arabs already have Human Rights. National rights INSIDE Israel is out of the question.
40. #33 you call them "fighters"
Saul ,   Barcelona   (09.14.07)
1. Your paralell with ETA and IRA are quite imprecise. ETA does not claim all of Spain from Andalucia to Catalunya for itself, IRA does not claim exclusive sovereignity over the greater London. 2. You refer to Palestinian human rights in your last paragraph (as in "...believe that Palestinians are denied..."), while the article and talkbacks seem to be about the Israeli Arabs. They may, or may not, be the same, and that is precisely the root of the issue, isn't it?
41. To 33 - Richard
Alexander ,   Herzliya, Israel   (09.14.07)
Allegations of Human Rights Violations is not the same thing as Human Rights Violations actually taking place. Allegations and accusations can be true or false but you need facts in order to prove that something is real. The Arab population of Israel enjoys freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of press(there are Arab newspapers in Israel, just as in the UK), right of possession, voting rights, religious freedom(something the Arabs are abusing by inciting violence against Jews and having their "holy mosque" on the two Jewish Temples on the Temple Mount) and freedom for gays. Arabs in Israel have more rights than any Arab in any Arab nation. Therefore, allegations of Human Rights Violations of the Arabs in Israel are therefore and thusly pathetic and untrue. The Arabs of Judea, Samaria and Gaza were given the following by Israel from 1967 to the early 1990s: 1)The Arab population multiplied by ten times! 2) Arabs were given freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of press, voting rights, religious freedom, sexual freedom, right of possession and so on. 3) Israel constructed modern infrastructure such as modern homes, electricy, water pipes, motorways, minimizing illiteracy and infant mortality. 4) Israel built schools, senior high schools, universities, hospitals and so on. The Israeli built university of Bir Zeit is used by the Arabs to incite hatred and terrorism against Jews/Israelis and in Arab press Arabs compare Jews to monkeys and pigs. Israel was so liberal that it "okayed" Arab press´ support of Hitler, Nazism and glorification of the Holocaust. What Human Rights Violation? 99% of the Arabs in Gaza, Judea and Samaria live under the rule of Fatah and Hamas. If there are any allegations of violation against "Palestinian" Human Rights, those allegations should be directed to Hamas and Fatah and not Israel. The "Palestinians" have admitted several times that no "Palestinian" nation has existed in recorded human history and that there is no ethnic or cultural or historical difference between "Palestinians" and the other 300 million Arabs. Both former king Hussein of Jordan and former dicator Hafez al Assad of Syria said that there are no differences between "Palestinians" and Arabs. The purpose to the fictional "Palestinian" indentity is not "liberate" and establish a "Palestinian" state that has never existed in recorded human history, but to annihilate Israel through terrorism, demograpic warfare and rewriting of 4000 years of Jewish history in Israel. The Basque people HAD a state before it was overrun by the Spanish. There IS a Spanish occupation of the Basque people, but the Basque people cannot pose any threat to Spain demographically nor territorially. IRA and the Irish did not threaten to wipe out UK from the face of the earth, they want Northern Ireland back and pose no territorial nor any demograhical threat to UK.
42. To nr 38 - Rami
Alexander ,   Herzliya, Israel   (09.14.07)
Arabs have national rights in 20 Arab states but Arabs DO NOT deserve a grain of sand of Eretz Israel. In Israel, only ethnic Israelis/Jews have national rights. I am the master of this land - not the Arabs. In the Arab states, you are the masters. In France, the French are the masters, and in the UK the British are the masters. If you want a national Arab life, I suggest you move either to Jordan or Egypt. Don´t stay in Israel. Israeli and Arab national rights can coexist, on EACH side of the border. Arabs can live as a peaceful, 100% loyal, hard working, unarmed and harmless minority, accepting Israel as the 4000 year old home of my Hebrew ethnic nation state of Israel. You are the guests in my land but you are not the owners of the land. You can be given right of thought, right of speech, right of press, voting rights, right of possession, religious freedom but NO national rights whatsoever. The flag of Israel is Jewish, the majority population is and will always be Jewish, Hatikhva will remain the national anthem, Hebrew will be the language, shekel the currency, Judaism the religion of Israel and Israeli laws will always encompass entire Israel. If Arabs claim national rights both for themselves inside and outside the Arab world, the Arabs have proven to be racists because they apply double standards. Arabs do NOT have a monopoly on national rights. There are thousands of ethnic groups in the world and the Jews is one of them. I say NO to Arab hegemony and dominion to all life in Israel and on planet earth. Peace and calm between Israelis and Arabs can only take place when you accept that you Arabs are a guest minority - not a host majority. Human Rights do not encompass stealing, threatening, killing, enslaving or raping non-Arabs, preventing them from being sovereign and independent non-Arab ethnic nation states with a solid non-Arab majority with a solid non Arab and non Muslim national identity and culture.
43. What woud happen in a reverse situation?
Raphael ,   Netanya   (09.14.07)
Remember the Armenians: they were a "sadik millet", a loyal nation to ottoman empire and were drafted in the turkish army. In 1915, the Young Turks decided they were no longer trustworthy and started the first genocide of the 20th century. Now there is no more an armenian problem in Turkey. Same happened to the Jews in Iraq, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, Libya, Algeria. So would our muslim citizens please think about, what would happen if we had a turkish or arabic brain.
44. # 37 Richard
Sagi ,   Israel   (09.14.07)
I see that you are open to reason and are prepared to listen and not just use nonsensical rhetoric so I shall try to explain. Please understand that we, the Jews, the Israelis, have only one country, it is very dear to us and 4000 years of history are proof of this. If Israel were to fall again it would be the end. I say again because we fell to the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Greeks, the Romans, were subjugated by the Ottomans and British, all of whom were infinitely more powerful than us. England was never seriously under threat of conquest or occupation by the Germans owing to the fact that she is an island. Island in Latin is"ïnsula" hence the English word insulated. It is very difficult to wager a military campaign and draw it to a conclusion against an island State, especially one with its own military power. The same goes for America vis a vis Japan. Israel is a very small country, geographically and demographically. At some points the breadth of the country is 10 kms with our back to the sea. We are surrounded by enemies bent on our destruction. Few people understand that we do not have the luxury of allowing our enemies to conduct warfare on our territory, it simply is not an option. Hence we have to do all in our power to stop them from doing so. This entails being aggressive and undertaking preemptive and preventive action, we have no choice. we are thus regarded as bullies by the media and the left. I prefer to be labelled a bully and survive rather than be labelled as humane and die. I served for 30 years in the army, as an infantry soldier and when too old I was a liason officer with the UN forces on the Syrian border. I saw three wars and please believe me when I say to you that the average Arab relishes in killing while the average Israeli is normally quite disgusted and often returns home depressed. The Palestinians live in filth and squalor but it is of their own doing. They could have had peace and a State in the time of the British mandate. Britain twice drew up a plan of partition which was approved by our leaders and rejected by the Arabs. They could have had a State and peace in 1948. They opted for war. Israel's "bullying" is the only option we have.
45. # 37 Richard
Sagi ,   Israel   (09.14.07)
Yes, the hatred started in about 1923 two years after the conclusion of the Versailles Treaty. It was only then that the Palestinians fully grasped the implications of the "carving up" of the Middle East by the winning side of the war, The Allied Powers. The Arabs were to get many independent States and The Ottoman Province of Palestine was to be divided between Jew and Arab. No said they, we want it all. And so it has remained to this day. I do believe that if Britain suspended Habeas corpus then it must have been out of prime and cardinal consideration for the security of the land. This is the right and obligation of the Government.
46. #36 Richard in London UK
Terry ,   Eilat, Israel   (09.14.07)
I will give you a hypothetical case. Imagine an outbreak of war between Syria & Israel. You don't need much of an imagination for that one. At the same time, Hezbollah begins to shoot missiles into Israel in support of Syria. Shortly thereafter, Hamas begins a terrorist campaign as well as shooting more missiles. While this is going on, riots break out in Jerusalem by Arab residents. Then, we begin to have riots, armed attacks, attempts at terrorist attacks emanating from Israeli Arab towns in coordination with terrorist groups from the West Bank. Israeli Arabs attack Jewish vehicules on various roads. I might add that Israeli Arabs represent 20% of the population. Now, what do you think the Israeli response should be? In his talkback, Sagi made an excellent analysis of the ideology that motivates far too many Muslims. My own experience is very much similar. Survival is a human right - terrorist attacks against civilians (intentionally) is the ultimate deprivation of a person's rights. Our collective right to defend ourselves is also a basic right. So, if you ask me if I would expel those that seek my destruction & the destruction of my country, I think the answer is most obvious. Believe me, I wouldn't have to think twice.
47. # 38 Rami
Sagi ,   Israel   (09.14.07)
Ahalan Rami. We have discussed these issues before. I live just around the corner from you and I have told you that I know many people in Nazareth, both Christian and Muslim. You know as well as I do that the Bedouin population in our region serve in army a Government and are neither treated as or consider themselves as second class citizens. Are you a second class citizen Rami ? Did you receive a good education ? are you medically insured by the State ? I do not regard you as a second class citizen. If that is how you regard yourself, then you have the problem. It is unfair of you to give people in Europe or America the wrong impression. I have fought alongside Bedouin soldiers and in no way did I treat them as second class and I assure you they did not think so. The Druze in Israel are respected by every citizen of this country, they are fine upright citizens with a moral and ethical reputation of the finest quality. I need not defend them, they speak for themselves. I wish other communities would conduct themselves in the same way.
48. Richard once again
Sagi ,   Israel   (09.14.07)
You live in a block of flats. You have a violent neighbor with a Dobberman and a Rotwieller. He has descriptively violent tattoos all over his arms and he practices the Gothic Satanic Cult. You know he has a collection of knives in his house and you suspect other items also. Every time you confront each other in the stairwell he shouts abuse at you and tells you you will not live for very long. What do you do ? I assume you would go to the Police who would promptly tell you that they are powerless as he has committed no crime. He keeps on threatening you so you get scared and take the law into your own hands and attack him, kill his dogs and confiscate his knives. You get the bad press because you are the bully and the attacker, you get hauled to the police station and before a judge. Well Richard, we went to the police, The United Nations, they said they were powerless, we got dead scared many times and took the law into our own hands and attacked our malefactors. We got hauled before the United nations and chastised. We got hauled before a judge, the International community of Media and leftist activists who have put us on trial. I hope you find this and my other explanations enlightening.
49. The WICKED LIE of Occupation
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (09.14.07)
In 1948, Egypt invaded Gaza, ethnically cleansing all Jews and in 1948, Jordan invaded Judea, Samaria and east Jerusalem, ethnically cleansing all Jews. Muslim Jordan destroyed 58 synagogues in Jerusalem. When Israel won the Arab war of aggression in 1967, Jews returned to the areas of their ancestral homeland they had been ethnically cleansed from for 19 years. Anti-Israel propaganda DECEITFULLY calls Jews' legitimate return "occupation". Under international law, territories are considered "occupied" only when taken in an act of aggression which does not apply to Israel. Judea, Samaria and Gaza are not 'occupied territories' according to international law because they were not taken from any foreign sovereign. Jewish ownership of the land, homes and buildings stolen from the Jews in the 1948 Islamic invasion must be restored! Jews have had a continuous presence in physical and spiritual homeland Israel for 4000 years.
50. to Sagi # 47
Rami ,   Nazareth, Israel   (09.14.07)
It's true I have health insurance, it's true I have religious and political freedom in Israel. I never denied that. However, in many other spheres I'm discriminated against. I did get good education at a christian school which existed even before Israel was founded, still the Arab education system in israel in underfunded, many schools are rented homes that have no adequate running watwer or bathrooms. When it comes to jobs, Arabs are always descriminated against specially the college graduates who have a hard time getting adequate jobs while their jewish counter parts finds one easily, etc.. etc... it is that type of descrimination that I'm refering to...
51. To Rami
Alexander ,   Herzliya, Israel   (09.14.07)
And I will enlighten you, dear foreigner and guest in my ancient land of Israel, that I have been disriminated many times in the diaspora and so have my parents and grandparents in Eastern Europe. Many Jews were kicked out from their jobs and universities in Poland and Russia just because they were Jews. And now you know what it feels like to be a minority population. And guess what? I will not apologize. The entire world doesn´t give two sh*ts about what I feel or what I want. In the land of Israel, I expect to be treated better than non-Jews, BECAUSE there MUST be ONE place on this d*amn planet where I CAN FEEL AT HOME and where MY PRIORITIES are given priority. I want to live among Jews, I want to socialize with Jews, I want to study and work with Jews in my Jewish homeland with 4000 years of Jewish history - and I will not apologize for that. I returned to my homeland to be with Jews and not with goyim. If you don´t like it here you can leave at once. I won´t miss you.
52. # 50 Rami
Sagi ,   Israel   (09.14.07)
I do not know about underfunding for schools so I shall not comment. On the subject of employment. It is wrong to descrtibe this as discrimination, it is the outcome of the attitude that most Arabs have to the State. It is totally unacceptable to me and to most Israelis that a person should be rejected for employment based on the fact that he is amn Arab. You know what the law says and you can contest this in court and if these are the bare facts you will win your case and get the job or compensation.
53. #25 Huh!
Ariel ,   London   (09.14.07)
Are you disagreeing with me? or am I disagreeing with you? or are we disagreeing with someone else?
54. To Sagi, nr 52
Alexander ,   Herzliya, Israel   (09.14.07)
Yes, you have my blessing, but remember that the Arab minorities always speak of "discrimination" when the usually mean something else, meaning taking over the national rights and patrimony in Israel. You have my blessing contesting discrimination but I can guarantee you that I don´t pay much attention or time to that. I admit that openly. But as Israel has an abundance of problems, corrupt, incompetent leadership with no moral principles, with no pride and dignity, a huge Arab population that seeks our destruction, a war mongering Syria, an Iran trying to get nukes, an anti-Semitic world, social parasites in Israel that don´t work or study, "the holy mosque" on the Temple Mount where the two temples once stood, Arab rewriting of Jewish history, illegal Sudanese immigrants crossing the Egyptian-Israeli border, Arab terrorism such as "Palestinians", PLO, Fatah, Hamas and Hizbollah, I feel there is no time for Israel plunging into unimportant matters such as "discrimination". Israel must unconditionally, once and for all, learn that consolidation of Jewish power and Jewish nationalism are the only things that will save us, and until Israel receives a competent leadership, things will still look quite bad. I have neither the will nor the patience to deal with "discrimination" - especially not after what I and my family and relatives have been going through in Europe, and I feel that sabras either don´t understand that or they don´t want to understand that. No matter how "friendly" some relations might be among ethnic Israelis and some loyal Arabs, I have chosen to move to Israel to fulfill the Zionist dream - to live as a free Jewish man in the Land of Israel. I don´t care about Israel´s minorities - I care about Israel, and I intend to do anything and everything in my power to save Israel.
55. Discrimination is universal
Alexander ,   Herzliya, Israel   (09.15.07)
First, discrimination is universal - it exists all over the world and will allways exist because it is in human nature to stick to your kind and no liberal illusionists will change that. Second, speaking ONLY and EXCLUSIVELY about Israeli discrimination of minorities and leaving out the fact that discrimination takes place every minute in every nation on this planet is anti-Semitism, because people that ONLY and EXCLUSIVELY point out Israeli discrimination obviously believe that discrimination in other countries is acceptable behavior but not in Israel. Discrimination in Israel will not cause the earth stop turning on its axis, nor will the natural laws break down. So my message to Israelis and non-Jews: relax and take it easy.
56. The Terrible HATE for Jews that Seeks a 2nd HOLOCAUST
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (09.15.07)
Palestinian Authority Muslims/PA/PLO/Hamas, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Iran, the Arab League, et al, are dedicated to Jewish annihilation. The PLO Charter calls for the destruction of Israel - US, Europe and other nations massively finance the PA/PLO Muslim war machine. The US provides weapons, including thousands of US assault rifles, ammunition, and extensive, advanced military training to US terrorist favorites Palestinian Authority security services who have MURDERED MORE JEWS THAN HAMAS. 10,000 Jews were rendered jobless and homeless-forcibly expelled from Gaza. Jewish land and assets were gifted to terrorists-Jews wept and pleaded. The Jew-hating world applauded. Muslim mobs celebrated by DESECRATING and destroying Gaza's sacred synagogues.The Jew-cleansed LAND FOR WAR was transformed into terrorist training grounds and rocket-firing sites into Israeli communities. The ruthless ideology that demands the vicious religious cleansing of innocents for not being Muslim must stop! US EU UN/Israeli leaders' seek to duplicate the terrorist success of Gaza-demand ruthless Jew cleansing of 250,000 Jews from Biblical, ancestral homeland, Judea and Samaria - rendering Jews jobless, homeless and destitute for global Islam. And placing almost ALL of Israel within deadly rocket range. The Arab League is at war with Israel-the Arab League's Charter states its goal is to eradicate the Zionist entity. A passage between Gaza and Judea will cut Israel in two, enabling invading, barbaric Arab armies, PA/PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Al Qaeda, et al, to cross Israel. Birthing a Global Islamic Terror State in Israel is the weapon to create a second Holocaust of Jews. Palestinian Authority Muslims are taught murdering Jews is the highest goal in life and attains paradise: STOP Inciting Children to Murder! Hamas Charter: 'Israel, by virtue of its being Jewish and of having a Jewish population, defies Islam and the Muslims. Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.' The Palestinian Authority seek ISLAMIC CONQUEST of Israel, America, Britain and the world: Friday sermon, Palestinian Authority TV. May 13, 2005. Sheik Ibrahim Mudeiris: The day will come when we will rule America. The day will come when we will rule Britain and the entire world... Council on American-Islamic Relations: "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth." - Omar Ahmad (CAIR co-founder). Addressing a youth session at the 1999 Islamic Association for Palestine's annual convention in Chicago, CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) founder Omar Ahmad praised suicide bombers who "kill themselves for Islam," Flash Video - What America needs to know about jihad: Flash Video - The ISLAMIC MEIN KAMPF
57. to all israeli arabs and their reps.
did egypt, jordanand syria ever recognize your nationalcrights to AN ARAB CITIZENSHIP, or did they put you in camps to starve?
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