Beirut car bomb kills anti-Syrian lawmaker
Published: 19.09.07, 20:40
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31. #30 Gavriel
Boy, you are one confused soul. Syria was, throughout the war, the protector of the Sunnis in Lebanon for the most part. The Sunnis came out from the war having gained the most, and lost the least in terms of human losses. The Druze probably compete in terms of least number of human losses, mostly because they massacred anyone who came in their sights, depopulating almost the entire Chouf from Christians (many of whom to this day have not been able to go back to their properties which have been appropriated). Shi'ites - and in particular Hezbullah - have never been out of Syria's 'range'. During the war, Syria armed Amal against Hezbullah. Ironically, Amal was, at that time, for a sort of 'let's get along with Israel' arrangement / maintenance of the status quo. Syria was, of course, at the same time, technically in a state of war with Israel (still is). Wonder how that worked? Are you so ignorant as to think that interests and alliances and definition of friends are unchanging in politics? Btw, no one said WJ killed his father or that Sa'ed Hariri killed his father, so get a grip please. But that does not mean that Syria is guilty until proven innocent, nor does it mean that the killer in all these assassinations is one and the same. And btw, it is Gebran Tweini not Gabriel Tweini. One more thing, are you complaining that no one is able to find ACTUAL evidence as to who is behind these assassinations? Who is running this country these days? Isn't it the so-called "democratically-elected" government (by Hezbullah votes; FYI, since we are so undemocratic as you claim) ? Aren't they supposed to be taking care of the security situation? Who is indirectly/partially responsible? And doesn't inability to find the perpetrators smell of utter failure? And btw if Syria is behind all these assassinations, and especially seeing all the worldwide condemnation and pinning the blame on itself, then Israelis shouldn't worry too much about Syrian capabilities, should they? If the Syrian regime is so stupid as to dig its own grave, what's there to worry about? Start making sense and stop contradicting yourselves so much, for a change!
32. If Baby Assad din do it, then who dunnit,Italian Mafia?
Obama ,   Washington DC   (09.20.07)
33. Yediot forums becoming like Haaretz?
The Doc ,   Haifa, Israel   (09.20.07)
Things start to stink around here: enemies are allowed to post their venom and disinformation publicly while most Israeli messages are "balanced" by a suspectly appeasing and impotent forum admin. I can't help but to wander - is Yediot losing his touch with the majority of the Israeli readers and considerinng changing its circulation to some Muslim country? Or maybe my browser got the links mixed and I am looking at Haaretz!
34. "hezbo" and "JZ" - disinformation won't work here!
The Doc ,   Haifa, Israel   (09.20.07)
You think you are smooth, but without further ado: your disinformation does not work! We've heard all this twisted logic before: The US and Israel have to gain from killing their own friends. LOL! Your carefully built "logic" is transparent and laughable. Maybe this logic works in the twisted Muslm paradise where everybody kills everybody over a piece of "honor", but not here! Not in the REAL world. No, I won't waste anybody's time by arguing with you and refuting your lame disinformation hidden behind careful wording. Anything you say won't change the facts that only anti-Syrian/anti-Iranian leaders are assasinated in Lebanon, and that Hezbollah is bent of Lebanon domination with the support of Iran. Syria is a petty puppet in this game and will disappear once Iran gets close enough to its goal of creating a contiguous Persian Shiite Empire from Iran to the Sea. How can US and Israel gain anything from this? I am sure you have a twisted explanation full of venom and childish logic, but don't waste your breath - I don't want to waste my time hearing it - as I said, we've heard all this before! But we are lucky after all: you hate Zionists but just can't control your love for the Jews. Now why doesn't THAT give me any sense of security?
35. # 34
JZ ,   USA   (09.20.07)
First of all I did not say that the US or Israel necessarily did this. I said that it was possible that this happened. I know, from reading ACTUAL documents that have been declassified by the CIA, that they have used this tactic before. You can read all about this in history books and government documents! Besides you're jumping on Syria, before there is ANY evidence or official leads as to who is involved. Point to one actual piece of evidence (not undocumented propaganda) that says that Syria committed these attacks. Now, that said, it could be Syria who carried out these attacks, but to blame them without evidence is irresponsible and dangerous. Now what does the US have to gain from this? Well, the US wants to overthrow the governments of Syria and Iran, so anything they can use as material pointing to the "dangerous" activities as a reason to attack or overthrow these governments. We've seen this Bush adminstration manipulate and flat out lie to drag my nation to an illegal war. With this track record I do not find it too difficult to beleive the US is willing to do anything to spread this war to either Iran or Syria. I don't see how this is childish logic? I think its a dangerous and real problem as the US seeks to spread its imperialistic aims arount the world. BTW I do support Israel's right to exist within the 1948 armistance line. And I do not beleive that there is overt Zionist control over the US. I beleive that much of this is just reckless US imperial ambitions.
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