Culture  Art&Culture
The Hitler curse
Eldad Beck
Published: 07.10.07, 19:44
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25 Talkbacks for this article
1. It is no secret the Germans did not want a Scientologist
Rivkah   (10.07.07)
playing the lead role. I guess when the Fourth Reich rises, Scientologists there should run for cover as well as Jews and Christians and trade unionists. They might want to have dual citizenship for protections...move to Belize for six months and apply there so they can then travel to other British Commonwealth countries as an option when the "hunters" prey on them again.
2. #1: Strange phantasies
Tobias ,   Germany   (10.07.07)
I don't understand why you predict a rising of a "fourth Reich" (which probably is meant to describe something similar to the third reich). - Germany is a stable democracy, we're not in a situation like in the 20s or 30s in Europe. A "fourth reich" in Germany is not more probable than a "fourth reich" in France, Britain, USA etc. Now the trouble is somewhere else - Iran, Syria, Hamastan (Gaza), Hizbullah - that's the threat now, the current "fouth reich". Supported by Russia, China, and perhaps (if the rumors should turn out to be true) North Korea.
3. ynet, why do you suspect "Berlin officials" ???
Tobias ,   Germany   (10.08.07)
YNET reports that some unidentified "film experts" assume that the film " was intentionally sabotaged". But nowhere in the article does the author, Mr. Eldad Beck, mention how he comes to the idea to suspect "Berlin officials" of commiting the alleged crime. Is there any reason for this accusation, or is it just blaming somebody in order to make the story more interesting?
4. Cruise=excellent actor; one hopes the film is worthy of subj
dante ,   uk   (10.08.07)
5. Tobias, it's all part of the PR
Isragirl   (10.08.07)
I'm sure Tom Cruise wants it to be more successful than Schindler's List. I think he might be just crazy enough to have his people create a semblance of mysterious conspiracy around the movie, just like Phantom of the Opera (which is what this movie is - a soap opera about Nazis). Either way I don't want to watch it - there is no reason to glorify faschists, be they German or Italian or Argentinian (Eva Peron). What's next - singing Eva Brown with Rupert Everett playing Hitler with gay undertones? Thank you, I'll pass. If I ever want to look at Hitler's face, it will be in a documentary about his atrocities that ravaged Europe and took away more than 50 millions lives.
6. #2 Tobias: look at Ezekiel chapter 38. GOMER is listed as a
Rivkah   (10.08.07)
nation that is part of the Magog (Russia) and Moslem coalition of nations that attack Israel and also go up (North) to a land of unwalled villages (Canada or USA) to take a spoil in cattle. There are few cattle in Israel. People in Europe are killing zoo animals for meat in their fear of tainted BSE, etc. meat. The entire world's fresh water supply was contaminated by a radioactive cloud from Chernobyl's meltdown, but more so in countries downwind of Chernobyl like Sweden who had to import their drinking water for foty years. Canada has one of the largest supplies of fresh drinking water that is less contaminated than Europe's water, not to mention cattle and minerals like oil. Have a hair test done from a kit from Doctors Data Inc in Chicago and you will probably find you are off the charts toxic in uranium since the symptoms of poisoning often take many years to develop into cancer and other diseases. You ask about a Fourth Reich when the daughter of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun's youngest sister Gretl is the Chancellor of Germany according to East German Stasi secret police files that say she was born on April 20, 1954, not July 17. She was adopted. The book "Escape from the Bunker" is testimonial evidence that Adolf Hitler was forcibly sedated by Martin Borman and dragged out of the bunker while a double was killed in his place with Eva Braun. It is curious that the daughter of Adolf Hitler is head of the G8 nations and Germany and a German is also Pope, a likely candidate for false prophet in the Bible just before Armageddon. The war coming up shortly is not Armageddon, but Gomer is likely Germany or Georgia where a lot of Germans emigrated to under Catherine the Great or Poland where there was an ancient town named Gomer. In the Book of Daniel in the Bible, the leopard with four heads is likely Germany: First, Second, Third and shortly the FOURTH REICH since a leopard is a symbol of Germany and that seems to fit. Germany is very close to Moslem nations in many ways, such as building bunkers for Iraq. There are vast underground complexes there, some of which were bombed out. Germany was not a dictatorship before Hitler made it so. America was not a dictatorship before Franklin Roosevelt and the US Congress made it so with the War Powers Act for Roosevelt to handle the Great Depression. Those were dictatorial powers he said he would relinquish before he left office but he did not since he died in office. Executive Orders and Presidential Decision Directives are still used as long as a war is ongoing. WWII, Korean War (still ongoing), Viet Nam, War on Poverty, War on Drugs, War on Terrorists, etc. YOU think Germany is not a dictatorship. Most people think America is not a dictatorship, but it is.
7. #2 Tobias: Ezekiel chapter 38 include a land called Gomer in
Rivkah   (10.08.07)
the list of nations to invade Israel along with Magog (Russia) and a Moslem coalition of nations. Where is Gomer? Germany or Georgia where a lot of Germans emigrated under Catherine the Great, or Poland where an ancient town named Gomer was located. Those are likely possibilities. Germany has some ties to the Middle East such as building the bunkers and vast underground complexes in Iraq for Saddam Hussein. When Gog of Magog and his band of nations attacks Israel, an evil thought comes into the mind of Gog: to go up (North) to the land of unwalled villages to take a spoil in cattle and other things. There are few cattle in Israel, so it is likely an attack on Canada or America will occur when the Ezekiel ch. 38 attack on Israel happens. Also, in Daniel, there is a leopard with four heads that may be Germany since Germany is symbolized by a leopard. Four heads on a leopard: FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, and FOURTH Reichs may be an explanation. That would mean a Fourth Reich is rising.
8. Tobias is absolutely right!
Ehud ,   Tel Aviv   (10.08.07)
9. Tom Cruise marching about in jackboots and fascist uniform
Cameron ,   USA   (10.08.07)
Too much!
10. #6, #7 Rivka: many false info and baseless assumptions
Tobias ,   Germany   (10.08.07)
Sorry Rivka, but your talkbacks are full of false informations, baseless assumptions and some conspiracy theory. As we are talking about geography, I would like to know where you live - Israel, USA, or where? for example: BSE: We in Europe have not stopped to eat beef. The spread of BSE in Germany has been stopped, every slaughtered cow is checked for BSE, and if it is infected, than of course it is disposed and not eaten. What are the "zoo animals" which we are supposed to eat? If we ate zoo animals, our zoos would've been empty within a few minutes. Chernobyl: Chernobyl was certainly the worst nuclear desaster for Europe, but on a global scope, the contaminations from the nuclear tests is greater. The worst nuclear accident in history was not in Chernobyl, but in Majak (Russia) in 1957. Chernobyl is more famous because of the larger media attention, and because it was noticed in West Europe. In contrast, the Majak accident was kept top secret by the Sowjet gov. And I don't believe you that Sweden imports its drinking water. Not still after several years. And what do you mean by "...had to import ... for foty years..."? The Chernobyl accident is only 21 years ago. Your strangest theory, however, is to assume our Chancellor Ms. Merkel would be Hitlers granddaugher (or daughter, you contradict yourself here), and a dictator?? I don't know her parents and grandparents, but your claim sounds more like a very, very strange conspiracy theory. And even if she was Hitlers granddaughter, what would that tell about her? Even then she could be a democratic and pro-israeli politician. And in fact: She is neighter anti-democratic nor anti-israel or anti-semitic or so. She is considerably more pro-israeli and iran-critical than some of her predecessors. I think Israel can be quite satisfied that two of the most important EU members are lead now by Ms. Merkel and Mr. Sarkozy. I like to repeat it: I see no danger of Germany becoming a dictatorship and/or fascist regime in the near future - and certainly not with Ms. Merkel. And another thing: You predict that Germany ("Gomer") will go north to attack USA or Canada? Since when is USA/Canada north of Germany? Sweden in north of Germany, while USA and Canada are west. USA even west-south-west (NYC is quite in the northern part of USA - and on the same latitude as Napoli (ITaly), which is clearly south of Germany.
11. #5: no glorification of fascists
Tobias   (10.08.07)
This film is certainly not "glorification of fascists". The film is about Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg, the Officer who placed a bomb in Hitlers bunker in order to kill him, and who tried to overturn the Nazi government. The fact that Tom Cruise is playing his part (and not e.g. the role of Hitler) is an additional sign that Stauffenberg will be , as usual, the hero of the film. So the guy who tried to eliminate Hitler and his government is "the good guy" of the film, Hitler is the "evil enemy". Is that "glorification of fascists" or of faschism? Certainly not. It is the opposite - honoring Hitler's enemies. I also can't imagine that the german government would allow filming in one of their buildings or historic places, if they would suspect that the film could be used to "glorify fascism".
12. #5, article caption: some conspiracy theories and witchcraft
Tobias   (10.08.07)
#5 offers another conspiracy theory... at least it sounds more convincing to me than what Mr. Eldad Beck wrote at the beginning. So there is the theory that it was a conspiracy by "Berlin officials" (in the article), or a conspiracy by Tom Cruise and his crew (in TB#5), or even "Hitlers Curse" ( the Caption of the article) - does YNET believe in witchcraft ? The caption suggests that the film was damaged because it was cursed by Hitler? Hitler as a evil wizard? And this in Israel's biggest newspaper?
13. Rivkah, You're a weirdo
14. 10. Tobias:Apparently, there is a news blackout in Germany
Rivkah   (10.08.07)
on some things like the attacks on zoo animals for meat, but it has been awhile. Gomer does not go up (north) to the land of unwalled villages to take a spoil. Gomer is one of the nations to attack Israel. The evil thought to go up (north) is in Gog of Magog (Russia), the chief prince of Meschach and Tubal (Moscow and Tubulsk). Russia planted a flag near the North Pole near Canada just this summer, to claim mineral rights and waterways. Maybe that was a news blackout item in Germany, too. The radiation from nuclear bomb tests lasts 40 years before the area in inhabitable again safely. The radiation from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant meltdown is far worse since the depleted uranium that contaminated the air and ground water has a half life of ten thousand years. Dr. David Edwards of Fresno, California, the physician of the year for California and the USA a couple of years ago said the entire world's drinking water supply was contaminated by uranium from Chernobyl which means Wormwood. The Bible talks about a star called Wormwood that makes the waters bitter and many men die. Chernobyl melted down at the heat of a star and may have looked like a star that hit the earth to John-Mark, the author of Revelation (Apocalypse). The forty year mark of importing drinking water will come at some time for the countries downwind of Chernobyl. People may drink the water before that but they become toxic in uranium and are more likely to get cancer at an earlier age. Bathing in the water seems to be less dangerous than drinking it. Drinking Gerolsteiner and Perrier water for a year or so made me radioactive: the hair test I sent in to Doctors Data Inc in Chicago was off the charts radioactive. So, living in Germany, you are probably radioactive and do not know it. The August 2007 issue of Last Trumpet Newsletter discusses the unfortunate geneology of your Chancellor. You cannot possibly believe a woman in Germany was elevated to Chancellor and head of the G8 nations by luck or chance. She was SELECTED and there were reasons for her rapid ascension. You say you see no danger of Germany becoming a dictatorship. Germany joined the EU and is a member of the WEU, a ten member military arm of the EU. If Resolution 666 that was CONFIRMED FOR SEVEN YEARS in 2007 by the New European Neighborhood Parnership Initiative (New ENPI) is the seven year confirmation the Prophet Daniel spoke of as a Covenant with Death, then the Western World will be under a little horn dictatorship shortly and Armageddon will be in less than seven years. Study even if you cannot be prepared for the events to come: no one can. It is too horrible to imagine. Shortly a third of the people in the world will die in wars which will cause the nations of the world to bow to a world government, a world monetary system, and a world religion. It is coming. Making fun of my tb's will not stop that eventuality. Also, NORTH of Russia is the ARCTIC where there are no cattle; so the direction of north must be continued south to Canada or America. There are five million foreign troops in north America according to a US Senator who told that to Colonel Elmer Jim Ammerman of Dallas, Texas, who spoke for the Prophecy Club. Get his video called The Eminent Military Takeover of America. World governance is coming, a world dictatorship. Those who refuse to take a mark of the world leader in their forehead or right hand will not be able to buy or sell or have a job. Those who do take it will lose their eternal souls and go to hell.
15. Who is his Rivka mutant anyway?????
Dovid ,   Tel Aviv   (10.08.07)
16. The many faces of the "Battle for Water" conspiracy theory
SW Chernobyl   (10.08.07)
If the "entire world's drinking water supply was contaminated by uranium, as you say, importing drinking water would be futile, don't you think?
17. 15 Dovid: I am a voice crying in the wilderness that says,
Rivkah   (10.08.07)
Prepare, for the Lord , the Jewish Messiah, is coming. Draw close to the Lord whether called Adonai/Hahem/Jehovah for Jews or pray to him in the name of Jesus (Yeshua, Yehoshua) for Gentiles and Messianic Jews. Learn about him. He is meek and lowly and his burden is light. Read the Bible and ask God to open your understanding. If you read a half an hour a day, in a year, you will have read the whole Bible, whether the Jewish or Gentile version. Both lead the way to the narrow path that is rarely taken. The Bible promises if you seek God EARLY, you will find him.
18. @Rivkah
Chani ,   Germany   (10.08.07)
I do not recall having ever read so much insane stuff in any talkbacks (and I have seen many strange ones), but you blow them all. Merkel being Hitler's daughter??? Her being a dictator because she was selected to be one? Where as a matter of fact she was elected by the Bundestag which in turn was elected by the German people. Oh, and what is this crap you write about the EU? Because Germany is a member of this body of which it was a founding country, it is a sign for its way towards dictatorship? This is all so amazingly ridiculous that I will not even go into detail. Rivkah, get a life and get some books
19. 16: The depleted uranium contamination from Chernobyl was
Rivkah   (10.08.07)
in greater concentration in countries immediately downwind of Chernobyl such as Sweden. The degree of contamination is less, the more distant the fresh water supply. Throw a rock into a pond and see how the waves near the center are bigger and more intense than the waves farther away. But there are still waves farther away, though not as intense.
20. 18 Chani: The things of God are foolishness to those who
Rivkah   (10.08.07)
have no interest in the Bible and prophecy. I can assure you, God's warnings are not excrement as you call them which is the definition of crap. You are blind to spiritual things and have no interest in learning. The East German secret police file on Andrea Merkel shows she is a different person than she says she is. Instead of researching this for yourself, you take the lazy way and attack me. The Bible is quite clear about world governance, a world religion, and a world economic system. Look at the barcodes on any product you buy and see the code for six to the left , in the center, and to the right of the product bar code. 666. Americans think they elect their Presidents, too. The Hal Lindsey Report says there are two major voting machines computer systems in American for Presidential elections and both are owned by the mafia. The mafia decides who is President. Do you REALLY think Americans elected George Bush TWICE? Even Europe was aghast. I have a life, Chani, an eternal life which is preferable to anything else inspite of the afflictions which are many from those who hate God. You need to get a life so that you will understand the hidden things of God. You can start by reading the Bible a half an hour a day and praying for God to give you understanding. The Bible promises that those who seek God EARLY will find him. I hope you are young enough to qualify for that certainty of election since many are called but FEW ARE CHOSEN by God.
21. The dangers of the Cruise movie
Jonathan S ,   Frankfurt, Germany   (10.08.07)
Hollywood will make out of Stauffenberg a super-hero which he never was. In fact the men around him were German nationalists who understood that with the Landing in the Normandy, the fate of Germany was sealed. They knew about the atrocities in Eastern Europe but were unmoved by them, many were anti-Semites. Stauffenberg was not a friend of the Jews either. The danger with the Cruise movie will be that it will be a distortion of history. It goes hand in hand with the efforts in actual Germany to rewrite history and present Germans as victims of Nazism.
22. Chani , Dovid and Tobias
charles ,   petach tikva   (10.09.07)
This rivka [ not a jewish one ] has very much fantasies . With all this stuff she has already written she could have filled many fantasy books . Chani you are so right , i think she needs some serious psychiatric help . And the worst , she believes that all this BS she writes is true . I'm sorry for this lonely person
23. Another odd 'curse' coincidence
Israel   (10.09.07)
James Caveziel (Jesus) was struck by lightning TWICE while filming 'The Passion of the Christ'. Who was the saboteur there?
24. 22:CHURL-es and Abel-ABADDON forgot to take their meds...
Rivkah   (10.09.07)
They are both dangerously psychotic malefactors, demon possessed, and enraged by jealousy and hatred of women in their burning lustful desire for each other. WOMEN are their anathema since neither could hold onto one. So they decided to lust after each other instead, to get even with all the women who did not want to be married to psychotics, it appears.
25. Von Stauf&Associates waited till AFTER Normandy,After Italy,
Alan ,   SA   (10.09.07)
After the Russians had taken half of Poland and were advancing on Berlin on ALL fronts. On a wall of the Bendlerblock,where Graf Von Stauff had his office (and where he was Shot outside that night )is a map showing the position of the advancing Armies.-JULY 20 1944.You can see it was a hopeless situation for Germany by that date. Most of his fellow plotters WERE NOT big fans of the Jews . Goerdeler, the Plotters proposed candidate for Fuhrer had a bad opinion of Jews .He often expressed them. I agree with Churchill who felt it wise not to help them at that late stage .(He knew via Enigma) by saying nothing and doing nothing .The Plotters wanted to perpetuate the Nazi setup not terminate it ! It is just an opportunity to show that Germans TOO were victims . It is a popular fallacy that is popular in AUSTRIA and now spread to Germany.In their case the Turkeys DID vote for Christmas -Germans voted for him LIKE the Palestinians voted for Hamas. Why did nobody stop A H BEFORE ,say in 1935/6/7. It is same now with Iran.
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